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The Trouble with Dixon's (TWD, Daryl, M, Mess)


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Okay so I never write anything that I post publicly but I'd like to break out of that habit and improve my writing! :) And lately I've become attached to a certain Mr. Daryl Dixon so I figured some non-shipping fluff between him and Merle would be fun to write! I did try to write them with their southern accents so if some of the spellings are weird, that's why!

Warning: There will be some mess in later parts! And I apologize for the first part being so short but I write when I'm inspired so that varies the length on occasion, haha!



“I’m only warnin’ ya one more time, Daryl. You’re gon’ lead them damn things right to us!”


“Daryl, I mean it! Knock that shit off--”

--Hh’ExTChh! I can’t help it, Mberle..lay off..”

The younger Dixon brother trailed behind, rubbing his nose against the back of his hand with an irritated sniffle as his older brother lead the way through the thick woods they’d taken a short cut through. Daryl looked a bit worse for wear, his skin a shade paler than normal and only accented by the rosy hues adorning both cheeks and his chaffed nostrils. But perhaps the worse part of being sick was being sick in the zombie apocalypse!

Merle grumbled, trying to ignore his brother’s nonstop sniffling and his god awfully loud sneezing. He glanced around, his trusted gun partially raised in case of attack from either the living or the dead. “If I get eaten ‘cause ya can’t handle the sniffles, I promise to come back and finish ya off myself!”,he spat, stopping and turning with an agitated sigh,”..Christ ya look like shit. Come here, ya got a fever?”. He took a step forward, rather roughly touching Daryl’s mildly sweaty forehead, and frowning. “Of all the times to get sick, ya choose now? Leave it to ya to catch a cold in the apocalypse. Come on, we can’t rest here.”.,he muttered, feeling mildly sympathetic for his little brother.                                                                                                        

Daryl flinched as his forehead was touched, quickly smacking Merle’s dirty hand away. He shrugged and kept his eyes to the ground, his cross bow held rather limply at his side as if the weight of the object were proving too much for him to properly carry. “I didn’t do it on purpose..”,he murmured, feeling simply too tired and dizzy to reply with his usual smart assery,”Cand we stop for a mboment? I just ndeed a second tdo get a grip and then I’ll be good.”. Without waiting for a proper answer, Daryl sat down on a fallen log, tossing his weapon haphazardly to the forest floor. His hand trembled slightly as he hurriedly fumbled with a damp handkerchief in his shirt pocket, burying his nose into it and smothering a small fit of increasingly wet sneezes. “Hh’MmpTCh! Hh..’MppTCh! HhmPtCHhh! Ow, mby ndose is killing mbe.”,he whined softly.

“What’re ya doin’? Come on, ya can sit down when we find somewhere to hole up for the night. We gotta keep moving, Daryl..”,he urged, knowing that his brother wouldn’t just give up unless he was feeling particularly bad. Merle rolled his eyes but sat down on the log, taking out a cigarette and lighting it, letting the smoke burn his lungs and slowly roll out of his mouth. “Quit your bitchin’. It’s a damn cold, it ain’t like it’ll kill ya. ‘Course it’d probably be a better way to go than gettin’ torn apart by those walking meat bags.”. The sounds of twigs and foliage snapping under foot caught the older Dixon’s attention, making him rise to his feet with the speed and grace of someone determined to not be zombie chow.

Edited by SneezyHolmes
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4 hours ago, CharliesGirl said:

YESSSSSSSS!! I love me some Daryl! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you! I'll try to have the next part up ASAP! :D

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  • 1 month later...

Whoops, its been a while but here's the next part! :lol: 


Daryl swayed a bit, grabbing at his weapon with slight difficulty but not managing to get to his feet in an overly fast manner. A large walker broke through the tree line, growling and moving it’s jawless head from side to side as if smelling the air for his next meal. Daryl moved closer to his brother, making a slight nodding motion with his head to indicate that he wanted to scram before the creature noticed them. The man’s nose twitched slightly and he quickly pinched his nose shut, mentally cringing at the sticky liquid creeping between his fingers,”Let’s go, Mberle..’fore he see..ehh..sees us..hh..!”. His eyes squeezed shut and his mouth went slack, opening to take in a quick breath as his chest expanded,”Hh’ExTCh!”. The walker turned towards the sound, growling and lumbering towards the brothers, arms out and a predatory look on it’s decomposing face.

“Son of a bitch! Come on ya rotting sick ‘o shit!”,Merle spat and aimed his gun, about to fire when another harsh sneeze followed by a dizzy Daryl bumping into him resulted in the shot missing it’s mark and hitting the walking corpse in it’s shoulder. The older Dixon glared over his shoulder, reaching to his belt and opting to use a knife to take the creature down as too much gunfire would attract more. Merle lunged, struggling to hold the walker in place as he repeatedly stabbed it’s head, letting it’s massive body drop to the floor. “You’re lucky that thing didn’t bite me. Damn lucky. Now move your ass and let’s get the fuck out of here!”.

“Don’t worry, it’d go hungry if it tried tdo eat your brains..”,Daryl muttered stuffily, grabbing his cross bow and shuffling after his brother. Soon the woods thinned out and opened to a wide field with a single building at the far edge, presumably a home or barn. “Look over there. Think it’s safe? We could..hh..h-hold ub there a-and--Hihh..?! HhrKtSCH! Hh’TScHH! Whoa..”,he staggered a bit, a hand to his head to pinch his nose as he looked a dazed,”Mberle..”. His glassy eyes met his brother’s stern gaze, a certain look of both misery and defeat portrayed in his tired pupils.

Merle said nothing, merely pushed past his brother and went ahead to scope out the building that, upon closer inspection, was a large farm house. The house was once a shade of white but the paint was chipped and worn out, giving it a forlorn and almost sad appearance. A few shudders were crooked or missing completely, one lightly banging against the side of the house in the breeze. He grunted and peered in one of the windows, finding it too dirty to see through. “Stay here and be ready to either run or fight if I yell, okay? Try to not pass out either..”,he muttered the last bit to himself as he quietly opened the door, peering in before creeping into what could be the devil’s den. The air was stale, smelling vaguely of dust and mildew, reminding him of his own childhood home. It was eerily quiet and to someone not used to such silences, it could be classified as off putting.

Meanwhile, Daryl paced about the porch, holding his nose firmly between his thumb and forefinger. He needed to sneeze, to release the god awful tickle burning through his inflamed sinuses. “Hh..ehh..”,his breathe hitched and he stopped, head rearing back slightly as his his mouth parted,”Hehh--! HhrSTChh! HHasTCHh! ‘RstChh! Son of a bitch!”. He’d aimed the fit off to the side, grimacing as a large cloud of spray glistened in the light and drifted to the ground. He reached for his hanky, upset to find it rather damp and useless for any more proper nose blows. Nonetheless he gave his nose a decent blow, wincing as the sound was incredibly thick and louder than he intended. An irritated sniffle punctuated the air as he resumed pacing, jumping a bit as Merle appeared in the doorway and nodded, gesturing for Daryl to come in. The younger Dixon glanced around the home, walking over to a small end table and picking up a framed picture of an older man and a child,”Bet they ndever counted ond all this bullshit going down. Mmb..”. He set the picture back down and flopped on the couch, coughing as a thin layer of dust became airborne.

“Yeah, well, no one counted on zombies being the way the world ended. I was honestly hoping for fire and brimstone..or aliens. Mainly aliens.”,he muttered and went into the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets. He was more than pleased to find a half bottle of whiskey, a few water bottles, and some canned vegetables. Figuring some food might do Daryl some good, he brought the whiskey, a fork, a can of corn, and two water bottles back to the living room. “Here, I found some food. Ya need to eat and then drink some water, okay? Probably do ya some good.”,he muttered and sat down in a recliner across from the couch, twisting off the whiskey’s lid and taking a healthy swig. The alcohol burned his throat but it tasted so good and he was far too used to drinking to be bothered by it.

Daryl eyed the items with reluctance, drinking some water but rejecting the food. He rolled onto his side, tugging a blanket from the back of the couch over himself. A shiver still escaped him, followed by a soft and pitiful groan. Everything hurt, his nose was running like a broken faucet, his fever was elevating by the minute and a fatigue had settled over him that a simple nap wouldn’t fix. He groaned again and coughed harshly into his fist,”Mberle..I don’d feel so good..”. He felt ridiculous for openly expressing himself like this and even more so as he raised his handkerchief to his nose,”Hh’EsTCh! Hh’EsTChh! Guh..”. He didn’t bother blowing his nose, pulling the cloth away to reveal thin strands of semi-clear mucus that broke as he folded the cloth over. His brother looked a bit grossed out and both knew that it was going to be a very long night..

Edited by SneezyHolmes
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@SneezyHolmes I love it!! Consder that I forgot my password to enter the forum since a couple of months so was only a lurker but I HAD to comment on your story so I managed to reset it so to come here and say: I LOVE THIS STORY !! Love how older Dixon treats Daryl but he can't help himself to be a bit concerned....this melts my heart.
Can't wait to

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2 hours ago, Coffee Mug said:

@SneezyHolmes I love it!! Consder that I forgot my password to enter the forum since a couple of months so was only a lurker but I HAD to comment on your story so I managed to reset it so to come here and say: I LOVE THIS STORY !! Love how older Dixon treats Daryl but he can't help himself to be a bit concerned....this melts my heart.
Can't wait to

Oh my goodness thank you! I'm very flattered that you reset it just to comment on my story! :D Yeah, Merle might be a total jerk 99.9% of the time, but he does care about Daryl to some degree, especially when his poor, little brother is sick or hurt lol! I'll try and have more up soon! Thanks for reading! :) 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Part 3!


Night soon fell, the dark sky only lit up by a small and twinkling star here and there. The air was still but pleasantly warm as it drifted in through the small breaks in the windows. Merle had polished off most of the bottle of whiskey, lost in his own, personal thoughts that were only interrupted by the occasional cough or congested snore of his brother on the couch. Daryl had drifted off a few hours prior, alternating between kicking the covers off in a feverish frenzy and yanking them back up no more than twenty minutes later. “Fucking kid, I swear.”,he grumbled and got up, lightly feeling the younger’s forehead before heading outside to smoke. Normally he wouldn’t have given two shits and just lit up inside but with Daryl’s lungs already irritated by his virus, he figured he’d be nice and spare him an unnecessary coughing fit. A few failed flicks of his lighter later, smoke rolled into the night air as Merle inhaled slowly. He exhaled and let his eyes scan the near pitch black field around them, pushing the thoughts of lurking undead from his mind in favor of appreciating how quiet and still it was. Nights were never this nice anymore it seemed.

Meanwhile, Daryl stirred from his slumber, glassy eyes cracking open and struggling to focus on the room around them. He groaned softly and buried his face into the pillow, his head pounding like a damn jack hammer,”Holy shit..mmbh..”. He raised his feverish head and looked around, finding his brother gone and a wave of anxiety washing over him. He shot up, nearly tripping over the covers wrapped around his legs as he called out,”Mberle?! Mberle! Ah, shit--!”. He struggled to free his legs but as soon as he was free, he stumbled towards the door, vision blurry and doubling in a sickening sort of way. “M-Mberle..? Ya out here?”. A grunt was his answer but it was enough to soothe his worries for the time being as he fumbled with the handle to join Merle on the porch. His lungs burned a bit, eliciting a coughing fit worthy of even the most addicted smoker that was punctuated by a wet sneeze that left his nose dripping and his lips parted in a desperate plea for precious oxygen. “Whad’re ya doin’? It’s freezin’ out here..”. Daryl wrapped his arms around himself and shivered, moving to stand closer to Merle for warmth and support lest dizziness win out over his fragile sense of balance.

“Calm down ya big baby. I was bein’ polite and came out to smoke. Ya should be restin’, not worrying over me and what I’m doin’.”,he snorted and spat, taking another long drag of his cigarette before continuing,”It’s not cold, ya got a fever is all. Jesus, can ya get any closer? I’d rather not get sick..”. Despite his words, he truly didn’t mind, knowing that Daryl seemed uneasy and swayed with all the finesse of a sea sick sailor. “It’s a nice night when ya don’t think about all the walking meat bags lurking out there. Ain’t had the pleasure of enjoying such a night in a long while..almost forgot what not being on edge twenty-four seven felt like..”. The older Dixon very rarely relaxed in such a way, too busy trying to stay one step ahead of the living and dead a like to stop and take a breather. “How’re ya feelin’? Ya sound worse than a fat man doin’ jumpin’ jacks in summer..”,he spat again and snubbed out his smoke, quickly replacing it with another.

Daryl shrugged, turning away to cough once more,”I ain’t gonna get ya sigk..ndot on purpose anyways and how do ya think I feel? Like shit. Can’d breathe, damn ndose won’t stop runnin’, mby throat’s ond fire, and I’mb dizzy..”. He tried to avoid whining but his tone of voice combined with the congestion ruined any chance of accomplishing that. “Other than that, I’mb okgay I guess.”,he mumbled, trying to focus on the field around them as well,”I guess it is pretty quiet for a change. Almost seems weird though tdo ndot hear those things walkin’ and growlin’. Don’d think I can relax though, ya kndow? Tdoo much ond mby mind these days..seen tdoo mbuch shit. People eatin’ people and the living actin’ like they’ve lost their damn minds tdoo.”. He sighed and swiped at his dripping nose, unable to see the glistening slime but knowing it was covering his hand enough to warrant a quick wipe on his pant’s leg. Both Dixon’s exhaled and went quiet, staring into the darkness and letting the rare silence fall between them.

By morning, Daryl had drifted back to sleep on the couch after being ushered back inside by his brother and Merle had taken to polishing his gun and giving it a quick cleaning. Birds chirped outside, clearly not bothered by the undead beings shambling about the earth below them. Merle envied them, wishing escape was as simple as flapping his arms and moving about the trees. The stress of constantly being on the move and living in a new world that was nothing more than sheer survival and constant threats left him worn and mentally exhausted. He hid it well though, determined to be strong for both him and Daryl until a cure could be found although that seemed to be a distant solution now. He scoffed a bit, mentally picturing doctors and scientists scrambling about some sort of lab in an effort to fix this mess. ‘Like they’d honestly fix this..even though it’s their fault..’,he thought with a scowl, putting his gun back together and examining it for any errors on his part. Satisfied that it looked prim and proper once more, he went to the kitchen for breakfast, a can of peaches and the remaining booze from the night before. “Breakfast for fuckin’ champs right here!”,he chuckled to himself, lazily walking to the living room as he ate,”Hey..ya gon’ get up any time soon, sleeping beauty?”. He poked at Daryl with his foot, earning a pissed off grunt and a lethargic smack to the leg.

Edited by SneezyHolmes
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Wow I can literally picture Merle and Daryl, the way they talk to each other, the accents, the rudeness of Merle.. it all goes along perfectly! 

Awesome skills in writing well done!

Thanks for the update I read the third chapter with much pleasure :) 

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12 minutes ago, Coffee Mug said:

Wow I can literally picture Merle and Daryl, the way they talk to each other, the accents, the rudeness of Merle.. it all goes along perfectly! 

Awesome skills in writing well done!

Thanks for the update I read the third chapter with much pleasure :) 

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D 

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I'm really enjoying this! I just want to wrap Daryl in a blanket and take care of his messy cold ?

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2 hours ago, CharliesGirl said:

I'm really enjoying this! I just want to wrap Daryl in a blanket and take care of his messy cold ?

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! You and me both, he deserves all the attention! ?

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Ugh, Daryl's cold is giving me life this week... this was great and I love the brotherly chemistry :P 

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3 hours ago, beatlelover22 said:

Ugh, Daryl's cold is giving me life this week... this was great and I love the brotherly chemistry :P 

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it! :D

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