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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Unpleasant Travel (Voltron-Shiro-Shallura)


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Here's another oneshot with Shiro and Allura. There's not tons of sneezing in this, it's more just fluff but hey I feel like there isn't enough mindless fluff of this ship so here!!! I hope that it's enjoyed.

Based on this prompt: A is miserably sick and alone on an almost day long flight to visit family. After a rather violent sneezing fit, someone touches A’s shoulder, and A turns to find the most attractive person, who also happens to be a doctor. Despite not having sufficient supplies, Doctor tends to A throughout the entire flight. 

From this Blog on tumblr: http://toosicktoocare.tumblr.com/post/158203508569/we-need-more-sick-while-in-an-airport-fics


Shiro really wished he was back in bed.

Instead he was sitting a crowded airport, with a monster cold, waiting for a flight back home. In any other circumstances, he’d just called and said he couldn’t make it, but he promised his brother Keith that he’d come home the first chance he got so they could hang out.

So, there he was, feverishly sitting in an uncomfortable plastic chair, waiting to board his flight. Doing his best not outwardly express his misery to the world.

That was proving to be difficult as he seems to have caught the cold from hell, leaving him shaking with fits of coughing and sneezing every few minutes. Earning him a few glares from disgusted passers.

At this point he didn’t really care, being too miserable to be self-conscious at this point, groaning as an unrelenting itch flared up deep in his chapped abused nose. ‘Couldn’t it give him a break for ten minutes?’ He thought to himself, scrubbing at his already cherry red nose.

He eyes became blurry and unfocused as his breath began to hitch rapidly with irritation, consumed by the unrelenting irritation, crumpling into tissue, having a miserable fit,”


Groaning he held his now soiled ball of tissue to his nose, patting down his pockets looking for a tissue to blow his nose, dread sinking into the pit of his stomach when he realized he had used his last one.

Shiro could feel a crimson flush crawl up his face, keeping his hand covering his face trying to figure out a way to solve his dilemma, when a tender hand rest on his should.

His watery eyes trailed up to find a sun kissed arm holding a package of tissues out to him, but that wasn’t really the only thing that caught his eye. There was also a beautiful white haired woman, flashing him her bright teeth, quirking her eyebrow sympathetically,” Here, you look like you could use this.”

Shiro faced deepened a darker shade of red, as he took the package of tissues from her blowing his nose,” Is it that obvious.” He said smiling sheepishly,” Thanks.”

The women shrugged,” You do look pretty miserable.” She said, looking a little amused,” But it also might be the doctor in me.” She grinned, introducing herself,” My names Allura by the way.” Allura said, holding out her hand for him to shake it.

He grinned, feeling his heart flutter lightly,” Shiro.” He said, declining the handshake,” I’d shake your hand but I’d really hate to give you this.” He explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

Allura retracted her hand grinning,” Understood, so any reason you’re sitting in a crowded airport miserable?” She asked, her heart really going out to him as he look sick and miserable.

He sighed, deflating a little looking drained,” I promised I would come home over break so that me and my brother could catch up.” He groaned, a miserable cough bubbling out of him, crackling harshly in his chest.

A warm hand found its way onto his back rubbing deep circles into his shoulders, soothing his cough,” Oh you poor thing, you must be absolutely miserable.” She cooed, softly running her slender fingers through his hair.

A blush creeping up his pale cheeks, opening his mouth to say something when it was announced that his flight was boarding,” I should probably go.” He said wishing he could stay like this forever.” Getting up and taking his bags to the line.

“Well then it’s a good thing were going the same way.” Allura said, grinning blindingly, melting his poor heart, really hoping he’d survive this flight.


That’s when he found himself curled up in an uncomfortable seat on the plane, sitting next to the most gorgeous woman that’d he’d ever seen in his life… making an absolute fool of himself as he couldn’t go ten seconds without sneezing his head off.

Shiro felt uncomfortable wrinkling his pink irritated nose desperately trying to stave off another fit. He’d been fine until they took off that when the tickle sprung up in his nose.

He wanted to do anything but gross out the cute women sitting next to him.

But his nose had other plans,” Hgnxst Psxt Hgxt Hagxst Hishii pshii tshii.” He blew his nose thickly trying to break through the wall of congestion that was built up in his sinuses.

“I'b so sorry, I bust be so disgustigg right dow.” Shiro mumble feeling tears springing up into his eyes, always getting a little emotional when he was sick.

Allura giggled, placing a sympathetic hand on his shoulder,” Honey, I’m a doctor.” She explained,” I’m pretty much immune to this crap at this point.” She said running her fingers through his fringe.

“You however look miserable, if you want you can lean against my shoulder and take a nap.” A little amused, watching him get all flustered and embarrassed. He really was cute, she couldn’t deny that.

“Oh, I couldd't…” Shiro started being cut off by a hand over his mouth,” Shh I insist, it’s really no trouble.” She said leaning his head to rest on his shoulder.

Normally Shiro would protest a little more, but he was so tired and she was so sweet, so he yawned letting himself relax into her shoulder, out cold within minutes. Allura pressing a tender kiss to his warm forehead,” Sweet dreams.”

Edited by Voltrontrash1996
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SPACE MOM AND SPACE DAD YES PLEASE (shiro is the fucking cutest holy shit)

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6 hours ago, Akahana said:

SPACE MOM AND SPACE DAD YES PLEASE (shiro is the fucking cutest holy shit)

Yay!!! I'm glad you like it!!! :)

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