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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Surprisingly Compelling - The Vampire Diaries: Damon/Elena


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 I can't believe I'm doing this. I've been lurking for like 4 years and never thought to actually provide some content. I'm definitely not a writer, so please don't judge this too harshly. I've been watching way too much Vampire Diaries to be healthy these past couple weeks, and, needless to say, I've been searching everywhere for some Delena stories on here. There's obviously a need so I guess you'll have to settle for me to fill it. Sorry in advanced. 

Okay, so context: Not really sure when this is set, I haven't given it that much thought. Maybe sometime after their motel kiss. Elena is still debating who she has stronger feelings for, but she's starting to lean. I don't really remember the big, enemy plot line during that time period, though, so I'm sort of all over the place. Basically, Damon has the fetish and Stefan's out combing his hero hair, leaving Elena all to Damon. I'm on season 7 (and a hardcore, now heartbroken Delena shipper) and I've pretty much spent the whole show imagining how much fun everyone on this forum would have with the power of compelling. I mean, seriously though. The rest is self explanatory.

WARNING: I'm writing this before I actually write the story so I'm not sure how seriously it should be taken, but there might be spoilers for anything up to season 7 and some parts could make no sense out of context. Hopefully anyone reading this has watched the show.

I think I talk too much. On to the story.


Stefan was out on some heroic mission and Damon was bored, so he thought he'd have a little bit of harmless fun. He compelled her. 

“You have an urgent itch, deep within your sinuses, just dying to be released in a desperate fit of sneezes, but unfortunately for you, the only time your poor nose has permission to let loose is when my fingers rub its delicate surface.” Damon’s voice caught in his throat as he watched her nostrils begin to flair. But he didn’t stop there. He was only getting started. "You’re granted just a few moments of relief, which you'll enjoy very much, until the tickle returns, strong as ever. Now, my dear Elena, forget we ever had this conversation and head back inside.” Damon smiled to himself. This was going to be the best day of his life.

After waiting a few of the longest minutes of his life, he decided it’d been long enough and walked up to her door, ringing the doorbell. Damon hadn't been this excited in years. Elena took longer than usual to answer it, obviously struggling with something. He listened in, trying to locate her. The soft patter of her feet hitting the ground, step after step, sounded form above him. He called out to her.

“Oh Elena, I’m not getting any younger out here.”

He heard her start for the stairs and before he knew it, she'd opened the door. He stared at her for a solid 10 seconds before snapping out of his trance. She was absolutely stunning, despite her condition. She looked as though she’d been crying for hours. Her eyes were rimmed red and teary and her nose was already a bright shade of pink, like it had been scrubbed relentlessly. 

“What do you want, Deh-damon?” She asked, raising her eyebrows. Her obvious annoyance was slightly compromised by her hitching breath.

“What, is it such a crime to pay a completely platonic visit the beautiful love of my brother's life?” He leaned against the door frame, feigning offense.

"Ca-cahn you re-eh-ally blame me for questioning your motives?" 

"Oh come on, Elena..." He trailed off mid sentence as her eyes glazed over. To keep up with the clueless act, he pretended not to notice. She started to raise her hands to her nose, getting ready for the upcoming sneeze, or at least that's what she thought she was doing. A tear brought on by her nose's unrelenting itch fell down her cheek and she lowered her hands, frustrated, and gave a few dry sniffs.

"Hey," his voice softened. "What's wrong? I'm not that bad of company, am I?" He smiled cockily.

She laughed airily and it was music to his ears. "No, Damon, it's no...not you. My nose is just so i-iih ihh..." She got so close to relief just to have the compulsion steal it away from her. "Oh my god! I can't sneeze!"

Damon wanted to kiss her until they both couldn't even stay awake anymore right then and there, but he had a plan. And now it was time to set it into motion.



Please leave tips and feedback. Like I said, i've never done this before and wanted to make sure at least someone's interested before dedicating myself to writing this. Hopefully I can do a Part 2. :)


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This is so intersting! I have a soft spot for teasing sneezes in fics so I'm really looking forward to this. And honestly this wholly fits Damon's personality XD if he had the fetish he would so do this!

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