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Protector of Truth, Justice, & Alex (Supergirl Kalex F/F, not sisters!)


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Hello darlings! New story time!

So I’ve been on my Supergirl kick for a while now; and for anyone who couldn't already tell, I write them as girlfriends, NOT adoptive sisters. I wrote two stories where Kara loses her powers and gets sick, and Alex takes care of her; and then after Maggie Sawyer was introduced on the show and Alex got a legit lesbian relationship with legit amazeballs chemistry, I wrote one story where Alex is sick and Maggie takes care of her. But, Kalex is still my OTP…and I just realized I still hadn’t written a Kalex story where Kara takes care of Alex. Major oversight! Plz enjoy J


Protector of Truth, Justice, and Alex

A Supergirl fic for SFF (Kara/Alex F/F—not sisters!)

Part 1



            Alex was blinking rain water out of her eyes when the enormous k’hund caught her off guard with a backhanded swipe that sent her flying across the alley, before she slammed into the brick wall, then down onto the wet cement. She knew she wasn’t really injured; but the blow had knocked all the air out of her so hard, she couldn’t bounce back up, because she couldn’t breathe. Watching Alex go down and stay down was all the focus Kara needed, and the blonde girl flew at the huge muscled beast like a rocket, slamming it down into the ground so hard that she crushed six feet of concrete under its back, bursting pipes as it went. It didn’t get up again, either. Kara unconsciously snarled at the beast as she floated back up out of the hole she’d just created with the k’hund’s body. That’s what you get for messing with my girl, she thought to herself stonily.


            “Good work, Danvers,” J’onn said with a clap on her soggy shoulder as she touched back down on the sidewalk, her hair plastered to her back. The rain was pouring down through the chilled night air, all three of them were soaked; but J’onn and Kara didn’t feel it. The wet, yes, but not the cold. Just like they didn’t feel bullets hit them and bounce off again; their alien physiology was impervious. Alex, on the other hand, was shivering and covered in goosebumps as she struggled to regain her breath, dripping cold rain and pushing herself up into a sitting position on the soggy sidewalk.  


            “Lexie? Hey, are you okay?” Kara’s attention was immediately caught by her girlfriend’s wheezy, shallow gasping as she fought to breathe normally, leaning back against the alley wall now with her eyes closed.


            “Uh-huh,” Alex panted weakly. “J-just…got the wind knocked out of me…”  


            “Jesus, you’re bleeding,” Kara fretted, pressing her hand over four deep slash marks across Alex’s upper arm where the k’hund had hit her into the wall. Blood was streaming down the dark-haired girl’s sleeve. She looked at it blankly.


            “Whoa…I d-didn’t even f-feel that…”


            “That’s because you’re in shock,” Kara sighed, anxious but not panicking. She knew enough to know this injury wasn’t life threatening; just bloody and gross. “And getting hypothermia won’t help. C’mere…” She scooped Alex up into her arms, sharing her solar-powered body heat as she zipped them back over to the DEO Humvee, where J’onn was now securing the beast, along with three other agents, to be transported back to containment.


            “Kara, I can stand up,” Alex whined, though she kept her chilled face pressed against her girlfriend’s warm neck, making no move to resist.


            “I know. Now shut up,” Kara instructed in a very loving but no-nonsense voice. To J’onn, she said, “Alex is hurt, I’m taking her back to the DEO before she loses any more blood.” J’onn nodded, tearing off a strip of his own shirt and binding it tightly over the slashes on Alex’s arm. When he pulled the fabric tight, Alex flinched, the pain she hadn’t felt before suddenly screaming to life; but she didn’t make a sound. It took a lot to make Alex admit she was in pain. Kara felt the flinch, though.


            “Good work, both of you. Now go get fixed up,” their Martian boss smiled, his fatherly affection for both of them clear in his dark eyes. “Grey, you don’t leave HQ without med team’s sign-off, got it?”


            “Y-yes sir,” Alex mumbled behind chattering teeth. With a nod of acknowledgement, Kara shot off into the sky, Alex cuddled up against her girlfriend’s warm body without any resistance. She may be tough, but she wasn’t a robot. She was bleeding and shivering and soaked to the bone, and she leaned into the warmth of the blonde girl’s solar-powered body all the way back to the DEO.




            “Why do I have to have fluids, I’m not dehydrated,” the dark-haired girl whined halfheartedly, her legs hanging over the side of the gurney in the DEO med bay as their lead medic gently inserted an IV needle into the crook of her arm.


            “Alex, you have a PhD in Bioengineering. From Stanford. Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?” Dr. Schwartzman teased their top field agent gently.


            “Because…th-this is unnecessary,” the dark-haired young agent stuttered unconvincingly. “J-just stitch me up so I can go home, I’ll be f-f-fine.”


            “You know what doesn’t sound fine? When you need three f’s to say the word fine,” Kara teased gently, sitting behind Alex on the narrow medic bed and towel-drying the dripping rain water from her girlfriend’s dark hair.


            “Shut up,” Alex grumbled, but with no sting in her voice. She just sounded vulnerable and exhausted. At least to Kara, who knew her better than anyone.  


            “An excellent counterpoint,” Dr. Schwartzman said lightly with a little half-smirk as she taped the needle into place and flicked the bag of fluids to make sure it was flowing properly. “But you’re still borderline hypothermic, and I’m not letting you out of here until your body temp is at least up to 97. Now sit still and let me stitch up this arm before I have to give you a blood transfusion, too.”


            “Okay, okay,” Alex sighed wearily, leaning back into Kara’s arms and letting her girlfriend cuddle up to her affectionately. This, Kara knew, was stage one: Alex was clearly in pain, not enough to admit it in words, not enough to ask for anything; but enough to passively express, to Kara alone, a need for physical comfort from her favorite girl in the galaxy. The blonde girl wrapped both arms around her girlfriend’s chilled body and kissed her temple, feeling Alex begin to relax against her while the doctor worked on her arm. They sat in silence for a few minutes, Alex’s eyes growing heavy as the adrenalin of the alien bust drained away. Then she sat up abruptly in Kara’s arms, her good arm flinching reflexively to cup a hand to her face.


            “Hh’chxhhuh! *Snfl.*” Alex half-stifled her sneeze against the palm of her hand, wiping her nose on her wrist with a soft sigh.


            “Bless you, baby,” Kara hummed protectively. 


            “I’m not sick,” Alex replied defensively, sniffling softly as she wiped her nose on her sleeve.


            “All I said was bless you,” Kara replied mildly, knowing it was much too soon to allow herself to get sucked into this power struggle. Alex would sniffle and sneeze and cough and shiver miserably; but she would continue to insist she wasn’t sick until they were alone in their apartment, just the two of them, and she was too weak to stand up anymore.


            “I’m just saying,” the dark-haired girl grumbled, leaning back limply against her girlfriend’s warm body again.


            “Okay.” Kara smiled softly. Dr. Schwartzman just kept stitching, wisely keeping her mouth shut. After a few more minutes of peaceful silence, Alex began to sniffle. She tried to be quiet, but she couldn’t help it, and she raised her good arm again to wipe her nose. Kara reached for a box of tissues from the counter beside them, and put it in Alex’s lap wordlessly.  


            “Thag you,” the dark-haired girl murmured, pulling one out and cupping it to her wet nose with one hand, giving a soft, halfhearted blow, awkward with just her left hand. Kara still managed to restrain herself from cooing and fussing over her sniffly girlfriend the way she wanted to, and just kissed her cheek quietly, snuggling up to her chilled body again. “Hhih’chxsheww!! *S-snf.*” Alex shuddered and sneezed again, pitching forward weakly with the soggy tissue cupped to her runny nose.


            “Bless you Lexie,” Kara murmured, more quietly than before, kissing Alex’s temple.


            “I’m still not sick,” the cranky dark-haired girl grumbled.


            “Okay,” Kara agreed mildly. 


            “I’m not.” 


            “I said okay.”


            “But I know you don’t mean it,” Alex huffed indignantly. Dr. Schwartzman chuckled as she snipped off the end of the last row of stitches, using a swab to cover the whole area with a coat of antibiotic ointment.


            “All right, all right, the cutest couple in the galaxy is now free to go,” the chief medic said good naturedly, with a shake of her head as she wrapped Alex’s arm up in a roll of gauze and taped it down firmly. 


            “Really?” Alex brightened for the first time since being deposited unwillingly on the exam table.


            “What about the hypothermia?” Kara demanded anxiously, glancing at the computer screen monitoring Alex’s vitals. Her body temp read 96.9. “You said she couldn’t leave until she was up to 97.”


           “Kara, what are you doing?” Alex complained, turning to give her girlfriend a glare. “She said we can go home.”


            “She also said you have hypothermia,” Kara shook her head, her blue eyes wide and anxious.


            “Borderline hypothermia,” the doctor interjected, shaking her head with a little smile. “And it’s resolving naturally, thanks to the warm saline and the personal Kryptonian heat generator you’ve got going here.” She gestured to their intimate position, Kara’s arms curled protectively around Alex’s body.


            “Thanks doc,” Alex smiled sincerely, holding out her arm to have the needle removed. Then, a moment after, she snatched a fresh tissue from the box in her lap, a thin trail of snot slipping teasingly from one side of her nose. “Aahiiishuh!! *S-snf!*” She doubled over into her lap with a little shiver, tissue cupped snugly to her face with both hands now.


            “Bless you.” The doctor smiled and patted her good arm before moving to clear away the bloody bandages from Alex’s stitches. 


            “I know, I know, you’re still not sick,” Kara hummed, stroking Alex’s damp hair absently. Alex blew her nose softly, and sighed, dropping her head against Kara’s neck.


            “Cand we go home now, Kar? *Snghf.*”


            “Yeah, baby. We can go home,” Kara agreed gently, with a broad smile that Alex couldn’t see. This time Alex didn’t complain when Kara hopped off the table holding her girlfriend protectively in her warm, impossibly strong arms. 

Edited by wannablessedbe
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Hello my dears!


I usually wouldn’t write a second part for a story that only got two comments…but I am so in love with these characters I really can’t help myself. I hope there are some ppl who are reading and enjoying! Maybe let me know if you want a third part? ;)





Protector of Truth, Justice, & Alex

Part 2



            By the time they got home from the DEO bust, it was almost midnight; but they’d missed dinner because of the alien attack, and missing meals was not something that Kara Zor-El Danvers was capable of doing. She made a beeline for the kitchen, grabbing as many snacks as she could carry and bringing them out to the living room area of their loft apartment, where Alex was half-slumped miserably on the sofa. Kara hated seeing her favorite person in the whole universe looking so pitiful; but she knew from half a lifetime of experience that taking care of a sick and injured Alex required a slow roll. The dark-haired girl hated feeling vulnerable or helpless, when she was usually so tough and in-command all the time. It used to make Kara lose her mind, wanting to help Alex feel better but not being allowed to; but by now, the blonde girl knew the steps to this dance perfectly, and she knew how to win. She even found it cute.


            “Hey.” Kara sat down on the couch beside her girlfriend’s limp body, smoothing the mussed hair back from her face and giving her a very sweet smile. “So what do you want to eat?”


            “Eh.” Alex shrugged one shoulder passively. “I dunno.”


            “Well I was thinking Noonan’s…I need a burger. Or three.” Kara knew Noonan’s grilled cheese was one of Alex’s favorite comfort foods; but she also knew that if she suggested it herself, she would just get shot down. Taking care of Alex when she was just starting to get sick was a little like playing chess. You always had to plan three steps ahead.


            “Yeah, Noonan’s is good….can I have a grilled cheese? Hhhiishxch!! *Snghf.*” Alex wrapped her good arm across her face with a sudden sneeze into her sleeve, followed by a few sharp coughs.


            “Bless you.” Kara leaned forward and grabbed the Kleenex from the center of the coffee table, depositing it in Alex’s lap with a soft, lingering kiss to her forehead, which still felt very chilly. Alex just gave a grumpy little whine in response, wiping her nose on a tissue without comment. Then she leaned over and dropped her head against Kara’s shoulder. “Grilled cheese coming right up,” Kara smiled softly, pulling Alex more snugly against her and playing with her hair. “And fries?”


            “Ndoe,” Alex sniffed, wiping her nose again. “Just grilled cheese.”




            “Yeah…thadks.” The dark-haired girl sighed and closed her eyes. Kara smiled and played with her hair for another quiet minute.


            “Whatever makes you happy makes me happy, Lex. You know that.”


            “Yeah…I do,” Alex murmured, and Kara could hear the shy smile in her voice. Putting a smile on Alex’s face when she felt sick and vulnerable made the blonde girl feel as triumphant as rescuing a trapped firefighter from a burning building. She dashed off the order on her phone, nibbling on cheese and crackers and chocolate milk and peanut butter cookies while they waited for their “real” food to be delivered.


Alex didn’t touch the snacks; but she also made no move to separate from Kara’s warm body, staying cuddled up against her side with her head leaning submissively on the blonde girl’s shoulder. Kara kept one hand protectively on Alex’s leg, drawing absentminded little patterns with her fingertips while they watched TV. When Alex coughed, Kara didn’t say anything; she just kissed her hair and rubbed her back.


            “Hhh…’chxshhiuh!!” The dark-haired girl’s sleepy eyes snapped shut as she pitched forward and sneezed into a fresh tissue, shivering all the way down her spine.


            “Bless you,” Kara cooed, while Alex coughed hoarsely behind the tissue and wiped her nose.


            “Thadks…” Alex huffed softly, pulling another tissue from the box and cupping it snugly to her nose as her eyes slid shut again, with a helplessly soft little hitch. “HhehISHOOoo!!! Iiishhxuh!! *Snfl*…ughh.” She sighed wearily as she opened her eyes, still wiping her runny nose in the damp tissue. She looked so exhausted.


            “Aww, baby…come here,” Kara murmured, her voice so gentle and full of love that there was no resisting it. She opened her arms, and Alex curled up half on top of her solar-powered girlfriend, finally beginning to give in to the comfort she desperately wanted, despite feeling ashamed of her weakness. Kara never needed to be babied like this. Kara didn’t sniffle or sneeze or get fever chills. For a tough girl like Alex, this imbalance was a hard pill to swallow. But eventually, she always gave in; because she knew Kara loved her and wanted to take care of her as much as Alex wanted to let her.


            “Poor little boo…you don’t feel good,” the blonde girl murmured protectively, kissing the top of Alex’s dark head, now snuggled against her chest.


            “Yeahhh,” Alex admitted in a very small voice, before a rattling cough came over her and she cupped her hands to her face, even though Kara was impervious to her germs.


            “Can I give you some NyQuil, hmm baby? You’re exhausted, you need sleep. And you’re not gonna get it with this yucky cold.” Kara threaded her fingers absently through Alex’s dark hair, feeling her chilled skin slowly warming the longer she stayed cuddled up to Kara’s solar-powered body. Alex gave a soft whine of resistance, which didn’t surprise Kara in the slightest.


            “I dod’t need mbedicine…I just need sleep,” the dark-haired girl grumbled, with a fresh sniffle as she wiped her nose on the end of her sleeve.


            “Yes, but you won’t get any sleep without the medicine, you’ll be up coughing and sneezing all night.”


            “Doe I wod’t,” Alex whined, pressing the back of her wrist against the leaky underside of her nose as it began to tickle and twitch again. “Hhh—hheh—hhahiiischx!! *S-snf*…” She buried her nose in her sleeve again as she sneezed against Kara’s chest, sniffling and fumbling for another tissue while the blonde girl kept her cuddled close, pulling a blanket off the back of the couch and throwing it over both of them.


            “Your opening argument is not compelling,” Kara observed in a deadpan, observational tone, a small smile playing across her lips as she played with her girlfriend’s dark hair.


            “Dod’t be a brat. I’mb sigck,” Alex whined softly, her voice losing its snarky edge as her resistance began to crumble, and the shy vulnerability shone through.


            “Yes you are,” the blonde girl agreed gently, tilting her girlfriend’s face up and giving her a very soft kiss, totally unperturbed by her damp, runny nose. “And I’m gonna take care of you whether you like it or not, stubborn girl. So you might as well save your strength and stop fighting me. Resistance is futile.”


            “You’re such a dork,” Alex grinned shyly. “Do they keep NyQuil stocked on your Borg cube?”


            “Yep.” Kara stroked her girlfriend’s pale cheek and kissed her again. Alex sighed softly and leaned her forehead against Kara’s, their oldest way of giving each other comfort, or asking for it. “Sweet girl,” Kara murmured, her fingers threading through Alex’s hair again. Then Alex pulled back with one hand hovering woozily in front of her face, looking at the blonde girl expectantly through narrowed eyes as her breath hitched and the rims of her nostrils opened involuntarily wide, pink and glistening slightly. Kara pressed a tissue into Alex’s open hand.


            “Aaahhtxchshu!! *Snfl*…” The sick sneeze was too much for Alex’s exhausted body, and she pitched forward dizzily into her lap, with her wet nose pushed firmly into the tissue.


            “Bless you,” Kara murmured gently, handing over a fresh tissue as she watched Alex stubbornly fighting off another sneeze, eyes glazed, nose running. She looked so helpless, the blonde girl just wanted to cuddle her forever.


            “Aaahh—aah—ahhiiitshxeww!!! Aaah’tshxxh!!! *Snfl*…Hhhtshiiixh!!” nose buried in the soggy tissue, Alex sneezed desperately, shivering all over. Kara cuddled her and kissed the top of her head.


            “Bless you, zrhueiao,” the blonde girl hummed soothingly, unconsciously falling back on the Kryptonian term of endearment for her beloved. Alex groaned miserably.


            “Kara…I don’t feel good…” the dark-haired girl finally admitted shamefully, in a soft, miserable voice.


            “I know, boo. You’re really coming down with something, huh? It’s okay, I’m here. Just let me take care of you, Lexie…you know you’re safe with me. I got you.” Kara stroked the messy dark hair back from Alex’s pale face, and covered her with kisses.


            “I love you,” the shivering, sniffly girl murmured shyly.


            “I love you too, baby girl,” Kara smiled softly. Alex’s nose was running again, but she was too sleepy to reach for another tissue; so she just sniffled and swiped it against her sleeve.


            “’Chhxiiuh!! *Snghf.*”


            “Bless you, Lexie-boo,” Kara cooed sweetly, finally allowing her loving nature to completely take over now that Alex’s walls were really and truly crumbling. The blonde girl grabbed a fresh tissue and wiped her girlfriend’s damp pink nose. Alex didn’t say anything; but she wrapped her arm more firmly around Kara’s warm body.


            “I’m getting you medicine now,” the blonde alien girl murmured gently, with another kiss to Alex’s pale forehead. “Stay put.”


            “No problem,” the young federal agent yawned softly, allowing her girlfriend to slide out from under her without putting up any resistance. Like Kara had told her already…resistance was futile.



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The warm and fuzzies are so adorable in this part! Thank you for continueing despite the relative lack of response. I think the board in general has been a bit quieter in the last few weeks than normally.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello darlings! I didn't think I was going to write another part for this...but then I did :)



Protector of Truth, Justice, and Alex

Part 3




            Kara was sitting quietly in bed, diligently working on a revision of her latest article for CatCo Magazine, when she felt Alex begin to stir beside her. It took less than half a second for the blonde alien girl to save and close her document, put the computer on the bedside table, and turn back toward Alex again, before the groggy girl had even opened her eyes.


            “Ughhh,” Alex sighed, sleepy and dazed and stuffed up, hazel eyes glassy as she blinked up at Kara’s sweet, attentive smile.


            “Hi,” Kara murmured warmly, blue eyes sparkling as she snuggled down against Alex’s side, brushing her hair back and stroking her flushed cheek.


            “Hi,” Alex croaked back, rubbing her eyes. “Mby alarmb dided’t go off…” Her voice was rough and congested, and talking made her throat itch, and she coughed for a minute, rolling onto her side and cupping one hand to her face against the pillow. Kara rubbed her back protectively.


“Aww, Lexie…you’ve got a fever, baby girl. A bad one. I turned off your alarm. And that cough sounds like it hurts…how do you feel?”


            “I’mb so sleepy,” the dark-haired girl croaked softly, rubbing her eyes again with a wet-sounding sniffle, then another. “…Do we hafta get up ndow? *Snghf.*” She sniffled again, then broke into another sharp cough. With the next sniffle, her nose was running; Kara leaned over her and grabbed the box of tissues from Alex’s side of the bed and put them in front of her, with a kiss on her warm forehead.


            “No, babe, we don’t have to get up now. We’re not getting up today, okay? We’re just gonna stay right here,” Kara cooed, her fingers playing lightly through Alex’s soft, dark hair.


            “Okay,” Alex agreed absently, taking a tissue as her eyes slid shut. She didn’t make a sound when she breathed in, but she trembled visibly as she pressed the tissue to her wet nose. “Hhhaishhxuh!! Hh-hhhaiiishx!!! *Snfl.*” Alex buried her sneezes in the damp tissue, even though Kara was in no danger from her germs.


            “Aww, baby, bless you,” the blonde girl sighed, with a little smile as she rubbed Alex’s back and cuddled her closer. The dark-haired girl curled herself into Kara’s arms, laying her head down against her girlfriend’s chest with a soft, submissive little whine that no one but the blonde girl would ever hear. Even though Kara hated seeing Alex suffer, it was an undeniable relief to skip over the cranky and resistant part, straight to the part where Alex let Kara take care of her without argument; and even let herself enjoy the loving attention a little. The blonde girl could already tell that they were skipping right over that phase—or maybe had just skipped over it in the night while they were asleep—just from the first sixty seconds of Alex being awake. First, Kara had told her they weren’t getting up, and she’d had nothing to say but okay; then all the submissive behavior; and those sick sneezes, two in a row like that, breathless and stuffy with only a shallow gasp in between. Alex never sneezed like that. Except when she had a really bad cold and her nose was running like a tap, the way it was right now.


            “Thadks,” the dark-haired girl mumbled stuffily, taking another tissue and blowing her nose. But blowing didn’t help much; she still made a wet, snuffly sound as she wiped the soggy tissue against the bottom of her nose. “Uuhh’xchsh!! *Snf!*…ohhh.”


            “Bless you,” Kara murmured again, never tiring of playing with her girlfriend’s hair. Alex blew her nose again, sounding just as congested as before.


            “Kar?” she croaked softly.


            “Mm-hmm?” Kara hummed, leaning in and kissing her snuffly girlfriend between the eyes for no particular reason.


            “Will you mbake be a cup of tea? *Snghf.*”


            “I would love to make you a cup of tea.” Kara smiled, kissing Alex lightly on the lips this time.


            “Thag you,” the dark-haired girl sighed, a slightly breathless, stuffy sort of sigh, pulling another tissue from the box and holding it in front of her face for a few long, silent moments. Kara could see Alex’s nose beginning to run, a thin trickle of snot leaking gently from one side. She shivered again as she cupped the tissue to her runny nose with both hands. “Hhhehxchht!! Hhhiih, hh-hheahhsxchew!!! *S-snfl*…” She sneezed twice and blew her nose as Kara blessed her, rubbing her back and kissing her temple affectionately.


It was Kara’s natural instinct to shower Alex with affection when she wasn’t feeling well; long before they were girlfriends, ever since they were kids. Alex had always been the cranky and stubborn type when she was sick; she hated to let anyone see her so vulnerable, even her parents. She would hold out for as long as she possibly could, insisting through sniffles and sneezes and chills and rattling coughs that she was perfectly fine; until she either got better on her own, or pushed herself to the point where she literally couldn’t get out of bed. That was when she finally let Kara baby her. This bug was so nasty, though, it had hit her like a ton of bricks in just one night.


“C’mere, sweet girl,” the blonde alien hummed softly, gathering her girlfriend up in her arms with the blankets still wrapped around her. Alex said nothing, but laid her head down against Kara’s neck, not a word of protest at being carried from bed like a child. The truth was, if she was alone she wouldn’t have the energy to get up at all; she wouldn’t feed herself, she wouldn’t make herself tea. She’d just stay in bed with the blankets pulled up over her head, sick and miserable and ashamed of her weakness, too ashamed to ask for help. Only Kara was allowed to do this, cuddle her and feed her and wipe her nose when she couldn’t stop sneezing. Only Kara.


“I love you,” Alex murmured stuffily against Kara’s neck, clinging to the blonde girl’s warm body as she was carried to the couch. She coughed and trembled in Kara’s arms, and Kara just held her a little tighter, kissing the top of her head.


“I love you too, Lexie,” Kara murmured, her blue eyes sparkling with affection as she tucked her precious bundle onto the couch, with the blankets snug around her so she wouldn’t be chilly. Before Alex could even protest being left alone on the couch, Kara was already gone and back, faster than a bullet, with a hot cup of tea which she put on the coffee table right within Alex’s reach. Then she climbed under the covers with her sleepy, sniffling girl, adding her Kryptonian body heat to the warmth of the blankets. “Is this good, baby?”


“Uh-huh,” the dark-haired girl nodded, rubbing her nose on the end of her sleeve as she curled up weakly on top of her girlfriend. “Iiiishxhuh!! *Snfl*…” Alex sneezed helplessly into the tissue that was instantly pressed to her runny nose, sniffling softly as Kara wiped gently under her wet nostrils and kissed her feverish forehead.


“Bless you, poor little thing,” Kara cooed, already holding a fresh tissue an inch in front of Alex’s pink nose as it twitched and pulsed for a moment, desperate to give in to another sick, snotty sneeze.


“Hh—hhaehh’shcxuh!!!” Kara pushed the tissue a little more firmly around Alex’s nose as she sneezed again, a feverish shiver running all the way down her spine. “Ughhh…” She sighed and took the tissue from Kara’s hand, blowing her nose weakly. “How are you so good to mbe?”


“How are you still so surprised?” Kara asked back, stroking Alex’s hair again with a goofy, loving smile on her face. “Here, drink your tea.” She held up the gently steaming mug, and Alex took a few small sips, not even trying to take the mug from Kara’s hand because she’d probably just spill it. She just put one hand over her girlfriend’s to steady the cup against her lips.


“Oh, Jesus, that feels good,” the sleepy girl sighed, dropping her head back down against Kara’s chest after a few sips.


“I realize you’re in a total snot fog right now, but try to remember you said that, okay?” Kara teased gently, playing with Alex’s hair again. “Remember that it feels good. When you let me take care of you and make you tea when you’re sick, it feels good.”


“I doe…I doe,” Alex yawned, lifting her head again; and without Alex having to say anything, Kara held the hot tea back to her lips. The dark-haired girl sighed contentedly between sips. “You always take such good care of mbe…I just…wish I could take care of you, too.” The steamy tea was loosening the congestion in her head a little, and she blew her nose into a fresh tissue.


“Alex. You know you take care of me…you know that,” Kara said seriously, tilting her girlfriend’s chin up to prevent her from avoiding eye contact. “You took care of me from the moment I stepped out of my pod onto this planet.”


“But ndot…*snghf!*…ndot like this…aahexshhiuh!! *S-snf.*” Alex sneezed into her already-soggy tissue, too soaked to wipe away the snot running from her nose after she sneezed; it just got smeared around a little. Kara handed her a fresh one, and she immediately pressed it to her wet nose and sneezed again. “Uuhhiiishxxt!! Iiiihhshx!!! *Snfl*…”


“Bless you, little snifflebug,” Kara cooed, waiting patiently as Alex sneezed twice more, then blew her nose in another tissue. There was a soggy little pile already scattered over the coffee table.


“I dod’t like this,” Alex whined softly, still wiping her nose and sniffling as she dropped her head back down in exhaustion.


“I know Lex,” Kara signed sympathetically, her hand automatically finding Alex’s hair again. “And I know you don’t take care of me exactly like this…because I don’t get sick. But you do take care of me like nobody else ever has. You know that. You slept under my bed with me when I had a panic attack after my first earthquake, remember?”


“Well that wased’t your fault…you were…*snghf!*…you were traumatized. You saw your whole plant explode. Who else has ever had to live with a memory like that?” Alex protested sleepily.


“Who else is there holding onto me and singing me to sleep when I have PTSD flashbacks?” Kara replied gently, answering Alex’s question with one of her own.


“But I like doing that,” the dark-haired girl yawned softly. “It mbakes you feel better. …Iiiihxshuh!!!” Alex shuddered with another desperately sick sneeze into her bare hand; Kara pulled it away and wiped under her girlfriend’s runny nose a few times with a fresh tissue. Alex sniffled, but didn’t protest.


“I like making you feel better, too,” the blonde superhero whispered, with a smile in her voice. Alex smiled shyly back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love it!Thank you for sharing,the fic is perfect!!I would love to see more of this,I would never get tired of reading this fic!!

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