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Love on the Ice Rink


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So, LeapYearKisses asked for some Yuri on Ice fanfiction.  And seeing as I'm also obsessed with this new anime, I thought I'd take a crack at it.  This is one of my first long fics, so some feedback would be much appreciated!!  Hope you enjoy <3


Part 1

“Don't loose your concentration!  Arch your back more, your center of balance is off.”

Yuuri sighed in frustration as he pushed himself up off the ice, brushing himself off and shivering slightly. He had been practicing his new program for a week now, but he just couldn't land his last quad. For some reason no matter how he adjusted himself at takeoff his foot would slip out from under him and he'd go sliding across the rink. He'd shed his coat a while ago, but he regretted it now as his arms and hands made contact with the ice once more. A gentle hand on his shoulder startled him out of his moping, whipping his head around to look into Viktor's smiling face.

“Yuuri, it's time for a break. Let's go eat something warm, ya?” Viktor's voice was soft as he helped the younger skater to his feet. Yuuri felt his cheeks warm as his idol held onto his hand and led him towards the edge of the rink.

“Eh? No, I'm fine! I want to ke-” a tissue clamped over his nose cut him off, making him scrunch up his face at the sudden pressure. He felt fingers drag their way lightly up his trembling arm, sending a shiver up his spine that, to his horror, seemed to settle in his nose.

“Your nose is running,” Victor teased as he rubbed Yuuri's nose through the tissue, causing his breath to hitch. His hands snapped up to take the tissue from the older man, but the other brought his face close and lowered his voice as if only Yuuri was allowed to hear. His breath hitched again.

“Yuuri~ pushing yourself too hard is no good. You can't improve anything if you're frustrated.” Yuuri felt his whole body tense, a blush swelling to his cheeks and his nose twitching. Viktor brought his smiling lips right up to the younger man's ear and whispered, “So let's get you relaxed, hm?” A shiver rushed down Yuuri's entire body, and against his will his nose rebelled against the tingling feeling.

Nng'tuh- ehu'NGT!!” Yuuri snapped forward into the tissue, sneezes stifled due to the pressure. Viktor startled back at the noise, standing up straight with his eyes wide in surprise. The shorter man felt his ears burn as he took the tissue from his mentor's fingers, catching another suppressed “mmph!” into the folds. Viktor recovered with a laugh, messing the younger's hair with affection.

Pfft-haha!! Bud'te zdorovy Yuuri! See, you've been on the ice too long. Let's go soak in the onsen and have a warm meal together, there's still lots of time to practice.” Yuuri kept his eyes on his feet, his face on fire and the tissue still clamped over his face as he was led once more out of the rink. He sat down on the bench and blew his nose as quietly as he could, hoping to get the lingering tickle out before he had another outburst in front of Viktor. Said man sat down next to the younger, urging him to put his coat back on and setting the poodle plush tissue box down in between them. Yuuri plucked another tissue to rub at his nose, still avoiding his mentor's gaze as he tried to do away with the tickle that still lingered. It just wouldn't leave, instead weakly fluttering through his sinuses and waiting to make him sneeze again. A hand on his knee made him look up, Viktor's face adorning a slight frown of concern as he observed his student.

Hey, are you feeling alright? You look chilled.” Yuuri's cheeks turned an endearing pink as he smiled at the care he was being shown. He sniffled and gave his nose a last rub, finally turning fully to his senior.

Nothing a hot bath can't fix,” he reassured, smiling wider as he felt Viktor relax next to him. Suddenly the other man was in front of him, unlacing his skates and sliding them off.

Well then, let's hurry! After your stretches we'll take a long soak and you'll be relaxed and ready to try the quad Salchow again tomorrow, ya?” Yuuri sniffled again, smiling as he scrubbed at his nose.

Yeah,” he hoped this was nothing to be concerned of, though the lingering itch in his sinuses warned otherwise.




Bud'te zdorovy - bless you in Russian

Edited by Akahana
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Aaaaaaaaaaaa so fast!  And omg, I love it so far!  Victor being a tough coach and then suggesting so cheerfully that they go eat... definitely him.  The katsudon scene is in my mind again.  And I could just see him grabbing a tissue for Yuuri, too!  He's so touchy, he definitely would.  Wasn't expecting Yuuri to sneeze right then, though, and oh dear..... so nice. .____.  It was so awkwardly cute, just like Yuuri, and wow hot, and I love the reappearance of the poodle tissue box.  Can't wait to read the next parts!  Thanks so much for sharing!

Is there a prompt I can chase for you in return? :)

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HOLY SHIT THAT WAS HONESTLY SO AMAZING. I NEED MORE. So originally I told myself "no you're not going to watch another blatantly gay sports anime, we already know how much Haikyuu!! Ruined you" but then I made the mistake of watching episode 1 to test the waters and honestly if Yuuri/Victor isn't canon, then I don't know what is anymore. You have no idea how happy it made me to see that you of all people started writing for this fandom, you're one of my favorite writers by far. Thank you for this beautifulness!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy shit it's been over a week!!  I'm so sorry, I wanted to get this out sooner but life stole me :(

On 10/19/2016 at 10:34 PM, LeapYearKisses said:

Aaaaaaaaaaaa so fast!  And omg, I love it so far!  Victor being a tough coach and then suggesting so cheerfully that they go eat... definitely him.  The katsudon scene is in my mind again.  And I could just see him grabbing a tissue for Yuuri, too!  He's so touchy, he definitely would.  Wasn't expecting Yuuri to sneeze right then, though, and oh dear..... so nice. .____.  It was so awkwardly cute, just like Yuuri, and wow hot, and I love the reappearance of the poodle tissue box.  Can't wait to read the next parts!  Thanks so much for sharing!

Is there a prompt I can chase for you in return? :)

Aaaaahhhhh~ I'm so glad you're liking it!!  I don't write too often so I'm always happy when people like my work.  For a prompt trade, maybe one where Yuuri has a stuck sneeze and needs help getting it out?  And Viktor helps and maybe has a little bit of a fetish himself?  Or maybe reversed could be good too, either one would make me really happy!!

On 10/20/2016 at 10:42 PM, Lonewolf said:

HOLY SHIT THAT WAS HONESTLY SO AMAZING. I NEED MORE. So originally I told myself "no you're not going to watch another blatantly gay sports anime, we already know how much Haikyuu!! Ruined you" but then I made the mistake of watching episode 1 to test the waters and honestly if Yuuri/Victor isn't canon, then I don't know what is anymore. You have no idea how happy it made me to see that you of all people started writing for this fandom, you're one of my favorite writers by far. Thank you for this beautifulness!!

(0///////0)!!!  I'm your favorite?? Oh wow I'm blushing, that's so sweet <3  I hope you decide to watch the rest because really, this is the best new show this season.  It's so gorgeous and the characters are so lovable!  Also once you're in sports anime hell there is no escape lol

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So without further adieu, here's part 2 (longer and with more sneezing :D)


Part 2

Yuuri had sniffled his way through cool down stretches and kept a tissue to his nose the entire walk back to his family's onsen. Viktor had talked animatedly at him the whole way, telling funny stories about his poodle when she was a puppy and casting observing glances towards the young man as he continued to sniffle. By the time they made it to the changing room Yuuri was visibly shivering, his shoulders tucked up around his ears in an effort to stop them. He blew his nose once more before undressing, turning away from Viktor as the older man dropped his robes. Yuuri kept a small towel around his waist and sighed in relief as they stepped into the warm steam. A strong shiver ripped through his body as he sank into the hot water, trying to adjust to the sudden switch from cool to hot. A splash sounded next to him as Viktor joined him, choosing to sit quite close considering there was plenty of space. They were the only ones in the bath.

“Feeling good?” Viktor watched as the younger man sighed and relaxed into the water, his shivering finally letting up.

snf! Yeah...snf” Yuuri lifted a wet hand out of the water to rub at his flushed nose. The hot steam felt wonderful on his muscles, but it had also loosened some congestion and caused his nose to run. He tried to stop it by sniffling, but the little watery sniffs along with the steam was starting to aggravate the tickle in his nose again. He scrubbed at the sides oh his nose to stop it.

hehh...” it didn't help. His eyes snapped open as he felt large hands pull his away from his face.

Yuuri, you're going to rub your nose off if you keep that up~” Viktor teased lightly, but was met with a ticklish expression on the other's face. The young man's eyes were slightly unfocused and lidded, eyebrows tilted upwards. His mouth was parted cutely as his breath wavered and his pink nose was twitching with irritation. Viktor couldn't help but giggle as Yuuri turned his head away, his breath hitching louder. He tightened his hold on the younger's hands, leaning in to talk softly into the other's bright red ear.

Ne Yuuri, do you need to sneeze? It's not good to hold them in you know, it'd feel better if you let them out,” Viktor smirked as Yuuri's breath hitched more desperately. As a last push Viktor blew gently on the sensitive ear, causing another shiver to rush across the other's skin and for him to finally give into the demanding tickle.

hhHHh- hyaAH'TCHHhh!! aht'chhu! ehchu'u-e'tch!! hA...AHHhh-hh…! EHHhihhh~ TCHhiihh!! tih'shu-eh'shu-etch'h! Snf! SNFf! ...hhheH-!”

The fit was impressive to say the least. His sneezes seemed to tease him at first, and then crash through him over and over, jerking him harshly in the warm water. Viktor's worried expression returned, and he couldn't help but rub Yuuri's back soothingly as the other worked through the fit.

iyehHH! AHHh- EIT'Chhhu! HAK'shhiH!! etchh- HAAH!! hH~ AKT'CHHUU!! ugh- snf! Snf-snnffff!!”

The end of the fit left Yuuri a mess, his hands tented over his nose and mouth as he sniffled wetly. Viktor offered the younger his own towel from around his shoulders. Yuuri shook his head quickly, opening his mouth to respond, but a stray sneeze cut him off.


The sneeze made a horrible squelching sound as he jerked into his messy hands again, he didn't even try to stop the blush that blasted across his entire face and neck. Not meeting Victor's eye, he quickly took the towel offered and turned his back to his coach. He took longer than strictly necessary to clean up his face and hands, taking time to blow and rub at his nose in order to avoid looking at Viktor for just a few more seconds. When he could delay it no longer without seeming rude, he slowly turned back to his idol and shyly met his concerned gaze.

“T-thank you...Viktor,” he ended up mumbling, too embarrassed to speak any lounder. The older's expression grew more worried before smiling in a wary manner.

“Blagoslovi vas mnogo, Yuuri. Come on, it's time to get out. Dinner should be ready soon anyway.” Viktor patted the smaller man's back reassuringly and stood up, not a single care as his manhood was put on display. Even though he was very accustomed to public nudity, Yuuri had to avert his eyes because this wasn't a friend or family member, it was Viktor- his idol, coach, and longtime childhood crush. It tends to change things.

Shaking his head slightly to clear his thoughts he slowly stood in the bath, his tired muscles protesting the strain. As he turned around to get out of the bath, he was hit with a sudden dizzy spell and collapsed to the side of the spring. He quickly closed his eyes and put his head in his arms, willing the world to stop spinning around him. He felt a warm hand cradle the back of his head, Viktor's panicked voice sounding from above.

“Oh God Yuuri, what happened?! Are you hurt?!” Yuuri shook his head, though it did nothing to help the spinning.

“Dizzy...” he forced out, the single word filled with discontent. When the spell finally passed, he opened his eyes only to find himself being hauled out of the water and held flush against Viktor's side. A very naked Viktor's side. Yuuri tried to protest, but stopped when Viktor just held his hip tighter, a no nonsense look in his eye. The two men were silent as Viktor set Yuuri on the bench in the locker room, tenderly toweling the younger skater dry, blow drying his hair and fetching his warm pajamas after he had done the same for himself. Yuuri felt guilty as Viktor tended to him, but even more so for causing him worry. When they were both ready to leave, the young man grabbed the other's shirt before he could turn away.

“Viktor...I'm sorry for worrying you. I just stayed in the bath too long, I promise I'm ok. snf!” The little sniff at the end didn't lend much truth to his statement. Now that they've left the heat and the steam, Yuuri was starting to feel stuffed up. But he held strong and raised his head, looking the older man straight in the eye.

“I'm ok.” Viktor sighed and gave him a slightly embarrassed look.

“Alright, I know. I just wanted to make sure.”


Dinner passed by mostly uneventful; Viktor made pleasant chat with Mrs. Katsuki while Makkachin walked around the tables begging for treats. Yuuri didn't eat much, taking a few bites here and there but mostly just pushing the food around. He couldn't taste it very well, he was stuffed up enough that sniffling was useless. So he spent most the time sitting there quietly and wiping his nose on his napkin. He eventually excused himself from the table and headed up to bed. After he cleaned up for the night, he was called out to by none other than Viktor.

“Yuuri, can we sleep together tonight?” Viktor's usually chipper voice came out tender and sweet, a meaning behind the question that wasn't usually there. It was a tempting offer, but a weak tickle in his nose reminded the younger why he shouldn't give in tonight of all nights. So he shook his head.

“Dnot todight Viktor. I'mb tired and want to go straight to bed.” Yuuri pawed at his nose as the tickle grew, quickly forcing a tired sneeze through his clogged sinuses.

“heg'cheh...” Viktor sighed.

Bud'te zdorovy, Lapochka. If you need anything just wake me, ok?”

Ok, thank you. Goodnight Viktor.”

Goodnight Yuuri.”




Blagoslovi vas mnogo - bless you lots

Lapochka - sweetheart

Edited by Akahana
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Oh nooooooooo it's so sweet! :'D  Poor Yuuri.  It sounds like the beginning of such a bad cold.  I feel so bad for him (and so very intrigued, haha).  Love love the fits and the mess, so much.  You have amazing descriptive powers!  Oh man, it was even nicer since it was in the bath.  And Victor, god, I had to blush!  He's always so forward, especially hanging out without a care in the world in the baths, and now, with that lovely hint that he might have the fetish... WHOA.  Yuuri, you should go sleep with your touchy Russian boyfriend.  He will keep you warm and take care of you!

And I'm on that prompt!  I think I'll make Victor the sacrifice, since I don't know how I could write a better scene than the one you wrote in this part. :D

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HONESTLY THIS IS SO GOOD- I CANT. I love it so much when you write longer fics, and HOLY- all of your spelling were ON POINT. Both of the were so in character and I just love them so much. Thank you for writing this!

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I haven't commented on this yet because I haven't gotten a chance to log in... but this story is GREAT!!! Yuuri!!! on ICE became my favourite show after I watched episode 1 and your writing is lovely! Thanks for writing this! o(^o^)o

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I'm Shook™. That was just incredible... spot on characterization and the detail oh my god. I dearly hope for a part 3 

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WELL THIS IS DAMN BEAUTIFUL.  <3  Dude you have their characters and the way they interact with each other SPOT ON.  This could EASILY be an episode.  It flows the same way the show does, with the same light humor and charm, and the underlying deep emotions.  I love it so much.  You have captured the chemistry between the two of them perfectly.  I love the dialogue, I love Yuuri's inner monologue, I love all the feeling we get from Victor without actually hearing his thoughts, I love it all.  Thank you for this. <3 

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THIS...I honestly appreciate fanfiction writers so much. I can't write fanfics because I overthink my grammar way too much that it takes away from the characters lol. BUT, I absolutely adore anime sneeze/sick fics and I just started to watch Yuri!!! on ice yesterday and I'm 5 episodes in. This was so well written and 100% in character. Bravo, really this was awesome. Pwease do a part 3 c: 

Edited by LiveToBeMe
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  • 1 month later...

I love every bit of this story. Poor Yuuri is suffering so much already being all stuffed up and a sneezing mess. Give us more! 

Please! Tell me you are going to continue this story ?

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