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The Definition of Being Alive (Z Nation, 10k)


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I don’t know if anybody else here watches the tv show “Z Nation” but I’ve gotten through the first season and half on Netflix and I kind of fell in love with 10k the young man in the group during the apocalypse. In case anyone would be interested, I’m going post this story…just for kicks.

More fetish content to come.


Was it possible to be numb and feel on fire?

10k stumbled, seeming to have lost his vision back seven miles ago. That numbness had spread through his body but was coupled with a heat that had started in his eyes…

He sniffled, blinking rapidly against the feeling he’d thought had died with the world  three years ago…


“Is he ok?”

Warren slowed down to match her pace with Doc jerking her chin in the kid’s direction lagging slightly behind from the rest of the group.

Doc’s responded without following her gaze- he’s already been keeping a closer watch on the seventeen year old since they’d gotten out of zombie orphanage.

Heck, he thought he’d lost the kid then.

 “Bit shell shocked, I’d guess. But hell, zombie kids man...”

The older man’s words trailed off, looking slightly lost himself.

The kid remained moving but still absent from the rest- he was seeing her eyes, it was like they held the last dose of humanity that spun the world the way it used to revolve…

Had leaving her there, killed it?

Could he kill something that he didn’t know was alive?

Each step felt more wrong as they walked further away into the forest of redwoods.

He blinked into the present, latching his eyes on the blue tinted man walking ahead of him. Murphy was dragging a stick along each tree as they passed, seemingly finding pleasure in randomly mutilating anything that was managing to survive.  

While they were risking everything to HIM alive.

The heat moved from behind his eyes and spread throughout his body- the young man started stripping off the extra layers of his clothes without really comprehending. His skin was fire against the chill of the air.

He realized the foreign temperature in him was guilt.

He’d go back. He had to.



Let me know if you’re interested in any more. J Thanks

Edited by Amberlight24
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15 hours ago, SneezyHolmes said:

I LOVE Z-NATION! Granted I love Murphy the most, I liked this story! 

Thank you for responding! I'm so glad someone else loves this show. I think it's quite underrated. :) 



Again, just for kicks here’s a second installment:


That child had her eyes…

They were innocence glossed over with the color of jade, almost matching the green of his own.

The campfire flames invaded their orange/red into 10k’s vision with a sharp snap. The young man jolted back to life unsure if what had just triggered him back to present time had been the sound or the change of color...

His hand moved to his hair before his fingertips collided with the forgotten harsh cold lenses of his googles. The young man's fingers dropped down to the fabric of his shirt by his neck and he drew the thin fabric over his head just past his ears. It was an action spurred not by temperature but in efforts to transition back into the emotions playing ping pong in his head...


And all it took was that one word to bring him back.
Well, it was a name really.

The seventeen year old studied his knee caps that peeked through the rips in his jeans and swallowed in reaction to his memory.

At least he thought it was a memory.

But the child was real.

And so was the stinging in his throat from swallowing…10k realized his head was pounding, his fingers met his temples and he forgot what he did with them after that...

He had to go back.

His sister was in that orphanage.

Wait, WHAT??- he meant, the child he’d abandoned in one of the lockers in that building just as the z’s had flooded in. THAT CHILD.

But Tara was still there. Alone!

Shit, it’s not Tara, she’s gone! It was just a child!

10k tried to clear his vision but his sister and that orphan back nine miles away kept blurring together…he was completely losing it...


10k jerked sharply at the sound before realizing it had come from him, so unrestrained...so very suddenly, uncharacteristically LOUD.

His face flooded to match the campfire the group was settled around. He still hadn’t lifted his face from when it had jerked between his drawn up knees. He wanted to stay in that valley, feeling slightly dizzy from going from being so lost in his mind to mortifyingly exposed in the present.

And they all hit at once.

“Jeez 10k, give us some warning next time!”

Addy’s voice was more amused than her words portrayed and Doc’s response followed in the same manner.

“That’s some sneeze you got there kid!”

Murphy began complaining about the human race being infected with a whole new virus starting with “that kid’s” lack of hygiene.

His nose had started to run and 10k fought against it but decided sniffing back the sudden congestion was the lesser of the two evils  (the other being caught with snot dripping down his face).

“S-sorry guys…”

Finally chancing a glance to the group around him, in actuality the only person actually close to offended by his display was Murphy, and he’d stopped caring about the guy after he turned Cassandra…

She had been the only person that had known his real name.

Except for his sister. Waiting for him to save her. Or believing he abandoned her.


Slightly drowsy and so emotionally heavy, his chin fell against his knees.


Doc had been watching the kid since the “zombie orphanage”, and so he caught the movement of 10k’s lips as he uttered under his breath the name that was haunting him: Tara.

Addy jerked slightly in surprise at the slight weight of 10k’s head dropping into her side. Gently she nudged his hip so his entire body shifted down in a more comfortable kind of gravity. When he didn’t wake, she returned to wiping down her weapon, a soft smile across her lips when she felt him sniffle into her hip.

And again only Doc saw the syllables ghosting past the kid’s lips.

“I’m coming back I promise…”

Whatever the kid was proposing in that head of his, he’d damn well better come back!


I’m not entirely proud of any of my writing recently, but again it never hurts to just put it out there. Thank you for reading. J



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