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Honesty is the Best Policy 1/? (Secret Santa for Seniorstatus14!)


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Hi @Seniorstatus14! I'm Icy and I was your Secret Santa! I'm going to apologize for the lateness, and then explain what I did and why, and then give you an offer. 

So first, sorry for being late!!!! 

Second, I ended up writing something that you really didn't ask for per se, but I thought you would like nonetheless because I had no idea how to write any of the characters you asked for and I didn't have enough info to create a good Original. I saw that you had liked the Newt Scamander story, and so I created a very detailed outline that should have a few parts and so here is the first part of that. I promise that I will finish it. I swear to you. 

Third, I have an idea for a fic that takes place after an upcoming episode of Sherlock, but I couldn't write on it because it won't be released until next Sunday (or at least that's what I gathered from it). So I could write that for you if you're disappointed with this. I am 100% willing to write it, so just give me the word and it's done. 

Well, that's about it, so here's part 1! No beta btw. Just hella research. 


Newt Scamander was many things. 

He was a former student of Hogwarts, and a member of the Hufflepuff house.

He was an accomplished author and magizoologist. 

He was a lover of magical creatures. 

And he was a brilliant person and a loyal friend. 

But right now, Newt Scamander was a complete mess. 

It had been a year since the incident in New York had occurred and he found himself back in New York, a copy of his book in hand. He was brimming with excitement, but at the same time he was consumed by anxiety. 

It had been a year since he had last spoken to Tina, something he had come to regret as the months wore on. He had made more friends in New York that one week than he had made in his entire life anywhere else, so his biggest fear was that he would lose them for the same reason he'd lost everyone else: he just wasn't much of a "keep in touch" kind of person. Hopefully they'd understand. 

He was rather unsure of whether or not he should even be there. He had started to feel a little off the day before on the boat, but he was sure it was nothing. Besides, a little cold was not enough to hold him back anyway. He had planned this for too long to have it go down in flames. 

He had just gotten off the boat and plunged fully into the cold, snowy weather that characterized New York's winter when he noticed something off about another boat a few docks down. He grabbed his suitcase and began to walk in the direction of the suspicious activity, being careful to not attract too much attention to himself. 

When he reached the area, he hid behind a few of the various cargo boxes being unloaded from the ship. He listened intently over the chatter of the docks. That's when he heard it. A small chirping noise. He recognized it to be an Ercinee, a rather large bird with bioluminescent feathers that glowed a faded shade of green. 

It came from a tarp covered cage that was set down in a separate stack of 17 crates about 10 feet in front of the pile of cargo boxes he was hiding behind. He saw two men standing near the pile and caught small bits of their conversation. 

"How much...worth..."

"Thirty thousand...veritaserum..."

"Rich business owner...Virginia..."


And from the accents the two had Newt could tell they must've been German. It would explain how they got the Ercinee baby, because the species nested in the Black Forest in southern Germany. 

Newt had made up his mind. He ducked out from behind the shield of boxes and ran to where they were holding the animal. It started happily chirping at him, and he slid his hand through the bars of the cage and smoothed the Ercinee's feathers on it's head. Poor thing was in bad shape. 

"Shh...it's okay...mummy's going to get you out of th-there...I-ik'shuu!" 

Wow. That was unexpected. He barely had time to turn away. And of course it drew the attention of the smugglers, standing a mere 6 feet away from him. One drew his gun and fired at Newt as he grabbed the cage and teleported away. 

He ended up at the other end of the dock, cage and suitcase in hand. He carefully placed the cage in his suitcase, not noticing the two smugglers running after him until they were almost on top of him, guns drawn. 

Not wanting to cause trouble again and get himself banned from New York for good, he ran instead of using teleportation on account of the vast amount of muggles by the docks. Once it was safe for him to teleport, he did so and ended up in front of Tina's apartment. He leaned against the wall, breathing heavily and trying to regain his composure. 

It was then he realized he was bleeding. 

One of the bullets must've grazed him, cutting the fabric of his coat on his right shoulder. It wouldn't do to show up at Tina's and bleed all over her floor, now would it? 

So he teleported over to the lake where his Erumpent was caught the year prior. The lake itself was empty because the ice had not been deemed stable yet, which was good because Newt needed a safe place to put his suitcase. 

He kneeled and set his suitcase down gently behind a large snow bank and climbed in, closing it behind him. 

He attended to the baby Ercinee first, retrieving it from its cage and creating a rainforest-esque habitat with a small nest for it to sleep in. He set the Ercinee down and worked at identifying its injuries. 

It had bloody rings around it's legs, most likely due to restraints of some sort and a broken wing that was probably from being tossed around on the boat. He tended to the wounds and left the baby in its nest. 

Then he set about his own injuries. 

He sat down at his desk and tried to take his coat off but realized that the blood made it stick to his skin, making it rather difficult to remove. Eventually he did, and started shivering as he attempted to disinfect the wound. His left hand was too shaky and unstable to try and do so with his wand, so he went about cleaning it the old fashioned way. 

He retrieved a towel and started cleaning it with just water, but realized a little too late that not only was it not going to stop bleeding, he was starting to get dizzy and nauseous as well. Then it hit him. Doxy venom. Crap

He rifled through the bottles on his desk and after a while he finally found the antidote. Except he had let his condition go to the point where he couldn't remember how to actually apply it. So he figured he'd put a little on the wound itself and then drink a bit of it for good measure, but not much. 

After a minute, the antidote began to take effect and he felt himself get more and more tired. He laid his head down on his desk and before he knew it, he was asleep. 


He woke up suddenly after realizing he had forgotten to feed his animals. He went to get up, but was assaulted by a sharp pounding in his head. He swallowed and it felt like knives. Black spots flooded his vision and he fell back into his chair. 

Then he felt a tickling sensation in his nose. 

"Hh...h'kshhew! ih'kshhew! *snf*"

Well. This was going to be a very long day. 

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Ah! Icy, I love it so much! Definitely don't feel obligated to write Sherlock, the only reason I didn't include Newt Scamander in my list is because I'm pretty sure I hadn't seen the movie yet before I had submitted my form or I had forgotten. This story is fantastic! 

It is so like Newt to take care of his animals first before fixing himself. And him waking up from a much need rest just to feed his creatures is precious! It's so in character and great! I'm so excited to see where this goes!

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