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Senorita Tomatoes' Hetalia Drabble Thread


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(hey guys, sorry I was gone so long! Christmas was really busy, I hope you all had a merry one, or a happy anything else you might celebrate! :))

Arthur dragged in and dropped his backpack on the couch, taking off his Union Jack hoodie and laying it on a chair. "I'm home," he sang to his older brothers, Connor and Dylan. They were sitting at the kitchen table waiting for him to get there before dinner. Arthur was sixteen, Connor was eighteen, Dylan was twenty, and Allistor, the oldest, was twenty-three. The brothers had all lived together since their parents died.

But the oldest Kirkland brother was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Al?" Arthur queried as he sat down to eat.

"He's not feelin' well," Connor replied with a shrug, then added, "Think he's hungover." Dylan snickered.

Arthur frowned as he had some of his stew. "Even so, it's not like Allistor to miss a meal, especially in the evening. I should go check on him." He started to stand up, concerned. Allistor was a bit of a complainer, true, but usually he'd laze around on the couch with a box of tissues yelling for something every five minutes. He must really be feeling ill, Arthur thought.

"Oh, I'm sure he's fine, you know him," Dylan piped up. "He makes a big production of everything."

"That's the problem," Arthur responded, "Where's his loud production and his 'Oi! Artie! More tissues, ya wee slug!!'?" He frowned and walked down the hall, knocking on his brother's bedroom door. "Allistor? Are you feeling all right, brother? Connor said you were sick..."

"Ehh..huh...Hut'SCHUUU!!!" was his answer, and the door slowly creaked open, revealing Allistor Kirkland in just his robe and boxers, a little stubble on his chin. Though the Kirkland brothers were all pale except Dylan, Allistor's face was exceptionally white today with blotches of pink on his cheeks and nose. His eyes were bright but underlined with dark circles, his red curls were plastered to his forehead with sweat, and his floor was littered with used tissues.

"Oh...Al..." Arthur felt a little tug at his heartstrings; his poor big brother looked so miserable, it made him want to cry. "You really do look awful."

"Oh, thadks," Allistor said sarcastically, sniffling and rubbing his nose. "AKK-shhheww!! Ngghh..." He sat down on his bed and rubbed his temples. "I'm fine, Sassenach." This was a nickname he'd coined for his youngest brother because he was born in Scotland and Arthur was born in England.

"You don't look fine," Arthur insisted, "You look...and sound...really sick and congested. Do you have a fever?"

"O' course dot!" Allistor looked offended by the idea, though a thermometer by his bedside suggested he'd been suspicious enough to check.

Arthur was unconvinced and stood on his toes to feel his older brother's forehead. "Oh, you're definitely running a temperature."

Allistor scowled. "Dah, I'b just hot cause this bleedid roob is so stuffy... huh...hueh..." His face twitched and his nostril flared a little. "HuET'schhh!!" He sneezed into the crook of his arm, his eyes watering and his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Just go away, git!"

Arthur sighed and laid a hand on Allistor's trembling shoulder. "Al...I know you don't like for me to see you sick...but wouldn't you feel much better if you let me take care of you? Don't try to deny it, you know you're ill."

Allistor nodded and relaxed, too weak and miserable to really argue. He was shivering and felt hot and cold at the same time, like he was swimming in ice while being bitten by fire ants. He let Arthur drape the blanket over his shaking shoulders and feel his cheeks and neck and chest for fever.

"I...HUP'schhh!! I bight be a little sick..." he said at last, his voice hoarse and cracking. Arthur nodded and picked up the thermometer, shaking it a bit before slipping it past his brother's lips and under his tongue. Allistor sniffled and tried but failed to not sneeze around the thermometer. "Beh...HET'schuu!! Hrpppshhh!" He winced apologetically and rubbed his nose, sniffling.

"Don't worry, you can't help it." Arthur felt Allistor's forehead again with the back of his hand and pulled the thermometer out when it beeped. "39... you should probably see a doctor."

Allistor scowled and shook his head, laying down. "I'll be fide, I deed sleep is all, Artie. I'b just a little sick 'n queasy..."

"Queasy?" Arthur frowned and sat beside him, looking him over. He was increasing in pallor and sweating, like he was nauseated. "Oh dear, I'd better get a bucket just in case..." He walked into the kitchen and frowned. "Allistor has a fever," he informed Connor and Dylan, "and he's nauseous. I think he has the flu."

Connor winced. "I should have listened to him better, he did look a little flushed. I'll take him to a doctor." Dylan and Arthur nodded and Connor braced himself for the inevitable arguments as he knocked on Allistor's door, bringing a bucket with him.

"Cobe id," was the hoarse reply, and Connor handed him the bucket and felt his forehead. "Ooh, Arthur's right, you are burnin' up."

"39 degrees," Allistor murmured, groaning and holding his stomach. He leaned over the bucked for several moments but never puked. "Ughh...hurUPSHHH!!" He sniffled and blinked back a couple tears, eliciting Connor's sympathy. He began rubbing his older brother's back until he relaxed some.

"There, ye like that, don't ya?" He continued massaging him and added, "I've come ta bring you to a doctor, brother..."

"Ah hell nae you haved't!" Allistor stood up but swayed on his feet, holding his head. "I'b fide, dammit! I...ugh..." He held his stomach and sighed in defeat. "Fide...huh..." His breath hitched and he turned away to sneeze. "Hat'schhh! Hep'SCHOO!" He groaned and wiped his nose on a tissue. "Let's go."

Connor frowned and led his brother to the car, looking him over in the rearview mirror. Allistor and Arthur got the worst colds and flus, but this one seemed to be incredibly bad. 39 degrees was pretty high. He heard heavy, congested breathing and saw Allistor had fallen asleep on the way to the clinic.


A couple hours later, Allistor was sleeping on the couch, his head in Arthur's lap while the youngest Kirkland ran his fingers gently through Al's red hair. The doctor had diagnosed him with the flu and sent him home with medicine that, thank God, made him sleep. The brothers were all crowded around the television, watching sitcoms on the BBC. Arthur reached his hand down to his brother's forehead and sighed with relief. "His fever's gone down a little...HNUGggsHHH!!!" He sneezed into the crook of his arm and sniffled, drawing concerned looks from his older brothers.

"Artie....ya comin' down with that flu yourself?" Dylan reached over and laid a hand on his younger brother's forehead. "A little warm..."

"Ngghh..." Arthur moaned in reply. "Well, on the bright side, Al and I will be sick together..."



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I am literally making heart eyes at your latest story. I rarely see any Scotland and England brotherly love on this forum... Is it possible for you to make a sequel where Allistor takes care of sick Arthur?

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Little Brother

(England, Scotland)

(for sneezefetishist :))

Arthur could not stand being sick. He hated the way running a fever made him all achy, and how he felt hot and cold at the same time so no matter what he did, nothing helped. He hated how his stomach roiled at the mention of food, or how his throat ached and felt as though someone was stabbing it from within whenever he swallowed. And bloody hell, he hated sneezing so often he felt like he might accidentally blow out his brains.

Allistor, thankfully, was there to help. He'd recently gotten over the flu and felt a little guilty since he'd clearly passed it on to his brother. Now Arthur was lying in bed with a runny nose and a fever of 38 degrees Celsius. So, naturally, Allistor was being as good a nurse as he possibly could, which was better than Arthur expected. He'd gone to the store and bought him chicken soup, cough medicine, tissues, stomachache pills, and a little fever patch for his forehead. He was going to make sure his baby brother got well, no matter how long it took. He'd even thought of a few Gaelic lullabies he could sing to him.

Truthfully, Allistor needed this. He so desperately needed for one of his little brothers to not be so grown up all the damn time and let him take care of them. And now was the perfect chance. So while he hated to see his little Arthur sick, it was the golden opportunity to be big brother again. He walked into his brother's bedroom with a tray of soup and tea, smiling to see that Arthur was awake and sitting up slightly. "Hey, lad, how're ya feelin'?" he asked softly.

"B-beh-B'SSSHHHTT!! HuGESSHHHUUU!! Biserable..."  Arthur rubbed at his red nose and with his soft, flushed cheeks and his big, watery eyes, Allistor couldn't help but think he looked absolutely adorable.

"Awww, Sassenach..." Allistor cooed, laying the tray down on Arthur's nightstand and holding the bowl of soup. "Can ya eat a little somethin, darlin'? Ya haven't eaten yet today according to Connor..." He was a bit worried at this; his brother was already so thin... 

"Dot...heee....heee...Eeep'schoo!! Hudgry..." Arthur sniffled, dabbing at his nostrils with a tissue. His sneeze sounded like a kitten's that time and Allistor would have teased him if he weren't quite that ill. But instead he sat on his brother's bed and tried to persuade him to eat.

"Come on, just a wee bit? You can stop after half the bowl, I promise. Please Artie, I'm beggin' ya. Have a little soup." He got a little in the spoon, and Arthur smiled seeing the noodles were shaped like letters. It seemed Allistor still thought he was a kid, but as sick as he was Arthur didn't mind a little babying.

"Okay, fide... but I really cad't eat buch...phh'scheww!!" Arthur sneezed into another tissue and wiped his nose, crumpling it up and tossing it into the wastebasket, only to be hit with another attack, his eyes watering and nostrils flaring. "Ah..heh...HUP'tschh!!" He sneezed into his hand and rubbed his nose again, groaning. "Mmbb...'scuse be..."

"Aw, you sound so sick..." Allistor reached a spoonful of soup to his lips and Arthur actually felt bad enough to let him feed him half the bowl, which was not a good sign. Finally full, he turned his head aside and closed his eyes. "Just lebbe sleep..." He sniffled and Allistor hated how pitiful his voice sounded, like when he was little and would come to him for comfort after a nightmare. He set the soup aside and laid down beside his little brother, pulling his thin, feverish body onto his chest. "C'mere..."

"Wh-what are you doidg?" Arthur asked hoarsely, leaning forward to cough and holding his stomach. He laid back down, his head pounding and face damp with sweat.

Allistor wrapped his arms around Arthur's skinny torso and kissed the top of his head. "Holdin' ya, silly. Yer breakin' me heart with your pathetic big eyes..."

"Dot pathetic," Arthur muttered, followed by a kitten-like "Hup-schoo!!" He sighed and buried his head in his older brother's chest, shivering with fever. Allistor frowned and pulled the blanket over them both, holding Arthur close to his heart.

"There, darlin', big brother's here. Ya don't have to worry 'bout a thing now..." he cooed, running his hand through his brother's messy golden locks. "Just sleep..." He paused a moment, hesitating, before beginning to sing softly to him in Gaelic. Allistor had a beautiful voice, deep and melodious and as easy flowing as a stream. It always managed to make Arthur feel at ease and he was sleeping in no time.

Allistor sighed and felt his forehead; no better than it was before. In fact, his fever seemed to have gotten worse, he'd have to take his temperature later. His breathings was heavy and congested and despite the blankets he still shivered. He was curled up like a child, his cheeks puffed out a little and flushed deeply. He honestly looked adorable, just like when he was little.

Allistor wanted to get up and turn off the light that was giving him a headache from the remnants of his own flu. He wanted to get up and eat something. He had errands to run. But right now, he would stay where he was needed, holding his sick baby brother and getting him well. And really, there was no place he'd rather be.


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So yeah. I just found found this thread. And like....HOLY FRICKIN AMAZE BALLS!!!! :boom:

I haven't read Hetalia is SOOOO long! Thank you so much for bringing this beautiful fandom back to life! Especially Gilbert. Have I mentioned my love for that man? And Allistor? England? Yes? No? Maybe...? *goes in sheepish corner*

so beautiful......~

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Oh my dear god, my heart is going like "AHDHFJSHSKDHSL" this is so cute I cannot function ;; I love your drabbles so muuuuch!! AaaaaAA

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh.....wow...The drabbls in here are AMAZE-balls!! They're so adorable!!! I was wondering if I could request something.....cardverse..? (there aren't much of those and I'm not sure if they make some of those...) if you can't. It's fine with me :)

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On 21/01/2017 at 9:40 AM, Señorita Tomatoes said:

Thank you so much!! And I totally would but I really don't know anything about cardvverse... :( 

That's alright with me :)) but I was wondering if you would be able to write Sneezefetishist!Alfred x sneezy!Arthur...y'know...if you're okay with that and aren't really busy

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15 minutes ago, MEGARAHAMATO said:

That's alright with me :)) but I was wondering if you would be able to write Sneezefetishist!Alfred x sneezy!Arthur...y'know...if you're okay with that and aren't really busy

*le gasp* yess!! I second the motion

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10 hours ago, MEGARAHAMATO said:

That's alright with me :)) but I was wondering if you would be able to write Sneezefetishist!Alfred x sneezy!Arthur...y'know...if you're okay with that and aren't really busy

All right, I can definitely do that! And I'll learn about cardverse so I can write that too:)

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3 hours ago, Señorita Tomatoes said:

All right, I can definitely do that! And I'll learn about cardverse so I can write that too:)

Omg thank you! You're so nice ♡    I hope the plot isn't too much, I'll change it if it is :)

 Alfred keeping on sending Arthur an arrangement of flowers he's allergic to. As an apology he invites Arthur to a date in a flowery meadow when the pollen count is high and he hides all of Arthur's face masks and handkerchiefs, ensuring a sneezy date with plenty of false starts, build-ups and sneezy expressions. Bonus if Arthur's trying not to sneeze or stifling because he's embarrassed by his kitten sneezes and he doesn't like others seing or hearing him sneeze. Another bonus if Alfred keeps on mimicking his sneezes, giving him ridiculous nicknames or teasing him about his sneezes

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5 hours ago, Señorita Tomatoes said:

Oh how cute! I could so see Alfred doing that! I'll start first thing tomorrow :) 


Thank you so muuuchh!!! :):)  

I can't wait to see it ♥♥♥

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I'm Not The Flowers Type

(England, America)


"Eph'schhh!!!" Arthur sneezed into the tissue again and Alfred tried not to squeal. His boyfriend was so freaking cute!

"I'm sorry babe. I really didn't know you'd be allergic to them." "Them" referred to the bouquet of daisies now in a vase in Arthur's china cabinet. Alfred wanted to give Arthur a nice surprise but as soon as the Englishman received the bouquet his eyes had begun to water and he'd started sneezing. The problem was, there was something about the way Arthur's breath hitched, something about the way his face contorted when the sneeze was building up, and something about the way that his eyes crossed slightly when it was over... that turned Alfred on like no tomorrow.

"I-It's fide..." Arthur sniffled and dabbed at his nose with a handkerchief. "Excuse be, I'b so sorry..." His cheeks bore a faint blush and Alfred enveloped him in a tight hug.

"Aww you poor baby your little voice is so congested!" Alfred frowned and kissed Arthur's forehead. "I won't send you any more daisies okay?"

"Probably a good idea, " Arthur agreed, blowing his nose into the handkerchief.


A couple days later Alfred was humming to himself as he went through Arthur's room. He waited until he knew his boyfriend was at a doctor's appointment to locate and temporarily steal all of his handkerchiefs, nasal strips, and allergy medication. He knew it seemed mean, but he just had to see Arthur all sneezy like that again, and whenever Arthur got sick he wouldn't let Alfred around him. So Alfred stuffed all his things into a bag and loaded it in his car, smiling deviously. Phase one of his plan was complete.


"Morning, Alfie." Arthur smiled as he spoke into his phone, sipping his morning cup of Twinings English Breakfast tea. "What's up, love? You usually don't call this early."

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tonight. I found a place I think you'd like." The American sounded very excited.

"Give me one moment, dear." Arthur took out his daily planner and read through it, nodding. "Yes, I can go out tonight. What time?"

"Six sound good?" Arthur could hear in the background that Alfred was pacing. He wondered what he was thinking about.

"Sure, six sounds lovely," Arthur said after a moment, taking another sip of his tea and looking outside to see that the weather was fairly decent, a rare treat. "I'll see you then, poppet."

"Yay! Love ya!" Arthur heard the dial tone and put down his phone, chuckling and shaking his head as he finished his tea. It was really adorable how excited Alfred got about everything.


Instantly Arthur knew what was going on. The date would have been beautiful- a picnic in a peaceful meadow of wildflowers- except, of course, that he was allergic. And Alfred knew it, damn him. "What the bloody hell were you thinking??" he demanded as Alfred parked the car. "You know I'm allergic, you bloody twat!" He could already feel his nose beginning to itch.

"I was thinking a field of flowers is a nice place for a date, or is romance no longer alive to you?" Alfred smirked and opened the passenger's door for Arthur to get out. "Come on babe, I wasn't thinkin' about your allergies," he lied.

Arthur crossed his arms and got out of the vehicle, rubbing at his nose a little. He couldn't even find his handkerchief! He hadn't realized before that Alfred was quite so devious. Sniffling, he sat down on the small blanket Alfred laid on the field and desperately tried to stifle the sneeze he felt building up. "Al-uh...Alfred..." He reached for a sandwich the American handed, naively hoping that he couldn't eat and sneeze at the same time, and bit into it. Damn it, his sinuses actually made his teeth hurt.

"Yeah, babe?" Alfred teased.

"You...heh...Are idcorrigible...buh...hep'tschiii!!" Arthur sneezed into the crook of his arm and sniffled, rubbing his nose with his fist.

Alfred smirked. "I try."

Arthur scowled and managed about half of the sandwich before he turned away, his brow furrowing and face scrunching up in determination not to sneeze. "Ehh..."He sniffled and his nose twitched wildly. "Ehep'schooo!! Hurpshhh!!" He rubbed his temples and groaned, his eyes watering, and turned back to glare at Alfred.

"Aww, that was too cute!" The American chuckled and ruffled his boyfriend's hair. "I'm sorry, you're just so adorable when you sneeze!" He didn't, however, confess to the rush of heat he felt whenever the Englishman had a fit.

"Stop it..."Arthur whined, drawing his knees to his chest and hiding his face in his hands.

"Awww, babe..." Alfred reached over to touch his shoulder but quickly drew his hand back when Arthur's breath hitched.

"Iii...igg-n-no...oh dear..." His eyes crossed a little with every hitching breath, the lids fluttering and tears spilling down his cheeks. "Ip'schiii!! iggxshh~!!" He cupped his sneezes into his hands and looked up at Alfred with watery eyes, his cheeks flushed.

"Ip'schiii!" Alfred giggled and imitated Arthur's sneeze in a high pitched tone. "Oh god, that was too precious! How'd you get so cute, Sir Sneeze-a-Lot?" He pulled Arthur in to hold in, feeling his congestion just by laying a hand on his back. "Geez, I'm sorry, it's just that I can't resist you when you're like that!"

A deep ruddiness crossed the Englishman's cheeks. "Y-You bead you have a-hup'schoo!! A fetish?" He sniffled and blinked away some allergic tears.

"Yeah, but I'm sorry." Alfred took Arthur's hand and walked him back to the car, carrying their picnic things and stuffing them into the trunk. "Let's get you home now."

"Alfred?" Arthur buckled up in the passenger's seat and quickly closed the door, though by now he was covered in pollen. He'd have to get a shower.

"Yeah, babe?" Alfred was still trying to calm his heart down after his boyfriend's delicious episode. He backed out of the field slowly, trying not to back out over too many flowers.

Arthur scowled. "You're sleeping on the couch."

Edited by Señorita Tomatoes
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So cute ♡~

I loved the way this turned out and the last line was hilarious. Thanks and you really made my day better even though I'm sick today :)

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7 hours ago, MEGARAHAMATO said:

So cute ♡~

I loved the way this turned out and the last line was hilarious. Thanks and you really made my day better even though I'm sick today :)

I'm lad you like it! :) I hope you feel better soon

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Bedtime Stories

(Germany, Prussia)

Gilbert was not a heavy sleeper. His near-millennia of military experience had taught him to always stay alert, even when resting. Thusly, before he even heard his younger brother Ludwig's footsteps on the wood floor of the upstairs hall, he could sense that something was wrong. Sitting up slowly, Gilbert blinked and rubbed his eyes, his vision focusing on Ludwig, who was standing at the edge of his bed.

This was very unusual. The personification of Germany usually fell asleep early and didn't wake up until about five in the morning, getting up to go for a run. Gilbert felt an anxious tightness deep in his chest; what on earth was wrong?

Ludwig sniffled, running a shaky hand through his sweaty blonde locks, which weren't gelled back like they were every morning. "G-Gilbert? I'b sorry I woke you up..." His voice was hoarse and sounded a bit congested, and his face was deeply flushed. He looked really feverish.

"West, are you okay, kiddo?" Gilbert asked softly. In human years Ludwig would be twenty years old but Gilbert would always baby him when he was concerned. Reaching out to feel his brother's cheeks and neck, he found they felt like hot coals. "Oh geez... you have a fever."

"I kdow..." Ludwig leaned his head back, his face tensing up, and Gilbert got out of the way just in time for his brother to sneeze into a tissue. "Heh...hup'SCHHHH!! HNKSHHHuuu!!" He rubbed his temples and sniffled, shivering and tossing the tissue into Gilbert's wastebasket. "I..." He scratched the back of his hot neck, looking down at his feet and shuffling them. "I'b really sorry, I just feel really terrible...like, flu sick."

Gilbert sighed and sat Ludwig down on his bed. "You look terrible, too. When did you start feeling bad?"

"Y-Yesterday." Ludwig coughed roughly into his hand, making a congested, crackling sound. "I thought I bight be getting...heh'TSCHOO!! A little cold, but..." He sniffled and rubbed his nose. "Dothidg like this..." His eyes watered slightly and he laid his head on Gilbert's chest, hugging him and whimpering childishly.

Gilbert was very concerned. There had been very few times that his brother had been sick enough to come to him with no denial or sense of pride, the last time being WWII. "You really are sick..." He frowned and laid his brother down on his bed, stacking several pillows beneath his head so he could breathe better. Heading to the adjoining bathroom, he grabbed a washcloth and ran it under some cool water, wringing it out over the sink and dabbing at Ludwig's face with it before laying it on his forehead.

"What's wrodg with be?" Ludwig's voice was a pitiful, hoarse whimper that broke Gilbert's heart.

"I think you have the flu," Gilbert sighed, running a hand through Ludwig's hair and frowning at the heat radiating off of his forehead. "Can I take your temperature?"

Ludwig nodded and Gil retrieved a thermometer from the bathroom medicine cabinet, shaking it and turning it on before placing it underneath his brother's tongue. He frowned seeing his brother's nostrils twitch and brow furrow. "Try to hold it in, West..."

"Heh...huh..." Ludwig finally failed to suppress it any longer, holding onto the thermometer as he sneezed around it. "Ah...RUPSHHHUU!! Hrpschhh!!" He moaned and eyed Gilbert apologetically, his eyes watering. Gil smiled sympathetically and watched the numbers climb until they rested on 103.2, the thermometer beeping.

Gilbert retrieved the little white device and winced. "'S higher than I thought, kiddo... How are you feeling other than sneezy and feverish?" He went back to the bathroom and filled a cup with water, bringing it to Ludwig along with a dose of Nyquil and two Motrin pills. "Take these."

Ludwig obediently swallowed the medicines and water, wincing and holding his throat, a hiss of pain escaping his lips. "Well, for ode I have a sore throat- hup'tchoo!!- and I feel kinda dauseous and by head is all dizzy and I'b achidg everywhere." He coughed roughly and started to tear up.

Gil felt his heart shatter. "Aww bruder don't cry..." He reached out and stroked Ludwig's burning cheek with his thumb, wiping away his tears. "Big bruder's right here...tomorrow we're going to the doctor and they'll give us a prescription that'll make you feel much better, okay?"

Ludwig whimpered and hugged Gilbert, burying his face into his chest. "I dod't wadda go to the doctor...it just bakes be thidk about the war..." he sniffled "...and... I-I'll get better od by owd, I probise..." He clung tight to his brother, shivering with fever and with fear.

Gilbert sighed and held his brother on his chest, rubbing his back soothingly. He'd almost forgotten how bad Ludwig's PTSD could get. "Aww, West...I promise you'll be happy you went once you start feeling better...don't cry, please don't cry..." He stroked his brother's hair gently, wincing at how rough his breaths were.

"B-Bruder? Oh scheisse..." Ludwig's nose twitched and he sneezed into the crook of his arm. "Epp'SCHUUU!! Excuse be...G-Gilbert?" He sniffled and looked up at his older brother with innocent, tear-filled eyes. "C-Could you read be a story?"

Gil's already broken heart swelled until he thought it would burst. He never thought his little brother would ask for a bedtime story again. He smiled and kissed Ludwig's forehead, grabbing one of the children's books he had kept on a shelf in his closet. Ludwig was touched; it was just like Gilbert to keep them, he was so nostalgic and sentimental. Curling up in his brother's lap, he was happily lulled to sleep by the sound of his brother reading him stories and the feeling of his protective arms around him.

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9 hours ago, Señorita Tomatoes said:

Gilbert was very concerned. There had been very few times that his brother had been sick enough to come to him with no denial or sense of pride, the last time being WWII.

Oh god.... HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Jesus, Tomatoes, why must you torture me like this. Like, actually making "hnnn" noises in real life, the sweetness is too much for my heart. I thought it was rather weird that in the beginning Germany was so... small like, not prideful or anything. I thought maybe he was younger, a teen at most, but he was an adult. But then you had to describe how bad he was feeling, and that it was abnormal and then the war, and just ack. Mush, I'm mush now. I mean, even despite that, Germany still felt a bit childish, but I guess he was really just feelin that bad. And Gil is such a good big brother, his big brother instincts going into gear when his lil bro needs him, which I imagine is not very often nowadays. But yee, good story, I missed a lot, but I read them all and they're all m'wah. Amazing.

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On ‎1‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 8:39 PM, LP said:

Oh god.... HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Jesus, Tomatoes, why must you torture me like this. Like, actually making "hnnn" noises in real life, the sweetness is too much for my heart. I thought it was rather weird that in the beginning Germany was so... small like, not prideful or anything. I thought maybe he was younger, a teen at most, but he was an adult. But then you had to describe how bad he was feeling, and that it was abnormal and then the war, and just ack. Mush, I'm mush now. I mean, even despite that, Germany still felt a bit childish, but I guess he was really just feelin that bad. And Gil is such a good big brother, his big brother instincts going into gear when his lil bro needs him, which I imagine is not very often nowadays. But yee, good story, I missed a lot, but I read them all and they're all m'wah. Amazing.

Aww thanks so much!! I'm glad you enjoy my stories. :) I love writing brotherly scenes between those two and the idea of Ludwig being childish when he's sick.

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