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Set when they're still together and I'm probably going to get some things wrong so feel free to correct me. And this isn't meant to be slash, just some friendship and brotherly love. And warning for language.


Gerard sighed for what had to be the 100 time that day. "Can you please be quite." Came a voice from the other side of the room.

"But I don't feel good." He whined.

"Shut up gee, you tried that last week." All he got return from the older man was a groan. The silence was broken a few minutes later,

"hkk, Ksh, hmm, psh." Gerard sneezed rapidly into his sleeve.

"What the fuck was that gee?"

"I told you already frank, I don't feel good and because I'm sick I'm sneezing. Understand?"

"You'll be lucky if you wake up unharmed tomorrow!"Gerard flinched the noise level becoming too much for his pounding head.

"can you please keep it down." He whispered burying his head under the pillow.

"You really feel that bad." He asked.

"mm-hmm." Was all he got in reply.

"ok, I'll go over to the guys room then." 


  Frank quietly closed the door not wanting to wake the older boy up and walked down the hall to the others hotel room.

"Hiya Frankie! What's up?" Mikey greeted him.

"Gee's sick."

"shit." Mikey cursed under his breath, "what's he doing now?"

"Napping, he was complaining about having a headache so I left him alone." 

Mikey walked down to Gerard and Frank's room leaving without explanation. He walked in finding his brother tangled in the sheets crying raven hair falling on his eyes. "Shh, shh, gee. It's just mikey, no ones hurting you." He soothed trying to untangle him from the sheets. Gerard's eyes opened panicked till he saw his brother. "It's ok, calm down." He soothed.


sorry that there's not many sneezes, there'll be more in the next part.

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When ever I see MCR fics posted I always click on them so fast xD

I'm looking forward to the next part, definitely love it so far ^^

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12 minutes ago, bazzpop00 said:

When ever I see MCR fics posted I always click on them so fast xD

I'm looking forward to the next part, definitely love it so far ^^

Same. Thank you so much, I should have the next part up tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sry this took so long. It's just that explaining to my mom why I'm writing stories about cute guys sneezing isn't on my list of stuff to do.





"Hitch, ksh, hepcho, xtt." The older man sneezed into his younger brothers short.

"seriously gee, your sneeze sounds really weird."

"jeez, thadks a dot frank."

frank winced at his voice. "You sound really bad." He stated. Gerard had fallen asleep by now though.

Mikey lifted his brother off his lap and stood up. "I'm heading back now frank,are you coming?"

"yep." The two boys slowly walked out careful not to wake the sickly boy.







i know I said there'd be more sneezes but my mom wants me to go do laundry and if I don't go she'll come into my room

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