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Worth It (SPN, Dean)


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Just a tiny little one-shot that I scrawled down. Thought some of you might appreciate it :)


Worth It


Sam sat at the kitchen table in front of his laptop, browsing news articles and looking for anything out of the ordinary, a bowl full of granola, yoghurt and berries at his right, coffee on his left.

He heard Dean clattering down the hallway, letting out a raspy cough.

“Morning,” Sam said, raising his head as Dean entered, hair mussed, eyes half open, wearing his dead guy robe and a pair of boxers.

Dean groaned and bee-lined for the fridge, sputtering another cough against his arm.

Sam raised his eyebrows as Dean foraged for food, dubiously inspecting something wrapped in aluminium foil. He threw it back in the fridge, clearly unsatisfied.


“Bless you.”


“You sick?”

Dean abandoned his search for food and stumbled towards the coffee maker.

“Need coffee,” he grumbled.

“You get drunk last night?” Sam asked.

Dean grabbed his mug and sat down across from Sam, seemingly oblivious to the question.

Sam closed his laptop, “You look like hell.”

Dean took a sip of coffee and coughed.

Sam grimaced and shuffled slightly away from his brother, dragging his cereal bowl towards himself.

Dean sniffed thickly, finally looking Sam in the eye, “What?”

Sam furrowed his brow, “Are you even awake yet?”

Dean grumbled, swiping his sleeve under his twitching nose.


“You’re sick.”

“Shut up.”

“Where did you go last night?”

“Mm. A bar,” Dean closed his eyes and held the coffee mug close to his face with both hands.

“Hook up with any random chicks?” Sam raised his eyebrow.

Dean opened his eyes to slits, glaring at his brother, before he started convulsing with coughs, setting his cup down and turning to the side.

“She was sick, wasn’t she?”

Dean sniffled, “Hehh’TSCHKkuuh! Urgh. Worth it.”


Dean grinned sleepily, “Totally.”

“Maybe you should go back to bed… or take a shower.”

“Mm,” Dean nodded, hunching over into his cupped hands, “Huh’KSHHSHS! Heh’Ttschht! Huhh.. hh…Huh’TTSCHk!”

Sam raised an eyebrow as Dean staggered to his feet, coffee mug in hand.

“Wake be whend you find a case,” he mumbled congestedly.

“You wanna take a case?... like that?” Sam had both his eyebrows raised now.

Dean opened his mouth to protest but a cough stole his breath, he bent forward, hand braced on the wall.

Sam picked up his bowl and stood, “I’ll make a supply run.”

“Get be popsicles. By throat is killig be,” Dean ruffled a hand through his hair, making it stick up worse than it was before.

Sam laughed, “Sure, man.”


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Ah, this was just lovely to wake up to. Everything you write is always 'worth it',  MissBayliss.

(The only person I'm pretty sure will not think it was 'worth it' is Sammy, once he catches Dean's cold :lol:)

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8 hours ago, MissBayliss said:

Thought some of you might appreciate it

As a matter of fact, I do. :) Thank you!

8 hours ago, MissBayliss said:

Sam grimaced and shuffled slightly away from his brother, dragging his cereal bowl towards himself.

I understand him so much! Contagion would really be too bad. (At least, for him. For us, however... :rolleyessmileyanim:)

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Arghh, too perfect to handle! :laughbounce: It reminds me of that intro scene from Love Hurts 'cept better 'cuz there's sick!Dean. :D 

I love how spare Dean's dialogue is. It speaks subtly to the sore throat, which I think is a nice touch. Also, it somehow really heightens the exposition/description in a way that's pleasant. Speaking of, THIS:

14 hours ago, MissBayliss said:

Dean closed his eyes and held the coffee mug close to his face with both hands.

... is my favorite thing ever. EVER. Me wanting to hug Dean is pretty much a constant thing but I think I never want to hug him more than when he's drinking coffee, for some reason. *shrug* And this little moment is so lovely and quiet. Peaceful. Morning in the Winchester household in a nutshell. Bliss. (Before they go out and kill stuff, of course.)

I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing!

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On 18 March 2017 at 1:16 AM, SneezyHolmes said:

Loved this! Thanks for sharing! :D:heart: 

Glad you liked it! :) 

On 18 March 2017 at 1:34 AM, gingerdean said:

Ah, this was just lovely to wake up to. Everything you write is always 'worth it',  MissBayliss.

(The only person I'm pretty sure will not think it was 'worth it' is Sammy, once he catches Dean's cold :lol:)

Aw, you are too sweet :) (and that suggestion makes me feel like the story's not finished yet... dammit! I always find it hard to let go :lol:)

On 18 March 2017 at 2:26 AM, lilysneeze said:

Getting sick from a random hookup? Epic :D Also the popsicles at the end :D and the sneezes of course :D

Hehehe glad you liked it! :D 

On 18 March 2017 at 6:26 AM, Aliena H. said:

As a matter of fact, I do. :) Thank you!

I understand him so much! Contagion would really be too bad. (At least, for him. For us, however... :rolleyessmileyanim:)

Haha! Thank you, thank you. :love: 

On 18 March 2017 at 10:57 AM, Wow Really? said:

Love this. Love you. ?

Oh, you. Right back at ya, lovely. :heart: 

On 18 March 2017 at 1:12 PM, sierraplaid said:

Arghh, too perfect to handle! :laughbounce: It reminds me of that intro scene from Love Hurts 'cept better 'cuz there's sick!Dean. :D 

I love how spare Dean's dialogue is. It speaks subtly to the sore throat, which I think is a nice touch. Also, it somehow really heightens the exposition/description in a way that's pleasant. Speaking of, THIS:

... is my favorite thing ever. EVER. Me wanting to hug Dean is pretty much a constant thing but I think I never want to hug him more than when he's drinking coffee, for some reason. *shrug* And this little moment is so lovely and quiet. Peaceful. Morning in the Winchester household in a nutshell. Bliss. (Before they go out and kill stuff, of course.)

I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing!

Oh, you're too good to me. Thanks for your feedback. I'm so glad you liked it! :) 

I do see it as an opening scene in an episode! Like 'Love Hurts'... but why has there been 12 seasons and 250+ episodes and no sick ones? *Feeling ripped off and forever writing wish fulfilment fics.* :sad: 

On 18 March 2017 at 2:57 PM, dw124 said:

Aw, man, this was so adorable! I love sleepy sick Dean! :heart:

Sick Dean is my fave... Sleep Dean is my next fave. Sleepy, sick Dean is like a whole new level! :stretcher: Glad you like it! :) 

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