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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Quiet. (SPN, Dean)


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Prompt: Sam knows that if Dean sneezes once, he's going to sneeze (x) amount of times. It's always been that way. Just one of those weird things. 
So, the boys are hiding while on a hunt, and it is critical that they stay completely quiet...But then Sam sees Dean pitch forward with a silent sneeze. Uh oh. He knows there will be (x) more sneezes on their way before Dean is done, and their only hope is that he is able to stifle them all silently, or they will be screwed. Nothing for Sam to do now but sit there and wait for Dean to get all his sneezes out...and maybe offer a little silent moral support. (gingerdean).

Sam and Dean often found themselves in awkward situations. Not only awkward, but dangerous. It was getting close to midnight, and they were both huddled behind a stack of old wooden crates in an abandoned warehouse in Taylors Falls, Minnesota. The warehouse contained a cage with 4 missing children inside... and a rawhead. Sam could hear the rawhead thumping around on the other side of the crates, unaware of their presence in his creepy lair. Louder than the sounds of the monster though, was the sounds of Dean breathing in his ear.
Dean had been fighting a cold for the better part of a week but had, surprise, surprise, refused to slow down or take a break.
They were sitting in crouched, squatted positions, thighs pressed together in the small space. Dean was breathing through his mouth, little clouds of icy air blowing from his mouth in the Minnesotan winter. His breathing was rapid, and Sam glanced to see the glint of sweat on his forehead. Of all the arguing Dean had done the entire week to convince Sam he was up to this, now he looked ready to drop. Now.
Dean snuffled and Sam glared at him. The sounds of footsteps stopping.
Dean shook his head, mouthed 'sorry'.
The steps started again.
Sam continued watching his brother. His nostrils were glistening and flaring, and Sam would have punched him if he could.
Dean shifted to press his wrist against his nose.
"Don't you dare," Sam whispered next to his brother's ear.
Dean couldn't even speak he was struggling so much. Dean's sneezes were never quiet. They were loud, aggressive and violent, and usually always drew a lot of attention.
Sam gripped the back of Dean's neck. He was warm. Dammit.
Dean jerked forward silently into his arm, letting out a heavy breath afterwards.
No, no, no, Sam thought. Once Dean got going he was off. Sometimes Dean would sneeze just once and be done with it, when he had allergies, it was anywhere from 3 to 5 sneezes at a time. When he was sick... 7... at the very least.
Dean jerked forward 2 more times. He was panting, scrubbing his nose back and forth.
"Keep it together," Sam whispered.
"hhh... huh'hh."
Sam gripped him tighter.
The rawhead's steps got further away. They heard the sound of a door opening and closing, plunging the room into silence.
"Not yet," Sam whispered, still wanting to go undiscovered.
"I, hhhuh... godda..."
Sam grabbed Dean's head and pressed him into his chest, holding him close, feeling his chest expand.
"hh'Chst! Huh'nxgt! Sshhhttxk! Heh'Tsssh!"
Dean snuffled against him, sneezes directed into Sam's armpit. A shudder passed through Dean and Sam rubbed a hand up and down his back.
Dean snuffled, rubbing his nose against Sam's shirt.
"Gross," Sam muttered.
"Is it?"
"It's gone."
"Sabe the kids?"
"Can you get up?"
Dean snuffled again, jerking forward with another silent sneeze into Sam's chest.
"You need a nap, dude."
Dean sneezed again.
"And a tissue..."
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Oh that was so good. Just pressed all the right buttons, with the hiding, and the fits, oh my god fantastic. 

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AHHH I love this!! It was so perfect. I LOVE how Sam could tell Dean was going to start sneezing before he even does it, and then when he says "not yet", because he knows that there's going to be more sneezes coming, no matter what. And then when he goes into that mini-fit at the end, and arrghghghhh everything about this is just so awesome. Thank you sooo much for filling this!!!! And for all of your other awesome fills too, I'm in sneezy Dean heaven right now :rollfast:



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On 8 December 2016 at 9:44 AM, Hovercuke said:

Oh that was so good. Just pressed all the right buttons, with the hiding, and the fits, oh my god fantastic. 

:laugh: Thank you!

On 8 December 2016 at 11:33 AM, Werewolf Sniffles said:

Soooooooooooooooooooooo adorable! I loved it!

Hehe thanks for reading! :) 

On 9 December 2016 at 6:35 AM, Wow Really? said:

Love this, but no surprise coming from you. Thanks so much 

Stop it. :blush: 

On 14 December 2016 at 2:27 PM, telltale said:

This is all kinds of adorable.


On 15 December 2016 at 1:26 AM, gingerdean said:

AHHH I love this!! It was so perfect. I LOVE how Sam could tell Dean was going to start sneezing before he even does it, and then when he says "not yet", because he knows that there's going to be more sneezes coming, no matter what. And then when he goes into that mini-fit at the end, and arrghghghhh everything about this is just so awesome. Thank you sooo much for filling this!!!! And for all of your other awesome fills too, I'm in sneezy Dean heaven right now :rollfast:



Yay! I'm so glad you liked it and took the time to let me know :) I love your fics. So, from you, this is high praise indeed. Thank you, thank you! :heart: 

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