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Solar Flare (Supergirl, F/F Kalex! NOT sisters ok?)


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Hello darlings!


So here is a Supergirl story with Kara and Alex as girlfriends instead of sisters. It's basically an SFF insert for the epic Supergirl story I am currently writing over at fanfiction.net (that one's called “I'd Carry a Plane for You,” if you wanna go look it up). I already wrote one Supergirl fic here when I first saw the “Human for a Day” episode (1x07), but that was when I had just started watching the show and hadn't yet had the awesome idea to write them as girlfriends. So this is a whole different scenario, obviously. But the basic setup is the same: Kara loses her powers and then immediately gets sick, for the very first time. Alex fusses over her. Very fluffy. Enjoy! :)


Solar Flare

A Supergirl fic for SFF


“So? How was your first day without powers?” Alex asked her girlfriend with a sympathetic little smile when Kara let herself into their apartment and dropped her keys on the side table.

“Exhausting,” Kara sighed, wrapping her arms around the dark-haired girl and going limp. “Clark told me about this once...he calls it a 'solar flare.' But he never said it felt like this.”

“Aww, babe,” Alex cooed protectively, holding onto Kara protectively and playing with her hair. The blonde girl sighed sleepily. “I guess that's not a huge surprise. Do you wanna go relax on the couch, and I'll make you dinner, hmm?”

“I want you to come cuddle on the couch with me,” Kara whined softly, pouting as she picked up her head from Alex's shoulder and looked at her with big, pleading blue eyes.

“Okay,” Alex agreed easily, leaning in and kissing the pout right off her girlfriend's face. “Poor little bluebird, you really are exhausted. So I guess it's takeout for dinner, huh? What should we get? Pizza? Thai?”

“Whatever you want,” Kara shrugged. “I don't care. I'm not that hungry.” Alex raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. She was pretty sure she had never heard the blonde girl say those words before in her whole life.

“Okay...pot stickers and pad thai, then?” the young agent asked gently, tucking a lock of long hair back behind her girlfriend's ear.

“Sure.” Kara yawned and rubbed her eyes. “I'm gonna go change into my PJ's, 'kay? I wanna get comfy.”

“Sounds good. Go get comfy, baby. I'll order the food. See you on the couch in a minute.”


An hour later, Kara and Alex were curled up snugly on the couch in front of the TV and an assortment of half-eaten takeout containers. Alex was sitting cross-legged, with Kara's head on her shoulder, the blonde girl slumped against her girlfriend's side with her feet tucked up under her. The alien girl had barely touched her food, and once she was curled up against Alex's side, she hadn't moved an inch. The young DEO agent was starting to wonder if maybe her girlfriend had fallen asleep on her, when Kara gave a funny little sigh, and lifted her head.

“Lexie...?” Kara murmured faintly, sitting up a little and blinking hazily.

“Mm-hmm? What's the matter, baby?” Alex asked gently, half-turning her body on the couch to give her girlfriend her full attention. Kara's blue eyes were glazed and half-closed as she looked back at Alex, a vaguely confused and spacey expression on her face.

“I...feel f-funny,” Kara's breath hitched, and her eyes narrowed even more as she raised a hand and rubbed two fingers roughly under her nose. “Hh—hhh—hhaaexshiew!!!” The sleepy blonde girl doubled over and sneezed breathlessly into her lap, still rubbing her nose.

“Aww, Kara! Bless you baby,” Alex giggled, charmed despite herself by how adorable her girlfriend looked right now, so woozy and dazed. She had never had that expression before. She had never sneezed before, not once in her life.

“Did I just sneeze?” the blonde girl asked incredulously, sniffling sharply as she wiped her nose across the back of her sleeve.

“Yep.” Alex smiled sweetly and leaned forward to grab a tissue from the center of the coffee table, handing it to her sniffling girlfriend. “Here you go. How did it feel?”

“So weird,” Kara sighed, wiping her nose awkwardly on the tissue. She'd never even held a tissue before. “The inside of my head is all tickly...*snf!*” Her nose was still running, she needed to blow it; but she didn't know that, and she just sniffled again reflexively. The tickle just intensified. “Aaahh...” Her eyes closed slowly, and she held the tissue back to her nose as a thin trickle of snot slid down her lip. “Aah'txchshhuh!!!” She snapped forward again, sneezing into the tissue this time.

“Bless you, bluebird!” Alex exclaimed sympathetically, grabbing the whole box of tissues from the coffee table and depositing them in her girlfriend's lap. “Here, honey, you need to blow your nose. It'll make you feel better.”

“'Kay,” Kara sighed, still too dazed to think independently. She took another tissue from the box, and pushed it up against the wet underside of her nose with one hand, giving a very short, sharp blow, eyes scrunched up tight. It sounded very snotty; one tiny little blow wasn't going to clear all that out. She wasn't even holding the tissue right. Alex sighed affectionately, torn between concern and amusement.

“Not like that,” the dark-haired girl shook her head. “Here, like this.” Alex took a fresh tissue and put it in Kara's hands, scooting right up against her girlfriend's side on the couch and wrapping her arms around Kara from behind, and putting her hands on top of the blonde girl's to guide her. “Both hands,” Alex instructed gently, cupping her hands over Kara's to hold the tissue in place. “Now close your eyes tight, and blow as much as you can, until your nose stops feeling drippy.” Kara obeyed, doing her best to blow her nose properly. But she still sniffled again at the end.

“Lexie, do I have a cold?” the blonde girl asked woozily, dropping the crumpled tissue into the growing pile in her lap and rubbing her nose with the back of her fingers again.

“I think so, babe,” Alex sighed, stroking Kara's hair affectionately. “You're exhausted, your nose is running, you're sneezing...does anything hurt?”

“My throat,” Kara admitted in a small, defeated voice. “It's all scratchy.”

“Is that why you didn't want to eat?” Alex asked gently, absentmindedly tracing her fingers up and down Kara's arm.

“Uh-huh,” The woozy alien girl nodded sheepishly.

“Why didn't you tell me?”

“I don't know, I just thought it was...normal, or...s-something...” Her breathing hitched softly as she spoke, and she groped for another tissue from the box in her lap, holding it with both hands this time as she brought it up to her face. “Hhahhexsheww!!! Ohhh,” Kara couldn't help the breathless sigh that followed her helplessly cold-stuffed sneeze; it knocked all the wind out of her and left her woozy and dazed, even as Alex could clearly see that she was winding up for another with her next breath. “Hh—hhh—iiiishhxiuh!! *S-snfl*...ughh...” Kara groaned behind her tissue, wiping her nose again. Alex stroked her hair consolingly.

“Bless you, Kar. My poor little alien baby. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say yes, you definitely have a cold,” Alex cooed affectionately, kissing her girlfriend on the cheek and giving the end of her nose a little tap when she took the tissues away from her face.

“I dod't like it,” Kara grumbled, curling up against her girlfriend's side and laying her head back down against Alex's shoulder. “How long udtil it goes away? *Snghf.*”

“A few days, usually. But I'm still hoping your powers will come back before that...maybe you'll wake up in the morning, and feel all super again.” Alex kissed the top of Kara's head and stroked her hair soothingly. It was unlike Kara to be so clingy and whiny, but Alex didn't blame her. The poor thing had never been sick in her life. How was she supposed to process feeling this way?

“Maybe,” Kara sniffled dejectedly, taking a fresh tissue from the box, but pausing halfway as her breath huffed teasingly in her chest. “Hhheh...*snf!*...” She blinked and stared off into space in anticipation as the tickle inside her head rose and fell erratically, making her damp nose twitch. “Hhh'iiishx!! Iiiihshew!! Aah—aahchxiiew!!!” Kara snapped forward and sneezed into her tissue three times, as her cold rose up and took over control of her body. Alex rubbed her back soothingly.

“Poor little bluebird. Bless you! I think I better make you some tea, it'll make your throat feel better.

“Okay,” Kara mumbled dazedly, attempting another awkward nose-blow. Alex stroked her cheek affectionately; then frowned.

“On second thought, maybe I better take your temp first. You feel hot.”

“That's what you say every night,” Kara giggled a little drunkenly, then coughed. “Ow.”

“I meant you have a fever, dummy,” Alex sighed, shaking her head with a wry little smile. She couldn't help it. She had never seen Kara so out of sorts before, and there was something heartbreakingly sweet about it; how completely discombobulated she was, how intensely overpowering her sneezes sounded, like each one was a total surprise that just grabbed her body from out of nowhere and spun her around. She didn't even know what she was feeling, so how could she know how she was supposed to react?

“If I did have a fever...would I feel hot and cold sort of all at once?” Kara asked meekly, rubbing her tired eyes groggily.

“Yep.” Alex stroked Kara's hair sympathetically. Kara whined and dropped her head back down against her girlfriend's shoulder, cuddling up possessively to her side. “I'm sorry you don't feel good, baby...but don't worry, I'm right here, I got you. I'm gonna take care of you, bluebird. Just like you always do such a good job taking care of me when I'm sick...now it's your turn to get spoiled. Sound good?”

“Uh-huh,” Kara sighed, snatching another tissue from the box in her lap with a soft hitch. “Hhetxchiiew!!! *Snfl*...” She wiped her nose, and grabbed for another tissue; but there weren't any more, the one she just sneezed into was the last one in the box. That box had probably been sitting on the coffee table for a year. “Cad I have mbore tissues? *Snghf.*

“Yes, dear,” Alex smirked affectionately, kissing Kara on the cheek one more time before slipping off the couch to gather as many supplies as she could think of for taking care of a sick alien.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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This is crazy cute!!! I was SO happy to see  "F/F" at all, but the Kalex was a welcome surprise :) can't wait for the next installment :D 

Edited by SexyGodlikeHair
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