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First times (Star Trek reboot, Spock) - completed


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On 13/12/2016 at 11:27 AM, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

Let me just say too, the bit where Chekov and Bones carry Spock to sick bay is classic Star Trek imagery. Why in God's name do these people not have a stretcher? Why isn't there some miraculous anti-gravity device that will float the patient? Or a mini transporter? It boggles my mind, truly. 

Truth. (I suspect they built their doors and lifts too small for stretchers, but come on, people, what century is this supposed to be again?)

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Excellent back story! Oh this is so interesting. Medical mysteries are some of my favorite things. This is great that it is all based around Vulcan physiology; then I can properly suspend disbelief. ^_^

Gratuitous totally exists in English.

A "Fluff Alert" is what I do when there is some exceptionally sentimental writing and I know @Juto loves fluff. :D 

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I thought this chapter was sweet!

I'm kind of glad that the majority of Jim's chewing-out happened offscreen. I know it needed to happen, but it probably would have been painful to read. Plus this way we got a good impression of the tone of McCoy's 'discussion' with him without a blow-by-blow account of it.

12 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

McCoy closed the door behind them and motioned him towards the bed. He himself dropped heavily on a chair.

- Are you all right, doctor?

No, Chekov, he is having the worst week ever. Poor Bones, I feel so bad for him. But also really affectionate towards him for his ability to keep doing his job and try to meet the needs of the crew even while he's personally having a bad time.

I liked that McCoy went into 'doctor mode' and Chekov was suddenly 'Oh, I can talk to him!" Shows why McCoy is actually a really good doctor- he knows how to alter his approach to deal with different people. Jim needs to be yelled at occasionally, Chekov needs more gentle handling.

And awwwwh, Chekov, baby! He's so sweet and precious and I love him and want to protect him from the painful but necessary backstory. *hugs him forever*

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Oh dear sweet Chekhov. Getting up his courage to save his friend and idol. McCoy is awesome. He can totally go from chewing Jim out, which I'd like to know more about how that has an effect, does Jim get any more sense?, To being all soft and kind to encourage Chekhov to talk to him. And the story, Oh No! Not good! I'm scared for Spock!

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Oh no! It's hard for me to read such serious things but I'm quite sure you won't let Spock die so I'll keep on reading :sweatdrop: Hope Bones is able to help him soon! And of course I hope for a lot of Bones/Spock and/or Kirk/Spock fluff :teehee: Btw your Chekov is super sweet! :heart: 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, that's a great and wonderfully written chapter. Sure I'm hoping for a lot of fluff and I can't enjoy such serious stuff this much but if I don't see this chapter in a fetish way and just as a normal fanfic I'm totally okay with it. And I love every of your stories. :) 

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This is amazingly good! Everything you wrote about Spock's emotions being so strong but buried so deep is exactly what I think. And him being lonely. It's so sad and I want to hold him. And the way you've expressed the torment he's going through losing his vulcan side and giving in to the human side and is so afraid and hopeless is just awesome. I love this so much, I can't even say.

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Oh the feels! Poor Bones and poor Spock. :nosad: I agree with @AngelEyes you have done a marvelous job uncovering the hidden depths of Spock's psyche. I can really appreciate how afraid both Spock and Bones are... 

But, you can't kill Spock so this is going okay in the end. I will hold on to this bit of logic :tongue: to get me through the really angsty bits. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/13/2017 at 2:04 PM, Aliena H. said:

Everyone in the ship knew that the chief medical officer hated flying, that he hated space, that he hated humankind (and aliens and hybrids of course) – he repeated it over and over again, with the result that no one ever listened to him. Maybe because everyone knew that he loved his job and loved the ship and loved her crew.

I love this part so much. It's so perfectly true.


On 1/13/2017 at 2:04 PM, Aliena H. said:

- That’s not very nice to nerve-pinch your friendly doctor!



On 1/13/2017 at 2:04 PM, Aliena H. said:

During a few agonizing seconds, Jim thought he wasn’t going to manage to put Bones to sleep, but finally, the chief medical officer’s body became limp in his arms.

Uh oh. Bones is going to be So Pissed when he wakes up! But it was for his own good!


On 1/13/2017 at 2:04 PM, Aliena H. said:

- Well, Mister Spock, we make a good team, don’t we?

- I believe we do, captain.

Of course they do. And way to go Jim for finally getting your act together!

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  • 1 month later...
17 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

I don't know if this story still interests anyone,

Oh yes, absolutely still interested. Sorry about the insomnia but that works out well for the story, doesn't it? :yes:

I'm so glad Kirk was able to put aside his issues and come to Spock's (and Bones's) aid. They both need him very much right now, it seems.

17 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- It’s all right, Spock. I can do this. Really, I can. I won’t tell you that I’m not scared, because it wouldn’t be true, but I’d be scared even more if I wasn’t here with you. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to go through this before. Please forgive me.

- I have nothing to forgive you, Spock stated firmly – and he really meant it.

He was rewarded by a shy smile.

- Spock, can I hug you?

The Vulcan cocked an eyebrow – but a hug was definitely appealing.

His human side was craving for it.

- I am amenable to the idea.

The next minute, Jim’s body was pressed against his, and he relaxed into the embrace, also clutching at his friend, eyes closed, overwhelmed again by human feelings and not even trying to repress them.

And it felt so good.

This part at the end it was my favorite. :hug:

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So happy to see more of this!!!! Yay for Jim getting his act together. Way to take care of Bones and Spock! 

On 3/4/2017 at 9:08 PM, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

- I am amenable to the idea.

He hasn't totally lost his vulcan side, this is a total Spock thing to say!

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  • 5 months later...

Yes! I'm glad you continue this story. Okaaay, it's a lot of angst so it takes some time for me to read a whole chapter but I love your writing as always! :heart:

And I absoluetly remember Tarsus IV :D 

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8 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Well, this story is almost over (I have 4 or 5 parts left) and I hope I'll be able to finish it before september (as I'm going back to work, I won't have much time to write...). I thought I could spread the sneezing misery to Jim, because I have to confess that I like him more and more. (Yes, strange way to express my feelings for him, I know.:rollhmm:) And I couldn't help putting the elder Spock into the equation, becuse I'm so in love with him. I hate being insecure, but I have the feeling that what I'm writing isn't good at all and I've had issues with it lately. That's why I have not been able to write much. Sorry for this, if anyone is still interested in this story.


I am interested! And your writing is more than good! I love to read your fics. No need to feel bad about anything and it's okay if something need time I think everyone feels insecure or has issues with getting a story done or writing anything from time to time. Don't stress yourself :kisscheek:

And this chapter was great! :) Jim can be so stubborn! And I hope Spock will be better soon... :cry:

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I love that Spock helps Jim overcome his inability to talk about the situation with a mind meld! And that if it's the last Vulcan thing he can do he wants it to be that with Jim. Awwww! 

On 8/11/2017 at 2:06 PM, Aliena H. said:

“Well, all things considered, I’m rather relieved that both of you remained dressed.

The captain shook his head helplessly. He knew he’d never hear the end of this.

Oh Bones!!!! LOL!

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14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Bones had even admitted, between sarcastic comments about ‘the ambiguous position of his two superiors in a paradisiac swimming-pool’ that he needed to sleep and that they had done the right think forcing him to do so with a nerve-pinch and a hypo.



14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

“Thadks. Do you kndow what I’b allergic to this tibe?”

“I’d say chlorine. Your clothes are full of it, so it makes sense.”


“Oh indeed.”

LOL. Of course!


14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Don’t you have the feeling that you’ve found more than you’d been looking for? That’s how I feel.”

Awww! This is the best! I love this whole conversation.


14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

“Could you provide me a private connexion with New Vulcan?”

Oh Yeah!!!!

Still Loving this! And loving your writing always!

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10 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

He held up his head and tried to resume the conversation, but Spock could have told him that the fit was not over. He had known too well Jim’s counterpart, in his own universe, to believe that he was done. And, indeed, his nose twitched again, his eyelids fluttered and his breath hitched madly before he finally gave up.


He knows you too well, even it is the other you.


10 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Sometimes I hate my histamine.”



10 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

He spoke in full knowledge of the facts. The healers, fascinated by his case, had studied him in every detail possible, but they had never fully understood him. He doubted that the situation was different for his counterpart. He had accepted long ago the idea that no one would ever fully understand him. The unconditional acceptance he had found on the Enterprise, amongst the crew, was sufficient for him. Nevertheless, the other Spock, younger and more sensitive than he was (the Vulcan smiled internally at the thought that such a comment would earn him an outraged protest from his younger self), should still hope to be understood. Which was impossible, of course.

I love this! The longing for belonging and knowing he doesn't really, but finding his place with his crew and that being enough. Awwww!


10 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Spock allowed himself a smile. The fact that James Tiberius Kirk, of all men, was shocked at the idea of cheating with rules was most… refreshing.



10 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

“I guess I won’t manage to make you change your mind?”

“Did you ever achieve such a feat with my counterpart?” Spock asked, sincerely curious about the answer.

“Honestly, no” Jim sighed. “But I wonder how you’re going to steal a ship belonging to the High Counsel. I thought Vulcans couldn’t lie?”

Spock shook his head.

“As Dr McCoy has been very fond of reminding me throughout his whole life, I am half human, captain.”

So perfectly them!

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