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I'll Keep You Warm (Fifty Shades of Grey)


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It was a cold rainy night in December when Christian was late coming home from work. Anastasia hadn't gotten a phone call or anything and she had begun to worry. She tried calling him but he wasn't answering. Eventually her call wouldn't even go through so she was pretty sure his phone was dead. She had almost fallen asleep when the door opened. 


She jumped, startled at the loud noise. The lights came on suddenly and she groggily looked over to find Christian soaked in the doorway. 

"Oh my gosh," she gasped. 

"I don't look that bad do I," he asked with a slight smile, giving her  his signature smolder. 

"You're soaked!"

"I'm ok."

"Go get changed, are you hungry?"

"Ana, I'm fine I pruh-promise. HUTSCHIEW!"

"Bless you. You were saying?"

The only response she got was a hitch in Christian's breath. He twisted away from her and brought his hands up to his face.


He bent at the waist with every sneeze.

"Bless you! Jeez are you okay?"

"I'm f-fine," he shivered.

"Ok go change. I'm making you some soup, you sound like you're coming down with something."

"I'm just sneezing, that's normal Ana."

"Yea for a normal person, I've never heard you sneeze like that before."

"I've got allergies."

"Mild ones and I don't think your allergies would bother you in the winter. I think you should go get dry."

"O-ok Ana o-only because I d-don't like b-being w-wet."

"You're so stubborn."

"And you aren't Miss Steele?"

Anastasia rolled her eyes.


Thank you for reading. Please comment:D:D:D

Edited by MaiMai
Edited title at poster's request.
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A couple of minutes later, Christian came back into the living room, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Here's your soup Mr. Grey," Anastasia announced as he walked out from the kitchen.

"You know I was feeling a little bit more on the cheeseburger side."

"Very funny."

She handed him the bowl of soup.

"I was not trying to be funny Ana. I really don't want soup."

"So you're going to waste my soup?"

Christian sniffled and rubbed his nose, eyeing the soup.

"Chicken noodle is for children with colds."

Ana chuckled, "No it's not. I eat chicken noddle all the time."

"My mom would only make it when I was sih-sick," he sniffled again.

"You seem to be getting sick."

"Ana I'm fine," he snapped, "And I don't want your soup."

Anastasia just stared at him, trying not to feel hurt. Christian rubbed his temples.


Christian sighed. 

"Ok I'm sorry, I just care about you."

"I know and I care for you too."

A burning tickle started to form in Christian's nose.

"So you understand why I'm being this way?"

Christian's response was closing his eyes and his breath audibly hitching. He sniffled and brought his hands up to his face as he titled his head back. Anastasia looked away, deciding to give his pride some privacy. His chest rose and fell and she could hear his breaths get louder and more airy and desperate. 


He let out a shaky breath as the feeling disappeared.


Anastasia looked back down at him with concern, "You alright?"

"Yes I'm fine."

The tickle came back as soon as he said that and he repeated what he had done just seconds ago.

"HIH," the sound burst out of him suddenly, forcing him to snap at the waist.

"Christian," Anastasia asked.

His head was still titled back, his hands still over his mouth and nose. 

He looked at Anastasia, "Yehhh..."

His eyes snapped closed again and his breathing hitched loudly, "Guhh god damn it! HUTCSHUHHHH!"

He jerked forward forcefully, keeping his hands in the same position. He tried to sit back up shakily, his breath hitching again.


His breathing kept hitching and he got up, then quickly stumbled over to the tissue box that was placed on the counter. He grabbed a few and then brought his hands over them, keeping them held over his face.


He doubled over with ever sneeze and the last one left him dizzy and almost on the floor. Anastasia was over helping him before he could even recover. 

"I don't kndow where those camb fromb I swear."

Anastasia had her hands wrapped around Christian's arm, keeping him standing. 

"Here, let's get you on the couch."

Anastasia helped him over. She also helped him sit.

"Im'b find Anda."

"Yea tell me that when you can speak clearly."

Christian started coughing roughly. 

"How'd you get sick so fast?"

"Im'b ndot-"


He started coughing again. He tried to contain them, but they burst out of him, throwing him forward and shaking the couch. He squeezed his eyes shut from the pain. Finally the fit died down and he just looked exhaustedly at Anastasia.

"Aww Christian."

With tired tears in his eyes he mumbled, "I think Im'b sick."

Anastasia gave a sympathetic half smile and rubbed his arm, "I know."

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@CharliesGirl Thank you and thanks for reading^_^ I just felt like there wasn't enough Fifty Shades of Grey in the forum hehe

@sneezelover3 Thank you and thanks for reading^_^

*Mess warning*


"What do you want to do," Anastasia asked, sitting beside her boyfriend. 

"I wannda die," he groaned.

"That's not an option."

"Clearly. HUH!"

Anastasia looked over at Christian to find him with a finger under his nose. He rubbed it and sniffled. Anastasia grabbed the tissues from the coffee table and handed him a couple.

"I don't nduhh-ndeed tissues Andastasia, I'mb ndot guhh-gonnda sndeeze."

"Are you sure about that?"

He glared at her and she threw her arms up in surrender. 

"I'm going to go make some popcorn."

"Wait Andastasia that's ndot healthy!" 

"Christian I told you to stop that. I don't care if popcorn is not healthy."

"Ok I'mb sorry, this just takes sombe getting used to."

"Trying not to be a control freak who punishes people."

Christian didn't speak. 

"Exactly. Now I'm going to make my popcorn and put extra butter on it."

"Whatever Andastasia, you're just buttering yourself up for health problembs."

"And so what if I am."

Christian didn't answer again and Anastasia smiled at his defeat. 






"Are you done blowing your head off?"

He shook his head, not dropping his hands from his face.

"What's wrong?"

"I ndeed a tissue."

"They're right there."

"Turnd around."

"Christian I don't care."

"I'mb serious Andastasia."

"And I am too, it can't be that bad."

Christian put his hands down and under his nose was covered in snot. 

"Oh Christian."

He quickly reached for a tissue and wiped his hands and nose. 

"Cand I please have the hand sanditizer?"

Anastasia felt so bad for him. She got him the bottle of hand sanitizer and squirted some into his hand. 

"Thank you."

"Man you don't do anything halfway do you?"

Christian shivered, "Ndo I always get really sick. Mby mbomb would keeb mbe indside for like two days after I was donde showing symbtombs to mbake sure I was really better."

"Are you cold?"

That was a dumb question. He was shaking so hard, it was causing his head to ache even more. 

"You want a blanket?"

"Yes please."

Anastasia went to get Christian a blanket. She could hear him start coughing, sounding like he was hacking up a lung. Poor thing. He was definitely not going to work tomorrow. She brought the blanket back and covered him in it, cocooning him like he was a caterpillar.

"There you go."


They both winced at how he sounded. Christian coughed again, the barking coughs moving the whole couch with him and turning him a shade of red. 

"Does your throat hurt? I'll make you some tea."

He nodded. She turned on a movie and then went to go make him some tea. She found the pack of popcorn she'd forgotten about and decided to put it back. She put the water on the stove and started heating it up, looking across the room at Christian. He looked adorable, cocooned up in the blankets. 

He must've felt her staring because he looked over at her. She took in how he really looked. His hair was everywhere, his nose was red to match his cheeks and eyelids, his face was pale, he had bags under his eyes and his nose was running. But he still looked hot, how he managed that, Ana didn't know. 

She went back to making the tea. It took several minutes for the water to boil. Then she added the pack of raspberry tea she felt he was in the mood for. He was like that, he had tea for different moods. That's how she could tell how he felt. If he was happy, he'd drink chai tea, mad he would drink black.

When he was rarely sad, it would be orange tea, content it would be peppermint and any type of sluggish or sick it would be either chamomile or raspberry. Leave it to Christian Grey to have a type of tea for every mood. 

Anstasia brought the steaming tea into the living room. She looked at him to see he wasn't moving. As she went closer, she could hear snores escape his mouth, followed by ragged breaths. Aww he was asleep. She placed the tea on the coffee table and turned the movie down. 

When he started snoring loud enough that she couldn't hear the movie, she chuckled and then turned it back up. She looked over at Christian again. He was sleeping messily like a sick child. She was focused in the movie again when she felt something hit her legs. Christian had fell over. She burst into laughter, but had to silence herself in order to let Christian get some well deserved rest.


Thanks for reading, please comment:D


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Oh holy WOWWWWW! Those messy sneezes and his snotty nose...such vulnerability. I have no other words! 

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On 3/5/2017 at 9:20 PM, CharliesGirl said:

Oh holy WOWWWWW! Those messy sneezes and his snotty nose...such vulnerability. I have no other words! 


On 3/6/2017 at 7:46 AM, sneezelover3 said:

Ugh I just cant rn!! ?

Well here's another part

*Disclaimer: I probably don't follow the book but that's also why it's fiction...and I just felt like writing it this way lol*


"No Anastasia! I'm sorry!"

Anastasia woke up with a start, the loud noise pulling her out of her sleep. What time was it? When had she even fallen asleep? Why was she awake.

"Please Anastasia!"

Christian was sweating a lot and tossing and turning in his sleep. Was he crying? Ana's heart sunk. 

"Christian! Christian!"

She shook him as hard as she could. He finally woke up after a couple of minutes, panting and heart racing.

"Andastasia," he breathed out quietly.

"Christian it's ok. I'm here. What was going on?"

"I dond kndow...you were leaving mbe againd," he said, his voice sounding like he was crying. 

"Oh Christian."

She hugged him. He sat there crying in her arms until they finally fell back asleep again. Two hours later the same thing happened, and then two hours after that. Anastasia was still asleep when 6 o'clock rolled around. Christian, however was not. 

He had woken up, in a sweaty mess at 5:45 and started getting ready for work. Why? Because he had an interview and he wasn't going to take a sick day anytime soon. He pulled his suit on and then stumbled dizzily to the bathroom. 

His nose started tickling. No, no, no, no, no! He pinched his nose and put his other hand on the sink, trying to hold himself up. Even though he was all the way across the apartment from where he and Ana had fallen asleep on the couch, he knew she'd hear if he sneezed. 

But it wouldn't go away, it just got stronger until...


He pinched harder and tried not to breathe. It went away and sighed with relief. He looked at himself in the mirror. Damn he looked like shit. No he looked like a shit took a shit. 

He squinted, the light aggravating his headache and the dizziness. He had to get his hair together. He looked around and found a towel, then dried his hair before looking back in the mirror. That was better.

The tickle came back with vengeance and he was left panting, trying to avoid it. But he knew it would feel so relieving. Torn between the choices, he was still panting. He tried to pinch his nose but it wasn't going to work this time. His breathing hitched loudly one final time. 


He doubled over each time and then the tickle grew even stronger. His breathing hitched louder and you could hear every time it hitched. 


He rubbed his temples and closed his eyes. He felt dizzy and like he was going to faint. 

"Christian," Anastasia called. 

His head was swimming. 

"Christian, why are you up?"

Then she heard a loud bang followed by a loud thud. She got up so fast and ran to where she'd heard it. Christian was laying unconscious on the bathroom floor in his suit. Why was he so stubborn? She went and got her phone and then dialed Elliot. 

"Elliot," she said once he answered, she could feel herself start crying, "Christian's sick and he passed out, he's unconscious on the bathroom floor and I can't get him over to the bed or anything and I don't know what to do." 

"Ok calm down Ana, I'll be over there as quick as I can. Put some ice or something on his forehead."


He hung up. She ran over to the freezer and found some frozen peas. She ran back to Christian and placed them on his forehead. Come on Christian. He woke up about a minute later. 



Ana's heart started beating again, or at least that's what it felt like.

She let out a sigh of relief, "Bless you."

"Ana," she heard Elliot call.

"Is that Elliot?"

His question was answered when Elliot and Kate appeared in the doorway. 

Elliot too let out a sigh of relief, "You're awake."

"Yea...what happened?" 

"Ana called me saying you had passed out."

"I passed out?"

"Yea," Anastasia confirmed.

"Alright well up you go," Elliot said, helping him up, "Can you walk?"

"Yea I think so," he started walking but hadn't even made it a couple steps before he was on his way to the ground.

Both girls gasped, but Elliot caught him.

"Ok I got you."

"Ow," Christian moaned in pain, holding the back of his head.

"What's wrong," Elliot asked, sitting Christian on the bed.

"I don't kndow mby head hurts really bad."

"You always get headaches when you're-"

"Ndo it's worse. I think I hit may head on the sink."

"You might have a concussion, maybe I should take you to the-"

"Ndo, ndo, just get mbe sombe paind killers and I'll be find."

"Jeez you sound like shit."

"Thanks Elliot."

Christian brought his hands to his face, his breathing starting to hitch. 


"Bless you," Elliot, Kate, and Ana said.

"Mmmb thank you," Christian said.

"Lay down," Elliot instructed, "I'll go get you some of those pain killers."

Elliot went and got the pain killers and a bottle of water and then came back. 

"Take those and drink that whole bottle. I'm not leaving til you do."

Christian groaned and did as his brother said. Elliot stared at him until he finished the last sip.

"Ok I'mb donde you cand stob staring at mbe."

"Do not get up until you are better and I mean better. Ana, take his temperature and take care of him. Come on Kate, I don't want you catching this."


Hope you like it, please comment. Should I continue?;););)

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It was about an hour after Kate and Elliot left when Christian had had enough.

"I wannda go back to the couch," he whined.

"What's so special about the couch?"

"Laying ind bed, I cand't breathe through my ndose."

As if to prove his point, he sniffled. Anastasia could hear how blocked up he sounded.

"Alright fine, can you walk or do I have to help you."

"I just ndeed a little bit of subbort."

"Ok sit up."

Christian sat up and immediately he got dizzy again. He moaned. 


"I'mb dizzy againd."


Ana helped him up and slipped her hand around his waist, then brought his arm around the back of he neck. They started walking back into the living room.

"Damn you're heavy."


"No it's fine."

She sat him on the couch and then covered him with the comforter. 

"You hungry," she asked.

"Ndot huh not really."

His eyes snapped shut and his head tilted back as his breathing started hitching. 



"HUH! Shit!"

He pinched his nose desperately. 



He dropped his hand, thinking there was no use stifling.


Ana waited a second and when he didn't sneeze, she tried to say what she'd been trying to say, "Ble-"


"Bless you," she practically yelled.


Sorry for it being short. Please comment, should I continue?:D:D:D

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  • 5 months later...
On 3/9/2017 at 9:09 AM, sneezelover3 said:

Really lovely! 

Thank you

On 8/24/2017 at 2:03 AM, sickprincess said:

Please continue!!!! Pretty pretty please <3 

As you wish. Lol.


Anastasia's phone buzzed: I need you to come into work tomorrow Anastasia. 

Leave it to her boss to text her to come in the next morning at 12 am. She went to sleep, dreading having to wake up in 6 hours to go into work. 

Ana woke up 5 hours later and got up to get ready. She was ready by 5:35 so she thought of things she could do for Christian. She got him the cold medicine, a glass of water, and a couple boxes of tissues, then put them on the coffee table before going back into the kitchen. Then she fixed some soup for him and put it in the fridge. Then after some thinking, she decided to write Christian a note. 

Hey baby, I got called into work and didn't want to wake you. Beside this note is a glass of water, tissues, and the cold medicine. There is some soup in the fridge for you and I'm always a call away. Matter of fact I'll call you as much as I can today and I'll have Elliot stop by to see how you are. Love you, don't get up unless you have to. Xoxo

Anastasia put the note on the coffee table and then grabbed my purse. She texted Elliot to make sure he would check on Christian, getting an "ok, but only for you" in response. She went out to my car and got in. For a couple of seconds, Ana contemplated going back inside and calling in sick, but she backed up out of the driveway nevertheless. She looked at their new house one more time before putting the car in drive and driving off. 

Work did not pass by quick enough for Ana and she caught herself looking at the time just about every 5 minutes. Suddenly her screen lit up and she hoped it was Christian as her eyes trailed over. It wasn't. It was Elliot.

Not to alert you but your fiancé is passed out on the kitchen floor. 

Ana texted back: What?! I'm coming home.

Elliot must've known Ana, and her haste, because he rushed to text back: No, I got him.


Yes now go back to work Ana.

She tried to clear her head of the worry, but it was no use. Suddenly Mr. Barnes crept into her office. 

"I need your section for that newspaper. Do you have it?"

Anastasia didn't even answer because her head was so clouded.

"Anastasia? Ms. Steele?"

"Oh! Yes, sorry Mr. Barnes."

"I asked if you had your section for the newspaper."

"Oh yes...here."

I handed it to him and the expected him to walk out, but he stayed there.

"You seem...distracted."

"Just a little bit sir."

He sat down, "Talk to me."

"Christian is sick and was very needy last night. I was worried this morning but still came in, but then Elliot texted me telling me Christian had passed out."

"Hmm...I could...send you home."

"You can?! Wait no...I need to stay a little bit longer. I at least need to finish the lead for Veronica's story."

"I like your dedication. If you need to be sent home early, just tell me."

"I will. Thank you sir."

"Sure thing Ms. Steele."

He got up and left, closing the door. Ana went back to work, still checking the time every 5 minutes. Suddenly she felt the worry boil over again and she opened my phone and pressed the skype app. She called Christian and waited for him to pick up. It rung so much, she had actually lost hope and her finger was on the way to the red hang up button when he suddenly popped up, the sound of his coughing filling her office.

"Are you ok?"

"Ndot really," he said and then resumed his coughing.

"Sorry...that was a dumb question. Do you feel any better?"

"Ndot at all, I think I'mb getting worse."

"I'm coming home then."

"No! No, I'mb finde."

He rubbed his nose vigorously.

"You're find?"

He pinched his nose and his head bobbed, a small sound being produced. An almost-stifle. 


He repeated the action.


And twice more. She decided to just wait. He repeated that about 6 times and then he started panting. 

"You done?"


He quickly got a tissue and covered his nose.


He pinched his nose again.

"Guh-gohh-MPSHH! MPSHH! HAH'MPSH'IEW! MPSH'OO! EITSSSHHHIEW! Ugh sorry, that sounded gross. That was just...gross."

He hid himself behind another tissue.

"It's fine, you're sick."

"Sick is and understatembent. Hold ond."

He got up and stumbled away from his phone. She could hear him blow his nose. He sounded completely stuffed up. 

"Eitsh! Eitsh! Eitsh! Eitshuh!"

He sniffled, "HUTSH'SHH!"

He blew a little harder and then she could hear him start coughing. She bit her lip. 

"Anda-*more coughing*-stop biting your lip."

She didn't know he could see her amidst all his distractions. He coughed a couple more times and then stumbled back over to the couch. 

"I'm coming home," Ana repeated. 

"Anda I'mb perfectly-"

He was cut off by even harder coughing.

"I'll be home as soon as possible, drink some water, love you bye."

And with that she hung up. She grabbed her stuff, walked out of her office, and found Mr. Barnes. 

"I need to go home." 

"Tell Christian I hope he feels better."


I should be continuing soon, hopefully. :D

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On 8/29/2017 at 10:48 AM, sneezelover3 said:

Lovely thanks

Thank you.

On 8/29/2017 at 6:46 PM, Alabaster said:

Love it! More!

Thank you. As you wish.

On 8/29/2017 at 7:25 PM, Agaba said:

Lovely! More, please! ❤️

Thank you. Sure thing.


Anastasia inserted her key into the doorknob and turned it, then pushed the door open. She walked down the hallway and to the living room where she left him. He was sitting on the couch, huddled under a blanket, but still shivering madly.

"Christian," she cooed and walked over to him. 

She hugged him, bringing his head to her torso, "How long have you been shivering like this?"

"J-just a couple of mbuh-mbuh-mbuh-mbinutes. It's cuh-cold ind here."

She felt his forehead, "No wonder, you have a fever."

"I d-do ndot have uh-uh fev-e-r."

"I'm gonna go get you another blanket."

"Nduh-ndo, don't leave mbuh-mbe," he whined.

"Ok shh. I won't leave."

They sat in silence for a little and slowly but surely Christian stopped shaking. 

"Did you eat any soup?"


"Do you want some?"

Christian shook his head. His breathing started hitching and he wriggled out of Ana's grip. He got a tissue from the box in front of him and cupped his hands around it. 


He snapped forward with the force of it. 

"Bless you."

He sat back up, his breath still hitching.


"Bless you."

He didn't even get the chance to sit back up before he was being thrust forward again.




"Bless you."

He wiped his nose and threw away the tissue, then leaned back. He sniffled thickly and then closed his eyes. Anastasia carded her fingers through his hair. He tensed up a little.

"Is this alright?"


He drifted off to sleep to the soothing feeling. Anastasia felt herself get sleepy and soon she had drifted off. Ana woke up before Christian and realized it was dark. She sat there confused as to why she was awake for a minute before she realized what woke her up. 


Anastasia moaned groggily.


"Christian," she moaned.

"I'mb sorry dad," he cried.

That woke her up. He was having a nightmare about his dad. He'd never done that in front of Ana and she didn't know how to deal with it.

"I won't do it againd, blease!"


He started crying and coughing in his sleep. Ana felt herself grow more and more upset with each terrifying plead and cough. She found herself shakily reaching for her phone and clicking Elliot's contact. He took a while to answer, but finally he did.

"Ana," he asked.

"Christian's having a nightmare about his dad. He's never done this, I don't know what to do."

"Ok just rub his arms and whisper soothing things to him, it should help him calm down."

"You're a lifesaver."

Elliot chuckled, "Thanks. If you need anything else, just call."

"Ok bye."


She hung up and rubbed Christian's arms. She leaned in and started whispering in his ear.

"It's ok Christian."


She felt a little shaky again but just calmed herself down.

"No it's Ana, you're ok. It's just a dream, I got you."

"Ana," he turned abruptly.

He shivered a little.

"Shh I'll keep you warm."


Kind of short, but there's more to come.

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  • 1 month later...

Amazing read! So glad to have found this. I know it has been a couple months since the last update but hoping it gets continued.

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