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Covert Cravings –– A Dead Poets Society fic (M)

Watercolor Daydreams

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Adskjsal ok. I've had this little bunny hopping around my head for a while. Idk if it's good, it probably isn't, but I'm posting it anyway before I chicken out because this is one of the few sneeze fic ideas that I've FINALLY committed to paper (or...e-doc, in this case, lol). Pardon the awkward grammar and phrasing, if there is any. This was written in literally ten minutes before my nerve/muse (...?) ran out. Probably TBC because I have an idea for a second part. Anywayyyy here is The Sin™:

Covert Cravings –– A Dead Poets Society fic (M, Todd, cold)

Neil had been suspecting it for a couple of days now. As Todd’s roommate and de facto best friend, he always knew firsthand whenever something was up with the former. Over the past week, Todd had been rather quiet, even more so than usual. And he kept doing…


Neil looked up from his desk towards where Todd was, sitting on his bed and doing homework. He kept scrubbing at his nose, sniffling every now and then. Neil turned away and tried to look inconspicuous, squirming inwardly at the trail of heat skating through his belly, headed straight for…


Neil bit his lower lip and cleared his throat.

“Bless you, Todd,” he said softly. When Todd didn’t answer, Neil turned back towards Todd and saw him, hand covering his nose, silently stifling what seemed to be a series of six more sneezes between his fingers. Impressive––the only indication that Todd was having a fit was the way his head bobbed down. Neil quickly looked away, trying to prevent the flush of embarrassment from spreading across his cheeks by putting his head in his hands.

When Neil looked back towards him, he saw that Todd looked just as embarrassed as he did, if not even more so. Something Neil had learned about Todd was that the latter hated doing anything that would draw attention to himself.

*Sniff* excuse me,” mumbled Todd as he reached for a few tissues from his dresser. He blew his nose as softly as he could, and Neil fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat. Few things unsettled him more than …what Todd just did. Neil didn’t consider himself very shy. But when it came to those…feelings…about sneezing, he preferred keeping a low profile. Not that Neil had those feelings about Todd himself, obviously. But something in the way his eyes would flutter shut, and how he tried so desperately to control or quiet his explosions…

Todd’s breath hitched again, the itch in his nose weaving its way through his ticklish pants.

“S-suh-sorry…hihgntshuu!” The sneeze came out despite Todd’s best efforts to restrain it, and he covered the lower portion of his face with his sweater, semi-stifling four more sneezes into the rough woolen fabric. When he finished, he let out a low sigh, sniffling congestedly.

“Ugh… I’mb so sorry, Ndeil.” His face was thoroughly red as he slowly lowered the collar of his sweater and reached for another generous handful of tissues. Neil waved him off as casually as he could.

“Don’t worry about it. You should get some rest if you aren’t feeling well.” Todd nodded mutely as he tossed his tissues in the garbage and went back to his bed to resume his homework. Neil sighed.

Edited by Watercolor Daydreams
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This is so cute! Strong and funny. Thinking about this movie always makes me sad though :-(

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Man, haven't thought about that film in a while. I love reading fanfic from less common sources. This really reads true to what I remember of the film. I'm just thinking of the scene with the desk-set now, and smiling.

I like your description of what Neil's feeling. I imagine that's kind of what a lot of us feel sometimes. I still remember in high school (many years ago) trying not to blush when my (very cute) teacher sneezed in class.

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I've seen this movie a few years ago, and we're watching it again in creative writing class. I've been so hoping for a Todd and Neil fic. :drool: 


You got both of them so in character, and it's so cute omg. Just the thing about Todd being all quiet and shy and how his sneezes are like the same way... :blushsmiley:  Neil is also so cute with his reactions to Todd and ugh I'm such a sucker for blessings...and for this movie. 


I would love to read more if you end up posting it! <3 Thank you for your fic!!

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I love roommate scenarios! Especially when one person is trying really hard to be polite/considerate with their germs but it's just such a small closed in space. Looking forward to seeing where this goes!

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