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Unforeseen Incident (QxA - The Magicians)


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If anyone has seen the show on Syfy, The Magicians, this is a fanfiction based on them. I love Quentin and Alice. This kinda takes place after they come back from Brakebills south but I hadn't gotten the chance to rewatch the episode. Sorry if things seem a little out of place. I guess it can be slightly AU? I don't own these characters. I just love them and hope you enjoy fluffiness. There is a bit of cursing so be weary of that. 


Unforeseen Incident


My life had changed ever since I got into Brakebills. I felt like I had a purpose. I felt like that I was capable of doing something with my life; something good for a change and not to mention useful. I could create things with my hands and make things happen with my mind that even I, sometimes, became surprised because I still don’t yet know my full potential. I thought Professor Mayakovsky could pull something out of me but all I found myself capable of doing was controlling fireflies and slam nails into a wooden plank. That’s not really easy when you think about it. You really need to focus and create so much anger that you really, really, want to jab a nail into someone’s brain. One thing, however, that seemed to give me more of a purpose was her. When I first met her, I thought she was so stuck up and spoiled and conceited and smart and..beautiful. I was so nervous when I would talk to her, I couldn’t really look her in the eyes. Now, I don’t want to look away.


Now, it felt like we were intimate. I thought we were. I mean, we had sex for god’s sake. Right? That counts. I know the doctor’s at the hospital and clinic said I should stay away from relationships because I wasn’t stable enough to be fair. That’s crazy.. I mean, now I had magic in my life and I had something that gave me confidence and strength. I just needed to figure out really what I was good at, aside from card tricks and apparently reciting the lines from the books of Fillory. I couldn’t help but smile and think about Fillory and going there with Alice. Maybe, maybe we could be a high king and queen - yeah, okay. Her maybe, but me? I don’t think so. I glanced to the clock from my bed, noticing it was time for class. We had gotten back from Brakebills South the other day and now, I guess, we were back to a somewhat reality. Or, rather, more normal temperatures and non-fleece lined clothing. I sighed softly, thinking of her and pulled myself from my bed.


Maybe I was thinking too much? I rubbed my hands over my face, trying to chase away a slight ache growing behind my temples. I always had a habit of giving myself migraines because I tried to solve everything right then and there. From my bed, I went and gathered my clothes, throwing on some jeans, a grey tee shirt, and a plaid opened button-down. Yeah, whatever. I wasn’t the fashionista of the group; I’ll leave that to Margot. I grabbed my 100 pound seeming shoulder bag and made my way downstairs. It had been - eerily - quiet since we had gotten back from Brakebills South. Not too many parties but just Eliot, mostly, trailing after his boyfriend like a sad puppy dog. And for me to say that, that meant something. The usual crowd was hanging around the living room and I could hear Eliot in the distance talking to Mike, or giggling rather. I rolled my eyes but almost found myself missing the last step on the stairs. Right, be cool.


I caught myself somewhat gracefully and wandered about the reading area, looking for a particular blonde when I felt a small twinge in my sinuses. I quickly brought my hand to my face to muffle the oncoming sneeze. I inhaled and then, “..Ahempf!” I had no time to recollect myself as I heard a glass shatter not far off. I sniffed, brushing the hair out of my eyes and scanned the area to see if someone nearby had dropped their morning cocktail. Nope. Nothing. “..Weird..” I murmured to myself. “Quentin,” I heard the soft voice call from across the way, “Are you okay? I heard glass shatter.” There she was wearing a white sweater and a black skirt that made her look like a hot teacher. Oh man. “I..uh no. I mean I’m fine. I don’t know where the glass came from. I was looking too,” I replied with a crooked smile, “Ready to go?” She smiled and nodded, clutching her books to her chest and out we went.


We chatted about random things except our histories since I was sure neither of us really cared to divulge into something that personal and unnecessary. I mean, I had moments I wanted to quit due to situations but I’m still here at Brakebills, enjoying the crazy world of magic. The only thing I wasn’t really enjoying was my sudden runny nose. I felt like I was back in kindergarden. I sniffed quietly as she rambled on about the subject that we were currently studying. I tried to listen as intently as I could, fighting the growing tickle in the back of my nose. Really, now? Somehow I felt so embarrassed around her or I wasn’t sure really just how to be myself. After all she was way smarter than me and so damn pretty. “What do you think Q?” she came to a conclusion to her sentence. I held up a finger, signaling for her to wait and buried my face into my elbow, letting out a set of soft sneezes. “Hempf!..heh...Hempf!” I sniffed and sighed, almost feeling a rush of warmth to my cheeks in embarrassment. “Bless you..” she said but not making eye contact with me. Instead, I noticed her staring at a, now, shattered light post that was adjacent to our position. I then followed her gaze momentarily before I took her arm and guided her gently down the path, “C’mon, we’re gonna be late….”


We made our way to the large university that was bustling with newbies and seniors going to their scheduled class. I had, at that moment, a glimpse of how Penny felt with so many voices in your head and the throbbing aftermath. “Hey Alice, do you have any aspirin?” I asked the blonde beside me. “No, not on me but maybe someone in the classroom does. Or, is it bad enough you need to see the nurse?” She replied with a concerned look. I shook my head and, once again, moved the hair from my eyes, tucking it behind my ear. “No..I’ll be okay,” I said with a shaky smile. At least, I hope I would be okay. “Maybe you’re getting a cold,” Alice calmly spoke as we entered the auditorium style classroom, “You know, the temperature differences from Antarctica and here are very damaging to the immune system if you aren’t careful. Plus, it’s not like you have a healthy diet and sleep pattern.” She caught me. Sometimes I barely ate or slept. I shrugged and sat down into the hard wooden desk with my bag set aside, “I don’t know, maybe. I’m usually fast at recovering though. Julia would always make fun of me when I got sick so I made it a point not to stay sick long.”


The next look she gave me was one of irritation. It took me a minute before I realized I spoke her name. Oh, right. That was utterly stupid. I grimaced and sunk further into my wooden desk, hoping that I could hide - but bending light wasn’t my forte. I cleared my throat and tapped the pencil on the desk while I waited, still sniffing quietly. “All right class,” said a deep voice from the back once everyone was seated. The Dean entered the classroom with a female professor trailing behind him until they reached front and center. “I want you to each preform something you had learned in the other campus to demonstrate where the strength in your skills lie. This way we can edit your curriculum accordingly and possibly reassign houses if necessary. We’ll start alphabetically,” the dean took a clipboard that was handed to him from the female wizard and he began reading off of the list. Each student stood in front of the room and performed a trick or skill with simple hand gestures.


My attention faded as the throbbing became worse in my head to the point where I almost felt sick. I wanted to rest my head down but just as the idea popped into my head, I heard them call my name loud and clear, “Quentin Coldwater”. I looked up to the Dean and swallowed a mouthful of dry air. I had problems finding a discipline and they knew. They knew they weren’t sure what type of a magician I’d be or what would be my specialty. I gave a half smile and peeled my body out of the desk towards the front of the class. I took a few minutes to think back to Antarctica and all I could think of was the moment Alice and I had… No, that was inappropriate. I glazed around the room and recalled our dancing fireflies. Right, fireflies. There weren’t any fireflies in the room. “Uh…” I stammered and then closed my eyes. I stretched my hands before my body and began creating symbols with my fingers. Suddenly from the ceiling, three little spiders dropped before the Dean and dangled in mid air. Even though the spell wasn’t that magnificent in style, I began sweating a little. Something wasn’t right. Maybe I was just more tired than I thought or whatever..


I attempted in controlling the spiders and have them weave something obscure when I felt the pressure in my sinuses take control. Shit. It was then I broke the spell by forcefully sneezing forward, “Hatschu!” The remaining ones I caught in my elbow, “Hetshu! He-hetschu!” Crap. How embarrassing. I cleared my throat after I slowly recollected myself and slowly faced the dean who seemed slightly perplexed at the three dangling threads with bits of spider dangling off them. “I..uhm..I’m going to go sit down…” I murmured and turned to make my way back towards my seat but paused feeling a hand settle on my shoulder. The touch was brief as a force seemed to push the hand off my shoulder, pressing forcefully into my skin. I winced from the odd pain out of reflex but stood there looking puzzled as I rubbed my shoulder. The Dean and I exchanged looks for a moment but before anything else was said, the bell rang. I didn’t want to waste time. I almost ran towards my seat to collect my books and jetted through the door, not even waiting for Alice whom I heard call out my name.


The tightness in my body continued, like a pulled muscle that wouldn't ease. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” I mumbled to myself as I rubbed my aching forehead. Hey kid, we can hear you. Yeah you need to chill out. I didn’t know he could communicate through thought. Isn’t he a physical kid? No he’s just there to take up space. He doesn’t even know he opened his mind; look at his face. I heard so many voices  as I passed the telepaths doing their yoga poses on the grass outside. That usually never happens. The only person who heard my thoughts was Penny and he was a traveler, who had that talent. I crashed beneath a tree in the yard, feeling tired and achy. Maybe Alice was right about the cold, but, what was with the sudden exploding shit around me and the pain...and the voices? That certainly wasn’t normal abnormal. I sniffed and let my head fall back against the tree with my eyes closing.




I opened my eyes finding that the sun was setting. How long had I been sitting there? I looked down to my watch and raised an eyebrow. Apparently, 5 hours. I rolled my eyes only to find I regretted that since I caused my head to spin. All I wanted to do was go to sleep in my bed. I grunted as I came to a wobbly stand and slowly made my way towards the cottage. Halfway there I heard a voice from behind me calling my name. Half of me wanted to ignore the voice and keep moving due to my longing desire of a hot shower as well. I paused and looked behind me to find the pretty little princess of the Physicals, Margot, standing there with a shopping bag in her hand. Her large dark lined eyes scanned me up and down and with a ‘tsk’ she asked, “What’s with you?” You look like you’ve been beaten around by a dwarf a few times. They’re usually pretty grumpy.” I shook my head and coughed weakly to the side. “Rough day,” I muttered, “I just want to go lie down.” The woman approached and extended a hand towards me, in what I assumed was to touch my shoulder, but she paused. Her maroon colored lips turned down in disapproval. “I’ll say,” Margot replied, “Your life force is a little screwy. Did you know that?” I don't think he'll survive. No, he'll have him for supper in the blink of an eye.


“ What.." I began before making eye contact with the girl. No..I guess I was just hearing things. "What else is new? At least my life force can match my life now,” I spoke in my usual blunt manner but it even sounded worse now due to my status of well being. The woman scoffed and marched onward in her red pumps and corresponding fashionable attire. “See if I try to help you again,” she snapped, disappearing inside the cottage. I trailed after her, finding the temperature inside the house more comforting than the outside. I didn’t acknowledge anyone in the room and simply directed my heavy body up the stairs. Once on the second floor I paused in front of Alice’s room and stared at the handle. I thought about knocking, for a fleeting second, but I changed my mind when I felt a shiver go down my spine. Nope. Bed. Once in my room, I dropped my heavy backpack to the floor and collapsed onto my bed. I buried my face into my pillow as I coughed forcefully. “Damn,” I whispered and turned over onto my back, “Guess I’m sick.” I glanced to the clock for the moment before deciding it was time to switch into my pajamas and crawl under the covers. I didn’t care really to eat or see anyone, especially Alice. I felt embarrassed enough.


He will come for you. He knows about you, Quentin. Fillory needs you - be strong.



I regained consciousness when I felt like someone dropped an ice cube or really cold water on my face. Turns out, that’s slightly what that was. I opened my eyes to find myself staring up at the blonde who was sitting at the side of my bed, mopping my forehead with a wet towel. “W..what?” I rasped, “Alice...what are you doing here?...W-What time is it? Shouldn’t you be sleeping..” She softly shushed me,  “It was hard to not worry when I did come into the room and find several objects levitating. Margot told me she saw you make your way home and I thought I’d just check on you. Then, when I opened the door, everything was kind of floating around. She said something was wrong with your life force and there might be a connection with you being sick and not to mention you're running quite a fever now.” I wanted to laugh but I ended up coughing, which increased my headache. “Ow..” I whined, “Leave it to me to do something different and weird..” I pushed myself up in my bed, letting my back rest against the backboard of the mattress. I couldn’t help but stare at her, in her nightgown and robe. I wanted her but I knew that I wouldn’t have the energy and I might end up turning her into a frog or something.


I looked to my side table, noticing a bottle of pills, tissues, and a glass of juice. “I thought you liked apple juice. I remember you saying you weren’t a fan of orange,” she said softly as she opened the bottle of medicine and shook out two small white pills, “This will help your headache and fever, hopefully.” I nodded but motioned for the tissues. I felt that return burning sensation travel through my nasal passages and wanted to utilize the correct tools instead of rubbing my snot on my sleeve. I pulled a few tissues from the box and smothered my nose into the wad of white paper as I exploded. “H-heh...hetschu! Hetschu! Eh..hetschu!” I blew into the wad once I was finished but, when I refocused my vision, I found the blonde crouching beside my bed in a bubble of protection. “Really?” I snapped in a congested tone, but, I couldn’t really blame her. I’d kill myself if I ended up hurting her on accident. “Q….you should go to the nurse first thing. Maybe they can regulate your life force or whatever it is before you hurt yourself,” she said once she disabled the spell and sat back at my bedside. I nodded in agreement and rested my head back against the wall with a sigh. “Don’t blame yourself,” she stated, as if she now had mind reading abilities. The woman leaned in and placed a kiss onto my clammy forehead, “Try to get some sleep, okay? If you need anything let me know.”


Alice stood up, hugging the robe to her body for warmth and gave me a small smile, “I’ll see you later. Don’t forget to take the aspirin.” And with that, the girl disappeared into the hallway. I sat there staring at the ceiling in my misery until I found myself either falling asleep or passing out from exhaustion.


Fillory! The answer lies in Fillory. She needs you Quentin Coldwater. That's why she's helping you. 





“Is he dead?” I heard a dry almost monotone voice spoke out, belonging to none other than the Prince of the Physical Kids. “No..he’s just very sick,” I heard her voice and felt the tension melt away. I opened my eyes to look at the few hanging out around me. I had managed to get somewhat dressed and make it downstairs to the living room where I found myself comfortable on the sofa. I had a rough night sleeping due to the voices that manifested in my head. I couldn't explain it. I really couldn't explain anything going on at that current point in time. I glanced over to Eliot who was sipping on what appeared to be something in a mug. I couldn’t tell if there was alcohol in it or not, but, knowing the guy, his coffee might be more Irish style. “I appreciate your concern,” I mumbled, following with a few coughs. “You’re welcome,” the boy replied and seated himself on the arm of the couch. The mug free hand hovered over my body and I lost sight of his eyes for a moment. Alice had taken her seat beside me, brushing my hair back behind my ear with a soft smile.


“I don’t think it’s serious but I think someone targeted his aura while he is weak,” Eliot responded, taking a sip of his coffee. “Not serious? You said he was being targeted,” Alice’s soft expression turned into one of concern, “Who would do that?” I shrugged, “I don’t remember pissing off anyone lately..”


“Except me because you stopped putting up your barriers and I hear every damn thing you think about at night. I really don’t need to know how bad you want to get in bed with her and I'm tired of hearing about Fillory,” the voice belonged to a tall dark skinned male that had also entered the common place. I didn’t know what to say and I could tell Alice’s cheeks gained a faint red tone. “Well I didn’t need telepathy to know that,” Eliot smirked, “But, really, you should see someone about that. Not the bed sleeping. Then you should see her but about the targeting thing.”


“Right..thanks,” I muttered as I pushed myself onto my feet, “I’m..I’m gonna go talk to her now.” I felt slightly light headed but I managed to make it. I felt like I ran into a wall a few times or drank way too much vodka. Mayakovsky gave me that sensation to compare with. Who knew one could take so much vodka? I felt as if everyone was watching me as I bent to pick up my bag, slowly, and make my way towards the door. There was an awkward silence that I couldn’t describe. I opened the door and stood there a minute, thinking about questioning their lingering intentions when I felt something hit my stuffy sinuses. I squeezed my eyes hoping to somehow hinder the growing sensation to sneeze. “Heh..S..shit..,” When I found my efforts were in vain, I pressed my arm against the door and buried my face into the sleeve of my jacket. “Heh..H-Hetshu! Tshu! Heh..Hetschu! The last one nearly knocked me off my feet and I was left panting. After I collected myself, I sniffed and looked back towards the three of them staring at a couple broken lamps, books that had flown off the shelf, and a couple knives situated in the wall in a straight line.


“Yeah..maybe it isn’t good that any of you come with me. I might end up killing you when I cough or sneeze,” I angrily spat and stumbled out the door.




“Okay, just look straight for me,” said the soft voice of the school physician as she shifted a light between my eyes, “Hmm..You look like you need sleep, but, aside from that, you’re okay there.” Once she removed the light I pulled a tissue from the bedside and blew my increasingly stopped up nose. I never knew what congestion felt like in my life until that moment, “Yeah, well, when I stop fearing that I might kill someone when I sneeze, I think I’ll sleep better.” She feigned a smile and sat down in her chair, writing down notes on her report, “Well in regards to your life force, we just have to re-purify it and that’ll regain the resistance against whatever is trying to use you as a tool to harm your friends.” I nodded. That made sense at least. “I’ll go get my equipment. We’ll pretty much be doing acupuncture to start, so feel free to remove your shirt and relax. I’ll be right back,” the doctor stated as she took a stand and exited the room.


I unbuttoned the shirt I had on and tossed it to the edge of the hospital bed where I had been positioned. I looked down to my pants wondering if they had to come off too, but I was left questioning. My thoughts became disarrayed as I felt the tickle begin again in the back of my nose. “Really?..” I sniffed and reached to grab a few tissues. I rubbed my ever growing red nose, in hopes to chase away the sensation. Like a pulse, it began ever growing. "Hh..heh.." I squinted my eyes and gave a big sniff that seemed to chase away the feeling for the moment and I sighed in relief. I looked up when I heard the door open once again and, instead of the doctor, Alice had appeared. I felt a mix of emotions: happy that she was there, yet, anger that she could be in danger. Instead of the normal response I would give in greeting her, I looked away and laid myself down on the bed, “What are you doing here?”


The girl paused in her footsteps, clutching her books against her supple bosom that was apparent in her black dress, and she glared at me. “Quentin, why do you have to be so selfish?” she was evidently angry, “People do care about you and worry about you. Sometimes it doesn’t matter that someone’s well being is in jeopardy when they actually have feelings about the other person..” I could almost feel the heat radiating off of her while she spoke. “Alice..I..I’m sorry,” I stammered, “I guess I just wasn’t thinking.” I could hear her exhale a heated breath, “That’s your problem, Quentin. You never do.” And then she was gone, storming off into the hallway, leaving me alone in the cold medical room. I laid there staring at the ceiling, hating life again when I thought I wouldn’t because of magic. Good job Coldwater. You’re a real winner.


The door opened again to reveal the doctor standing there with a black case and a bag. “Are you ready?” she asked as she approached my bed, “You need to turn over onto your stomach, Mr. Coldwater so we can begin treatment.” Sure, why not stab me with 1000 needles. Maybe that will awaken something in my brain or connect a loose fuse that was obviously there. I flipped over to bury my face into the soft yet cold pillow and closed my eyes as she proceeded with preparations for the treatment. I didn’t watch but I heard a lot of clashing, clatter, and chopping of objects. I couldn’t really smell too much but I caught whiffs of herbs that she had composed together and dipped the tips of the needles. “This won’t hurt but you’ll feel slight discomfort,” she warned before she began tapping needles into my skin. As if I was comfortable now? I turned my head to face the door, hoping that I would catch a glimpse of the blonde hovering about the door again but, alas, I did not.


Whatever drugs she was using began to affect my comprehension and I felt my vision go blur. I guess it was time for a nap and, thus, I felt myself drifting off into a drug induced sleep.

Don't give up on Fillory Quentin. Don't let The Beast win. 



I didn’t know how long I was asleep or how long the needles remained in my body but when I woke up I found myself staring at the white ceiling and dressed in a gown. My body still felt slightly numb and woozy but I felt as if a muscle knot had been released in my body. I turned my head to the side and found my vision recollecting itself to focus upon an all too familiar blonde. “A..Alice?” I whispered hoarsely. The girl looked up from her book through her dark rimmed glasses, making direct eye contact with my bloodshot red rimmed eyes. I pulled my heavy body to sit up but slowly regretted it. “Oh god..” I uttered finding my stomach churning rapidly. The girl seemed to see right through to my mind and immediately dropped her book to grab the trash can. Seconds later, I found myself retching into the trashcan that my girlfriend was holding. Isn’t that romantic?


“She said that might happen..” Alice softly whispered as she held back as much hair as she could with one hand, “It’s okay..take it easy.” After I find my stomach couldn’t release anymore, I sat back and wiped my mouth with the towel that she handed me. I didn’t know what to say. I felt so embarrassed and like an idiot and… “I’m sorry,” she blurted, “I’m sorry I snapped at you like that. You know I’m not really good at expressing my emotions...and that’s kinda what happened back there. I just.. I just don’t like when you think I’m the helpless girl because, Quentin, I’m not.” Her words were very true and I felt like a jackass for trying to label her as a damsel in distress.


“No, I’m sorry..You’re right.. You’re always right. I never had a girlfriend that could...kick ass and is super smart. Really I never had a girlfriend that lasted longer than a week but..still..,” I replied in a tone that sounded like I had been drinking for a two days straight, “I just didn’t want you to get hurt...that’s all..And I just..I..” I think I preferred being asleep because at that moment, all drugs felt as if they had worn off and I felt everything. “Hetschu! Eh..hetshu! He-hetschu!” I had shoved my face into the towel she gave me fearing for what I might see when I recollected myself. I glanced around at the ceiling, to the walls, and then to the tables only to find that everything was still intact. “Oh thank god..” I sighed in relief and fell back into the pillow.


“Well I’m glad to see that helped. Now all you need to do is get rid of that nasty cold of yours and you’ll be right in no time,” said a woman with a British accent as she walked into the room. I could tell Alice had the same expression as I did: completely confused and puzzled. Who the hell was this lady? She walked on blue heels that corresponded with her two piece outfit. Her coat was a light brown tweed. “Who..” I began but the woman, standing at the foot of my bed, held up a finger to cut me off. “Not who,” she said, “When and this was an unforeseen incident but it is quite alright, Quentin.” I had no words. The woman than simply smiled and walked through the wall, disappearing in a ray of light.


“I think..I either took too many drugs or am in need of more,” I turned to Alice who was just as dumbfounded. "I don't remember seeing her here before..." Alice stated before she began gathering her books, “Come on Quentin, let’s get you out of here. I think you’ll rest easier at the cottage and the doctor said once you are fully conscious, you can leave.” The blonde, without any direction or request of assistance, helped me get my clothes back on and back to my feet. With her arm interlacing with mine and her other arm carrying books, we made our way out of Brakebill’s infirmary and down the dim lit path towards the cottage. “Alice, thanks,” I said, breaking the silence between us, “I really mean it.” The girl smiled and rested her head against my shoulder, “What else are girlfriend's good for?”


“Making sandwiches,” I said with a small laugh that turned into a coughing fit. She retracted to give me a dirty look but I think I looked too pitiful to deserve something like that. “Bless you,” she stated while watching my face. “H-h..crap..hh..Htshu!” I almost fell forward but she braced my impact. Unbeknownst to me, the light post beside us seemed to flicker and waver. Alice’s voice seemed cold all of a sudden and I didn’t know why. I weakly gave a glance to her face but all she did was smile, “Let’s go..”


Off we went back into the cottage.


The Beast is coming, Quentin. You need to be prepared.





Thanks guys! If I did a good job, I might do some more Magician fiction.

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Oh yesssss. I'm so into the Magicans right now so this is nice. Glad to see ficts involving them. 

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Ooh what a nice surprise! I watched the first season on Netflix a few weeks ago and am kind of stuck finding places to watch the second, but I've been sad that I hadn't found any material on here before now! You may have just nudged me to write one of my own ;)

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Let me know when you post it! I'm definitely a fan. I was thinking of doing one with Margo and Eliot and then Kady and Penny. I finally started rewatching everything so I know where I kinda got out of place, but, glad you like it!

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1 hour ago, Semisweet said:

Let me know when you post it! I'm definitely a fan. I was thinking of doing one with Margo and Eliot and then Kady and Penny. I finally started rewatching everything so I know where I kinda got out of place, but, glad you like it!

Margo and Eliot would be so good! I'm a huge Kady/Julia shipper so I'm tempted to write something for them, but I also love Penny and think he'd be pouty and sulky if he was sick/allergic. Quentin and Alice are hard to write, so good on you!

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1 hour ago, Semisweet said:

Let me know when you post it! I'm definitely a fan. I was thinking of doing one with Margo and Eliot and then Kady and Penny. I finally started rewatching everything so I know where I kinda got out of place, but, glad you like it!

Eliot, yes please :heart:


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