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Senorita Tomatoes' Hetalia Drabble Thread


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Not a Cold

(Japan, China) (For Cutelittlenose:))

Kiku Honda, the personification of the nation of Japan, did not have a cold. Yes, he had been sneezing since he woke up that morning. But that could mean anything. He exercised, he drank green tea, he washed his hands every time he went somewhere. He never got sick. Especially since, today, he couldn't.

He had just gotten to Yao Wang's house. He started his day on a long flight and Yao picked him up at the airport to catch up on old times. Kiku managed to stifle a few sneezes and his sniffling and coughing could be blamed on the smog in the city. But at Yao's house? There would be no excuse, and they both knew he wasn't likely to randomly develop allergies to the cat he'd gotten Yao five years ago.

"How have you been?" Yao asked as they relaxed on the sofa together, not having seen Kiku in months.

"I have been well, thank you." Kiku sniffled a little and groaned inwardly as he felt the buildup of a sneeze and scrunched up his face. "Ha-ha-hasshuu! Excuse me." He sniffled again and rubbed at his nose a little.

"Bless you!" said Yao. "Would you like some tea, aru? I'm already making some for myself."

"Hai. Thank you, that sounds nice." It did sound like it would be soothing to his throat... not that it was really that sore, of course. He felt more sneezes come on as Yao walked into the kitchen and tried to keep them quiet so he wouldn't know. "Het-het'choo! Hue-rupshhh!!" He sniffled again and rubbed at his temples, feeling a headache coming on.

"Bless you again!" Yao called from the kitchen. Kiku sighed; he heard!

"Sounds like you could use this, aru," Yao noted as he brought them each a steaming much of tea and sat beside him at the kitchen table.

"I am fine, it's just the light," Kiku insisted, sipping a little at the tea and savoring the moment when it slowly drained down his scratchy throat. "Ha-hat'schhh!!!" He caught his sneeze in the crook of his arm and felt heat rise to his cheeks in embarrassment. "Excuse be..."

Yao frowned in concern. "Your cheeks are very pink. Are you sure you don't have a cold or something?"

"Of course not. Everyone gets sneezy days sometimes," Kiku told him, waving it off in further embarrassment. It was so unseemly to be seen like this. He took another long sip of tea, closing his eyes in contentment at its soothing effect.

"If you say so," muttered Yao, unconvinced but dropping the subject for a momifent. "Ah! I made rice~! Would you like some?"

Kiku wasn't hungry at all, but he would have felt impolite to refuse so he nodded and gave a small smile. "Thadk you, that is very kidd...a...aschuuu!! Hyetschhh!!" He muffled the sneezes into a handkerchief he kept in his pocket, choosing to sniffle afterward rather than blow his nose at the table.

Yao frowned in concern as he set a bowl of rice in front of Kiku. He started eating his own and Kiku grabbed some on the chopsticks. It saddened him that he couldn't taste anything, because he truly did love Yao's rice. "It's very good," he said with a smile, trying to force some down into his rebelling stomach. He winced; it hurt a little to swallow.

"You're barely eating," Yao noticed, worry creeping into his voice.

"I ab just tryidg not to eat too fast, that's all." Kiku's cheeks reddened further. How humiliating it was to feel like this in front of Yao!

Without a warning, the personification of China walked over and laid a hand on Kiku's forehead. "Aiya! You're warm, aru. Please, at least take some medicine. There is no dishonor in admitting you're sick."

Kiku's face only grew hotter at the unwelcome touch. His breath hitched and his nostrils twitched a little. "I'b not si-i-iggXXssh!! ughhh..."

Yao smiled and rolled his eyes, helping Kiku to his feet and back onto the couch, draping a blanket over his shoulders. He brought him a couple of ibuprofens and the rest of his tea, which he drank willingly. "Thadk you, Yao. But I'b really dot sick..."

"Aru, come on, you know you have a fever and you're sneezing! But being sick isn't so bad." Yao sat next to him and smiled, grabbing a little of the blanket for himself. "I'll take care of you. Would you like some egg drop soup maybe?"

Kiku sighed. Maybe it wasn't the worst thing in the world to admit he was sick. It happened to everybody, even if it didn't happen to him very often. And Yao's egg drop soup did sound good, even if he couldn't taste very well right now. "If I admit I'b sick would you make me sobe? Heshhuu!!' He wiped his nose and groaned softly.

Yao smiled gently. "I would."

"Thed yes...please." He looked up at Yao the same way he did as a child, his eyes watery and feverish. Yao ran his fingers through Kiku's hair and laid another blanket over his shivering form.

"I'll make that soup."

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So cute. Thank you. :) Both characters were captured perfectly. Japan wasn't completely freaking out, but really, he couldn't in front of China. And somehow, everything in the drabble felt very calm. Kiku gave the worst excuses, though. :P I liked how China wasn't too overbearing or worried until the point of being dramatic. There was a lot of patience from him.

China's action reminded me of a parent who just waited for their child to get tuckered out before a nap. Just waiting for the relenting of the opposition. Yao was very kind


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Haha thanks, I do see China as quite a parental figure especially when Japan is concerned. Sorry I took so long to respond, I went to sleep soon after I posted XD 

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Oh my god. Rolling around with glee! That is so adorable! What cutelittlenose said. The piece had a very calm and serene tone to it. And I love China being parental, I was almost expecting him to kinda spazz out, since it seems he does so often, but it was nice seeing him be a patient maternal type figure. And Japan is the worst at making excuses haha. I liked how he kind of went down without a fight in the end, just going all okay, but soup.

Very cute, top notch writing.

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How Fun


Vash woke up with a very annoying tickle in his nose. He sat up in bed and as he was still blinking the sleep out of his eyes, started sneezing. "At'schuu!! Hup'schh!! Htschhh!! Hmmm..." He sniffled a little and rubbed underneath his nose with his forefinger. "My room probably needs dusting," he thought, shivering a little. He felt cold and he was under two blankets. His throat, he noticed, was a little scratchy.

"I better dot be sick," he grumbled, getting up and putting on his robe and slippers. Today he had to of course take care of his little sister Lilli, make them both food, and sell weapons to Ludwig Beilschmidt. "How fun," he muttered, not particularly looking forward to the day at all other than being with his little sister.

He put some toothpaste on his toothbrush and ran it under the sink, beginning to brush his teeth, but he quickly yanked it out of his mouth as his breath hitched. "Hue-hue-huetschoo!! Aschhhh!! T'ch!" He ended up spitting some toothpaste onto the floor and groaned, rubbing his temples as he cleaned it up and finished brushing his teeth.

"It has to be allergies," he thought, ignoring the growing feeling of a fever. "I cad't be s-hit'schhhuu!! Sick today..." He sniffled again and wiped his nose with a tissue. "Maybe washing by face will make be feel better..." The warm, wet cloth did provide temporary relief, but his sneezing fit afterward confirmed to him that he had indeed caught a cold. "Hu-hupshhh!! Hurupshhuu!! uggh..."

Vash reluctantly put on his clothes for the day, shivering though it was the middle of the summer. Laying the back of his hand against his forehead he discovered, much to his dismay, he was running a fever. "How fun," he sighed again, going to the kitchen to make some coffee. "I really should eat," he thought, "but I feel like I'd throw up."

Lilli wasn't awake yet; he'd let her sleep in because honestly he had too much of a headache today to try waking her up. He turned away to sneeze as he spooned some sugar into his coffee. "Hep-hep-schoo! Hitschhuu!!" His hand shook and sugar went flying everywhere. He groaned and cursed under his breath, wiping up the sugar with a wet cloth and drinking his coffee slowly, barely able to enjoy the taste due to his clogged sinuses.

"Today sucks, and it's barely eved begud," he muttered, sniffling and shivering a little. He hated the congestion creeping into his voice and the way he could feel it blocking his airways. How did he get so sick? He barely even went anywhere.

His phone started ringing and with a heavy sigh he picked up. "Vash Zwidgli speaking-haschoo!! Who's this?" He sniffled and managed to suppress a cough.

"Zhis is Ludvig. Are you okay? You sound a little under zhe veather." There was a hint of concern in his thick German accent.

"I'b fide, it's just a little cold. Are you still cobidg with the weapods today?" Please say yes, please say yes. He really needed the money.

Ludwig hesitated. "Um...I'll try again in a couple days. Feel better." He hang up and Vash facepalmed.

"Shit! What do I do now?" He felt his nostrils flare and groaned. Not again. "Ashhhuu!! Hit'schuuu!! Epeshhhuu!!" His eyes watered and he leaned forward with the force of the sneeze, holding his queasy stomach and almost hitting his head on the table. He sniffled and his eyes started getting heavy.

"No...I have to take care of Lilli..."



Lilli thought it was odd that she couldn't at least hear Vash bustling about when she woke up. Usually, he woke her up. She frowned and walked into the kitchen, gasping when she saw him passed out on a chair at the kitchen table. She laid a hand on his forehead. "Big brother has a pretty bad fever...."

Biting her lip in concern at his shivering and sniffling, she took a blanket from the couch and draped it over her brother's shoulders, smiling as his shaking subsided. "I guess I'll take care of big brother today."


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Dude, this is gonna sound so crazy and you're not gonna believe me... But I was writing a Switzerland Drabble too lol! You should have seen my face when I saw your Drabble, oh my gosh, you just have a way with making everyone so damn cute! Like eeee, your drabbles are nice and short without being like, empty of content, but they're not like super dense. They're sweet pieces that remind me of how much I love each and every character :) and props to giving a less appreciated character the spotlight. 

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 (Aww thank you, I'm sure it will be!:))

Sick Leave

(Germany, Italy, Japan, Prussia)

"ITALIEN!! COME BACK HE-ere!!" Germany's voice cracked a little as he yelled; he was getting hoarse but he tried to convince himself that it was just from all the yelling he had to do during training. The auburn-haired Italian yelped a little and came rushing back, saluting, "Ve, Germany~! I found some cotton so maybe we could pick some and make white flags, ve-"

"Italy, shut up--heh-heh--" Germany's nostrils flared and his head snapped back and forward the force of a sudden sneeze. "Heh'tsooo!! Hurupshhh!!" He sniffled, rubbing his nose and groaning inwardly. He was beginning to develop a pounding headache.

"Ve, bless you Germany!"

"Hai, bless you Mr. Germany." Japan frowned a little and Germany hoped he wasn't catching on to the fact that he hadn't been feeling great since he woke up that morning.

Germany sighed, rubbing his temples. "Danke. All right, today we're going to run ten laps around the track, I want us all to beat our times from yesterday. Do you understand?" He broke off coughing a little, feeling a little chill run through his body despite the heat of the day. Was he running a fever? He'd check his temperature when training was over for the day, but he'd seen his older brother work and fight through many different illnesses and he would do the same for now.

"Sir, yes sir!" The two saluted and sighed, lining up beside him at the start of the track. Germany had drawn a line with chalk and each nation set his feet right behind it. He felt his breath hitch and groaned inwardly, sneezing into the crook of his arm just when he was about to count down for them all to start running. "Ah-choo!! Etschhh!! HyIIXXshhh!!" He felt some sweat bead on his forehead and sniffled, wiping his nose on the back of his hand rather than his sleeve. "Drei, swei, eine!!" They began running, Germany's stopwatch starting and seeming to be a painful reminded of how far he had to go before he could rest.

Germany felt his stomach begin to cry out against the exercise, insisting he go home and lie down, but what example would he be setting for his allies, especially Italy? He needed to show strength and resilience; besides, if Italy found out he was under the weather he'd probably want to sing to him and spoon-feed him soup.

"Ja, that would be terrible." A sarcastic voice in his head decided to tease him. Germany growled to himself and ran on, his lungs bursting for air when they were done like a swimmer's would after a long time holding one's breath.

"Germany-san, forgive me if this is imposing, but you are looking very pale. Are you feeling well?" Japan asked softly as they sat on a bench cooling off and drinking water.

"Ja, I'b feelidg fi-fi-fue-hetschoo!! Hup'schh!!" Germany bent forward and held his stomach, sighing and wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Dadke, but you dod't have to w-achoo! worry..."

Italy whimpered, seeing the feverish flush in his friend's cheeks. "Germany, you look-a so sick, ve... maybe you should go in and rest, si?"

"Nein, I'b fide, Italy. By dose is just a bit irritated today. I appreciate your codcerd, both of you...iggshhhuu!" This time he had a handkerchief ready to sneeze into and he blew his nose into it afterward. 

Japan nudged Italy in the arm with his elbow and whispered, "Clearly Germany-san's illness embarrasses him. His brother can take care of him, we should go."

Italy looked sad but he did see sense in it. Naturally, however, he planned to bring his friend some soup over later. "Ve...okay..." He smiled and ran to hug Germany tightly, making him blush even redder than he already was from fever. "Bye, Germany, see you later!!"

Japan bowed and chimed in softly, "I hope you feel better soon."

"I'b dot sick," Germany sighed, but managed to smile and wave back before heading inside and into the bathroom to take his temperature. Finding the thermometer, he shook it, turned it on, and held it under his tongue, shivering. "I-iggshuu! Eeyesshuu!!" He tried to keep his mouth closed as much as possible as the numbers on the screen climbed and finally the thermometer beeped.

Germany took the device out of his mouth and sighed at the reading; 39 degrees Celsius exactly. He was definitely sick. He sighed and put the thermometer back, washing his face with cold water before heading to the couch and cuddling under the blankets.

He groaned when he heard the front door opening, knowing what that meant. Prussia was home, and if Italy couldn't mother-hen him then his older brother certainly would. "Brohas! How's that cold?"

"Erupshuu!! How did you kdow I had a cold?"

"Listen to yourself!" The albino ex-nation frowned and came into the living room, laying a hand on his brother's forehead and giving a low whistle. "You didn't sound any better earlier either but now you're burning up too. How warm are you?"

"39," the younger brother admitted reluctantly, a faint blush rising to his cheeks.

"Geez, West." Prussia sighed and went back to the kitchen momentarily. Germany heard the tap running and soon his brother was back with a glass of water and two ibuprofen tablets. "Take these, now." His voice was stern but his eyes were soft with worry.

"Gilbert..." Germany swallowed the pills and sighed, reaching up to cup his brother's cheek. "I'll be fide. Don't worry-het'shuu!! Dod't worry about be..." He smiled softly, knowing his brother would worry anyway.

"Easier said than done...at'schoo!!" Prussia bent forward a little and sniffled, taking a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiping his nose.

Germany frowned. Prussia seemed a little warm, too. "How about you worry about yourself?" He smiled understandingly, patting the cushion beside him for his brother to join him on the couch. "We can rest together."


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Aw, it's so nice to see some love for Germany. It was sweet, love that Prussia entrance. 'Twas a nice treat. Such little sneezes from a pretty big guy, unexpected. I'm used to seeing Germany be given loud harsh sneezes. This was a nice break from the norm.

Edited by LP
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When It Rains, It Pours

(Spain, England)

"E-hnKKrrschht!" Antonio caught the oncoming sneeze in the crook of his arm, which barely helped considering his jacket was freezing and sopping wet. He'd forgotten why he hated England until the stupid meeting came up and on his first full day here he already had a sore throat and a pounding headache. And yet, he was out in the rain, because he had to get back to his hotel. The Tube didn't stop right at the inn either, so he had to walk a couple more blocks in a fresh rainstorm.

Finally, he just had to sit down a minute. It wasn't far to walk, but Antonio was already out of breath because despite its constant dripping, his nose was completely clogged and his lungs were equally as congested. A burning sensation in the back of his neck told him he had a fever. He sat on a bench under a shop awning, coughing and holding his roiling stomach. When he got sick he almost always wound up throwing up. He managed a smile at a kitten that batted at his shoe but could barely keep his eyes open...


Antonio's head jerked up suddenly, causing his stomach to twist and his breath to hitch. "Hup'choo!! Perdod." He sniffled and looked up through watery eyes at Arthur Kirkland, who seemed very concerned.

"You must have fallen asleep on that bench," the personification of England commented, "I had a hard time getting your attention." The Spaniard's typically tan skin was pale, except the tops of his cheeks and the tip of his nose. "Are you feeling well, Antonio? You look a little under the weather."

"I'b f-AKKSCHH!! HerUPSCHHH!!" Antonio leaned forward as he sneezed, feeling hot and dizzy and he lifted his head back up, the street lamps and rain drops looking fuzzy and distorted. He shivered and wiped his nose on his sleeve. "I-It's just the raid..." He went into another coughing fit, which ended in a crackling sound from his chest. "Ay dios mio...I have to adbit I'b dot feelidg so well..."

"You sure don't look it." Arthur frowned and held his arm to keep him steady. "Why don't I bring you to my flat, at least until this rain stops? I fear you're coming down with a bad cold." He watched as the Spaniard's shoulders shook involuntarily with each chill that coursed through his body. Forget a cold, Antonio looked like he had the flu.

"I could'dt...." Antonio felt his already-hot cheeks further warm up with humiliation. He and Arthur rarely got along since their pirate days, and he really hated for his old rival to see him this way. But Arthur probably knew a thing or two more about colds than he did... "I guess..."

Arthur was amazed the Iberian nation complied so quickly. "You must really be ill," he murmured under his breath, trying to keep Antonio under awnings and out of puddles as much as possible. It was no easy task. He quickly made it to his flat, which thankfully for Antonio was on the first floor. Antonio felt his nostrils itching and flaring the moment he walked in. "E-heh-hyEHH'tschoo!! Hrschhuu!!!" He whimpered a little at the pain it brought to his throat, a high, pathetic sound that tugged at Arthur's heartstrings.

The Englishman took his fellow nation's sopping coat off him and hung it by the hearth to dry, turning on the gas fireplace. "Bathroom's to the right, you'll want to strip and get a hot shower. I'll make some tea, how's that sound?" His tone was strict and gentle at the same time, like a parent's.

Antonio nodded sheepishly, blushing madly and sniffling. About half an hour later he was out of the shower and Arthur provided him with a change of clothes, a robe, and some slippers, pressing a mug of steaming black tea into his sweaty hands. Antonio felt like his head was full of cotton, his throat was being stabbed from the inside, and his stomach was in his throat, but he was a hundred times more comfortable than he had been out in the rain.

"G-gracias, Edgland, I bead it." Antonio sniffled and sipped his tea, letting the heat soothe his sore throat. "You're kind to let be shower here, I guess I should be g-gRushhhuu!!...goidg..." Thankfully he had put his mug down on a coaster right before he sneezed. He wiped his nose on a tissue and groaned.

"I really think you should spend the night," Arthur insisted after further observation of the "patient." Despite the fact that he was also now wearing a blanket, he still shook with chills. He filled a washbasin with the leftover hot water from the tea kettle. "There, give your feet a soak, that's it. Really, I don't mind. I'd hate for you to be out in that frightful weather in this state."

Antonio took off the slippers and slowly edged his feet into the hot water, feeling an instant, soothing warmth spread across his body. He closed his eyes in satisfaction, until another sneezing fit attacked him. "Uh-uh-schoo!! Krrt'Schuu!! NXxggshh!!" He felt another chill run through his frame and clutched the blanket closer, sniffling. Arthur frowned and walked over to the Spaniard, laying a hand on his forehead.

"Oh dear...you really are warm. You stay right there." Arthur rushed to his bathroom and for some reason the sudden light coming on across the room made Antonio feel nauseated. He could hear some water running, a cloth being wrung out over the sink, and Arthur fumbling through his medicine cabinet, cursing under his breath. Antonio took a couple more sips of tea and sat back again, trying to focus on the warmth his soaking feet were trying to radiate throughout his feverish body.

A moment later Arthur was back, carrying a cold cloth, some cough syrup, and a thermometer. He poured out the correct adult measurement of medicine into a little plastic cub, making Antonio's cheeks flame. He felt like he was a child being nursed by his mother. Arthur raised the cup to his lips but Antonio kept his mouth closed, shaking his head. The thought of anything entering his stomach, especially cough syrup, was practically revolting.

"Antonio." Arthur sighed; he'd gained plenty of patience with this sort of thing dealing with America as a child. "If you take this medicine and let me take your temperature I'll make you whatever you want for dinner."

"Dot hudgry," Antonio replied hoarsely, coughing into his hand.

Ah, so that was the problem. Arthur took the opportunity to shove the contents of the tiny cup into the Spaniard's mouth, contemplating how he might get him to eat. Fever and congestion would nauseate anybody, but he had to keep something down.

Antonio coughed and sputtered, a little flash of anger in his glossed-over emerald eyes. "T-Traitor! TyEHH-shuu!!" He groaned and opened his mouth again, lifting his tongue for Arthur to insert the thermometer.

"I'b sure it's dot that high," he rasped around the tiny device as it measured the heat of his fever. Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose. Apparently Antonio could get sassy when he was sick. He simply shook his head and dabbed at the other nation's hot face with a damp cloth until the thermometer beeped.

Arthur removed the thermometer from between Antonio's lips and held it up in the light up the lamp by the sofa to inspect the results. He raised his eyebrows a little at the temperature. "39.3... you really are burning up." He touched the back of his hand to Antonio's forehead and sighed. "Try to finish your tea and sleep for now, okay?" I'll run by the drugstore and buy you some medicine and soup. I think you have the flu."

Antonio's stomach sank. Great, the flu was exactly what he needed. He honestly didn't think he'd ever felt this bad in his life before. "A-'tsuu!! Krschhhhtt~!!" He sneezed into a tissue and dabbed at his chapped nose, groaning as he coughed up a bit of mucus. That alone was enough to turn his stomach. He managed a few more sips of tea and dozed off...

(So, that's Part 1! The next part is coming soon:))


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Wow, I love yoru drabbles, Senorita! And this although I have no idea about the show *lol*. All the forehead-feeling and temperature-taking... It's just perfect! :wub2:

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(Thank you! Here's the promised second part:))

As soon as Antonio woke up he felt his abdomen scream in pain. His stomach was pushing against his throat and he gagged, feeling his face go hot. "Dios mio," he croaked, running to the bathroom and kneeling over the toilet. His stomach muscles felt like they were tearing as he heaved, spitting up water and then vomiting anything he'd eaten or drank for at least the past two days. Every time he thought he'd be done his stomach had more to offer. Finally, he wiped his mouth on his sleeve and sat back against the wall, shivering.

"Ah-ah-ah-schuu!! He-KRRschhh!!" His head hit the wall as it snapped back from the sneezes, bringing it even more pain, and it already felt like it was being squeezed by a vice. "Me lleve, Dios*," he muttered, sniffling and rubbing his temples. Fiery chills shot through his body and the mere sound of the door creaking open brought him pain.

"Antonio! Oh dear..." Arthur laid two bags on the counter and bent down to help the Spaniard to his feet, dabbing at his face with a cool washcloth and brushing his sweaty curls off of his hot forehead. "Poor thing, you're sicker than I realized... Come, let's get you to bed." He supported his back and walked slowly enough so that Antonio didn't get too dizzy, laying him down in the guest bed and tucking him in like a parent would.

"At'suu!! Erepshhh!!" Antonio leaned forward in bed, holding his stomach as he sneezed and went to rough coughing, giving Arthur an opportunity to fluff the pillows before he laid back down. Arthur handed him a box of tissues and laid a fever patch on his forehead.

"There, luv," he cooed, making the Spaniard blush tremendously, "can you take off your shirt for me?" He took a canister of Vick's cream from one of the shopping bags and opened it up, swirling his finger around in it. "This will help a lot with your congestion." Antonio felt a shiver that had nothing to do with his fever but he meekly complied, removing his shirt so Arthur could rub the cream along his chest.

"Now, flip over, would you? I'll spread some on your back." Antonio tried not to upset his stomach too much as he laid on it, resting his head in his hands. Arthur massaged his back as he rubbed the cream in, relaxing the sick nation and alleviating some of his nausea. The substance made him feel as hot and cold as his fever was doing, but it relieved some of his aches and he could already feel himself breathing a little easier.

Turning back over when Arthur was done, Antonio grabbed a tissue and sneezed into it. "Krrt-SchHH!! UrUPSHhh!!" He blew his nose and dabbed at it with the tissue, wadding it up when it was done and tossing it into the wastebasket across the room. "Ngghh.. Gracias, Arthur, I really appreciate-t'choo!! All your help..." He sniffled and wiped his nose on a second tissue, tossing it into the basket with its predecessor.

"Not a problem, Tonio, there's no way I'm leaving you alone this ill. Now, I'm going to go microwave you some Campbell's chicken noodle, okay?"

Antonio nodded, satisfied that Arthur wasn't actually cooking anything himself. He dozed off again for a couple minutes, the Vick's cream working its magic and clearing his lungs. He curled up on his side, emitting high-pitched baby sneezes in his sleep. "T'chuu! Ah--tchii!!" His shoulders shook a little and he shivered despite the fluffy blanket.

When Arthur came in, equipped with two ibuprofens, a glass of iced Gatorade, a steaming bowl of soup, and the thermometer, all on a tray, he laid it on the nightstand and watched the adorable Spaniard sneeze in his sleep a little. "Awww...you're really kind of cute, y'know that?" He smiled tenderly and decided to slip the thermometer under Antonio's tongue whilst the nation was asleep, holding his mouth closed.

Beep! The tiny device proclaimed it had done its job and Arthur took it out, putting on his glasses to inspect Antonio's temperature. "Mmm...almost forty degrees..." He frowned in worry at the results and gently shook the sleeping nation awake, helping him to sit up. "Antonio? I've got some soup for you but first you have to take your medicine, all right?"

Antonio nodded tiredly, swallowing the pills and Gatorade when Arthur raised the glass to his lips. Managing to get a couple more sips down the sick Spaniard, he moved on to the soup. Antonio started to open his mouth for it but turned away as his breath hitched and his nostrils flared. "Heh-heh-hetchoo!! IggXXshh!!" He dabbed at his nostrils with a third tissue and rubbed his nose with his finger, turning back to look up at Arthur with red, watery eyes. It was a heartbreaking sight.

Arthur sighed and smoothed the Spaniard's hair back, getting a spoonful of broth and pushing it past his lips. "I know, you feel miserable. I'm right here to take care of you, though, and you'll feel better sooner than you think." He was cooing to him softly, remembering how he cared for America, back when his former colony was sick. When Antonio was ill, he seemed to have the emotional maturity of a child, so it worked.

Antonio sniffled and almost gagged on the soup, having to turn away mid-sip and sneeze chicken broth onto the floor. "IIGGshhuu!! Ugh..." Arthur was able to feed him a few sips before he held his stomach and looked down in a gesture to say he was full. Arthur nodded and set the soup aside, running his fingers through the younger nation's chestnut curls. "You poor dear," he whispered, knowing all too well how miserable Antonio must be feeling. "You try to sleep, all right?"

Antonio nodded weakly, curling up to Arthur like a little boy and falling asleep in his embrace, tugging at the Englishman's heartstrings. He just needed love and attention when he was sick, and if no one else would give it to him Arthur would. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to fall asleep holding the feverish Spaniard.


A week later, Arthur sat on the couch with a blanket draped over his shoulders and a thermometer in his mouth. "Eh-he-he'TCHUU!! Nggh..." He wiped his nose, his cheeks flushing as Antonio took out the device and whistled. "You've got a fever, all right," he declared, reading 39.5 in his head off the little screen. He rubbed Arthur's messy blonde hair, making him scowl. "Well, mi conejito*, it looks like I'll be taking care of you now."

*Me lleve, Dios= take me, God

*mi conejito= my bunny

Edited by Señorita Tomatoes
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