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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sherlock John fetish request


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I haven't written any fetish material for a long time, but I saw a request by kushamisukii that caught my eye. I'm not very good about finishing fics so I don't know if I will continue this. I have a lot of ideas floating around but I don't want to commit to anything. Anyways, hope you like it.


“H’ntsh ‘TSH ‘etSHH…. John!”

After the first sneeze John had used his peripheral vision to watch Sherlock muffle the next two against the back of his hand. Unless someone was being particularly observant, no one would have noticed he had been looking.


“What Sherlock?” John did his best to sound irritated, which didn’t take much since he was still fuming about Sherlock playing him last night and using him as bait.

“Make it stop!”

Now, having turned slightly, John had a clear view of Sherlock’s nose, twitching in distress. Sherlock rubbed his slender fingers beneath the appendage before using them to pinch his nostrils shut, body jerking forward in a silent sneeze. John could feel a blush creep up on his cheeks. Why now? He was mad dammit, quit doing things that turn him on.

John forced himself to turn back towards his laptop screen, “take an antihistamine, you’ll be fine.”

Sherlock gave a little humpf sound. He knew he had upset John last night, but his plan was flawless. John didn’t get hurt, they caught the bad guy. Lestrade was there. Of course Lestrade had no idea that John was bait either. The man had tried yelling at Sherlock, who just rolled his eyes, and after that joined John in the silent treatment game. Sherlock could outlast Lestrade easily, the detective would never let his pride or hurt feelings get in the way if he knew Sherlock was their best/only chance at catching a murderer. John on the other hand, it didn’t matter that he could outlast John, the sinking feeling he got in his gut every time he saw the hurt in his friend’s eyes. Nothing stung Sherlock as bad as John’s disappointment in him. No matter how much logic accompanied Sherlock’s actions, even if he could justify every decision one hundred fold, it was hardly worth the pain he felt now.

For any other person, saying sorry would be the logical solution to this predicament, but not for Sherlock.

John could hear the hitching breaths now that his ears were tuned in. He tried not to think about it. “Not giving in, not giving in,” he repeated in his head, but he couldn’t stop his hips from slightly bucking as Sherlock lost the fight with the next set of sneezes.

“eh, heh, hETSHuu, eKSHuuu, epTSHHH!” John could hear how messy the sneezes had become and wasn’t surprised when he heard, “Jodn, I deed a dissue.”

“Get it yourself,” he grumbled, stomach in knots, as he pulled himself a little closer to the table to hide his lower half.

John turned in surprise when he heard Sherlock blowing, without getting up.

“Sherlock, that’s a wash towel, who knows what you’ve already gotten on that. Besides, it’s going to make your nose all raw.” John tried to turn away again but his eyes wouldn’t let him, as he watched the dark haired man press fingers gently down along each side of his nose, continuing to gurgly blow into the cloth.

Sherlock didn’t have to look to know that his partners gaze was focused on him. He knew John wouldn’t be able to resist him like this for very long. Not that John was aware of Sherlock’s knowledge. In fact, Sherlock had deduced John’s particular fetish roughly a month after they had moved in together, when Sherlock had come down with a rather nasty cold.


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I'm still hoping to come back to this and include more of a flash back. I also have ideas for a sequel, but I definitely felt the need to more fully explain what Sherlock was doing.



John had known Sherlock was coming down with something. He warned him not to go out that night. But did the man ever listen? No.



Apparently he could work on his listening skills as well.

“John, what were you thinking about just now?”


“Liar. Doesn’t matter. I… hih,” Sherlock’s breath began to catch and John realized he was still facing the other man. Did Sherlock already know what he was thinking about? He couldn’t, could he?

The man’s brain was forced back to the present as those way to perfect hands smothered another three sneezes into the towel.

Nose still hidden, glassy eyes peeked out, “John, I’m not allergic to anything, and even if I was, I haven’t left this desk.”

That was puzzling. Sherlock was right that he hadn’t left the desk in hours, analyzing slide after slide with the microscope, jotting down notes.

“You DO have allergies, they are just milder than Mycroft’s. It’s probably whatever you are messing with over there.” Dangit, why could he not turn himself away. Those hands, those eyes, that nose. Dark curls hung loosely above his eyes as Sherlock massaged his nose beneath the cloth. When he finally pulled it back, John could see reddened nostrils, slowly spreading to a pinkish hue that ended just below the bridge.

“It’s just slides of tobacco,” Ahhh, Sherlock’s love for tobacco; only eclipsed by his love of annoying John with body parts in the fridge. “I’m not even pre… preparing them.” Sherlock’s features crunched as he pressed the cloth beneath his nose again; softening a few seconds later when the urge to sneeze apparently retreated.

John’s shoulders slumped a bit, softening to his friend’s predicament.

“You really want me to get my kit?”


The blonde made his way to the bedroom where he kept extra medical supplies. Out of sight he took a moment to prop himself against the wall. He didn’t realize he was holding his breath til an almost inaudible moan left his lips as he listened to the other man’s breath hitch again and another 5…6…7 sneezes were muffled into…cloth…no… definitely hands; but the blows that followed were into the wash towel again. Regaining his composure, John grabbed his kit.

“Bless you,” bag in hand, John approached, watching Sherlock’s eyebrows raise, eyes sliding shut.

“H’NTSH, eh’TSH, e’K’TSHuu!”

“Bless you again.”

“Thanks,” Sherlock snuffled. John tried to ignore the blush he felt creeping up his cheeks. Maybe Sherlock would be too distracted to notice.

“Let’s have a look.”

Eyes were watery, but not bloodshot like they normally would be with long exposure to an allergen. Nose definitely inflamed, likely from the towel. John pulled out a handkerchief and placed it in Sherlock’s hand, the brief moment of skin to skin contact shooting sparks through him. Sherlock’s hair fell to the side as John tilted the man’s face so he could get a good look inside the nostrils. Of course, the handkerchief clad hand immediately shot up as Sherlock jerked away from the grasp, stifling a single silent sneeze.

“Bless,” John placed a hand back beneath the other man’s chin. A shiver ran down Sherlock’s spine and for a minute John wondered if Sherlock was coming down with something, but his sneezes were far more similar to his allergy sneezes than cold sneezes.

Upon close examination the right nostril appeared fine, but the left, “SERIOUSLY SHERLOCK! YOU’RE USING AGAIN!” John stepped back, in anger.

“I swear I’m not using.” Sherlock tried to look John in the eyes, but his transport succumbed to guilt, and his gaze was slightly averted.

“Like hell you’re not! You’re sticking something up there.” His voice was almost a growl now.

“I promise, I’m not using.” Sherlock shifted in his seat and John could see a glimpse of something beneath the man.

“What are you sitting on?”

“Nothing.” Sherlock tried to feign insult, but John was already pushing him off of the chair; a single feather leaving a trail of dust along Sherlock’s pants.


As John stormed off Sherlock righted himself upon his chair once more and mulled over his options. Maybe he should just go back to work on his tobacco, John couldn’t hate him forever…right?

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1 hour ago, ickydog2006 said:


Yup, that pretty much covers it! Naughty, naughty Sherlock! :twisted:

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Oh my god. I can't believe I got an answer.  I literally had to stare at this beaming for like ever before I could even start to read it. Thanks so much!!! I love it, John trying to stay mad is so good. Sherlock is the most mischievous . <333 I love their dynamic you got it down. Hehe. Please write more if you can !

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