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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Cas, the embarrassed Angel

Voodoo huntress

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Alright, how was everyone’s New Year? I tried champagne again. Still gross.

These are from @Sneezy123. First one is “Muse A hates his sneezes. They are far from manly. Adorable, little fittish kitten like sneezes. It embarrasses him. Only, he's coming down with a horribly sneezy cold...so he does his best to try and not sneeze, but really, who is he kidding?”

I know I said this is a Sterek haul, but I got some major Destiel vibes from this one so I hope you don’t mind! (I have no idea whether to put this in the sterek topic or start a new one because I may continue? I’m not sure yet)


Dean was quietly singing along to Aerosmith since Castiel was asleep in the passenger seat. They had just finished a vampire’s nest up in Idaho and since Sam was sick with a cold, he tapped out. Vamp hunts require stealth and secrecy, two things that were out the window when your 6’5” brother blew snot every ten minutes. Cas, although still pretty new at the human life, was a decent hunter. Add that with a sexcapade here and there, and Dean was golden. Speaking of which, Dean took his eyes off the road for a quick second. Cas was out, mouth dropped open and a trail of drool escaping the corner. Dean’s eyes crinkled with a fond smile and turned his eyes back to the road, his thumb absently rubbing circles in Castiel’s thigh.

They were about half an hour out when Cas snuffled in his sleep. Dean paid him no attention, since it was normal. But the snuffles were getting louder and more frequent. Dean heard a small grunt and saw Cas making his trademark squint face.

“Well, hello there, Sleeping Beauty. Nice nap?” Dean teased lightly. Cas yawned and wiped at his mouth, nose twitching.

“Are we there yet?” Cas asked, his already grating voice even deeper from sleep. Cas used a finger to scratch at the side of his nostril.

“Pretty close. You could fall back asleep if you wanted to.” Dean said. Cas sniffled again and Dean took note. “Are you okay? You’ve been pretty sniffly for the past few hours.”

“Yes, I am fine. Thank you for asking.” Cas said, back straightening to hide any and all weakness. Dean refrained from shaking his head and turned his attention back to the road. Cas was still tense from the flaring itch in his nose. Shit. He didn’t want to sneeze. He loved Dean but the hunter could be pretty ruthless with jeers when given a chance. Cas’s breath hitched and his body locked up even tighter.

“Cas, are you okay? You look like you just ate a lemon.” Dean asked. Cas turned his head to the window and grunted an affirmative. When Dean shrugged, Cas focused back on the dilemma at hand. Maybe if he could stifle completely, he wouldn’t make the embarrass-

“Knxxt-SHOO!”  Half-stifle. Fuck. Cas was frozen at the silence that followed, not even daring a sniffle. He knew if he turned around; there would be the familiar shit-eating grin Dean owned.

“Bless ya, angel. You getting Sam’s cold?” Cas could hear the amusement in Dean’s voice. He shook his head quickly and flinched when his nose flared up again.

“H’SHOO! Knxxt! Knxxt-SHOO!” Cas could feel his ears burning at Dean’s chuckle. Dean rooted around in his jacket pocket and handed the diner napkin with what’s-her-face’s name on it.

“I think you might need to reconsider. Blow your nose.” Dean said. Cas deflated and took the napkin and blew his nose lightly and sniffled. Dean looked over and chuckled louder. Cas was pouting and he had a light flush dusting his cheeks and he just looked so sad. “Cas, babe, its okay. It’s just a cold.” Dean said, rubbing Cas’s thigh.

“Yes, but…it’s embarrassing. I hate sneezing.” Cas mumbled. He cleared his throat, the tickle from earlier getting sore.

“Alright, I won’t laugh anymore, okay? Don’t stifle, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Dean said. They pulled into the bunker garage and when the impala was in park and off, he turned to his angel. “How about we get you inside and bundled up? If you’re getting Sammy’s bug, a fever shouldn’t be too far behind.” Dean suggested. Cas nodded and brought the scratchy napkin up again.

“H’SHOO! H’SHIIH! Knxt-SHIH!” Cas cleared his throat painfully and to his great relief, Dean just kissed his forehead and didn’t react further.


It could end here, it could continue. I guess you guys can decide.

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Never enough awesome destiel fics. sick human Cas is my favorite! I would love more if you'd be so kind :-D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've decided to continue, and I'm sorry if its kinda bad. I'm not too good at continuing something so...here goes.


Dean hefted his duffle on his shoulder and held the door open for Cas. Cas walked in, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Why don't you take a quick shower and head to bed? I'll check on Sam and meet you there." Dean said. Cas sniffled and nodded, humming appreciatively when Dean pressed a light kiss to his lips, germs be damned. When the ex-angel shuffled off, Dean grabbed some supplies and headed to Sam's room. When he opened the door to complete darkness, he assumed his little brother was asleep. 

Dean walked towards the bed, wincing at the sound of Sam's rough snoring. When he turned on the lamp, he couldn't help but cringe at the sight of his brother. Sam's hair was...everywhere, some of it even trailing into his open mouth. His face was sweaty and unshaven and his sweatshirt and pajama pants were wrinkled and smelly. Come to think of it, Sam was pretty musty all around.

Sam had lightly scrunched his face when the lamp's light shined on his face but he just turned his head and relaxed again. Dean rolled his eyes and patted Sam's shoulder.

"Hey. Buddy. Come on, Sam, I need to drug you up, since I know you haven't moved since we left." Dean said, knowing all too well of Sam's 'hide-away' habit when he didn't feel well. And hiding meant not eating or taking medicine. Sam grunted, flapping an arm in Dean's general direction.


"God, what? What?" Sam rasped crankily and turned his head back towards Dean. Dean snickered at Sam's bitch face that was at max power.

"Here, medicine and water. Drink it all." Dean instructed. Sam grumbled, swallowed the pills and drank half the bottle. Dean decided not to argue with Sam since he was already pissy. Sam's face was scrunching up, and his jaw loosened. "Cover it, Sam."

Sam glared through half lidded eyes, before jerking into his covers.

"HD'SHHOO!! H'DSSHOO!" Sam groaned and sniffled thickly before reaching to fish the box of tissues out from the sea of tangled blankets. Dean made a mental note to make Sam camp on the couch while he quarantined his room.

"Go ahead and go back to sleep. Cas is starting to show signs of this bitch of a cold, so I'll make you two something easy on the stomach." Dean said. Sam just grunted and squished his face back into the pillow, ending the conversation. Dean patted Sam's back and turned off the light before leaving the room.

By the time he got to his and Cas' room, a freshly showered Cas was sitting on the edge of the bed, in the middle of a sneeze fit.

"NN'SHIIH! Knnxt-SHOO! Hh...Hih-SHOO!!" The high-pitched bursts seemed to tired out Cas even further, who sniffled wearily.

"Bless ya, Cas." Dean said, walking over to the sick man. Cas jumped lightly, and turned his head, blushing. Dean shook his head fondly and helped Castiel under the covers. "Get some rest, we'll see how you feel in the morning." Dean said, knowing full well that since this is the same bug Sam had, Cas would feel better, then get worse before hovering in the "worse" area like Sam currently was.


Let me know what you think :blushing:

Edited by Voodoo huntress
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  • 1 year later...

Oh I love this one so much! Cas hating his sneezes and Dean taking care of him while taking care of Sam too. This is amazing! Please continue! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Surprisingly, Castiel had slept through the night. When Dean woke the next morning, he looked over to see his angel's face smooshed into his pillow, the wet spot under his cheek either from drool or snot. Dean winced as Castiel breathed in, a rough snore and rattling exhale breaking the silence. Dean reached over and pressed the back of his fingers to his boyfriend's forehead and sighed at the damp heat before climbing off his side of the bed. He had a lot of work to do.
Dean was stirring the large pot of creamed wheat on the stove when he heard a sniffle and vocalized exhale behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see Sam, who was looking like he was falling asleep standing up.
"Why are you out of bed, dumbass?" Dean asked, giving the food one final stir after adding some salt and turned the stove eye down. He turned full around, watching his brother plop heavily into the kitchen chair.
"Snff...ugh, got hungry." Sam mumbled, sniffled again but setting off a round of dry coughing. Going by his dulled voice and unproductive coughs, Dean could tell he was blocked completely up. However, he was ready for this dilemma. Dean had a kettle going on another eye and grabbed a mug to pour the hot water in. He grabbed a mint tea bag and used a spoon to anchor the bag at the bottom of the water. As he was scooping some of the hot, creamy goop into a bowl, he heard a ragged inhale behind him.
"H'DSHH! Hh-DSHHUU!! God, fuck." Sam covered his nose with his arm and reached for the tissue box on the table. Sam quickly exchanged his arm for a clean wad of tissues, but Dean still winced at the flash of mess on Sam's face. He set the mug and bowl down in front of his little brother, who was unsuccessfully blowing his nose.
"Eugh. Finish this so I can give you some decongestants." Dean twisted up his face at the sounds coming from Sam and turned around to let his sick little brother eat in peace and to make himself a more substantial breakfast. It was quiet, save for the scraping of silverware against dishes and occacional snifflecoughsneeze, until Sam's dulled voice broke the silence.
"Uh....hey, Cas?" Sam sounded hesitant and a bit frightened, which caught Dean's attention. He turned around to see Sam looking up to a very bed-raggled ex-angel glaring at Sam.
"Cas, you're up. Ya hungry?" Dean asked his boyfriend, who acted like he didn't even hear him. "Cas? What's with the eyes of wrath?"
"...he did this to me." Castiel muttered, pointing at Sam, (who looked very grateful at the fact that Cas couldn't smite anymore).
"He infected me." Castiel puncuated this accusation with a breathy inhale and ducking into his hands. "Hih-SHOO! Knnxt-SHOO!" The dark-haired man looked at his messy hands in disgust and held them out to Dean.
"This is his fault, Dean." Castiel jiggled the coated hands for emphasis, his eyes projecting how betrayed he was. Dean had marginally flinched when Castiel swung to him and grabbed a paper towel.
"Okay. First of all, Cas, you can't really blame Sam for spreading a virus." Dean said as he wiped Castiel's hands off and passed him a tissue from Sam's box.
"Yes, I can. He caught it first." Castiel argued, voice muffled behind his tissue. Dean glanced at Sam, who looked like he was 5 seconds away from getting to safety. Castiel followed his gaze and his eyes hardened into a glare again. Dean used a hand to gently force his boyfriend to face him. Dean took in how rough Castiel looked; reddened nostrils and flushed cheeks. Eyes dull from exhaustion. Dean couldn't help but feel sorry.
"Listen. You're just sick, and a little cranky. I promise you that you're gonna be just fin-"
"NN'SHIIH!!" Castiel jerked back and covered his mouth, eyes wide. "Dean! I apologize, I didn't mean to!"
Dean sighed and wiped his face off.
"Well. I am definitely getting sick." He pressed a kiss to his frantic angel and tuned out Sam's amused chuckles. Might as well prepare for when they're all out of commission.


Who says you can't finish a story over a year later?

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Awww cuteeeee! 

36 minutes ago, Voodoo huntress said:

"NN'SHIIH!!" Castiel jerked back and covered his mouth, eyes wide. "Dean! I apologize, I didn't mean to!"
Dean sighed and wiped his face off.
"Well. I am definitely getting sick." He pressed a kiss to his frantic angel and tuned out Sam's amused chuckles. Might as well prepare for when they're all out of commission.

Especially this^^ :D


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