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Part one for my Secret Santa: SoulSong


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A New Device Adjustment: A Secret gift for SoulSong


If by any chance there was a glimmer of hope for the planet it would rest on his shoulders. Time and time again the actions of others thwarted him but he never gave up hope. He despised his enemies and used his might to shake off any pathetic attempts to stop him. His range of weaponry was fantastic, with eyes that pierced through the armor of any and all enemies. He yearned to save his world under his own rule. He would be the one who would stomp out weakness. He would rule with fists of the most solid metal! He was…Megatron.


He heard a sneer and looked up to see who else but his second in command, Starscream. Unlike himself, Starscream was thin, lean, very angular, and a coward. Megatron was none of these things. The only reason he kept that fool alive was so he could use Starscream and blame him for the failed thwarted attempts at saving Cybertron.


Cybertron had been in a state of pathetic rule ever since the Primes took control. Megatron knew that weakness in anything would lead to ruin. He was strong, and therefore the best fit for the role of leader. He overthrew as much as he could. However, one Prime stopped him more times than any other, Optimus Prime. Optimus…the very name filled him with inner hate. His mechanical arms slashed the ship’s parts below him as he needed an outlet.


“What do you want Starscream?”


“Hmm. Not every day you see Lord Megatron frustrated before a plan fails. Perhaps your mind is slipping.” The sneaky low sly voice oozed out taunting. With a snap of his fingers Megatron silenced him, his red merciless eyes staring at his subordinate and making him cower.


“We have no time for these tiring verbal quarrels. Get to the point of why you are here.”


“A-a-as you wish, Lord Megatron. Our scanners indicate the rebels have activated their holoform machinery. Now would be the time to strike them down!”


“…Hmph. Soundwave made the discovery and you weasel your way to me to say it first. Pathetic as usual Starscream.” With a powerful punch he knocked Starscream down. He then clawed at his thin face and dragged him along with him. “If it were up to me you’d be scrap by now, but if this is some kind of trap you’ll be right there with me. Get ready, Starscream.”


With mechanical sounds the two changed shape and transformed into their respective flying vehicles. They both left the ship with extreme speed, unaware that the autobot rebels were with their human friends plotting something for the two evil deceptions.


Rachet, the Autobot engineer and oldest of the group, was looking very different from his usual self. His mechanical body was strapped to a wireframe while a humanized metal shape was walking freely. As the human smiled, so did Rachet’s mechanical normal body.


“Tests are confirmed stronger than before Jack! With this we can actually become more human than previously thought. With a few more adjustments I can tweak things to really get the results I’ve been looking for.” Rachet took the appearance of a human in early 40s, with a light beard trim and gray eyes. The only female Autobot in the group, a small athletic looking mechanical beauty, was also strapped down in a wireframe. Instead of smiling her mechanical body was stressed, her eyes tightly closed while her mouth was clenched.


“I-I wish you ha-hadn’t made the first adjustments.” Her smooth voice strained as Jack, the first human to discover the autobots, was in the middle of testing out a new feature that Rachet had developed. Sensory motion detectors. A feather and a blade of grass were stroking against the metal human fingertips of Arcee and her sensation detectors were so sensitive with her fingers, just like normal humans, and she unfortunately had a human body that was, how Earthlings might say, ticklish. Her human body appearance had a small triangular nose with teardrop curvy nostrils and green eyes. Her hairstyle was jet black with streaks of blue that ran all the way down half of her back. She had a similar thin, beautiful look that her normal metal form had.


“Enough Jack. We got a serious plan in store. I’m certain Soundwave detected us by now.” Optimus Prime was also in a wireframe but he was completely still. His human form was sturdy and strong looking. Being in his mid-twenties in appearance similar to Arcee he instead had a large human nose that had a little more width than the average nose. He inhaled through his gaping oval nostrils, and in doing so his own metal body took a deep breath too. If one noticed, air was seeping into two slits near the middle of his face that were acting as his nostrils on his normal form. Rachet grinned so wide it was like he was friends with the Chester Cat.


“Sorry Arcee but for the good of science I needed to make sure the adjustments I made weren’t just a fluke that Optimus stumbled into. When I learned that these holoforms were capable of many human functions besides just looking the part of human, I knew I could use this as a weapon against the Decepticons. As soon as they land we’ll be ready for ‘em!”


Miko, the hyperactive human girl that traveled with Jack, swung her arms high in the air and hollered a happy cry. “This is gonna be so cool! I can’t wait to see those dunderheads expressions. I also wonder what they’ll look like. Maybe Megatron would be handsome as a human?”


“Psh. There’s no way in all the spark Megatron will look handsome. He’s too cold and heartless.” Arcee put her human hand on her hip and did a disgusted pose. She couldn’t help but smile a little, and her facial expression in her real body matched her holoform. The stress was gone. Rachet took notes down on a computer to record this for future reference.


“If Megatron reacts the same way you did to our surprise, he’s gonna have a shocking experience!” Rachet happily said. Optimus looked down in shame and his large nostrils flinched, turning a light sketchy pink tone as the memory of his metal violated nostrils had so many tiny invaders flowing inside them that his reaction was more than enough for one lifetime. The experience of what humans call a sneeze…Optimus sniffled and rubbed his metal human nose. He had not just sneezed once at the reaction his holoform had. He sneezed over and over and over again for almost an entire hour in a relentless fit!


Again Rachet took notes when he saw Optimus’s nose act on its own as the past memory of what happened earlier made Optimus’s new holoform nose to tickle once again. The metal pink nostrils flared and his large nose scrunched. Arcee walked over to him and took Optimus’s human hand away from his nose and gave her own thinner, less rough finger to stroke all the way down the bridge of his nose. The large sniffling thing flinched as if it was sighing in pleasure and his flaring nostrils died down, although still retaining a pink tone.


“Easy there tiger. The pollen isn’t in there anymore. I made sure to clean every knook and cranny of this holoform, including your troublemaking nose. I’m sure glad it was you who had this discovery and not me.” Arcee’s nose gave a tease as just seeing the trembling flaring nostrils of Optimus made her holoform a little weaker in her own nose. She did her best to hide her small weakness and succeeded.


“We’ll give the big bad a reason to leave Earth for good. I’ll make sure to give his nose plenty more to worry about than you had to deal with.” Her green eyes glistened as if she secretly enjoyed what happened to Optimus and was looking forward to causing her enemy the same thing, if not worse…

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I haven't watched Transformers Prime in years but I remember the characters and I enjoyed the show ^^ Soulsong wanted holoform sneezing and I had to look that up on google. I think it's basically Human cybertronians from the stories and art I found. A great concept ^^

There's gonna be a LOT of sneezing in the next part. Megatron's gonna have multiple fits and holdbacks. Arcee's not going to hold anything back. Pollen is going to be this Decepticon's worst nightmare ;)

I'm really sorry this took so long. I should have the rest of this story done by tonight ^^ I also have a second story I'm working on that features Soulsong's first OC, Lilah, except that story will have sneezing featured much earlier than this. I love "A Fairy's Strange Desire" and if anyone hasn't checked out that story, especially for male sneeze loving people, I highly recommend it. I like Female sneezes but A fairy's strange desire is amazing to me :D 


Edited by mysterysneeze
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I am so in love with this concept, I think I might die. Just that you did this with my favorite transformers continuity... I never would have thought of weaponized sneezing in this manner. Hell, I never would have thought of weaponized sneezing, period. You're amazing, mysterysneeze!!! Cannot wait for part 2, and just imagining what happened to poor Optimus... :dribble::woot0:

Also, thanks so much for the praise for AFSD, and have fun with Lilah :D

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  • 10 months later...

The old mechanical doctor bot's normal machine body smacked Arcee's metal form, making the human body frame react as if it were the one that got hit.

"YEeatchh! Great. Thanks a lot." She muttered to herself. Rachet gave a hint of a smile along his metal face. 

"You often forget your human form is not nearly as capable of hiding your feelings as your normal body. You're an open manual Arcee. Besides, just testing something. Looks like it's a two-way link. Good to know..."

As if true to his word the way Arcee's human form blushed a deep pink color on her cheeks was a dead giveaway of how she felt at that moment. "I...just want Megatron to get as much payback as physically possible. He's got a load to answer for." 

Rachet kept silent but he knew the look of eagerness on Arcee's young woman face. It was not just that. She was enjoying herself. Rachet never would understand the opposite...

The air roared as Megatron's loud ship approached. In all the years of fighting he never bothered to be stealthy. When he came everyone in a mile radius knew for a fact he was coming. A second thinner jet was nowhere to be seen. Starscream instead was slinking along the ground, going in for a sneak attack. Besides, he never would want to get smacked head on by an autobot during a frontal attack. It's ruin his sleek look. Let others do the brunt of the fighting. 

"Whether Megatron obliterates them now or if they put up a resistance, I'll be the one to get all the credit. Heh. I'll be the first to get back and the glory will be all on me!" He gloated to himself. The sly sneaky jerk detected an erratic wavelength on his scanner but didn't warn Megatron. Whatever it was, it wasn't deadly and it wasn't aimed at himself. 

"Whatever happens Megatron will be the one to take it, not me. That's good." He smiled evilly, his dark red eyes glowing brighter. If Megatron were to take a hit, he'd be weakened and Starscream would be able to finish off the bossy leader once and for all! This was turning out to be more of a win-win scenario than expected.

As Starscream schemed Megatron got further and further along the landscape towards where those autobot scum were located. His weapons practically itched for release. They wanted to fire on the enemies. The dark Energon inside the leader's cybernetic veins pulsed, giving the leader a rush of energy and need for destruction. 

"Time to say goodbye Optimus Prime! You and your pathetic band of scrap will fall to...to...imp-po...ss...sssssssiiii...s-s-ss-s-sss-systems offline? h-h-hhoww?" Megatron's deep powerful voice glitched repeatedly as he began to lose altitude at an alarming rate. He had felt something like an invisible river slip through every crack and every gap in the flying ship's metal frame. The next thing he knew all of his operating systems completely shut off. He had no control over his ship form!

As his altitude plummeted towards the ground Starscream noticed the fall. Well...this was unexpected. Starscream rolled his eyes though. He knew above everyone else that even the hardest crash would not kill Megatron. If this was the Autobot's plan, it'd backfire. Ah well. The traitorous bot decided to run towards the trajectory location the leader would crash. As he did, however, he noticed Autobot forms doing the same. He slowed down his run and watched from a hidden location. What would those goody-goody bots do?

It took only a little more than a minute for Megatron's ship to smack the ground hard. Like Starscream knew it wasn't nearly enough to cause lasting damage, but it still looked like it hurt. Starscream's eyes narrowed in suspicion. Why wasn't Megatron getting up? Surely he would have recovered by now. It was then he saw an autobot carrying some kind of odd looking mass. A holoform. The mass began to warp and take on a new shape. A humanoid shape. The light on Megatron's ship began to dim and got increasingly lifeless, even more so than systems shutting down. By the time a human face took form, Megatron's original vehicle mode looked like an empty hunk of metal. 

All of a sudden the Dark Energon inside Megatron sparked a bright ominous light, and Megatron's ship changed into its original bot form. However, even if the emotion on Megatron's metal body was pure anger, the eyes were completely blank. No light at all appeared. It was like he had become a metal puppet.

Starscream remained silent, observing carefully. If that holoform shape was what he thought it was...then...a huge grin appeared. 'Oh Megatron. How utterly pathetic.' The devious schemer thought to himself. His powerful leader was now a pseudo human!!!

Arcee's holoform stepped out, carrying with her a large vase. Starscream was perplexed. What on Cybertron was going on here? It certainly was gastly for the decepticon to look at. Way too many bright colorful objects were in that large vase. As the graceful looking holoform got closer to the new form, Megatron’s eyes opened and for the first time he spoke.

“What have you done to me? I…DESPISE this…this feeling. The feeling of being flesh.” Arcee forced herself to not shiver, even if her hair got itchy and her clean small hands were starting to sweat. Megatron’s voice was distracting. It was far too smooth and way too attention grabbing. Arcee felt a heart beat faster in her chest. Why in all of the worlds did this form Megatron have had to be so…attractive. Megatron had jet black hair, the same evil threatening eyes, and a pointed yet strikingly fitting nose. His nose looked powerful, imposing, and when he breathed inwards Arcee discovered Megatron had large teardrop shaped curves for nostrils. His ears were average size, his chest was muscular and thick. His arms looked ready to rip apart anything that came near them. He was impressive in every sense of the word. He radiated power, even in this humanlike form.

Arcee felt her human self gulp. Back at the base her metal throat made an odd creaking sound. The metal digits twitched as her normal metal form felt the unease and nervousness. Rachet was watching from a monitor. He had to whistle in admiration at just how strong Megatron seemed to be.

“That’s got to be one of the most dangerous looking humans I’ve ever witnessed…and he still hates it! Hah. I wonder how long he’ll last…compared to you, Optimus.” 

As Megatron looked at his skin hands, flexing them and pressuring them into fists, Optimus himself came out in human form. Arcee felt her human form blush. Comparing the two of them was like comparing two popular sport stars. Both were impressive and both had large features. Megatron was a few inches taller and he had more muscle, but Optimus had a more wider, gentler look to him. He was like a gentle, huggable giant while Megatron was more like a bully on steroids. 

“Fits both of them to a T…huh…I wonder what I look like when people see me this way.” Arcee shook her head. Why was she feeling such stupid emotions? She was never this self-conscious before. Being human was hard work. It was a miracle Jack and Mako and the others were as sane as they usually were.

“Megatron.” Optimus’s gentle yet stern voice echoed along the air. Megatron growled and his jaw clenched. He looked down along his sharp nose and huffed.

“Optimus. Never in my circuitry processors did I ever think this would be possible. Me…a human. You…even more soft and sensitive than before. To be dragged down to your level is inconceivable.” Megatron’s human form stomped on the ground, dust swirling around him. He then rapidly stomped the ground multiple times in a fit of rage.

“I NEVER WILL ACCEPT THIS DISGRACE! OPTIMUS YOU WILL BEhh…behhuuhhhn…” Megatron’s tantrum caused the dust level from the stomps he did to swell higher and higher in the air around him. Megatron’s human chest puffed out, showcasing how chizzled and how strong he looked. He was ripped, that was for sure. Arcee felt her human cheeks flush an embarrassed pink for a second before she snapped herself out of it. 

Megatron’s sharp nose was twitching and his teardrop nostrils swelled in anger as his body rebelled against him. For the first time in the decepticon’s existence, his body felt…vulnerable. It was so peculiar, the intense electrical pulses that were spreading inside his nasal cavities. No…humans didn’t call them that. Nostrils. That was the cursed word. His…nostrils…were weakness. They were the cause of his betrayal. 

“Thi…thiss fehh…feuunnn…feeling…wha…a…aat hihh…nn…hnnnn…” Megatron’s breaths were deep, his voice conflicted in tone, and his large hand started to rise on its own. As his hand rose Arcee knew her time to strike was now.

Her sleek, quick human body seemed to slide along the ground as she plucked one of the yellow flowers from her vase. The petals twirled and she smirked as she saw the powdery substance start to shake loose. As Megatron’s human body tried to react, his hand that has rose earlier tried to hit the young woman, she knew she could dodge. The way Megatron’s sneeze was growing in need, it was obvious Megatron’s timing was all out of whack. 

“That feeling, Megatron, is something you will have to remember. It is an opponent than can’t be defeated.” She knew this would anger the decepticon. Just as she expected, she saw Megatron’s eyes glow and his nostrils were beginning to inhale in a large flare. 

“There is nothing I can’t defe…hehh…Hhehh…H-H…” Megatron’s face felt something light and soft graze his chin. Arcee had side stepped his wild punch and thrust the single yellow flower upwards. The pollen that had been shaken loose from earlier puffed outwards, and the leader of the decepticons literally got a face full of the powdery substance. His anger caused him to be careless. He had breathed heavily in order to say this statement, and Arcee took full advantage of his arrogance.

The electrical spark feeling inside his nostrils seemed to get overcharged. Megatron felt his large nose physically scrunch as the pollen invaded the inside of both weak points. Megatron’s metal body had little face vents widen. The actual body was feeling what the human form was feeling, and the more the pollen swirled inside his human nose, the more those vents on Megatron’s metal face began to puff out silver exhaust. 

“Huhh..hnneeuhhh…hhhnnn…neeaa….aa…haaa….HAaa…A-A….Ahhhh…” Arcee had her green eyes glisten with mischeviousness. Her graceful little fingers slid under those twitchy wide nostrils and denied Megatron the release his nose was begging him to have. She could literally feel the nostril rims tremble against her fingers, as if they were screaming at her to let go.

“Not so easy being a human is it? Don’t you worry…it’ll get worse from here on out.” Megatron’s eyes had little tears in them as the pollen itched so, so bad! It was as if this holoform…was…allergic. Arcee could barely contain her excitement. If just one flower had this much effect, how would more effect would the entire vase have?

“Remember this feeling…Megatron. Now, every time you see life forms like this, you’ll be full of dread. This entire planet is full of these creatures. These creatures are everywhere.” She noticed Megatron’s eyes glancing around him, and she knew by the fear in them that her message got across. No matter where Megatron chose to look, flowers were indeed in the landscape. Megatron couldn’t escape them. Arcee felt the nostrils against her finger flinch and wiggle faster and faster. Air was pushing on her finger and she knew the sneeze couldn’t be held back much longer. She released the beast, and the beast reared back.

“HHh…HHhuuaa…AA…AAa…AHHH………..HHHUUNNTCCCCHOO! AAHTCHOOO!” Megatron’s first ever sneeze was a double. It was intense, startling, and strangely satisfying for the big human form. Megatron was confused at this feeling of relief and satisfaction. What emotions was he feeling now? It was strange.

Arcee did a jump kick right on Megatron’s jaw. The big human groaned and he lowered himself, wincing in pain. Arcee herself winced. Megatron’s large body was more sturdy than she anticipated. Even with sneezes weakening the body’s reaction time the natural defensive and offensive capabilities were still a challenge to overcome. She was thin and he was massively bulky.

“I could use some backup.” She immediately side stepped and Optimus’s large body pummeled his way like a train to tackle Megatron. Megatron’s body couldn’t react fast enough because of his eyes being teary, his breathing unnatural with the allergy he had, and the previous attack had made him weakened. Megatron felt himself be pushed all the way back, his neck and back landing flat on the ground. Megatron noticed that his sharp nose was completely exposed in the air and Arcee was standing over him. Optimus held both of Megatron’s massive arms to the dirt, and when Megatron tried to kick his legs Arcee kicked him quickly in the knee area, making him unable to fight back with kicks. 

The way she tauntingly held the vase above him was annoying but at the same time fear inducing. Megatron now knew what the yellow substance was that was all over those flowers. Arcee had at least 3 dozen of those monsters in that vase. Optimus himself had his nose flinch, and when his breath hitched Arcee knew that she was being too careless. Her own nose had started to get pink with just how much pollen was near her. She still grinned though. If she had no allergy to these and her nose was that sensitive, she relished the idea of Megatron having more sensitivity. 

“Today will be the day of your most embarrassing defeat Megatron. You’ll never forget it, and this planet will haunt you now and for the rest of your days. Everytime you fly out of your ship, you’ll know of this day.” Arcee’s small hands flipped the vase upside down. Pollen started to rain downwards instead of being carelessly tossed in the air like before. Megatron’s nose felt the specks of pollen land on it, and as he sniffed in retaliation his chest lifted off the ground.

“hh…hhu…y-you’ll n…nee…eh…never ge…geeh..get me de..fee…hhehhh…defea…a…ated so ea-ea-eaaah…easily.” Megatron did his best to keep his human form under control. He fought the sneeze. He struggled to escape the grasp of Optimus, but the big human held firm. The longer the pollen rained down on his face, the more raspy and erratic the breathing became. Megatron’s threatening demeaner shifted into one of helplessness. 

“Hh…Hhhenn…hea…aa…a-a-aa…heaaannn…HH…Hnnehh…HhhnNNN…NNGHhhh…heaaaa…aaaa…” Arcee was impressed. Megatron had lasted a full thirty seconds now. She herself never had lasted this long when a sneeze need had hit her full force. Arcee deviously lowered the flowers until the stem of one of them briefly poked the twitching, trembling tip of Megatron’s large nose. This poke made the entire nose sniffle and more pollen got suddenly inhaled at one time. The beast scrunched. It reared back. It then let out multiple roars.

“HHHEEAAATCCCHOOOO! HHN’TSCCCHOOO! AAATSSSHOOOOO!” Megatron’s sneezes were getting harsher and more out of control. Arcee and Optimus let go of the large human, and Megatron sneezed multiple fits of increasingly helpless sneezes. 

"Y...You thi...iihh...think I'm the ba...baaa...baaDKCCCCHHOOOOO! HAAATSSHOOO! Bad cybertronian? Thi...thihhh...thiiaaa....thiaa...this is to...toorr...tortUURIITCCHOOOO!"

"Torture? You know all about that, don't you Megatron?" Arcee tossed the flowers aside. The damage had clearly been done. She'd never seen Megatron look so utterly....pathetic. He was a sniffling, wheezy, sneezy mess. He couldn't even try to fight back anymore. All of his attention was on his nose, and his nose wasn't letting the human form rest for a second.

"HHETTCCCHHOOOOO! HAAAANTCCHOOO!" Megatron continued to unleash explosive sneeze after massive sneeze. With each release Megatron felt more and more satisfied and after the twentieth fit of sneezing he gave such a long sigh that it was like a pleasurable one. Arcee raised an eyebrow and was intrigued, but she needed to get herself to be serious.

Her thin body got on top of Megatron and she put her face right against his. Her smaller nose literally pressed against his longer sharp nose. She could feel it wiggle and twitch.

"Hh...hea..." A finger under his nose was quickly pressed firmly against his itchy beast, calming it down.

"Listen. Megatron, get out. Get off this planet. Leave us and the humans alone."

"Ne...nee...never!" Megatron rasped, his voice not nearly as threatening as usual but still deep and mesmerizing. 

Arcee got off Megatron and gave a tired sigh. "You'll never learn, that's what your never means to me. I guess another round then?" 

"N-no! ST...staa...ahh..." Megatron felt something new swish under his nose. This...thing was gray. It was itchy. It was extremely light. Arcee gave a small grin.

"Earth doesn't only have flowers. These are just two of the many things humans are vulnerable to...and it looks like you yourself are too. Very vulnerable."

Megatron didn't even WANT to know what this devilish object was. All he knew was in just a few seconds the electrical spark in his nose had intensified and the need to sneeze was in full bloom.

"Hh...hhhheaa...aa...heaa-a--aaaa...ahh-ha-haa-AA..........HAATCchooo!" Arcee was shocked. Interesting...Megatron had different sounding sneezes depending on what caused the sneeze? Did her own holoform have that happen to herself? She'd only sneezed by flowers before. What would have happened to Optimus if he......

As she had ideas bubble up in her head Megatron used all of his strength to push her away from him. Optimus went to help Arcee and Megatron took advantage and ran as far as he could, his holoform nose sneezing every few seconds as he ran. 

Starscream was in the middle of laughing super hard. This was incredible! Oh the sweet irony! Megatron, the great leader, was such a pathetic human! Why, even Starscream would've been...uh oh....

Starscream felt his body feel like it got slammed with water and he had all of his systems shut down. Unlike Megatron his human form was not strong, it wasn't impressive...and he was definitely NOT going to stick around to find out what the Autobots had done to Megatron.

His thin legs ran as fast as they could, chasing after where Megatron had gone.

"Wait for meeee!! MEGATRONN!!!"

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