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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The dying detective (Sherlock BBC) - part 16/16 - COMPLETE


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Oh man this is so good. And it makes me feel so bad for Sherlock cause he's the epitome of utterly sick like it makes me feel sick reading it, poor guy :((( and I died at him almost getting knocked out by his sneeze. Omg cute helpless thing..

The story is really intriguing me , thanks for the update !!

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Omg omg I love this, I love this take on the dying detective! It was such a good idea to write a fic on here like an adaption of that story. Perfect haha

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Oh boy! Did I have some catching up to do and what a cliff hanger you left us with too. Amazing story. I can't wait to read more up dates. 

16 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

How did you infect us?

I don't want to speculate who makes up "us" in this sentence. :nosad:

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Oh dear me.  This is really, really good.  I'm so behind on my fan fiction reading right now!  I am looking forward to reading what happens next, although rather a bit frightened at the same time.

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7 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

The detective, who until now seemed to be tremendously enjoying the situation, suddenly made eye contact with his roommate and immediately stopped his explanation.


Not dying. Barely sick – a cold, nothing more. Sherlock had pretended to be ill. Lied to him. John could see very clearly now the stains of make up on his friend’s face.


The relief he should have felt didn’t come. Anger, on the other hand, was devastatingly rising – and impossible to control. The detective obviously understood it, because he took a step backward.

:nonono: "Sherlock!" *in my best Mrs. Hudson's voice* 

Boy, Sherlock deserves whatever John dishes out. It was really not necessarily to worry his friend like that, no matter what he thinks.

7 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Well, by "us", I meant the 3 employees and Sherlock - sorry if that wasn't clear enough...

Oh don't worry about it. It just added to the suspense. :)  I was starting to read more into this then was needed. You had just talked about the government officials that were infected. We hadn't heard from Mycroft, so... :nosad:

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Oh, Sherlock. What have you done? You have crossed the line with John. That's a bit not good. :nonono:

And who is coming up the steps? Is that big brother? Oh boy, let's add more fuel to this fire. 

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Bravo Aliena!

My, you must have pretty intense insomnia :/

I've been back only since this afternoon, and I was gonna watch the new ep of season 4...but I happened on your very good fic instead <G>

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11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

And I've given him Sherlock's cold just for you. See how kind I am? :D

Oh, you are the kindest woman in the world! :wub2: How can I ever repay you?

@cally You have got to see this!! 

11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Mycroft’s gaze suddenly froze and his breathe started itching. He took a perfectly folded handkerchief and brought it a few inches from his nose and mouth, eyes half-closed and nostrils twitching.


- Oh come on, Mycroft, don’t be such a drama queen!


- You are not… Ehhh… helping, brother mine. Ahhh… Ehh


He seemed to be on the verge to sneeze, but the hitching subsided, leaving him slightly out of breath. Sherlock shook his head.


- Some things never change, I guess. AAAhsSHHhuh! Do you remember that you were jealous when we were ill because you couldn’t manage to sneeze

Oh my, oh my, my, My! This is great! You know I love it when things get mixed up and you have really upset the apple cart here. Ha! Generally speaking in the forum the overall canon is once Mycroft starts sneezing he can't stop and you, my dear, have brought us a Mycroft who can't seem to start sneezing. :notworthy:

So the best part is now my imagination running wild... Will Mycroft ever sneeze? What happens when he does? It is a loud, roof-raising sneeze that has Sherlock calling out, "Thar she blows!"? (Like Mycroft is a whale. :razz:) Or will it be a tiny little squeak that makes Sherlock roll his eyes and once again accuse his brother (and rightly so) of being a drama queen. Not to mention the remarks on the size of Mycroft's nose in comparison to his sneeze. Oh, please let John be there for all of that, because his perspective on the whole interaction would be fascinating. :inlove:

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13 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- Oh. Am I interfering in a little… domestic? Mycroft asked, looking meaningfully to the pool of tea and the porcelain fragments on the kitchen’s floor.



13 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- Oh yes, I imagine you had a lot of fun indeed, Mycroft whispered, looking his brother in the eyes.

I can totally picture this look.


13 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

He slammed the door behind him. It wasn’t exactly mature, but he didn’t care. He had to vent his wrath on something. Preferably inanimate things, if he didn’t want to find himself in trouble with the law.

Poor John.


13 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

John was almost surprised by Mycroft’s polite tone. Ordinarily, he didn’t leave him the choice and harassed him, summoned him or even kidnapped him without a single thought for his mood or his daily activities.


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11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

He did not intend to make things easy for the eldest Holmes (after all, he had asked for such a meeting), so he didn’t say a word and waited for his interlocutor to start the conversation,

That's right, make him work for it!


11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- Since I’ve known your brother, I’ve been persuaded that I saw the “true” Sherlock Holmes – I mean what makes him so extraordinary. I was sure that all the persons who saw him as an obnoxious and asocial sociopath were wrong. But after tonight, I’m not sure anymore. I don’t know, maybe it’s because I thought I was special for him, and I’m hurt to see it’s not true.

Poor John.


11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

He has foreseen your reactions, yes, you are right about that. But your sentiments? No.



11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Mycroft shrugged.



- I am accustomed to it.

Poor Mycroft, ever suffering.


11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- We are talking about his imagination, not reality, Mycroft answered with a smile. When someone, in the real world, does something which hurts him, or upsets him in any way, Sherlock takes refuge in his palace. He is able to… dissociate completely. Present, but absent. Here, and elsewhere. He can act perfectly normally – well, at least, normally for him – and at the same time he is inside his palace. It is at the same time a tankage of information and a shelter. He uses it against physical pain, against insults, against everything which could hurt him, but also against every strong emotion people could feel for him, because he doesn’t know how to deal with it.

Very Sherlock. And kind of sad.


11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- You are weird, you know this?



11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

You did, John, of course.


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10 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

What about a Star Trek fanfic, hmmm? :rolleyes:

Yes, m'am! It is on my list. 

10 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

I hope that this part will not disappoint you. For Mycroft the problem is not the sound or the strenght of his sneezes, but how... productive they are.

Oh, he is going to HATE that. :laugh:

But I think it is great how tortured he is waiting for his sneezes to make their appearance. :D 

11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

No, I have not taken my “flu shot”, John.

For shame, Mycroft! :nonono:

11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Mycroft’s eyelids and nostrils twitched once again, and he took another clean handkerchief from another pocket. John grinned. Was the man serious?

- How many do you have with you?

- Enough to… ehhh… last the day without embarrassing myself, the eldest Holmes answered, deadpan.

- You are weird, you know this?

- When we were young, Sherlock used to say that I could compete with the Niagara falls when I had a cold. Ahhh… ehh… I am afraid he was not… completely wrong.

I suggest an antihistamine. :) 


Seriously, I am completely enjoying this and your sneezy Mycroft is fabulous. :thumbs_up:

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