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Senorita Tomatoes' Hetalia Drabble Thread


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Aww ♡♥♡ I love the drabbles in here, they're so cute. Why haven't I seen this thread yet?


I was wondering if I could request an America and sneezy!England story. Can I request for one?

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Aww thanks so much!! Of course! :)any sneezing cause preferences? 

Edited by Señorita Tomatoes
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1 hour ago, Señorita Tomatoes said:

Aww thanks so much!! Of course! :)any sneezing cause preferences? 

Thanks for accepting my request. Could you do England getting sick and going to a world meeting anyway? Bonus if he gets embarrassed because of his sneezing because his sneezes are squeaky and quiet. I'm sorry if I'm asking for too much, I can change it if you want :)

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(And now, a request from sneezefetishist:))

Tea and Tissues

(England, America)

Arthur sniffled as he sat beside Alfred in the world meeting. He'd woken up with a head cold the previous day but tried to push through it, feeling this meeting was important. 

"Mornin, Iggy." The American smiled adorably, hugging Arthur like a small child. 

"I told you dot to call be that- hit'schIII!! Het-suuuu!!" Arthur's sneezes were loud and sneezy and he pulled out a handkerchief, blushing and dabbing at his nose. "Oh dear... Excuse be..." 

Alfred patted his back. "Bless ya! So, whatchya been up to lately?" 

"Dot buch," Arthur responded, sniffling wetly. He rubbed at his aching temples with his thumb and forefinger. "Ngghh..."

Alfred frowned, noticing how congested the Brit sounded. "You feelin okay, Igs?"

"Peachy," Arthur responded, coughing a little as Germany started the meeting. He could hear the other nation's voice but his words swam together in his dizzy, stuffy head. 

Arthur felt his breath hitch in the middle of Germany's speech. "Ha.. Ha... Hat'chiii!! IggxXshhii!! Ugh...  Pardod be... So sorry..." He felt like crawling into a hole to hide and die as he sniffled and wiped his nose on the handkerchief. 

Ludwig stopped for a moment, mid-sentence. "Gesundheit, England." 

Arthur coughed roughly, holding his chest. "I'b bloody f-fide..." He leaned his head on Alfred's shoulder, feeling all eyes on him and humiliation making him crumble inside. 

"Geez, Iggy!!" The American gasped. "You're burning up!" To Arthur's mortification, in front of everyone in the room, Alfred sat him up and felt his forehead, cheeks, and neck, unzipping Arthur's hoodie a bit and feeling his chest as well. 

"We're going back to my place," he sighed, "you've got a fever."

"I said I'b f-fide, you git..." Arthur broke off coughing and weakly hung his head so he couldn't look at anyone. He allowed Alfred to walk him out of the meeting and into his car. 

"What the hell were you thinking??" Alfred demanded as he backed out of the parking lot. "You always told me to stay home when I'm sick." He, switched gears with some aggression, worried and angry at the same time like a parent would be. 

"I... I'b sorry..." Arthur sniffled, his eyes watery. "Heschuu!! Hy... Hye... Hey'TSCHII!!" He finished off his sneezes with a coughing fit, holding the handkerchief over his nose the whole time. 

Alfred sighed and parked at his house. "You're shaking," he observed. The lanky Brit was shivering despite his hoodie, and Alfred would have lent his as well but he didn't want to bring Arthur's temperature up. 

"I feel like shit," Arthur finally admitted, following Arthur into the house and collapsing down onto the couch, holding his throat. 

"I'll make you some tea, " Alfred sighed, bringing Arthur a box of tissues since his handkerchief was too dirty now to do much good. 

"Heh.... Heh... T'SCHOO!!" Arthur rubbed under his nostrils with his forefinger and blew his nose into a tissue. "Th... Thadk you..."

Alfred brought him a steaming mug of Twining's English breakfast with honey a few minutes later. "That should help that throat of yours," he said softly, pressing a hand to the Englishman's forehead again. 

Arthur sipped at the tea and closed his eyes, breathing a sigh of relief. "Iggshuu!! That feels nice... If you learded adythidg beig by colody, it's how to... Heh... Hischuu!! Bake tea..." He dabbed at his nose with another tissue and sipped some more tea.

"Glad to hear it." Alfred grinned and sat beside him, cuddling up like he did as a child. 

Arthur raised an eyebrow. "You could get sick."

Alfred shrugged. "I don't care." He pulled Arthur onto his lap and ran his fingers through the Brit's sweaty locks. "If I do, we can be sick together."

Arthur gave a hoarse chuckle. That didn't honestly sound terrible. 


Edited by Señorita Tomatoes
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Holy moley! I missed A LOT!

I don't think I've EVER seen an England and Spain fic and you just knocked it out of the park. They were written beautifully. I thought it was so sweet England put aside their past feelings of each other to help him (not that it's hard to do since Spain is just so loveable). Spain was just so sad and pathetic, and England is such a mother hen. It's just cute. You know how to do that very well. Along with describing the malaise they're feeling pretty well.

Only one thing kinda stood out to me. The Spanish. You wrote "Me lleve, Dios" wanting him to say "Take me, God" however... That's not how it would be said haha. It should be "Llevame, Dios (mio)." Otherwise it's "Me take, God." (Sorry, I'm Hispanic, and that kinda stood out like a sore thumb.) Your other sentence was good though :)

I still need to read your England story, but from the first few paragraphs, it's pretty cuute ^^ 

Edited by LP
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Awww thanks! I had fun with that one especially because Spain is just the cutest thing in the world! :3and any language critique is always much appreciated, so thank you again:)

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A Change of Plans

(Portugal, Spain, Netherlands)

"Todi, make yourself useful and wash the dishes, ehh? Dutchbag's cobidg over." Rosario rubbed under his running nose with a forefinger. He'd been battling a little cold since the previous evening, but would he admit that to his younger brother? Hah! Never!

"You mean Tim?" Antonio chuckled and began working on the task. "Okay. Why don't you blow your nose, hermano? You sound a little congested."

"Codgested? Epshhuuu!!" Rosario sneezed into his hand, his eyes a little watery. "Nah, you're ibagining thidgs." He patted his brother's shoulder, placing a K-cup in their Keurig and waiting for his drink to brew. His throat was a little sore and he figured the heat from the coffee would help. Soon it was ready and he took his cup, sipping at the liquid and sniffling.

"Salud! Need some tissues?" Antonio frowned; it was obvious his brother wasn't feeling well, why try to deny it even as he was sneezing? He studied his older brother's face; a little paler than normal, the skin under his nostrils looking painfully chapped. His cheeks were a little pink, maybe he was running a fever?

"I said I'b fi...heh...." The older Iberian's face twitched a little, his nostrils flaring up. "Teh...heh...HETSCHUU!! HURETSCHHHH!!!" He wiped his nose on his sleeve, making Antonio wince in a bit of disgust. Of course, it was no different than any other time the personification of Portugal was ill.

"Bless you again. Yes, you sound absolutely fine. What was I thinking?" The Spaniard couldn't help but roll his eyes, though he felt a wave of pity as his older brother rubbed at his temples while sipping his black coffee.

"Exactly." Rosario was actually out of it enough to not see past his brother's sarcasm, which was amazing considering he was typically the wittier and more astute of the two. He rubbed his nose and coughed a little, trying to keep it quiet. Toni wanted so badly to drape a blanket over his visibly trembling shoulders, but he decided to let his stubborn sibling hold to his pride... for now.

The doorbell rang and Rosario got up first to answer it, laying his hand down on the kitchen table and holding his head with the other one. "Hermano!" Antonio cried, rushing his way.

"I-It's okay, you dod't have to worry about big brother. I just got up too quickly is all...ah...HAT'SHHHUUU!!" He bent down a little to sneeze, shivering, feeling like his head was stuffed with cotton. The rest of his coffee was left untouched, the mere thought nauseating him. He sniffled and answered the door, brushing his brother's concerns aside. "Tib! Ola!"

The Dutch nation greeted him with a handshake, not knowing he was sick. "I brought over some chocolates, and some creamer because you know I can't stand black coffee."

"It's ode of the fider things id life!" Rosario insisted.

Tim laughed. "You keep drinking your hot bean water then, I love myself enough to sweeten it."

Rosario chuckled, rolling his eyes and patting his former enemy on the back. They were now pretty good friends and loved to tease each other, but Tim was worried when the Portugese male broke into a coughing fit after laughing.

"You okay there, man? You sound a little under the weather."

"That's what I've been telling him." As the other two sat down, Antonio walked over and laid a palm on his brother's forehead.

"Stop touching me, I'b fide." Rosario slapped his younger brother's hand away but not before Antonio could determine how warm he was.

"You have a fever," he noted, worried. Tim looked over at him and could see that the older Iberian brother's hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat and his eyes were a little glassy and bore dark circles underneath.

"Shit, Rosy. You should have told me."

"I...HEP'choo!! KRsschhhht..." Rosario sneezed again and blew his nose into another tissue, dabbing at it afterward. He sniffled and glowered at his friend and brother like a wounded dog. "I'b okay. People get fevers all the tibe, you two need to stop beidg such...echooo!!! worry warts and just relax..." He coughed a bit and the end and Tim frowned, taking off his jacket and draping it over the sick nation's shoulders.

Antonio filled a glass with water and brought it to his brother with two ibuprofen tablets. "That should bring down that temperature of yours." He rubbed Rosario's back gently, feeling the congestion in his brother's every breath.

"Thadks..." Rosario swallowed the pills, wincing at the pain it brought to his throat. "Eh-epshhh!!" He dabbed at his nose with another tissue, hissing in pain as it rubbed against his chapped skin. He was really starting to feel awful. His head felt hot and stuffy, his stomach was roiling, and he felt like someone had wrapped him in Icy Hot Bandages.

"Pobre hermano..." Antonio murmured, smoothing his brother's hair out of his face. "You wanna go to the couch?"

Rosario nodded, sniffling and hanging his head in defeat as Tim helped him up and walked him to the couch, handing him a blanket. "HAH...Hah....HATSCHUUU!! HATSCHHHH!! NKkggggshhh!!" He almost fell over with the force of the sneezes and Antonio left for the bathroom to get him some medicine while Tim sat beside him, stroking his hair.

"You really are sick, aren't ya? How long have you been feeling bad?'

"S-sidce yesterday...I just hate for people to see be like this." Rosario sniffled and leaned his hot head on Tim's shoulder. Tim knew, though, that now that the Iberian's condition was out in the open he'd be complaining endlessly soon enough. It was always like this when he got sick.

Antonio returned with some medicine and a spoon. "Hermano can you open up? I know it doesn't taste good but it'll really help your cold." He poured the correct dosage and to his relief his older brother obediently opened his mouth and swallowed the thick, red liquid.

Rosario scrunched his face up in disgust. "Ugh. Tastes like shit."

"I know," Toni sighed, "but you'll feel better soon enough, I promise. Mostly it's getting the fever and cough behind you." He decided to retrieve a digital thermometer from the bathroom and poke at his brother's lips with it.

"Cobe on, that thidg tastes like betal..." Rosario griped but complied, lifting his tongue to allow the device to take his temperature. His face scrunched up and Tim reached over and held his hair back as he sneezed as softly as he could while holding the thermometer in his mouth. "Mbbb... NXXggshhh!! Ngghhh...." He winced and held his throat as the thermometer beeped and Antonio pulled it out.

"38.5," he read, "you should probably try and sleep."

Tim frowned. "I'd better leave," he said, starting to get up, but he felt a shaky, sweaty hand on his arm. He looked to his side and Rosario was looking up at him with pleading, tearful eyes. It almost broke his heart. "Okay, okay." He looked at Toni. "I'll help you take care of him."

"Gracias. I appreciate it." Antonio pulled the blanket closer over his brother's shoulders and almost up to his chin. His breaths were deep and congested and he was still worryingly warm. Toni sighed and planted a kiss on his older brother's feverish forehead. "Now, sleep, hermano."

Rosario already was.

(The reason I used a different name for Portugal in this fic is because his character is up to more interpretation and I like experimenting.)

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Aawww, I had a lot to catch up on. England and America being mother hens in different drabbles, and America being annoyed when England doesn't heed his own advice~ so cute =w= those dorks.

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I like how you do different interpretations of characters that don't have a definite character. That's just awesome, and really creative. I like that. You made both your versions of Portugual very interesting, and both cute in their own ways. Heh, stubborn. Not something I'd think of with Spain's bro, but hey, it works. 


Off tooic, but oh my gosh, @Daisoku, you're alive!

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@LP yep! I disappeared for a while ;7; uni work has been kicking my ass to high heaven lmao so I've barely had time to breathe, let alone come here. ^7^;;;;

@Señorita Tomatoes sorry for jacking your thread lmao

Hmm, would anything to do with Canada be possible? Maybe an allergy? He's so cute and precious =w=

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I know that feel. Feeling it now.

Canada is pretty precious. I'd love to see whatever you write ST. Work your magic in anyway haha. I look forward to what story you post next.

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It's So Fluffy! (A request from Daisoku)

(Canada, Kumajiro, America)

(PS sorry it took so long, I didn't have any free time since your request. Also, this is my first allergy fic so I hope it turns out well! :))

At first Matthew thought the high-pitched wail outside his door was a bird. He tried to ignore it and continue sleeping but it became more apparent as time wore on that it wasn't what he thought... It was a kitten. Heaving himself out of bed, he slipped on some shoes and a coat, grabbing a flashlight and going outside to investigate.

It was cold and damp, and Matthew knew a kitten that young shouldn't be out in such weather. Poor thing, it must have been abandoned. Who could have done such a terrible thing to such a precious baby? Shining his flashlight around the trees and bushes, Matthew finally located a small, shivering shape under the protection of a maple tree.

The kitten was black with green eyes, his fur was downy and stood out in all directions, and he was small enough to sit in Matthew's outstretched hand. Instantly, the creature curled onto his palm, his cries subsiding a little.

"Aww, you need to come inside," Matthew cooed, bringing the kitten in and gently drying the dew off of him with a washcloth. He laid the cloth down on his bedroom floor and almost squealed when the tiny creature used it as a bed.

"Aww... you're so c-heh...heh...heh-tschiii!!" Matthew sneezed and grabbed a tissue from the bathroom. His eyes were a little watery, probably just the cold weather. He brought the kitten a bowl of water and went to sleep for the night.

The next morning he felt awful. He didn't have a fever, but his nose was stuffy and running at the same time, his throat was itchy, and his head hurt. "Maybe it's the start of a cold, Kilimanjaro," he whispered to his pet polar bear, Kumajiro.

"Who are you?" the bear asked.

"I'b Canada," he sighed, blinking the sleep out of his red, watery eyes. "Hheh'tchoo! Epshuuu!!" He blew his nose into a tissue and dabbed at it, tossing the little paper into the trash afterward. He decided to check on the kitten. 

The kitten was playing with a string he'd found, tangling up his little paws and batting it around. Matthew chuckled. "Hey, there. I bet you're hudgry, huh? I dod't have cat food but I've got tuda, and I cad go to the store later..." He sniffled as he picked up the kitten, trying to calm his hitching breath.

"Ah...ah...Hat'schuuu!! Ngghh..." He wiped under his nose with his forefinger and rubbed his temples with the hand that wasn't holding the kitten.

"Allergic?" suggested Kumajiro, looking up at his owner.

Matthew didn't want to believe it. The kitten was so cute, and he loved it already... "Do!" He shook his head. "I'b dot allergic, I'b just gettidg sick or sobethidg..." He sniffled and grabbed another tissue to wipe his nose. Kumajiro shook his head.

"You're just ad adibal, what do you kdow about adibals?" Matthew sighed and turned away to sneeze again. "Ah...heh..het'schuu!! Hep'schhh!!" He frowned, hearing the kitten cry softly. "Awww, sorry I scared you. Let's get you sobe food, eh?" He carried him to the kitchen and opened a can of tuna in water, figuring it was soft enough for such a young cat to eat.

The kitten nibbled at the can, which despite being small was almost as large as he was. Matthew chuckled; he was so cute.... He couldn't be allergic to him, he just couldn't.

But...didn't the kitten deserve someone who could take care of him without being miserable. Because it was becoming clear why he was sneezing, he wasn't sick. He tried to blink away tears and the kitten placed a paw on his foot, squeaking as if to ask if he was okay.

"Hep'shiii! Ep'shhh!!" Matthew sighed and picked him up despite his eyes burning. "I'b sorry, little guy, but I cad't keep you. But I thidk I kdow who cad..." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed number 3 on his speed dial. "H-hello? Alfred?"


Alfred rang the doorbell and Matthew got up from the couch, surrounded by a ridiculously large pile of used tissues. "Gross," the American brother commented as Alfred let him in. "You look like shit."

"Thadks." Matthew glowered and sniffled. "Heh...het'schoo!! IggXxshuu!" He blew his nose into another tissue with a "krschhhttt" sound. "C-Cad you just take the kitted?"

Alfred nodded, squealing when Matthew handed the kitten to him. "Dude! Oh my god! It's so precious! Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Boy," Matthew responded, rubbing his nose.

"He's too freakin' cute, I love him!" Alfred cuddled him to his cheek, smiling and kissing his dark, fuzzy head. Matthew had to admit, they both looked so happy. Alfred would definitely be a great owner.

"I'll call him Bucky, like the winter soldier!" Alfred smiled at Matthew. "Thanks for calling me over, bro. I'm really sorry you can't keep him, but hey! You can visit him whenever you want!" He slapped his brother heartily on the back, making him cough. "Oh, sorry."

Matthew sniffled. "I'b just glad to see how buch you like hib... uh...UggXxshhh!! 'Scuse be." He blew his nose again and held his throbbing forehead.

"I better get him out of here," Alfred noted, holding Bucky, who had fallen asleep, on his chest. "Bye, Mattie!"

"Bye, Alfred!" Matthew sniffled and watched Alfred carry his new baby to the car, smiling to himself. He'd definitely come visit, and he was glad to know that Bucky would have a good home. "Well, Kuba," he said (still a little congested), turning to his bear, "I guess it's just you and be again."

The polar bear gave him an odd look. "Who are you?"


(Hope you liked it! Bucky is actually my brother's kitten we found in the same way Matthew found the fictional Bucky:))





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Aww these are so cute,

In this one it's just so precious, with Canada being allergic to the cute little kitten but still wanting to make sure it gets taken care of.

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(Prussia, Germany)

I had never cried so hard in my life. Even when mine Grossvater died when I was a child, even after the second world war. There was, however, a difference; I was nearly brought to my knees with sobs out of happiness. For the first time since 1961, I could make out my big bruder in the distance. His shock of platinum blonde hair stood out in the crowd of soldiers and civilians embracing their loved ones once more.

"West!" Gilbert hollered, sounding a little hoarse. He threw himself into my arms and I hugged him happily, lifting his feet off the ground and setting him down gently. I was a little alarmed to feel how light he was. He felt kind of hot, too. But I was so happy that at first I couldn't focus on my concern.

"Gilbert!" I can't stop the joyous tears from flowing as I embrace my older brother. He hasn't changed; of course since we're countries we age very slowly, but those twenty-eight years felt longer than other centuries I've experienced.

"HAKK'SHUUU!!" Gilbert turned away to sneeze into the crook of his arm. He was shivering a little, and he was only wearing a light sweatshirt. I took off my coat and draped it over his shaking, skinny shoulders.

"Gesundheit, Gilbert. Let's get you out of the cold. We're going home." I walked him to my car and once we were both buckled in I started driving to my house, looking over at Gilbert periodically to remind myself he was real. The wall had fallen, and I had my big bruder back. I was still crying for joy, and so was he, as I pulled up in the driveway.

"Dadke for lending be your coat, West." Gilbert sounded a bit sniffly. He followed me inside and I sat him on the couch and prepared each of us a mug of hot tea.

"I've missed you so, so much," I told him as I handed him his tea. He rubbed his nose and sipped at it carefully as I sat beside him and placed my own mug on the coffee table. I am not very open, or good at expressing my emotions. But I had just seen my older brother for the first time in twenty-eight years, and I didn't give a damn if I came across as soft, because he felt the same way.

"Every night, I tried to remember when I was a child, und you read me stories...and I would cry und sing myself to sleep..." I broke down into more tears and Gilbert rubbed my back soothingly.

"Shh, I'b here dow, West. It's over." His own voice was breaking but also sounded very congested and I felt his breath hitch as he sat back to sneeze. "Heh...heh..." His nostril twitched. "Het'SCHOO!! Huepshhh!!" He wiped his nose on the sleeve of my coat and grimaced. "Sorry."

I couldn't care less about my coat. "Are you not feeling well bruder?" I knew how badly the wall had affected him, it would make sense for him to be sick. And he did feel a little feverish when I was hugging him.

"D-dot particularly." He sniffled and coughed a little, holding his chest. Instantly my own chest swelled with worry and I pressed a hand to his forehead, then proceeding to feel his cheeks and neck and down to his chest.

"You have a fever," I whispered.

"Scheisse." Gilbert coughed and his breath started hitching again. "Hah...hyeh...HnXXXggshhh!! UgGGahhshuuu!!" He coughed again at the end of his sneezes and held his stomach with one hand, rubbing his temples with the other.

I bit my lip, more concern welling up within me. I brought him a blanket and draped it over his shoulders before heading to the kitchen in search of a thermometer and a few other items. I came back with a digital thermometer, a flashlight, a bottle of cough syrup, a spoon, and some chest rub for congestion.

"Decided to play doctor, West?" Gilbert chuckled but it turned into a sneeze. "Eh...HATCHUU!! Mngghh.." He groaned a little and rubbed his nose. The skin underneath looked painfully chapped and I winced in sympathy.

I couldn't help but smile; even sick, Gilbert was always lovingly teasing me. "I've actually learned a lot," I told him, feeling around the sides of his hot neck. "Enough to know, for instance, that your lymphnodes are swollen. Open your mouth, please?" I was worried and wanted to help Gilbert get well as soon as possible, though considering the circumstances I knew it could take some time.

Gilbert rolled his eyes but grinned and opened his mouth wide. "Ahhh...ah...T'SCHUU! Sorry." He sniffled and opened his mouth again. Frowning, I turned on the flashlight and looked down his throat, grimacing. "Pretty red...your tonsils look swollen, too."

Gil teared up a little. "Awesobe," he said hoarsely, and I kissed his sweaty forehead, brushing back some of his bangs.

"Don't worry, bruder, I'll take care of you. You'll never have to worry about anything again."

"Baking probises you cad't-" Gilbert started to say, but I cut him off by sticking the thermometer under his tongue. He was caught a bit off guard but remained silent and let me take his temperature, leaning into me as I gently cupped his hot, stubbly cheek. He was so pale and dangerously thin, and I just wanted to protect him from everything. His glassy, pitiful eyes were breaking my heart.

The thermometer beeped and I took it out and held it up to the light. "102.3, Gil. That's not good."

"Hep'SCHOO!! EhgUSHHH!!!" Gilbert responded, bending forward with the force of the sneezes. I gently helped him sit back to where he was really half laying down. I soaked a washcloth in cool water in the bathroom and dabbed at my brother's face before pushing his hair back and laying it on his forehead.

"D-dadke, West. For takidg care of be. He had a couple sips of tea and sighed, still grinning. "I'b too happy to be biserable, hodestly. I have mein klein bruder agaid." He sniffled and I bit back happy tears, lifting up his shirt to spread the Vick's VapoRub cream on his chest, wincing when I felt his ribs.

"I'll always take care of you, I promise," I told him as I put the cream up and got out the bottle of cough syrup, pouring some into a spoon. "Now, say 'ahh'."

"Ahh..." Gilbert coughed and I let him finish before spoon-feeding him the cherry-flavored medicine. He made a face but swallowed meekly, his cheeks flushing. "Ah...heh...HEKssshhh!! Ggnnhhh..." He sniffled and wiped his nose, coughing a little bit more. "Ugh...stuff's awful."

"I know..." Sighing, I sat behind him, wrapping his arms around him and holding him like he used to do for me. Since it was November, I decided it was close enough to sing a Christmas song, since that was his favorite time of year and mine too.

"Stille nacht," I sang softly to him, running my fingers through his hair. "Heilige nacht..."

"Alles schlaft," Gil joined in with his hoarse, congested voice. "Einsam wacht..."

"Nur das traute hoch heilige Paar. Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar. Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh', Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh'..." Gilbert's voice trailed off and he fell asleep in my arms.

I chuckled and kissed his hot forehead, wrapping my arms closer around him to calm his feverish chills. "Guten nacht, bruder. Welcome home."

Edited by Señorita Tomatoes
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Ah, this most recent one was so sad.

This made me think of how weak Germany's economy was right after World I where people carried near-worthless bank notes in wheel barrels to use as fire kindle and even wallpaper.

Do you think Japan's immune system was weak after opening up to the west more during the 1800s when Matthew Perry first arrived and opened Japan to trade whi before only allowed the Dutch and Chinese traders in one port of Japan?

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Awww, poor German people. :( I don't know about Japan, that would be interesting to look into though. I guess it depends on how much or little the trade benefited Japan.

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oh my gOD I HAVENT CAUGHT UP RECENTLY WITH THESE STORIES AND THEY ARE SOOOO GOOD. ???? Prussia and Canada are literally my favourite characters I'm DYING!!

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