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What Is And What Should Never Be (Supernatural - Castiel)


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Hey, everyone! I'm not really on the forum anymore because of university but I have been getting into the fetish again. So, I wrote this canon divergent fic about Castiel with allergies because there's still so little allergic fanfiction with him. Anyway, I hope you like it! 



What Is And What Should Never Be


Castiel loses his grace in autumn. There's probably a metaphor in that, Dean thinks, about the slow death of something that will eventually renew itself at the beginning of a new year. Dean’s sure something similar will happen to Castiel.

The first few weeks are nerve-wracking for all of them. While dealing with Gadreel’s departure from Sam’s body and all the gunk that was left behind, they have to teach Castiel how to be human. Since Sam is dealing with something that could be referred to a “mega flu”, the job heavily leans on Dean.

Although it's not that difficult, Dean feels like he’s dealing with a baby in a trench coat. He never tells Castiel this because he knows his friend hates the phrase. 

Dean teaches Castiel basic hygiene habits, basic cooking techniques and what all the aches from his body mean. 

“We’re pushing forty, Cas. This type of stuff is normal.” 

Castiel gets the hang of most things after three weeks. He knows that he has to eat when his stomach aches, how to shower, how to pick out clothes that don't clash, and how to finally make an egg sandwich without burning it. 

All of that considered Dean decides to train Castiel as a hunter next because he’s ready and he also knows that he can’t stay in the bunker with unlimited Netflix choices forever. He mixes up the training by actual combat and people skills. Dean trains Castiel on shooting techniques in the shooting range of the bunker and tries not to think about the swirls in his stomach when he gets behind his friend to show him how to hold a gun correctly. He also tries not to think about how his knees go weak when Castiel’s back molds into his chest as he wraps they both wrap their hands around the gun either. 

Dean doesn't shake the feeling until they move onto brushing up people skills and learning social cues. He quickly learns that Castiel is still intelligent without his grace and when he tells his friend this, Castiel’s  wide and gummy smile stays in his mind for almost a week. Dean doesn’t remember the last time Castiel looked that genuinely happy.

It’s Castiel’s decision to go on a case with Dean two weeks later. Dean protests because he doesn’t think Castiel’s ready but since Sam is still on bedrest, there’s no one else for back-up. He relents when Castiel tells him that he’s learned from the best hunter he knows. The compliment makes Dean’s cheeks redden and he ducks his head quickly while he turns back into the hallway so Castiel doesn’t see.  

“Alright, fine. Just get your bag ready and don’t forget your FBI badge!”

Dean doesn’t see the small smile Castiel gives him as he walks down the hallway to his bedroom.

They start their trip at five in the morning the next day. Castiel takes some time getting himself ready and Dean pours a travel mug of coffee with sugar and cream for him. He smirks as he thinks about Castiel’s scrunched up nose the first time he tried black coffee.

“What’s so funny?” 

Dean looks away from the mug and sees Castiel in the entryway with his bag on his shoulder. He notices Castiel is wearing the blue flannel he gave him three weeks ago and he tries not to think about how the color brings out his eyes. When his eyes travel to Castiel’s messy hair, he panics because it sends a wave of… something goes through him. 

He clears his throat and focuses on the wall behind him. “Just thinking about the first time you had black coffee.”

“Yes, well,” Castiel sighs. “It was an unfortunate experience.”  

Dean nods and turns back to the mug to screw on the lid. “Yeah, so I loaded yours with sugar and cream so you don’t have to worry about any of that.”

“Thank you, Dean,” Castiel walks up to Dean and puts his hand on his shoulder. Dean tries to not to think about the touch. “That’s very kind of you.” 

While touches between them were commonplace, Dean’s feeling towards them has changed since Castiel’s loss of grace. Now, they spark something in him that he hasn’t felt in years and he doesn’t want to think about that. So he doesn’t. 

“Don’t mention it,” Dean begins and keeps eyes off Castiel when he passes him. “We’re leaving in fifteen.”


The drive starts relatively quietly as Dean hums along with “What Is And What Should Never Be” while Castiel sips on his coffee to wake himself up. Dean loves these moments the most. Since Sam has been on bedrest, they’ve become more frequent as they drive to the grocery store, the gas station or any other place. 

Driving with Castiel is a nice change of place because Sam loves to talk. He loves to fill their time in the car with chatter of the case, his opinions of the newest Washington Post he’s read and sometimes Dean just wants to listen to Black Sabbath in peace. 

Dean appreciates Castiel’s quietness and in fact, he almost forgets that Castiel is by his side until they pass an open field in the middle of Fairview around nine. 

It starts with a few sniffles and Dean’s ears trail from the sound of Freddie Mercury’s voice to the soft, irregular breaths next to him. 

“Heh.. heh.. NgtSCH!” Dean barely takes note of the quiet noise and almost focuses his attention on the music again until he hears it again. “NngGth! Hah-gnTXT!”

“It’s not good to hold ‘em in like that, buddy,” Dean says as he turns to Castiel. He watches as Castiel rubs his nose then nods. He tries to respond before he pitches forward again and pushes his nose to the back of his hand. Dean barely hears the sneeze. “You alright?” 

Castiel nods as he sits up. “It feels like there are a thousand ants in my nose which is physically impossible beca…heh-kgTSChh!

Dean frowns and looks back to the road. “Maybe you’re coming down with a cold? Remember the symptoms from the book you read? You know the one from the library?” 

“I’m not sick, Dean. I know those symptoms and the irritation is only in my nose,” Castiel’s answer is clipped and Dean knows that he’s getting frustrated by the sudden change. “Huh’UtSCHh! – ngXh!” he rubs his nose then his right eye as he sniffs. “It seems like the itching has traveled to my eyes and my throat, too.” he turns to Dean as his brows furrow. “What’s happening?” 

Dean hears the rising panic in Castiel’s voice and he’s sure it’s normal considering ever since he fell, he had only sneezed a few times here and there. Now, though, it seemed like his reaction to whatever was getting worse as they drove. He turns to Castiel again when his friend pitches forward again. 

The sneezes are less restrained and more desperate and he knows that if he could, Castiel would stifle them all. Dean takes note of the irregular breaths, reddening nose, and teary eyes before a light bulb goes off in his head. 


Dean almost feels stupid that he didn’t think about it before. Castiel was human now and Dean’s had more than enough experience dealing with all the allergies Sam has. 

“You’re allergic to something,” Dean says as he glances over at Castiel who’s too busy rubbing his nose. He rattles his brain as he looks out into the road. “It can’t be anything in the car because nothing’s changed in here.” 

“Huh..h’nxgh! H’ktsSCHuh!” Castiel sniffs and rubs at his eyes that are getting itchier and itchier. When he stops, he can hardly see through the tears. “Allergic to wha… He’tSCH’ah!

“Dammit,” Dean says when he finally sees the green shrubs in the field. “Ragweed.” he starts to roll up his window as quickly as he can. “Roll up your window.”

Castiel nods as much as he can in between sneezes to roll up his own window. The sound of the gravel road and the wind stop when the passenger window is rolled up. The silence just amplifies the sneezes. 

“I haaa...Hih’kSCH! -ktSCH!” Castiel huffs afterward and congestion leaks into his voice. “I hate ragweed.”



One of Castiel’s flaws is that sometimes he can be an overdramatic and whiny pissbaby. While Dean knows that the phrasing is harsh, it’s true. Castiel complains when he wants about things that don’t matter like how he has to pause for a moment as he watches another episode of Breaking Bad on Netflix to click ‘Yes’ when it asks him if he’s alright because he’s been watching for hours. 

Dean remembers when Castiel decided that the best way to deal with the Apocalypse was to drink himself into a stupor and wait to die.  

Castiel huffs and rolls his eyes and complains. Of course, Dean also knows that it’s something that annoys Sam but it’s one of Castiel’s most endearing qualities to him. It makes him more human. 

He complains and sneezes until they get to a gas station to get some Claritin and tissues. Dean smirks at Castiel when they arrive at a diner for breakfast and get seated. 

Castiel’s brows furrow as he frowns. “What?” 

“Your nose is so red, man. You just look miserable.” 

The statement gets Castiel into another spiel and away from messing with his nose. Dean chuckles in amusement as Castiel huffs until their waitress comes along. He smells her strong, floral perfume before he even looks at her. 

It seems like Castiel does, too, because after Dean orders a plate of bacon and eggs, he turns to his friend and sees that his hand is by his nose again. 

“And what about you, hun?”

“Um,” Castiel rubs his nose and looks at the waitress. He tries to control his breathing as his eyes close. Dean already knows he’s a goner. “Heh... eh’ISCH’ah! t’sCH! -gkSCHh! -nxsh!” 

Dean turns to the waitress with a lazy smile. “Can you give us a minute?” 

The waitress smiles and nods as Castiel sneezes again. 

It takes another ten minutes before Castiel is ready to order. Dean doesn’t mention how congested Castiel sounds as they eat or his reddening nose and swollen eyes. It doesn’t seem like the Claritin is working and their waitress is the one to bring it up when she brings them the check. 

“I’m going to the bathroom,” Castiel says as their waitress walks over. He stands up and eyes her as if he’s afraid her perfume will set off another fit before heading towards the back. 

“Here’s your check, sir,” The waitress smiles and hands it over to Dean. She leans in and lowers her voice. “Take care of him, alright?”

Dean nods and hears a “Huh’UtSCHh!” in the back of the small diner that he’s positive is from Castiel and it’s confirmed when he hears him thank a woman that blesses him. The sneeze and her words form a knot in his stomach. “Will do, miss.” 

Edited by greetingsfromboston
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Aw I adore human Cas. I'm usually not even into allergy fics (more of a cold whore), but this was really sweet! You do a great job spelling the sneezes. 

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