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For BeatleLover22 Prompt A: The Wheels On the Bus. Person A: Bucky Person B: Steve


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Bucky sighed getting on the Greyhound as much as he loved the city he hated the claustrophobia that came with it. Steve Rodgers on the other hand just didn’t want to be anywhere but his bed, he winced as every seat was full except for one next to a man with pretty brown hair, he would have stayed standing but he didn’t know if he was physically capable at this point, so he walked over. “Excuse be would you mind if I sad dext do you?” Other passengers winced glaring at Steve while Bucky smiled warmly. “No problem man here let me get out so you can slide in, Steve was about to protest but Bucky spoke before he could. “Please let me” Steve gave in letting Bucky get out of his seat. Once Steve sat down he had to close his eyes to stop his vision and nausea he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, “Breath its ok I’m right here” Steve blushed sliding over allowing Bucky to sit down. “Thanks” Steve said, “No problem” “So I have three questions for you” Bucky said, “Go for it” Steve replied holding on to the stranger’s shoulder grounding himself as the Greyhound moved. “Ok First, What’s your name?” “Steve Rodgers” Ok mine’s Bucky Barn’s, Second, “What are you doing out here you look like you’re ready to purge your soul and die on the spot. Bucky said bluntly, Steve felt too sick to laugh but he smiled to show Bucky it made him happy. “I had to work.” Steve replied, His eyes drooping, Bucky smiled warmly speaking gently “Ok one more question where’s your stop?” “Brooklyn” Steve’s voice faded as he started to fall asleep on Bucky’s shoulder “were’s ur’s?” Steve’s rough voice slurred with sleep, Bucky smiled running his fingers through Steve’s damp hair, On the way” Steve sighed snuggling into Bucky’s shoulder.

Hours passed in warm silence then the Busmaster spoke. Brooklyn Apartments coming up folks Steve was still asleep on Bucky’s shoulder and Bucky didn’t have the heart to wake him so he texted his partner. 
To Goddess: Peggy darling can you please pick me up from the next bus stop I seem to have missed my original stop and I don’t want to walk- love you your Romanian Dork. Ps. I think I found the one to join us but its all up to you and him darling. And with that Bucky Barns hit sent.
Peggy Carter checked her phone smiling, And she texted back while simultaneously collecting her car keys. 

To My Romainion Dork: But of course darling you know I love any chance to see you. Ps. He sounds lovely and you must have had a good reason to miss your stop. “Danial, Jack I’m going to pick up James it seems he missed his bus.” “No problem Peggy you’re done for the day anyway go have a good day” Jack spoke “But my papers Jack” Daniel stopped her. “I’ll finish them I’m doing overtime anyway, don’t worry about making anything up.” Peggy smiled pecking both men on the cheek and sauntering out of the building and driving to Bucky. What she didn’t expect was how ill the man next to him looked. “Bucky darling is this the man you were talking about?” “You bet but I need your help to take him home”

“Well wake him first James you don’t just take people home without telling them” “You’re the boss” “You bet I am now wake that man up.” “Steve buddy wake up I’m going to drive you home.” Steve bolted upright burying his head into James’s neck to try and stop the vertigo, “Was goin on? Don’t feel good Bucky.” James frowned. “I know Steve that’s why my roommate and I are taking you home.” Steve gave a thumbs up. “Steve my name is Peggy I’m taking you home alright.” “Yes ma’am” Peggy smiled softly going to warm up the car while James carried Steve to the car. Hh-hshk Hshknx! Steve did his best not to sneeze anymore because if he got going he would never stop “ib sorry” Steve said half asleep, Bucky just got in the car holding Steve’s to warm body.
I HOPE YOU LIKE PART 1 sorry for lack of sneezes and taking so long but Part 2 will have plenty, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MERRY CHRISTMAS I HOPE YOU LIKE IT :D

Edited by batmansgirl
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First of all, I just have to say that, as you know, I do not like the Avengers at all, but you missy wrote an Avengers fic I actually enjoyed.  Second of all, your writing has improved phenomenally, and I'm insanely proud of you!  Wonderful story, love.  Keep up the good work! 

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