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Sherlock (m)


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Sherlocks eyes began to water and he rubbed at his eyes. pale wrist dropped back down to the desk. He continued to peer into the microscope. John was eyeing him from across the desk. Molly had left to grab coffee.

John noted the shift in Sherlocks posture. His breathing looked slightly erratic from the change in his chest movements . It became audible as he sharply inhaled. Still the detective looked ever immersed in His work and not likely to shift. John stared a moment more from behind his newspaper, then returned to the words. He was feeling a bit flustered at the thought of Sherlock succumbing to a sneeze. It was too.. ordinary.. too vulnerable. Something about the thought made his caretaking impulses flare and made him feel a type of longing for the dark haired sleuth that he hardly wanted to entertain.

Suddenly Sherlock retreated from the microscope. His high brows and cheekbones gave into the facial contortion and his shoulders seized. He drew a sharp breath as his eyes closed. John stared with an apprehension. 

Sherlocks hands fidgeted for something on the counter but to no avail. His lips parted and he doubled forward without cover as he forcefully released two harsh sneezes.

hihhZGGHNSHHH.. EHHhnnshh!

They were so loud that John was overwhelmed by the lack of control. Sherlock seemed totally overtaken. John felt his face grow hot and he saw a light mist visible in the air.

Sherlock lifted his face and John could see the red color that took to Sherlocks nose and cheeks with a soft pinkness around his eyes. His lips looked slightly puffed and they were parted. Sherlock wiped his eyes again with his sleeve. He sniffed loudly. 

"Alright ?" Asked John now feeling worried. He rarely had seen Sherlock sneeze unless he was very sick. 

"Mm" Sherlock mumbled an affirmation and shook his head slightly and adjusted his shoulders to peer once again into the scope. 

"Sherlock, if you aren't well you can just say so and we can go back to Baker Street, you look like you need to rest."

Sherlock mumbled "John I'm fine" with sharp annunciation followed by a sharp breath.

John gave him a look and then stood up and walked toward him. 

"Sherlock I'm a doctor for God's sake I know when someone is Ill, let's go home so you can rest and then you will be better suited to finish your work, hm?" John looked down to the seated man with eager eyes. 

Sherlock glanced up to John leaning over him. Then he turned to face him entirely. 

"John, I assure you I am completely .." he held his hand to his nose and mouth and succumbed to a great sneeze.


It ended with a moany sound that left John's mouth dry. 

"Sherlock.." yet again he was interrupted 

EHHSHHiiihh..hih'ehgksh! HEKgshh!!

He sneezed in such a way that it was like he had no idea what was happening to him. John was overwhelmed by how innocent Sherlock appeared in this moment and just wanted to touch his face. Sherlock looked up through very wet eyes. 

"Ugh.. dissue..?" 


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Before he knew it, Sherlock was in a cab back to Baker street with John much to his dismay. He thought to himself what useless worrying John was doing and how tedious it must be to have time to concern yourself over the state of your friends nose when there were so many other important things to do.

Upon stepping out of the cab, Sherlock felt the warn summer breeze brush through his curls. The air itself felt sticky and it clung to his skin and he felt it hard to breathe. In truth he was extremely congested and there was a dab of moisture around the rim of his nostril. His breaths became laboured and he grew lightheaded.

John stepped out after him and could tell Sherlock was a bit wobbly. He grabbed Sherlocks armed and turned him so he was facing himself. Sherlocks eyes were pressed shut quite tightly. Small beads of sweat noticable around his temples. John then noticed the wet glaze rimming his nose. Sherlock opened his eyes to John and drew a breath. 

"John I'm in need of some..ehm.. " he faltered 



Johns eyes widened in acknowledgment. If Sherlock was asking for help it must be serious. John grabbed the detectives arm and led him up the stairs to their flat. 

Mrs. Hudson called 

"Boys, would you like me to bring up some cakes?"

"No thank you Mrs. Hudson" yelled John "Sherlocks a bit under the weather, going to tend to him now." 

At the top of the stairs and into the room. Sherlock suddenly rushed to the couch to sit and leaned his head back. His mouth hung open sightly. John watched his chest. He approached Sherlock. He put a hand on his shoulder. "Sher-"


Sherlock sneezed wetly into his hands.

"Here" John handed him his handkerchief.

"Thangyou" Sherlock said through  thick congestion as he dabbed at his nostrils.

"Johd..I haven't a mobend to lose. "

"Sherlock I can barely understand you you need to blow your nose"

Sherlocks eyebrows scrunched up in annoyance. 

"Johd..I have to test sobething"

Sherlock stood up and made his way to the corner of the room. He crouched down and when he turned around he held out in his hands what appeared to be a perfectly in tact cobweb. 

John tilted his head from the cobweb to Sherlocks beaming face and back again. 

"Ehm...right.. Sherlock what is this about?" He wondered to himself why he was even surprised , this was sherlock after all. He always had some kind of experiment running. He always ignored his health. John would always have to be looking after him. However in his heart he knew he didn't mind at all in fact he was glad.

Sherlocks smile faltered and he shook with a violent force that gripped him..


"Sherlock we need to get you some medicine and water and you must lay down, come on now, whatever this is it can wait. You don't  always have to be in the throws of an experiment." John pleaded

"John I have been waiting for so..*sniff* long to test this..I..I ..uhh...*sniff* I can't waste my opportunity." 

"You can barely speak..you have to sneeze don't you.." 

This statement brought something out of Sherlock. A feeling he couldn't quite explain. He felt suddenly exposed as if John could control him with merely a word. Johns concern was making Sherlock uneasy. 

"No..John as a matter of face I..I.."

He began to hitch violently and John couldn't help but smile. He drew nearer to his friend and firmly grabbed his shoulder. Sherlocks face was pitched forward so John could look directly at him. He could perfectly see sherlocks eyes closed and nose gently leaking. A tear threatening to fall and caress his cheekbones.  


" That's it..Sherlock breathe for me"

He rubbed a circle on Sherlocks back. Sherlocks fingers steepled in front of his face in anticipation. The cobweb was between his hands. 


"That's it..you're okay"


"There you go, the other one too"


John winced as he could hear how the last sneeze must have strained Sherlocks throat. 

Sherlock draped the cobweb over his nose and ran over to the desk where he picked up a stopwatch. His nose was now plainly running. He immediately clicked start. John watched perplexed. 

"Sherlock what on earth-"

"No time.." sherlock wheezed and tossed the stopwatch to John.

"Sherlock!" John was beginning to get itritated with the man. He needed to rest. Not to mention clean up his drippy face, Why wouldn't he just listen.

"Johd..right down..how many *sharp inhale* times I..ahh...I sdeeze.."

John looked incredulously. 

"Sherlock this is ridiculous.." inside he was feeling a slight excitation. 

Sherlock pitched forward with a loud

Ehhhhtschah! Ehhzzgsshhahh!! Ehhtschoo! Hieeghk'tshoo! 

John was flushed. He began to feel lightheaded himself. 



A/n: sorry if this totally sucks I just wanted to try writing Sherlock stuff. If anything this will just be practice and I'll hopefully get better haha. Also I haven't slept and I have to wake up in three hours so yeah..what a time haha. I hope I can eventually write something good with them and really in character. 


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I personally liked this quite a lot! I'm such a sucker for Sherlock fic! :D He's such an awkward, little bean!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm sorry I didn't comment it before...

On 29/11/2016 at 9:00 AM, kushamisukii said:

"You can barely speak..you have to sneeze don't you.." 

This statement brought something out of Sherlock. A feeling he couldn't quite explain. He felt suddenly exposed as if John could control him with merely a word

I really loved that part, I don't know why. Maybe because it's not usual to read this kind of feelings and I find it interesting.

On 29/11/2016 at 9:00 AM, kushamisukii said:

"There you go, the other one too"


On 29/11/2016 at 9:00 AM, kushamisukii said:

Why wouldn't he just listen.

Well, John might begin to know that Sherlock NEVER listens...

Thanks for sharing and feel free to write some more!!!

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I'm crying over the fact that anyone saw or liked this !! Haha :') Thank you!! I don't remember where I was going with this though, maybe it will come back to me hehe. 

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I didn't see this before now. I love the fact that John is affected by Sherlock's sneezes. This is always something I love to see explored. It would be great to read more if you're willing.

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Wow I'm so glad, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that is interested in that.  I love fics that explore that as well. :) Thanks for your comment I'm glad you liked it!  ! I will see if I can come up with more :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

John cocked his head down at an angle willing the blood to recede from his face, thank you. His arms tapped at his legs as he dropped them down in military fashion.

"For God's sake Sherlock what ARE you doing?" John asked with a twitch of his lips.

John knew Sherlock was hard to keep up with, but he found he enjoyed constantly keeping up. He looked forward to days of both learning and teaching. He loved waking up, knowing he would have to take care of the adult things. You know, everything too mundane for Sherlock to bother with, the child he is. Yet John knew the day would be filled with astounding deductions and correct leaps explained in such a fashion so quickly his head would spin. He knew he would thereafter smile and think This is my flatmate, the genius detective. You all marvel at him as do I, but I'm the one who tethers the git to earth and makes sure he gets a bite in every two days. 

A gasp came from Sherlock and John rose his head up licking his lips as he caught a glimpse of the younger man.

"J..joh..ahh..Johnngh ." .A thick sniff "Dobnt tdell mbe..You haven..ah nt..written a single thing down" He buried his nose in his sleeve desperately wiping away his itch. "The count is at forty.. fohr...ahh..."

"Forty-five." John offered with his lips tight. God he really is gonna make me do all the work. Dr. Watson, you do house calls in your own house now.


Sherlock sneezed into his elbow. John gathered a handful of tissues and made his way to this man currently wiping his drippy eyes. He was an arms length in distance from this sickly consulting detective. He extended his arm with tissues. 

"Sherlock, we're going to need you to cooperate." He annunciated the last word hoping to account for Sherlock's childlike cognitive state in regards to the matters such as the one at hand.

"Johd..you are the one not cooperating with science, and it is extremely important...ugh" He grimaced at the state of his sleeve and sniffled pitifully through his congestion. 

"You're a mess." John firmly spoke.

Sherlock wiggled his nose adjusting his face to a decent composure along with straightening up in posture and adjusting his blazer. He tried to regain decency to mask his pitiful state.

"Come on you, science can wait." John tightly took hold of Sherlock's arm for the thousandth time it felt like, and tugged him towards the kitchen. 

The only reason it was so easy to get Sherlock to come with him was because he was stuck in a pre-sneeze hell and John was grateful to be in front of the detective so he wouldn't have Sherlock deducing obscene things about the state of John's tomato red face.

God what is the matter with you, you are a doctor, you have patients in and out sneezing all day, but suddenly Sherlock Holmes comes down with a cold, lets a few sneezes loose, and you have to behave like a schoolgirl with a crush. But why is it something else when HE sneezes..?

They were at the table, Johns hand still gripping Sherlock's arm and pushing him to sit on the table top. Sherlock finally surrendered to the onslaught that comes with defeat in battle. He pitched to the side sneezing into his free hand. He wiped the underside of his sensitive nostrils with his long index finger and gave a sad thick sniff.

John leaned in to look into Sherlock's eyes. "Sherlock" he began while looking up into the deep glassy eyes, "I'm going to attend to you now so please just try to be as good as you can be, and maybe you'll get a lollipop after, think you can manage?" John smiled with half his mouth, quickly as it came it was replaced with concentrating lips. 

Sherlock rolled his eyes. His face was radiating warmth and flushed. Everything looked extra shiny..his sweaty curls against his temple, especially those eyes...Keep it together Watson

"I'll just be myself" Sherlock joked amusingly. "But seriously Johd..I am writing up an important thesis on variations in eloquency of dust patterns and-"

"Yes yes I know you're very fond of dust but Sherlock it seems you have an upper respiratory infection and inhaling different kinds of dusts is not exactly the ideal way of tending to this kind of illness..you know it can actually...make it worse..?" 

Sherlock cocked his head "Sarcasm?"

John bit his lip and parted his lips "mmyeah" He left his mouth open in a slight smile taking in the sight of the poor detective to busy bodied to be bothered with rest. Whatever am I going to do with him? Might have to just wear the sod out...

Ahhh....Joohdd..HEhhh. A wheezy inhale, and...HIH'tCHahhh...oh. A messy release and uncontrollably desperate after sigh.

He sounded tired. John wished he could just put Sherlock to sleep, run a hand through his messy hair and...

John broke out of thought and went to the sink. Sherlock shifted on the table sniffing repeatedly and groaning just a bit audibly.

John dampened a cloth with cool water and walked back to Sherlock. He pressed the cloth to Sherlock's forehead and tipped his head back.


Sherlock nodded in response and closed his eyes. 

"science doesn't rest John, I need to take advantage of my state to observe the difference in dust effects on a sickly individa-AHH..HITSCHOO..Sniff. Individual." He sneezed into his shoulder. Johns felt heat rush into his ears.

John reached for a tissue with his hand not holding the cloth to Sherlock's forehead and pressed it into the detective's hand. 

"You need to blow, Christ you're like a running faucet, and then be still and let me care for you before I just haul you to a doctors office and let them deal with you."

John bit his lip. "How do you feel.....Sherlock?"

"mm.." The detectives head was dipping down to one side and John could not believe it but Sherlock might be falling asleep. "John, I want to finish my..experim.." he trailed off to a small whisper.

John placed his hand against Sherlock's shoulder and supported him. Wow leave it to Sherlock Holmes to be so ridiculous but it's that same ridiculousness that somehow attracts us all to take care of him. He always gets his way. We always...I always....


I am really into this man...

John sighed deeply. Yet there's just nothing I wouldn't do with him or for him.

"Come on sleeping beauty, you have a date with your bed" He lifted Sherlock from the table top shouldering his fairly limp frame whilst wrapping an arm around him. "Your bed is lonely since its hardly used, we might as well donate it if it weren't for times like this when Sherlock Holmes is taken down by a cold."

Sherlock muttered an unintelligible protest and John chuckled softly. They walked to Sherlock's bedroom so the ill detective could plop into the sea of blankets and pillows and fall adrift into the waves of sleep filled with dancing cobwebs and dust particles and beakers filled with God knows what chemical.



I really appreciate everybody's comments on here, it makes me want to keep writing and write better! Thanks guys!!!<3333



Edited by kushamisukii
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John had patted the covers down around the sleeping detective who was crunched into a ball with his face buried in the pillow. John had stood there flexing his fingers in and out in an awkward state wondering what he should do before he muttered "Right." and turned swiftly around to march out the door. He did however with his fingers lightly touching the door, turn back to take one last look for now at Sherlock before turning around his fingers trailing softly off the door behind him.

He slumped into his chair after putting on some tea. He reached for his book when he saw the dusty particles in the window. Sherlock was so fascinated by this stuff and so particular. I mean, he scolded Mrs. Hudson every time she dusted. Dust is eloquent. He shook Sherlock's flamboyant face out of mind. Yet suddenly John found himself wandering over to the window peering down to the notebook on the table. The sunlight spilled through the window and caressed Johns hair and cheek with a golden glow. He picked up the book. There were so many scribbled sentences he couldn't read and one particularly interesting recent one. 

4:50 am

Dr. Watson sneezes in his sleep when room is dusted.

Hang on. John rubbed his now suddenly tired eyes with his fingers. Oh God, Sherlocks experimenting on me too. Oddly enough, John found himself slightly amused, a smile tugged at his unwilling mouth. Seems we're both fascinated by each other sneezing.

As if by thinking about the subject you could coax a sneeze, John found himself a victim to the light of the sun and the particles spinning through it until they slid their way into his helpless nostrils. He froze and quickly brought his hand to his mouth to muffle the sound. 


It was noisier than he had hoped but he merely sniffed and went to wash his hands. If Sherlock was in a fit state I'm sure he would have made some scientific/snide remark on that. Dust is eloquent, But even you John can be graced by its gentle touch. Cue that Sherlockian smirk.

John shook his head. He was too fixated on thoughts of the sleeping detective. He needed to get his act together. But if Sherlock was feeling so ill he nearly fainted with sleep onset, he was going to need some proper care. John grabbed some paracetamol and put some lemon in the tea. He walked into Sherlock's room where the man lay his blazer entangled around him in a fashion that looked quite uncomfortable. It was too snug around his left side against the mattress. John set down the medicine and tea and kneeled next to the bed. He carefully tugged at Sherlock's blazer coaxing it off while Sherlock elicited some little whiny breaths. 

"Come on mate, you can sleep, just want to get you more comfortable." Sherlock shifted onto his stomach and allowed John access to his arms to pull off the blazer. His white button-up was damp and John noted the flesh like color of Sherlocks back visible through the thin fabric. John gently nudged Sherlock to lie on his back. He unbuttoned Sherlock's shirt down and loosened the collar. He left and returned with a wet cloth and a thermometer. John placed the cloth on Sherlock's chest. His face was undoubtedly flushed but he was ignoring it choosing to lean on the solid truth that he is a doctor following procedure. 

"John.." Sherlock slurred, "I'm cold..and my nose is..HUH...HE'TSCHhhahh!"  His inhalation was sharp and loud due to his groggy state and the unexpected nature of the sneeze. He had sneezed uncovered and John noted the sheen of moisture around Sherlock's nose. His eyes were still closed and he looked like he had fallen back to sleep. However, he lightly tugged at John's sleeve with his eyes still shut. He sniffled a thick sniff to try to clean up the dribble that made its way to his upper lip. 

"Hey, I know it's uncomfortable but you will be okay." John dabbed at Sherlock's nose with his sleeve. He would probably think more on that later. Sherlock hummed in response. 

"John, dust makes me sneeze a lot." 

"I know." John was patting down at Sherlock's chest unwilling to look up. Sherlock's eyes were still closed regardless but John still couldn't look up.

"Sherlock, I-"


a bit of the spray lightly misted onto Johns' hand on Sherlock's chest, and John involuntarily shivered. 

"mmsorry John, I didn't mea..heh..mean itahhhIHH..."

"It's okay Sherlock, you can let it out,"

Sherlock's eyes were streaming. "But it's sdtuck..." He sniffled up wetly. "It's unbearable.."

John was feeling a mixture of excitement and sympathy.

"Don't tell me Sherlock Holmes is gonna let transport beat him out."

Sherlock's eyebrows twitched in response to what John thought to be annoyance.

"Jawwwnnn.." Sherlock in his half sleep state moaned.

John pinched Sherlock's nose closed. He didn't know why he did this it just happened and then Sherlock sneezed forcibly into Johns' fingers. 

"HNXTSCH!...ugh.. John, I am a grown man I think I can sneeze on my own."

"You just practically BEGGED me to help you out!" Johns' voice raised a bit toward the end in annoyance until he realized Sherlock was smiling a half smile and John couldn't help but smile as well. 

Edited by kushamisukii
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Ohhhhhhhh mmyyyy gooooooood this is so good! I just love the way you write both of them! And a whiney, Sherlock? Um, yes please! :inlove:

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Oh my God thanks so much:')) !!

And yeah...I think we can do whiney sherlock ;)

If there's any specific things that you would like to see during caretaking or whatever if you let me know I can add it in :)) 

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2 hours ago, kushamisukii said:

Oh my God thanks so much:')) !!

And yeah...I think we can do whiney sherlock ;)

If there's any specific things that you would like to see during caretaking or whatever if you let me know I can add it in :)) 

No problem and if I think of something, I'll be sure to ask! :o:D 

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Oh I thought you had forgotten this fic and I'm so glad that you didn't!!!

On 17/02/2017 at 4:29 AM, kushamisukii said:

"J..joh..ahh..Johnngh ." .A thick sniff "Dobnt tdell mbe..You haven..ah nt..written a single thing down" He buried his nose in his sleeve desperately wiping away his itch. "The count is at forty.. fohr...ahh..."

"Forty-five." John offered with his lips tight. God he really is gonna make me do all the work. Dr. Watson, you do house calls in your own house now.

I really feel pity for John. Taking care of Sherlock is really, really problematic. All the more when he's distracting the good doctor with his continuous sneezing...

On 17/02/2017 at 6:20 AM, kushamisukii said:

John, I am a grown man I think I can sneeze on my own."

"You just practically BEGGED me to help you out!"

THIS was perfect! I laughed and at the same time the whole situation was awsome. Thank you for this parts, and I'm eager to read the next one!

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Omg @Aliena H. I'm so glad you like it!! Haha. And I know poor John really has a lot to deal with and he's ultra distracted x.x he always bends over backwards for the guy.

And yay! I'm glad somebody laughed at that XD I hope you will continue to enjoy it ! Thanks for commenting !!!

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John had shared moments like this one with Sherlock before. Moments where they locked eyes while smiling before John awkwardly turned away clearing his throat were fairly usual between them. But now looking into the detectives eyes John could see a warmth behind the cool exterior and the way the sickness was messing with his head. He could see this because Sherlock normally doesn't say emotional things but he's talking about how much his throat hurts and how bad he feels and it reminds him of sometime he spent in Serbia. Whatever is he on about..this is not a good sign. Sherlock Holmes is going all sap on me and is admitting to be dreadfully Ill.

John took the thermometer off the night stand. He motioned to insert it into this poor mans mouth. 

"And I just can't stand the way my nose itches like I have to just sneeze for hours and hours.."

John brushed off that line not without a moment of butterflies fluttering through his stomach. God..Sherlock is so wonderfully human, I always forget he's not really indestructible.

"its so tedious and dreadful and I have so many important things to do you couldn't understand John...when you have an international reputation you have a lot to live up t-"

Sherlocks words were cut off when John chose the most strategic moment to place the thermometer in Sherlock's mouth.

"Yes, Sherlock we all know about your international reputation. But even the king of England takes a day off" he smiled at Sherlock remembering a past joke.

Sherlock furrowed his brow, blinking several times in concentration. Fresh beads of sweat were formed on his brow and John wiped at them with his wet cloth.

"John, I thought you said we didn't have a  king!"

John smiled.

"Glad to see your hippocampus is still working at least, your memory is still sharp. That's why you are the detective mate" 

The thermometer beeped and john whisked it out of Sherlock's mouth feeling the detectives hot breath against his hand.

He shook it and held it to the light while putting one back of a hand across sherlocks forehead. 

"Sherlock your temperature is pretty high. How did you even get yourself into such a state." Johns concern was overwhelming him but he needed to remain detatched.

Of all the bloody things...its Sherlock Holmes the man who manages to get everyone else on the bloody planet to dislike him  that I have to become attached too. Er.. I become flatmates with..and solve cases with. Its honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me. The truth is for all his terribly annoying habits and difficult traits and the horrible things he says ..I just can't imagine it any other way. I wouldn't change anything for the world. I can't not be around him. I choose to stay with him.

John could not see Sherlock as any patient. This was his Sherlock. He was dear to him and he was just going to have to focus.

"Jawwn..im going to..snehhh-eh..HIH'KTSCHOO!"

"Bless you, Sherlock"

"Nnhh..thank you ..Johd..." He sniffed.

John combed his fingers through Sherlock's hair. He was sweaty and delirious with fever. He should probably take pictures for everyone at the yard. Probably should get some recordings too. He was playing with a curl absent mindedly.

"Sherlock, where did your parents come up with that name?"

"Mmm...something about ..ahh..about..having closely cut hair. It was an old surname...shear lock...I believe..I..uhhhh.. Ah.."

"But you wear your hair pretty long.." John was fidgeting with a curl and watching sherlocks eyelashes flutter with sneeze anticipation. It looked like beads of morning dew resting on his eyelashes. He had one hand on sherlocks chest where he patted the wet cloth. He could feel sherlocks breaths unsteadily rising and coming in shallow and ragged with the struggle against a sneeze or maybe several sneezes?




Sherlock nodded his head while his eyes were scrunched up in pre sneeze agony. Tears now slipped down one cheekbone. His nose was leaking now and he kept uttering little vocal moans trying to breathe the right breath to coax out the sneeze.

"John.. I..don't watch meEHHH'HUPTCHSHH, ahh.. EhPtchShoo! HEH'ptschoo! AHPTschoo!...HEPTschhshh!!

He lifted his hand to pinch his nose and that about did the trick because he unleashed so many sneezes then that John just stared at in awe and immense pleasure/discomfort. The paradox that is created by none other than Sherlock Holmes.

John ran to the bathroom feeling heated but he was on a mission. He grabbed a fresh soft cloth and went back to his sleeping detective. He pressed the cloth to Sherlocks nose. 

"Here Sherlock, you will feel much better If you blow into this....there you go"

Sherlock was blowing as hard as he could between streaming tears and escaping sneezes stifled by the cloth. 

"HUPTSCH!...HEHKSCHH!..Johd...I HAPTCHOO!..I think ib..ahh...Ib dyigg..hehh..HETSSCHOO!! Ah..oh ..."

He trailed off and blew into the cloth.

"That's it Sherlock, just get all the junk out so you can breathe, you're okay." John was in his soothing doctor mode but he was also in his i'm going to kill this sod for the agony he's putting me through. Why is he making me feel this way? In fact this whole situation had John so confused and uncomfortable. I'm gonna.. 


Johns train of thought was broken.

"Yes sherlock?"

John wiped Sherlock's nose with the cloth and set it aside. That poor nose was very chapped and his face looked blotchy and soft. 

"You're the only..good doctor...."

He trailed off. 

"You must be so tired Sherlock."


"Get some sleep."

"Yes Dr. Watson..' Sherlock began drifting.

"Thats it"


"I'm here"

"Don't go.."

John patted his leg, Sherlock was out and John had a lot to think about.




Edited by kushamisukii
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6 hours ago, kushamisukii said:

Yay!! I'm so pumped you liked it!! Thank you!! ;)) *blush face* ( I can't figure out how to get the emojis on my phone lol) @SneezyHolmes

I'm so pumped omg you have no idea! No problem though! ;)

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On 20/02/2017 at 6:39 AM, kushamisukii said:

John.. I..don't watch meEHHH'HUPTCHSHH

This little sentence just killed me... And I love the contradiction in John's mind! Great job, please don't stop there!!!

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