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Avengers (Steve/Tony)


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Part I

It was 10:30 and Tony was sitting in bed reading. Beside him, Steve was snoring slightly, almost hidden beneath their comforter. 

The supersoldier had been suffering through a bad cold for a few days now and this morning he had woken up with a pretty high fever. Despite Tony's detached nature, he had been tried his hardest to take care of his ailing boyfriend. And now Steve was sleeping as well as someone so congested could.

It was a peaceful scene, and Tony would have liked to keep it that way but his body had other plans. Tony's nose started to itch and despite his best efforts, it would not stop. Not wanting to risk waking Steve, Tony quickly and quietly got up and walked into the hallway.

He got out just as the sneezes overtook him. "Hngt! Hep'tchuh! Hap'tchu! Hektsch! Ugh..."

The dull headache he had been ignoring all evening intensified with each sneeze and Tony couldn't help but cough slightly as his throat was irritated by the outburst.

Sniffing quietly, Tony snuck back into the bedroom, relieved to see Steve still asleep. Relieved, that is, until one last sneeze overtook him without warning. 




"Hey Steve, sorry I woke you," Tony sat back down on the bed, "go back to sleep." 

Steve pushed himself into a sitting position, coughing as he did so. "You sneezed. Did I get you sick?" Steve's voice was so raspy Tony almost laughed.

"No. I don't get sick. You think I'd sit this close to you if I thought I'd get sick? No way." Tony laid down, pulling Steve close. "Now go back to sleep or you'll never get better.

Steve seemed reassured by his statement, but Tony hadn't convinced himself.


part II coming soon!

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thank u for the feedback !

Part II

Tony woke up to the feeling of Steve sitting up, coughing hard. The fit shook his whole body and he breathed hard when it was over, eyes squeezed shut. Tony sat up and rubbed Steve's back, resisting the urge to cough himself as he did. 

"I'll be right back," He whispered to Steve then got up and walked quickly into the bathroom. 

Pulling the door shut behind him, Tony started to cough. He was so focused on trying to muffle them that he didn't hear Steve shuffle into the room.

"You're sick."

Tony started at the sound of Steve's voice, looking up after the coughing subsided. "No I'm not."

"Please don't lie to me."

Steve looked so pathetic Tony had to comply.

"Fine. Maybe I'm a lihh- a little sihhh-hep'stchuh! -a little sick. But you're the one im worried about. You look like shit."

Steve ignored the last comment, looking near devastated at Tony's admission. "Dammit! I knew you'd get sick, I-I'm sorry, Tony." Steve sniffed and turned away from Tony.

"Woah woah woah! Are you crying? Steve don't cry I'll be fine okay? Steve?" He moved forward and took Steve's arm, cringing internally at the intense heat coming from his boyfriend's body.

"You're fever is worse." Tony coughed quickly into his fist then started pushing Steve back to their bed. "It's bed time, buddy."

Steve tried halfheartedly to evade Tony's grip. "No! You're sick I need to take care of you. I'll make you lunch! I just neehh-hurrASCHHooo!" The sneeze made Steve double over and he stumbled as he straightened back up. "I just need to go to the kitchen for a minute."

Tony just held Steve tighter, lowering him onto their bed. "No, Steve. I don't need lunch, it's 8 in the morning. And you are way too sick to go anywhere but bed." His voice cracked at the end of his sentence and he started to cough, chest aching afterwards. He makes sure Steve is tucked in before starting to leave the room.


Tony turns back to face the sick man. "What?"

"Where are you going?"

"The lab. I have some work to do."

"No you're not! You're sick; come back to bed."

Tony came to the bed and kissed Steve's hot forehead. "I'm hardly sick and I really need to get some things done, alright? I'll come back when I'm done."

Steve didn't look satisfied but he nodded anyway, head flopping back down on the pillow. 

Tony gave him one more forehead kiss and left.

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Part III

A couple hours later, Tony wasn't so sure he could classify himself as "hardly sick". His throat was killing him and he could barely go a minute without coughing or sneezing.

He hadn't been lying when he told Steve he had work to do. There was the new suit pieces, there was the updates to the AI, there was rechecking Bruce's papers at his request, all of this had been put on the back burner while Tony took care of Steve. 

Now, when Tony finally tried to work, he couldn't even focus on the paper in front of his face. For what felt like the thousandth time, Tony turned to the side to sneeze into his elbow.

"Haktshew! Hep'stchuh! HaKTSHuu! God dammit!" Tony's nose was running terribly and the tissue box on his desk was empty. He walked out of the lab to get more but was distracted by noises from the kitchen. 

In the kitchen, he found Steve stumbling around, holding a knife. 

"Woah there pal!" Tony grabbed Steve by the shoulders and took the knife. "What are you doing?"

Steve's glassy eyes met Tony's concerned ones. "I had to cut the sandwich for your lunch. You're sick you need to eat!" He started coughing, pulling away from Tony to cough into his elbow.

Tony glanced around and could not identify any sandwich. He put his hand up to Steve's forehead. Still way too hot. 

"Okay, Steve, thermometer time." He pulled the device from the kitchen cabinet. He had much more advanced body temperature technology, but Steve was a firm believer in a normal thermometer. 

After a couple minutes in Steve's mouth, the device beeped and Tony grimaced at the readout: 102.9.

Tony opened his mouth to tell Steve but cut himself off with harsh coughs that left him clutching his chest. 

Steve looked terrified. "Tony! You need to go to bed! Y-you're... youhh- hurraSSCHooo! -you're hurrSCHHooo! -you sound terrible!"

Tony shook his head. "Maybe, but you're burning up. Intense fever beats kinda bad cough." He looked as though he might say something else but he was cut off by another volley of sneezes. 

"Heptschu! Hekstch! Hek'SHU! Hah-hehh...hepstchu!" The sneezes made his head pound and his vision went black for a second. When Tony could see, he saw Steve looking scared and exhausted.

"Okay, let's both go to bed."

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