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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Something in the air (The 100)


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AOk so I noticed there were too many "The 100" fics so...here it goes. 

Btw- this takes place in the begging of the show when they first get to the ground...

They hit the ground, everything went hazy. 

"Ughhh" Octavia groaned. 

"Open the doors" Somebody- she couldn't tell who- commanded. 

The door to the drop ship opened and light flooded inside. She walked to the edge, the crowd gathering behind her. She felt a slight tickle in her nose but ignored it. She jumped to the ground and hear everybody cheering behind her and cheered with them. Everybody ran and started exploring the earth. The tickle in her nose getting bigger. 

"Huhhhh no hahhh hashoo" she let out a small sneeze. That had only happened to her a few times before- when she was in the little space under the floor and the dust became too much for her nose. 

"Sure, there has to be some dust down here...it's earth." She thought. 

She walked over to the trees touching everything. She could believe her eyes. She saw a patch of wild flowers. She remembered learning about these. Octavia bent down and picked a couple, inhaling their sweet scent. The tickle in her nose came back.  

"Hashoo hashoo hachoooooo" she let out the three biggest sneezes of hers ever.

She remembered learning about allergies but surely she couldn't possibly have them..right? 

"Maybe it was just a freak thing" she thought. 

She took another sniff...nothing. She inhaled deeper, this time putting her nose right in the yellow center. This time the urge to sneeze came back as strong as ever and she let out a monsterouse sneeze. 


That cleared the pollen out of her nose. It sucked being allergic but, hey, Octavia kind of liked it. 


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Nice and short, I like it! I also like the idea of someone not really doing much sneezing until they're somewhere new (in this case, Earth) , and realizing they like it

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