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Overworked (Yuri!!! On ice)


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A/N: Guys, I tried okay xD I'm 100% on the YOI train with many other wonderful people in this fandom. This is usually how things go though, I watch an anime, get obsessed with it and try to write fanfictions but I'm not good with characters (because my inner grammar nerd takes over!) So, if you think I did okay, shoot me a reply because Lord knows I need it :-) Enjoy! (Or try to anyway. This is kinda set after episode 6 btw.) 


It was undeniable that Yuuri's short program at The Cup of China was technically flawless. He nailed every single jump and turn given in the combination, which was unheard of for the self conscious boy's skate history. He also made the theme of Eros oddly seductive. 

So when Yuuri exited the competition building and practically collapsed into Victor on the way through the door, there was no need for question. 

"Ah, be careful, Yuuri." Victor purred with a caring smile as he supported his students weight in his own arms. "Let me help you over to the bench while I call a taxi, hmm?" 

Yuuri blushed and tiredly nodded as he gingerly made his way over to said bench with the help of his proud coach. 

"You were beautiful Yuuri." Once again, the carrying out of his two syllable name by Victor caused goose bumps to cover the skater's body. 

Suddenly a congested cough rattled out of Yuuri's chest unexpectedly, and he struggled to cover a few more rough ones meekly with his small fist. Sniffling, he glanced up at his idol turned coach, clearly exhausted as he plopped down. 

"Neh, are you alright? You seem overexerted." A frown appeared on the superior's face as his brows furrowed in concern. "I don't like the sound of that cough." 

"H-heh? I-I-I'm totally fine, V-Victor. Just a little chilly." Yuuri commented hoarsely, hugging himself in a failed attempt to warm up, only to find shivers raking his drained frame. This, unfortunately caused his already runny nose to tickle. 

Victor's concern did not stop, but neither did his forwardness. Yuuri's eyes shot open as the warmth of his coach's jacket spread through his body. It didn't end there however, as Victor embraced his student very intimately. 

Yuuri, while undoubtedly enjoying the closeness of his idol, was fighting a losing battle with his sinuses; which were currently compressed into Victor's shoulder. 

"V-Vict-heh, Victor m-my, heh-" Yuuri desperately tried to warn his coach through an intense build up, but Victor misinterpreted his stuttering. 

"Shhh, just relax Yuuri, I've got you. The taxi's here, let's get you back in bed, hmm?" He whispered unnecessarily close to his student's ear. Yuuri could feel Victor's breath teasing over his ear, sending another shiver down his spine. 

The shiver sent off the sneezing fit Yuuri dreaded. 

"He'CHix! HeChixx! Hetchoo!" The sneezes exploded right into his idol's shoulder and Yuuri instantly craved the need for a black whole to swallow him up with the knowledge that the last explosion was not stifled and was therefore, messy. 

To Yuuri's surprise, an angelic laugh rang through the self made awkward silence and a tissue was soon pressed upon his mucus dripping nose. 

"You're precious my little Yuuri, blow your nose and don't stifle next time. Let's get you to bed sweetie." 

Yuuri barely recognized the words being spoken to him as he lost consciousness and fell limp into Victor's strong arms. 

His coach lovingly placed him into the taxi and fastened Yuuri's seatbelt before joining him on the other side to journey back to their temporary residence. 


You made it to the end, I'm so proud ;) But seriously, if this didn't suck let me know because I know I'm not always good with characters. I just HAD to write something after watching episode 7, I mean who didn't get the urge!? I will only continue this if someone wants me to, I have such a busy life. School, dance training, and I have a relationship soo yeah. I'll settle down for now but I'm secretly fangirling for all eternity xD Have a wonderful weekend my fellow YOI buddies :)

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This was really cute!! I just got to watching episode 7 a few kindness ago (I was busy all week). Words cannot describe my feelings rn lol. I had to come and check for sneezefics! Thanks for writing this, I really enjoyed it! 

I don't want to seem pushy, but if you could write more that would be great! I see a lot of potential in this storyline! 

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13 hours ago, Kushami Suki Da! said:

This was really cute!! I just got to watching episode 7 a few kindness ago (I was busy all week). Words cannot describe my feelings rn lol. I had to come and check for sneezefics! Thanks for writing this, I really enjoyed it! 

I don't want to seem pushy, but if you could write more that would be great! I see a lot of potential in this storyline! 

Thank you very much! I really appreciate your reply! I'll see what I can do. I don't write super long parts, but I'm sure I could mix something up for a part 2 :) Glad you're enjoying it as well as the blessing that was episode 7 lol. 

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A/N: Here's part 2! Hope you enjoy! Wednesday can't come fast enough :P


Yuuri was awoken by the gentle shaking of his shoulder. He quickly recognized that he was no longer in the taxi cab, meaning that Victor had carried him all the way from the car, through the hotel lobby, to their room. The thought alone caused the feverish boy's cheeks to flush a deeper red. 

"V-Victor y-you know you didn't h-have to carry me all that way. Where people were looking a-and stuff." Yuuri managed to get out as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. 

"Oh it was no problem, you weren't as heavy as I initially thought, Yuuri. Let's get you undressed though, time for bed." His coach stated with the playful smile he always wore, making him seem oblivious to the world's negativity. 

"I mean, I can do it myself Vicc-chan." The delirious statement was followed by a cute yawn. 

Victor's eyes widened in shock and he had to shake his head to make sure he had heard right. He knew Yuuri had been very different today, but this was too new. 

His eyes narrowed to further investigate the difference in his student's behavior, when a tired sneeze caught Yuuri off guard. 

"Chu!" Yuuri squeaked out quietly. Even though the sneeze was rather small, the force of it had the boy falling forward without expectation. 

"Yuuri! Hey, are you okay!?" The frantic voice of his coach was heard from above as Yuuri's body barely missed the carpeted floor before landing in Victor's strong arms. 

Yuuri simply blinked at his coach in response, seeming confused as if he didn't understand the words. 

"I-um-it hurts." Yuuri whispered, curling up on Victor's lap. 

"What hurts Yuuri?" The older man inquired with concern. 

When Yuuri didn't reply, Victor cupped his student's cheek gently to check his temperature. It's way too high, Victor thought. He needs to be in bed or things could get real bad at tomorrow's event. 

Seeing that Yuuri was unable to respond due to delirium, Victor hurriedly laid the sick boy in bed as he continued to prepare him to rest. Taking off his coat, then his shirt, pants, and shoes, before replacing them with his warm pajamas. 

Pulling back the covers, he tucked his student in bed gently before fetching a cool cloth for his forehead. 

God, I hope I'm doing this right. This is something for an MD, not a Victor. His train of thoughts were interrupted by Yuuri's weak, hoarse coughing. 

Rushing to get a glass of water, the Russian soon returned to ease the tickle in Yuuri's sore throat. Bringing the glass up to his lips, Victor slowly tipped it just enough for the sick lad to get a cool drink. 

"There, all better?" Victor quietly asked, rubbing the younger's back soothingly. 

Yuuri simply nodded before snuggling into the covers for warmth. 

"He'CHou! Het'chix!! Hechxx! H-mmp!" Yuuri stifled desperately into a pillow to try and muffle the sound, even while he wasn't in his right mind. 

Victor sighed, taking off his shoes and climbing into bed next to his shivering student. 

Grabbing the poodle tissue box, he plucked a few and wiped Yuuri's runny nose softly before holding the younger one close. 

"What did I say about stifling, hmm? Go to sleep now, I've got you." Victor whispered into Yuuri's ear lovingly playing with his hair. "I won't leave, I promise." 

And with that, the two figure skaters found themselves falling into a much needed slumber. 


Eh, I tend to ramble a lot in fics when I'm just trying to get another part out. Buttttt, that aside I hope it was still enjoyable. Yuuri is so adorable when he's sick, I just wanna cuddle him and make it cannon ;) Have a great week everyone! 

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You're so right - Yuuri is adorable when he's sick! And Viktor is cute being all concerned and helpful. This story is really nice, thank you for continuing it! And I know what you mean... lately I have been thinking of everyday in relation to how close it is to Wednesday!!

Edited by Kushami Suki Da!
my phone's aurocorrect is a pain...
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1 hour ago, Kushami Suki Da! said:

You're so right - Yuuri is adorable when he's sick! And Viktor is cute being all concerned and helpful. This story is really nice, thank you for continuing it! And I know what you mean... lately I have been thinking of everyday in relation to how close it is to Wednesday!!

Thank you very much!! :D Tomorrow we get episode 8 ayeeee. Maybe I'll be inspired but I think I'll leave it here unless I feel like writing. I'm really tired, thanksgiving break is such a blessing tbh. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

These are my favorite kind of sick fics!! :inlove: Fluff is basically my drug of choice so I'm really loving this ^^

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On December 4, 2016 at 11:04 PM, bazzpop00 said:

These are my favorite kind of sick fics!! :inlove: Fluff is basically my drug of choice so I'm really loving this ^^

Aww thanks a bunch! Fluff gives me life lol. I'm so glad you're enjoying it! There wasn't enough Yuuri sick fics out there so I had to play with my baby a little lol ;) 


14 hours ago, BringDylanTheHorizon said:

Oh my gooooood. This is absolutely adorable, I'm in love with your writing (and yuri on ice) <3 

You're so sweet, thank you! That means a lot to me :) Would you be interested in a part 3? I'm not sure how quickly I could put it together, because junior year is kicking my butt, but I could try. 

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5 hours ago, LiveToBeMe said:

Aww thanks a bunch! Fluff gives me life lol. I'm so glad you're enjoying it! There wasn't enough Yuuri sick fics out there so I had to play with my baby a little lol ;) 


You're so sweet, thank you! That means a lot to me :) Would you be interested in a part 3? I'm not sure how quickly I could put it together, because junior year is kicking my butt, but I could try. 


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A/N: Part 3! Thank you guys for all the wonderful replies, they mean the world to me! (Fangirling will be in the last author note so beware.)


Not even an hour after Yuuri fell asleep, deep, rattling coughs woke him up. It wasn't just one though, it was a full blown fit. 

Yuuri started to panic when he realized his chest was so congested that his lungs were having trouble clearing them out. He felt phlegm coming up and winced harshly as he coughed a bunch into his cupped hands. 

Immediately, he felt Victor's hands on his back, rubbing and patting firmly to try and relieve his panic. 

When it was finally over, Yuuri was left gasping for air desperately and fell back into bed weakly. 

"Yuuri, are you okay? I have a tissue here ready to get that nasty stuff off your hands." Victor spoke softly to his student, concern embedded into his sky blue eyes. 

Yuuri feebly nodded in acknowledgment, but it was clear that he didn't have energy for chatter. 

"Heh..chuu!" The sick boy barely had enough energy to sneeze, let alone stifle, so it didn't happen. 

"Bless you sugar. Here, a nice cup of water. I'll replace your cloth shortly, don't worry." Victor slowly mentioned, his sleepy voice laced in a thick Russian accent. 

Through Yuuri's delirium, he connected the dots. It was in the middle of the night, he woke Victor up, and now his idol was slaving away for him all because he overworked himself in the Short Program. How stupid. 

"Yuuri, why the tears darling?" Victor purred with concern, bringing his hand up to wipe Yuuri's overflowing eyes. 

He was crying? Oh. That's why his face felt wet. 

Yuuri just bawled harder and reached out to his coach, his fists clenching Victor's shirt. 

"It's my fault," Yuuri mumbled through the tears. "It's all my fault." 

"Shh, no need to waste your energy on such words. You can't help succumbing to a bug. It'll all be over soon. I love being here for you Yuuri. I want to be here for you." 

Yuuri's eyes widened and he let a few more choked sobs out before he felt another tickle in his nose. Not now

"Hehh.." Go away. "Heiihh-" Yuuri's eyes begun to water. He didn't want to sneeze right now. Victor's embrace felt too good on his feverish, weak body. 

"Ne Yuuri, if you need to sneeze do it. Your nose wants to, shouldn't you give it the freedom?" Victor teased, petting his student's hair gently "Don't be afraid, you'll feel better. Or do I have to help you?" 

Yuuri's eyes grew very large, and any attempt to hold back his sneezes were soon forgotten. 

"Het'choo! Heh-chi! Hept'choo! Chu! Chu! Heihh..het'chi!" The sneezes tore out of his body, the last few barely making it out as his weak body rid itself of the nagging tickle. 

"Goodness. Bless you Yuuri, here's a tissue." Victor said with a concerned smile. "Blow." He commanded gently, lifting up the soft Kleenex. 

Yuuri used several tissues before calling it a night once more, only to be woken up every few hours or even minutes, due to coughing or sneezing. Every time Victor was by his side, doing his best to provide comfort. 

It was obvious Yuuri wasn't feeling well and Victor prayed, for once, that his student would be recovered enough to preform in a matter of hours. 

"Get well soon, moya lyubov."


moya lyubov: my love 

GUYS. I don't know about you but I had a literal fangirl attack on Wednesday. Oh my gosh. I'm convinced that this series is being written by someone on tumblr lol. Bottom line, bless episode 10. But boy oh boy did it give me some inspiration. Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for all the wonderful replies :wubsmiley:

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i'll start the comment calmly before I go into total fangirl mode... NOPE SORRY I CAN'T!! Episode ten has me screaming and this fic is making the scream even louder! I really hope they make a sick episode, I'm legit praying for one cause this is how I would want it to be, anyway enough of that xD awesome job :heart:

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5 hours ago, bazzpop00 said:

i'll start the comment calmly before I go into total fangirl mode... NOPE SORRY I CAN'T!! Episode ten has me screaming and this fic is making the scream even louder! I really hope they make a sick episode, I'm legit praying for one cause this is how I would want it to be, anyway enough of that xD awesome job :heart:

Thank you so so much! Truly love comments like yours :) and yes, I'm praying for a sick episode too, but there's only 2 episodes left D: I'm going to break down once this season ends but ya know, there's always OVAs, am I right? Thanks again for reading! :jump:

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On 06/12/2016 at 4:41 PM, LiveToBeMe said:

 Would you be interested in a part 3? I'm not sure how quickly I could put it together, because junior year is kicking my butt, but I could try. 

hoLY SHIT ABSOLUTELY????? OH MY GOSH I WOULD CRY WITH HAPPINESS. And don't worry about how long it would take honestly just the fact that there's yoi fics on here is good enough for me lmao

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I am struggling to put into words how much I love this. Just know that it is beautiful. Everything about it. Beautiful.

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On December 14, 2016 at 4:21 AM, BringDylanTheHorizon said:

hoLY SHIT ABSOLUTELY????? OH MY GOSH I WOULD CRY WITH HAPPINESS. And don't worry about how long it would take honestly just the fact that there's yoi fics on here is good enough for me lmao

Thank you! :3 Part 3 has been posted for a while now if you didn't read it yet :) 


On December 15, 2016 at 8:08 PM, Kushami Suki Da! said:

I am struggling to put into words how much I love this. Just know that it is beautiful. Everything about it. Beautiful.

Your reply brought me so much joy, I seriously appreciate this a lot. Thank you!! :blushsmiley:


12 hours ago, FurryPaws said:

This is amazing!!!!! I love all the details! Its so cute^^ Amazing job!:D:notworthy::hyper:

Thanks a bunch! I tried really hard, I'm so glad you're enjoying it! I'm guessing this means I should write a part 4 :lol:

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A/N: Thank you again FurryPaws, you're so sweet! I'm not ready for the series finale tbh. I'm going to die today. I need more Yuri on ice in my life. Oh well, hopefully sick fics keep coming anyway xD Fair warning to sneeze lovers, there's actually only one sneeze in this part, I apologize. But without further delay, here's part 4! 


Victor's eyes slowly opened and it took him a minute or so to figure out his surroundings. That's right, they were in a hotel in China and Yuuri was very ill. 

The Russian yawned and rubbed his eyes before looking over at his student. Yuuri was tangled up in the blankets, mumbling in his sleep, while slowing taking in thick, congested breaths. 

Victor reached over to Yuuri, feeling the younger's forehead. He definitely still had a fever. This was bad, even if Yuuri wasn't delirious, his performance would suffer greatly. It wasn't even the performance Victor was worried about. No, he was worried for Yuuri. 

Checking the time, Victor noticed they should probably get out of bed if they're going to start things slow today anyway. 

Gently shaking his student, Victor softly spoke. "Yuuri, wakey wakey. Time to get up. How are you feeling?" 

The Japanese took his time waking up and when his eyes finally opened, he looked confused. His brows scrunched together more, before his head quickly snapped down. 


That was messy. Yuuri slowly looked up in shame, seeing that his nose was currently dripping. 

"Aww, poor baby. Here's a tissue sweetie." Victor cooed worriedly, handing him the whole poodle tissue box instead of just a single Kleenex. 

"I'm sorry you had to stay up so late with me last night, Victor. I didn't mean to be a burden." Yuuri mumbled the last part into the tissue, attempting to talk to himself. Victor heard him though. 

"Yuuri, listen to me. I never felt obligated to take care of you. I wanted to, I hate seeing you in pain. It's not just my job as your coach, it's my joy to take care of you as your lover." The Russian smiled gently, cupping Yuuri's cheek affectionately. 

"Thank you so much Vic-chan. I'll do my best today, I do feel like crap though." Yuuri shyly admitted. 

"I know honey, your best is all I could ask for. You're still running a fever and if I had it my way, I wouldn't take you to the ice at all. But competitions kind of suck that way. Why don't you get a nice shower and then we'll grab something hot to eat on the way to the arena?" Victor said sweetly, kissing the top of Yuuri's forehead, noticing the heat. 

"Sounds good." Yuuri said with a little yawn. 


Shortly after they arrived at the rink, Yuuri had told his coach he needed to use the restroom and Victor thought nothing of it. But it had been almost 20 minutes and he was worried now. 

Hurrying through the crowd and neglecting reporters, the young coach jogged into the men's room. 

"Yuuri! Are you in here!?" He called desperately, worry laced deeply into his face. 

"Here." He heard a small, weak voice call from one of the stalls. 

"Can I come in Yuuri?" Victor voice sounded so sad, like he was scared for his student's wellbeing. Which at this point, Yuuri was too. 

All he got in response was a groan. 

"I'm coming in, okay?" He gently pushed the stall door open, which surprisingly wasn't locked. 

Yuuri's head was laying against the toilet seat, covered in sweat. 

"Baby, what happened? Did you get sick yet?" Victor threw questions at his student, lovingly petting Yuuri's hair as he knelt down beside him. 

"Just once. I feel horrible Vic-chan. Everything hurts." Yuuri whined. 

"I'm sorry baby, I'm here. I don't expect you to skate wonderfully. Just try to be careful out there, okay? We'll get through this together," Victor calmly stated, continually petting Yuuri's hair. "Don't worry about skating right now, focus on feeling better." 

"Okay-" Was all Yuuri could manage before he started coughing heavily. Phlegm came up first and then he started throwing up. Tears ran down his cheeks as his whole breakfast left his stomach. 

"Shh, it's okay honey. Just let it out, it's okay." Victor cooed, rubbing his student's back until he was done. 

"All finished?" Yuuri simply nodded in response as his coach helped him up. 

"You're shaking, love." Victor 'tsk'ed as he supported Yuuri over to the sink to get cleaned up. 

"I know, I'm freezing." Yuuri mumbled as he rinsed out his mouth and washed his face. 

"You're actually burning up, Yuuri. That fever's really messing with your body. I'm sorry, but I think we should head towards the arena as soon as possible so you don't miss your announcement." 

Yuuri nodded shakily and allowed Victor to practically carry him back to the rink. 


As they entered, Georgi was just finishing his free skate. From the looks of it, it hadn't been that impressive. 

Victor handed Yuuri a tissue as he entered the ice gingerly. 

"Blow your nose one last time, it'll help you feel better." Victor advised gently. 

Yuuri blew his nose as commanded, before purposely dropping it, barely landing in Victor's palm as he bended over the rink's barrier. 

Trying to lighten the situation, Yuuri poked Victor's head gently before he skated away. 

Victor touched the area that Yuuri had previously poked, letting it sink in before smiling. He had such a precious pork cutlet. 

The Yuri on ice music started to play and Victor watched intently as his student's arms danced around gracefully. So far so good. He thought as Yuuri begun skating around the rink. 

Yuuri landed both the quadruple toe loop and double toe loop in the combination successfully. Victor nodded in approval, Yuuri was doing wonderfully so far given his disadvantage. 

After he nailed the quadruple Salchow, Yuuri started feeling exhausted. His body wasn't up to par in the first place, so now it made skating extremely difficult. The spins afterwards started to make him dizzy, and he found himself viewing the ice on an odd angle. 

He landed the triple toe loop, despite the burning feeling in his chest and the aches through his body. Just a little longer. Finish the program and be careful like Victor said. Yuuri thought. He was so tired. 

Yuuri touched down during his triple axel, but he honestly just wanted to finish the program and get back in bed. What was he thinking? This performance could affect whether he went to the Grand Prix Final or not, and losing wasn't really an option, considering the reason why Victor came to Japan. I can surprise Victor, even if I'm sick. Yuuri gingerly planned out the rest of his program and the transitions needed. He was going to do it. 

After the sloppy jump combination, he added a few more clean jumps to cover up his mistake. Just keep going, you just the stamina for this. 

Yuuri's nose was running at this point, and he felt very ill. He was sure he'd collapse after he ended the free program. He could do it anyway. He could do the Quadruple flip. 

Yuuri barely remembered falling and finishing the free skate before darkness covered his vision. 

"Yuuri! Oh my God, he's not getting up!" Victor had jogged onto the ice in his dress shoes, not caring. "Babe, you still with us?" He cried full of concern as Yuuri lay still on the cold ice. Victor was barely able to hold himself back from the paramedics lifting Yuuri off the ice onto a stretcher. 

He heard them talking quietly to one another about a fever, possible something, making sure the fall didn't injure him, and something else, but Victor barely paid attention. He just needed Yuuri to be okay. Yuuri was all that mattered. 


After waking up, Yuuri hoarsely asked Victor where he was and if he could have some water. 

"You're in a hospital nearby our hotel sweetie. You collapsed after you finished the free skate. You did extremely well for being so ill, Yuuri. I'm very proud of you." Victor explained with a soft smile, handing his student a foam cup of water per request. 

Yuuri nodded before responding. "I don't feel as bad, honestly. I'm just really tired." He coughed a few times. "How long was I out?"

"I'm glad you're feeling better, Yuuri. You've been asleep for several hours now, I wasn't keeping track of the exact time. You gave me a scare, but the doctors got your fever down and have medicine prescribed for you. They said something about pneumonia." The Russian stated sadly, petting Yuuri's hair again. "I really want to go back to Japan so we can get you taken care of, but the doctor insisted we wait until your fever breaks so you won't be contagious on the plane." 

Yuuri's eyes opened wide. Contagious. He had totally forgot. He had been so close to Victor this whole time. 

"V-Victor! You should s-stay back. W-what if you g-get sick too?" He stuttered, nervously scooting away from his coach. 

Victor sighed as he lovingly sat on the hospital bed next to his student. "I don't care Yuuri. I'll be by your side always. No matter what." 

Tears welled up in Yuuri's eyes and he smiled genuinely for the first time since the ordeal started. 

"I love you, 赤ちゃん." 

"I love you too, детка." 

детка : baby 

赤ちゃん : baby 

A/N: OKAY. That was honestly way longer than I originally planned or imagined, but hey I'm not complaining. There was only one sneeze in this so I'm really sorry guys. I've just been feeling more of feverish/weak Yuuri rather than sneezy. I honestly started getting fluffy and they basically just call each other pet names throughout the whole second half :lol:Hope you guys liked it anyway! :) *smiles through the immense pain that Yuri on ice is ending already* Guys please join me in the prayer circle for Yuri on ice season 2. I'm going to cry at 3:00 I'm not ready for this. 

Edited by LiveToBeMe
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I am crying for 2 reasons, season finale and this fic is beautiful fluuuuuff :bawl::heart:


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9 hours ago, FurryPaws said:

NYAAAAAAA AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGG thank for wiritng this wonderful story, it's truly amazing and so cute!!!:thumbs_up::boom::laugh2:


Thank you!! It's hard for me to stay in character sometimes, so I really appreciate all this wonderful support. You're welcome! It's my pleasure, I wanted to add something to this wonderful fandom. *hugs* 


4 hours ago, bazzpop00 said:

I am crying for 2 reasons, season finale and this fic is beautiful fluuuuuff :bawl::heart:


I'm crying too :bawl:Episode 12 literally killed me. Victor finally cried, Yuuri skated his free program flawlessly and landed the quadruple flip, Victor's coming back to skating, Yuuri's hair is longer in the epilogue, and don't even get me started on the pair skating omg. I wasn't expecting to get all of that honestly. Bless Kubo :notworthy: Thank you for reading my fanfic! <3 *sends love* 

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Hey guys! I low key want to write a Yurio sickfic, because there aren't many and he's precious, but I don't know if anyone would read it. Also, I don't swear, so I'm not sure I could get his characterization perfect. I'll still give it my best shot if anyone is interested though. :sweatdrop:

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Just now, Voltrontrash1996 said:

Do it!!! Make the tiny anger bean sick and then force cuddles and comfort onto the precious bean...



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I still don't know how to quote specific things in a story, so I'll just do this: 

"Contagious. He had totally forgot. He had been so close to Victor this whole time."

Hmmm, something's gotta come of that, right?? ;) Even if not, you wrote a great story here. It was a pleasure to read!

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