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Youth Board SS for Pinkie (Percy Jackson)


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Hey @PinkiePie I'm your secret santa for this year! I'm sorry for the long wait, I was out of the country for the first half of January then I got pretty sick for the other half resulting in no time to write. But finally, here it is!!! I was so stoked to see you liked Percy Jackson! I've never written allergies before, or a Percy Jackson fanfic, so I hope it's okay! I also tried to include other things you like! 

This takes place after Blood of Olympus. I figured even if you haven't read it, the fic is still easy to understand!


 Percy Jackson really appreciated when his life was normal.

It wasn’t easy being normal when he was the son of Posiedon, a demigod of one of the big three. Not to mention he was always abused by the Gods in one way or another, and hunted by every damn monster in the United States of America.

He was glad to finally be back in New York visiting his mom and his step-dad Paul with Annabeth. After defeating Gaea, and preventing the known world from erupting into chaos, he felt like he deserved a date with his girlfriend.

It was a warm sunny day in late May and Percy thought it would be a nice idea to take a walk through Central Park. The park was filled with couples, dogs, and joggers enjoying the afternoon sun, and Annabeth squeezed his hand.

“I’m so glad everything is back to normal,” she said softly, blinking up at him under her red baseball cap.

“Me too,” Percy said squeezing her hand tighter. He sniffed inaudibly pinching his nose with his free hand to stave off a sudden itch. “I just wish the others were here with us.”

“You mean you don’t want alone time with me?” Annabeth teased, raising her eyebrows inquisitively.

“Of course I do wise girl,” Percy laughed stopping under a huge oak tree, pulling Annabeth down on the soft grass beside him.

“It’s just we haven’t all been together as a group without being on some dangerous quest,” he said, positioning Annabeth so her head lay in his lap.

“You know Leo is with Calypso and I’m sure Piper, Jason, Frank and Hazel are off doing something important.” Annabeth said looking up at her boyfriend.  “We’ll see them soon.”

“I know,” Percy said leaning back against the tree. “I just worry about them.”

“So loyal,” Annabeth said softly, reaching up to push a flyaway strand of black hair behind his ear.

“It’s my fatal flaw sue me,” Percy said smiling down at her.

“I don’t think that’s the correct term,” Annabeth said closing her eyes, relaxing into him. “It’s not a flaw.”

“Then what is it?” Percy said rubbing his nose, the itch in the back of his sinuses beginning to grow.

“Adorable,” she said, her eyes still closed.

“Was that a rare Annabeth Chase compliment?” he asked with a grin.

“Don’t get too used to it,” Annabeth said, interlocking her fingers with his right hand.

If I could freeze this moment in time, I would, Percy thought, admiring her long blonde braids, his favourite way she wore her hair.

He sniffed quietly again, starting to get mildly annoyed with the prickle that seemed to lodge itself deep within his sinuses.

With a sudden shuddery inhale, he jerked to the left catching a surprisingly forceful Keh'ISHH! into the crook of his elbow. He massaged his nose, not even lasting twenty seconds before he shot forward with another trio of sneezes. EHGTCh! hah’EHGtSHu! hh-GTCHUUuh!

He blinked, his lashes wet, his eyes suddenly itching as much as his nose.

“I would say bless you but you’re definitely not done!” Annabeth said, her lips quirked in an amused sort of smile.

“How would y-you k-knooww- .. ah…hh…’tssSCH! hh..…hh’ISSCHUH!” He barely got his hands up in time, just narrowly avoiding spraying Annabeth who lay on his lap.

“I’m the daughter of Athena,” she winked. “I know everything.”

Ha-ISSHHH!” Percy suddenly sneezed, interrupted from answering her. “hh-hh–! h’IEGHkSsH’h!!”  HHhh- NGKSh’u! hhEeSsHh’uh! hihh’h.. hh-hh–! h’IEGHkSsH’h!”

Hhhe-ehh-hh!” he gasped a moment later as he recovered, rubbing his long finger back and forth under his itching nose. Gods what was making him sneeze like this?

Annabeth was laughing below him, and Percy glared, blinking back tears from his watering eyes.

“This isn’t funny,” he said with a sniff.

“Oh it’s pretty funny from down here,” Annabeth retorted, clearly amused at the stupid look he was undoubtedly making.

“Look at the sun,” she suggested giggling.

“Hhh-ahh- my god!” Percy muttered desperately. He tipped his head back blinking blearily at the sun. His nose flared viscerally, his toned chest rising and falling with desperate hitching gasps.

“I have some ideas to help you out seaweed brain,” Annabeth said slyly.  “But I don’t think they’re very appropriate in public.”

“What?” Percy sputtered, choking on air in complete surprise, his concentrated breathing forgotten. As she suspected the distraction was enough to set him off and he wheezed in disbelief before his nose flared and he snapped forward with a loud Hhhh- HRRSCCCHHUH!”

Percy’s cheeks coloured, in a way that was way to adorable for his own good.

“E-excuse me!” he practically squeaked, rubbing his nose that still seemed to be bothering him.  “Sorry Annabeth I don’t know what’s wrong with meeee - hah’EHGtSHu!

He sharply turned into shoulder to avoid spraying her, and she finally sat up, unable to hold back laughs.

Percy recovered a moment later, his cheeks still pink.

“You think this is funny?” he asked again, unable to hold back a grin

He grabbed her by the shoulders as she tried to stop laughing at him, squealing as he forced her on her back.

“Huh wise girl?” he asked, tickling her sides with his fingers. “You think is funny don’t you?”

“Percy!” Annabeth squealed, squirming as she tried to duck away. “You know I’m ticklish!”

“Why would you tell me that if you knew I was going to use it against you?” Percy teased, laughing as he forced her arms still.

“Percy!” Annabeth squealed, laughing so hard her cheeks were starting to redden. “People are staring at us!”

“Let them stare,” he said moving to jump on top of her as he tickled her flat stomach. “I- Hhhhhh-’IiSHh’U! hHh’ISHIEW! H’IISH!!” He turned his head to the left as he exploded with three rapid fire sneezes. He was so caught off guard by the force and intensity he only had time to move his head to the side.

 “Hh’IiSHh’U!” Annabeth used his moment of weakness to roll out of the way as he fell backwards with three more EHGTCh! ..! hah’EHGtSHu! hh-GTCHUUuh!”

Percy recoiled in shock, sniffing liquidly. Even after all that, the itch was still there, pricking the back of his nose, bringing more tears to his eyes.

“Percy bless you!” Annabeth said still giggling at him.

“ IGHTssshh!-ii'H’GktSSchuh!” Percy sneezed in answer just barely covering his mouth.

“Ugh,” he rubbed his irritated nose again. “Thank you.”

“Here,” Annabeth said softly, reaching into her pocket, handing him a package of travel tissues.

“I brought these for you.”

“You knew I was going to start sdeezing like a maniac?” Percy asked, a hint of congestion lacing his voice. He pulled a few tissues from the package, buried his long nose into them, his cheeks still red from embarrassment

“No, but I knew you have hayfever,” Annabeth swallowed a laugh again, just looking at the state of her boyfriend.

“I do?” Percy asked, pulling another tissue free, blowing his nose softly.

“Yes Percy.” Annabeth rolled her eyes. “Seasonal allergies. You know, its what a lot of normal people have.”

Percy sniffed, as he looked at her, his nose red and irritated.

“How do you notice these things?”

Annabeth shook her head, biting back a smile. “Because I've been on how many quests with you at this point?" 

"True," Percy said, wiping his reddening nose. 

"And your my boyfriend," she added, her heart tightening at how endearing he looked. "It's my job to notice these things." she paused continuing before he noticed how sentimental she sounded. "Jeez Percy sometimes you really are a seaweed brain.”

She stood up, dusting her jeans off, offering a hand to her boyfriend who looked ready to dissolve into another fit if they stayed a moment longer.

“Come on. Let’s get out of here. I think your mom is expecting us soon anyway.”

He took her hand, climbing to his feet, his eyes still streaming with allergic tears.

“The great Percy Jackson brought to tears from tiny flowers,” Annabeth teased, poking him in the side. “Just think all Gaea had to do was make some flowers grow.”

“Annabeth,” Percy groaned, taking her hand again as they made their way back to the city streets. “I swear don’t tell anybody about this.”

“Okay,” Annabeth said, squeezing her boyfriend’s hand. “But if you tickle me again your fatal flaw isn’t going to be just loyalty.”

Edited by Melody
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OMG!! This is sooo good!! There's not enough Percy Jackson fics in here, you write the characters so well!

Are you going to continue? Please do

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5 hours ago, KD02 said:

OMG!! This is sooo good!! There's not enough Percy Jackson fics in here, you write the characters so well!

Are you going to continue? Please do

I'm so glad you liked it! Especially because I always worry about getting everyone in character when I write fanfics! 

I am not sure if I will continue this specific story but I will do some sick sneezy Percy with a caretaking Annabeth in the future because I enjoy that aspect of the fetish much more. :) 

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OMG thank you so much Melody! I love this so much! You write the characters so well! Thank you thank you thank you again!

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