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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Allergy Troubles (Voltron)


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So this is just a quick Voltron oneshot that I decided to write. It took longer than expected to write as I wasn't expecting to get so into writing it but here it is I hope that it's enjoyed!!!


Normally when Lance woke up he was warm and comfortable snuggled up to his beautiful boyfriend…

That was not the case this morning, as he pried open his sticky, itchy, slightly swollen eyes feeling like he’s snort a bunch of angry bees and they were buzzing around in his nose leaving a fierce itch in their wake.

It wasn’t uncommon for Lance to experience allergies as he’d frequently experienced seasonal allergies back in the Garrison…but this wasn’t the Garrison this was space, so what the hell could he be allergic to?

That’s when caught sight of fluffy purple ears, twitching slightly near him. Looking down he found his boyfriend looking especially purple and furry today.

Keith had never looked very Galra but every now and again his fluffier side decided to make an appearance.

Lance’s heart sank as he quickly put two and two together. He couldn’t be allergic to his boyfriend’s fur…right?

Still in denial he decided to test his theory, carefully so not to wake the sleeping boy, he leaned in closer feeling his eyes water and his nose itch fiercely. He took a deep sniff just to be sure sending a flurry of itchy tickle cascading up the irritated nasal membrane making his breath hitch slightly.

Now Lance hadn’t really thought this plan through, as bringing his face closer to the thing he was allergic to probably wasn’t the best idea in the world. But it was too late for that now as he had the all-consuming need to sneeze trapped in his now flaring irritated nostrils.

His boyfriends grip was tight on him though so he couldn’t just sneeze without waking the other boy up. Lance would have to carefully maneuver himself out of his boyfriend’s arms, so he could get to bathroom and sneeze his irritated little nose off.

Breath hitching sporadically Lance carefully tried to untangle himself from Keith’s arms, trying to suppress the itch in his nose long enough to accomplish this task.
Which was proving to be difficult because every move he made seemed to send a little floof of fur into the air worsening the itch plaguing his sinuses. If he could just escape he could get some allergy medicine and forget that this ever happened.

Miraculously, somehow Lance manages to untangle himself from Keith arms, stumbling to the bathroom. He started looking through the medicine cabinet to see if he could find anything that would help with irritation plaguing him, but his eyes were watering too much to read the labels.

Not that it would matter they were all written in Altean…

Lance breath hitched and he pawed at his nose the touch seeming to set off the irritated appendage,” HAEE’CKSHH!!! htcheeeeeeeewwww!!!hrmmpffffh!! hrmmpffffh!!” He wasn’t expecting such a violent fit.

He could muffle the last two, but the first ones came out loud and spraying. And it didn’t seem close to ending as the sneezes kept coming assaulting his poor sinus’s,” htcheeeeeeeewwww!!!ah'tchoum!!hickishoo!!!hrmmpffffh!!htcheeeeeeeewwww!!!”

It was a complete all-out assault on his poor nose and it didn’t look like it’d be dying down anytime soon.

Vaguely in the middle of his fit he heard someone open the door, kneeling in front of him rubbing his back. He felt a soft material pressed to his sensitive nose, pinching it gently,” HGXT TCHXT HAPXT” It stifle his sneezes making the itch flare up a little,” Blow.” A familiar voice urged him softly.

He did blowing his nose loudly and harshly desperate to get rid of the fierce itch blazing inside of it. After a couple of good nose blows it died down a bit leaving him gasping for air, leaning over his knees with his eyes squeezed shut.

Feeling his boyfriend continuing to rub his back soothingly, clearly worried and wanting an answer, but patient enough to wait for him to catch his breath.
When he’d finally gathered the courage, he let his eye wander up to meet Keith’s, relieved to see that he was no longer furry and purple.

“You want to explain to me what the hell that was?” He demanded, making Lance wince a little, willing him to take a lighter tone,” Are you okay?”

Lance nodded, “It was nothing just an allergic reaction to something.” He knew that wasn’t going to fly past Keith for a second. His boyfriend already giving him the look that said he knew that wasn’t the whole story,” Lance.” He said giving him a warning tone.

“andImightbeallergictoyourGalraform.” He rushed out hoping Keith wouldn’t make him say it again. “Lance I can’t understand you when you say it like that.” He said clearly getting frustrated really worried about him.

Taking a deep breath Lance answered slower this time,” I think I might be allergic to your Galra form.” He said waiting for Keith to be upset with him, or with himself for not realizing.

Instead Keith laughed seeming to be amused by the whole situation,” That’s all.” Lance blushed glaring at him,” Hey I thought being allergic to my boyfriend was a pretty big deal.”

Keith grinned, “We’ll just go ask Coran and see if we can get you some space antihistamines.” Lance blushed embarrassed for not thinking about as Keith helped him up.

But overall, he was more relieved that Keith was taking this so well, he really did have a great boyfriend he thought to himself as they made their long trek to the med bay.

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Holy shit. This is honestly all I could have ever asked for in a fic. Klance, allergies, and galra Keith. I love your writing style! Voltron doesn't get enough attention on the forum. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

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1 hour ago, Lonewolf said:

Holy shit. This is honestly all I could have ever asked for in a fic. Klance, allergies, and galra Keith. I love your writing style! Voltron doesn't get enough attention on the forum. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

Thank you!!! I glad you enjoyed it, this was fun to write.

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Omg I've totally read this one from your tumblr. I laughed, poor Lance being allergic to his purple cat boyfriend. So cute, so good

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