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The "influenza!Stiles" prompt I was supposed to fill

Voodoo huntress

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What the title says. I'm a horrible person.


Stiles was snoring.


Derek was laying on his side, staring with wide eyes at his sleeping boyfriend. Stiles' mouth was gaping open, body struggling to pull in air through all the congestion. Derek sighed into a huge yawn. He knows its not Stiles' fault that they haven't had a decent night sleep since Stiles first got the flu, but damn, he was almost sleep deprived at this point.

Derek gently nudged his boyfriend, and Stiles sucked in a wet breath and closed his mouth, swallowing. He turned his head to the side facing Derek, giving him a full view of the red, swollen nose and drool mixing with sweat on his cheek. Derek ached with sympathy. It was blissfully silent.

Then Stiles let out a somehow even louder snore.

Derek huffed and tried putting his pillow over his ears. It was no use, especially with his werewolf hearing. He felt bad, he really did. He knew Stiles felt like broiled crap but Derek was exhausted too.

He delivered a swift, but light kick to Stiles' shin. The human gasped thickly and jerked upright.

"Wha-za? Huh-? Wha's happenin?" Stiles slurred, eyes still closed.

"You were snoring, babe. Really loud." Derek said, feeling a little guilty.

"I was snorkeling." Stiles said, nodding dazedly. Derek shook his head, amused. Stiles sniffled and wiped his nose with his shirt sleeve.

"Stiles, gross, use a tissue." Derek chastised softly, reaching behind him on the nightstand for the well-used box. He held it out to Stiles. Stiles glanced at the box before sucking in another breath, hand raising to his face.

"IHP-SHUUH! N'TISHH! TIS-SHHOO!" Stiles jerked bodily into his hand, even his knee bent from the force of the sneezes. He slowly straightened back up, eyes watery and grabbed a couple of tissues from the box. Derek watched as Stiles turned to the side to give a gurgling nose blow before sniffling and tossed the used tissues to the floor. Stiles groaned and bonelessy laid back down on his pillow. Derek reached over and palmed Stiles' cheek and forehead.

"You're still burning up. Do you need to go to the doctor?" Derek asked. Stiles sighed which made him cough. Derek sat him back up and patted the sick man's back as he barked chestily into his fist. Stiles runned his knuckles into his chest.

"Want some water?" Derek asked quietly. Stiles breathed heavily, nodding before coughing again. Derek pressed a kiss to Stiles' heated forehead and slid out of the bed to venture to the kitchen fridge for a chilled water bottle. He returned shortly to see Stiles sitting with his elbow propped up on his knee, giving small wheezy coughs. "Here, sweetheart."

"Thanks, Der." Stiles croaked and unscrewed the bottle to take a few pulls of the blessedly cold water. He closed the water and handed it back to Derek. Derek turned to place it on the nightstand, when he heard Stiles' breath hitch.

"N'TISHH! N'TCCHT!" Stiles groaned and sniffled, resting his head back on his hand.

"Bless you. I really think we should take you to the doctor, Stiles." Derek fussed. Stiles screwed his face irritability and tugged Derek's shirt to him. Confused, Derek sat on the bed. Stiles maneuvered the werewolf until Derek was laying down and Stiles melted on top of him, sighing happily. Derek snorted and rubbed Stiles' back.

"Fine. Tomorrow, then." Derek said but Stiles was already snoring again.



I'm sorry, I should've filled this FOREVER ago. I don't even remember who prompted this ;A;

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Aww, poor Stiles! This was really good. I love this part:

12 hours ago, Voodoo huntress said:

He delivered a swift, but light kick to Stiles' shin. The human gasped thickly and jerked upright.

"Wha-za? Huh-? Wha's happenin?" Stiles slurred, eyes still closed.

"You were snoring, babe. Really loud." Derek said, feeling a little guilty.

"I was snorkeling." Stiles said, nodding dazedly.

Snorkeling, awww! :razz:

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On 3/18/2017 at 2:04 PM, CeruleanBlue said:

Aww, poor Stiles! This was really good. I love this part:

Snorkeling, awww! :razz:

I'm all about the sleepy!sickfics!

On 3/19/2017 at 7:19 AM, SneezyHolmes said:

Cute as always! Poor Stiles! :heart: 

Always? I don't know about that, lol. Thanks for reading! 

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