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I'm Here for You (Septiishu)


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Hi guys! I haven't been on in a while so I decided to start a new sneezefic dealing with Jacksepticeye and his girlfriend Wiishu! I love these two they are adorable together so why not write about them. Anyways, without further ado, let's get right into the story! Hope you guys enjoy!


Signe just brought in the popcorn as the movie's intro began to play. She sat down, resting her head on my shoulder. I could feel her warmth next to me and it was soothing.

"I love you," I said, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too."

Just as I was about to reach over and grab a handful of popcorn, I felt this familiar tickle in the back of my nose. My breath hitched a little before letting out a forceful double into my sweatshirt.

"Are you okay?" Signe asked, in her cute Danish accent.

"Yeah, I've been needing to sneeze literally all day." I smiled.

Halfway into the movie, my head started to hurt a little, and the back of my throat felt like I had just swallowed razor blades.

Signe was passed out on my lap, snoring lightly. She looked so peaceful, her blonde hair resting on his legs. What did I do to deserve someone so amazing?

I was getting tired myself, my head pounding, but I didn't want to wake Signe up.


Too late. The sneeze had woken her up and she looked at him with blurry eyes.

"Sean?" she said sleepily.

"Morning, sleepyhead. Was just about to carry you off to bed." My voice sounded a little rough.

"You don't sound okay."

I didn't want to admit that I was possibly coming down with something. As much as I liked being cared for, I didn't want her to go through all the trouble for me.

"I think it's just allergies.

"Okay if you say so," she got up and headed upstairs towards our bedroom. I followed right after her, stretching my now sore body.


I woke up with my headache gone. But I was still sore and my throat still burned. I looked to the side of me, but Signe wasn't there. I decided to get out of bed, even though I was reluctant, and I made my way downstairs. As soon as I got to the bottom of the staircase, I could see Signe in the kitchen. She was heating up the kettle and had a box of chamomile sitting on the counter. Did she see through my lie? I tried my best to walk normally, but my limbs were so sore it was preventing that. I drowsily walked into the kitchen. Signe didn't notice me. My eyebrows suddenly stitched together and my nostrils flared. I sneezed wetly into cupped hands.


Signe turned around and looked at me sympathetically.

"Allergies, huh? Sean you look miserable." She came over and lay her hand on my shoulder and rubbed my back slowly.

I reached over and grabbed a tissue out of the box that was sitting on the kitchen counter. I painfully pitched forward and sneezed wetly into the tissue, blowing my nose afterward.

"I think you need to rest." she suggested.

Maybe she was right. I felt pretty shitty. Even though my headache was gone, everywhere else seemed to hurt. 

"Go back to bed, I'll bring you tissues and some tea and I'll come watch a movie with you." 

I smiled and kissed her on the cheek. Out of nowhere, I tried to stifle, but with little success.Then another.

Heh.. hetetcxx cchhewww! Heh..... he..hehehehctchhchewwww!

Signe looked worried, and signaled for me to go back upstairs.

I headed back to our room and slipped off my pajama pants and my shirt, leaving me in just my boxers.I slid under the covers and snuggled up.Just as Signe showed up with tissues, I sneezed another double into the comforter, stifling way better than I did the first time. Signe got into bed next to me, handed me both the tissues and the tea and set her laptop on our laps. I wetly blew my nose while she scrolled through netflix to choose a movie.

"My poor little Jackaboy," she said with puppy dog eyes. She reached over and gave me a kiss on the cheek as the movie was starting. I nuzzled my face into her neck, comforted by her warmth. After a little while, my eyes became heavy and I drifted off to sleep in my girlfriend's lap, completely content.

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I'm only marginally familiar with this guy, but I just had to say I love the ship name - so appropriate. :yay:

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Ah omg I was so happy to see someone wrote a septiishu fic on here! You captured their personalities so well, especially Sean's. This is such an adorable fic about equally adorable people, I love it!! :wub:

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