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Mr Tough Act Fanfiction THE FLASH (Barry Allen)


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On 2/13/2017 at 0:48 PM, KD02 said:

God! I'm so sorry, I said I would continue this and that was over a month ago! I'm so sorry, I just got so caught up with school work and totally forgot about this.

But I'm back and I'm going to continue this again.


Part 6


Iris came back into the med room 30 minutes later carrying with her 2 extra large pizzas. Barry was still snoring softly asleep in bed, the way she left him when she went to get the pizzas. She set the pizzas down on the table in the med room and went to wake him up, meanwhile Caitlin and Cisco got plates, drinks and napkins.


“Barry? Barry, wake up pizzas are here. Barry?!” Barry snuffled softy in his sleep, moaned turned over and continued to sleep. Iris decided to leave him sleeping for now, making sure to leave him some food.


“Barry not want any food?” Caitlin asked in concern, Barry needed to eat all throughout the day to keep his energy levels up. Now especially with him sick he needed to eat more than ever.


“He wouldn’t wake up he just turned over and went back to sleep. He must need the rest so I just left him. I’ll take him through some pizza later.” Iris told both Cisco and Caitlin, who both agreed Barry needed the rest.




Barry woke up coughing roughly into his fist. He moaned groggily and looked around to see nobody in the room. He quickly grabbed some tissues which were sitting on the table next to him and sneezed into them, Hheh..HEH'ESSHO! HEH'ESSHOO! ESHOO!” After the fit he blew his nose and threw the tissue on the table and made to get up.


Caitlin was in the next room and hearing Barry sneeze caught her attention and went to go check on him. When she walked into the room she saw Barry half-walking half-stumbling to the chair on the other side of the room where his jacket was sitting. She quickly grabbed onto him leading him back to bed.


“Hey! Caitlin what you doing?” Barry said to Caitlin, she sighed.


“Barry your still sick! Your staying here.”


“I feel fine. I’m good now. I think my injuries are healed.” Barry said trying to convince her he was fine so she’d let him go.


“Barry, you’re not fine and yes your injuries are healed now but your still sick. You need to stay here. You haven’t even had anything to eat in how long?” Caitlin pleaded.


“I’m not hungry.” Barry stated pushing by her and for his jacket. God! He was dizzy, the whole room was spinning. He tripped on the way over to the chair and fell to the floor.


“Barry!” Caitlin shouted, just as Cisco had come through to the the main control room and heard Caitlin shouting and ran into the med room. Caitlin was leaning over an unconscious Barry making sure he was okay.


Caitlin what happened?” Cisco asked kneeling down next to Barry.


“He wanted to leave and went to go for his jacket and tripped and fell” Caitlin said “Help me get him up and in bed” She said grabbing his arm, Cisco grabbed his other arm and lifted him up and put him back in bed.


“I’ll go call Joe and Iris and tell them what’s happened” Cisco said as Caitlin continued her examination of Barry making sure he didn’t have another concussion; he’d only just recovered from the last!” 




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