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Sick Dean ficlet (SPN)

Voodoo huntress

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So, I tried writing Dean/Benny on here quite awhile ago. And frankly? I'm not too proud of it. So I'm giving it another shot. (I think Dean and Benny would settle down, don't you? So let's try having them married.)


"Well, well. Lookit what I found." Came the very unimpressed drawl. Dean froze from his task of gun cleaning, hands literally and figuratively dirty. Busted. He slowly turned around to see his husband leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed and a slight scowl on his face.

"Y'know, somethin' told me you were doing things ya had no business to. What are you doing out of bed?" Benny asked sternly. Dean quickly put the supplies down and wiped his hands clean on the rag, giving Benny his most charming smile.

"Benny, back so soon? How was your day of work? Anything interesting?" Dean deflected, walking over to Benny. He sniffled as discreetly as he could but judging from the scowl deepening, it was quite audible.

"Don't try changing the subject on me, Darlin'. I left with you in bed and I fully expected you to be there when I got back." Benny fussed. When Dean got close enough, he planted a large hand on the sick man's forehead. "You're still cooking there. Got an explanation for me yet?" Dean sighed and leaned against Benny's chest.

"Oh come on, you're overreacting. I don't even feel that bad and I was sitting down." Dean said, rubbing at his nose. He reached into his robe pocket for a tissue and smothered a sneeze into it.

"Bless you. And I seem to recall a certain diagnosis of influenza. You wanna try that again?" Benny asked, amusement growing in place of irritation. Dean didn't speak, just sneezed into his tissue again. "Bless you."

"I just wanted to clean up a little, there's no harm in that." Dean said stubbornly, congestion dulling his words. He rubbed at his irritated nose, huffing in annoyance.

"Well, if you're feeling so hunky dory, I brought your favorite; chili cheese fries." Benny tested. As expected, Dean's face grew a few shade paler and he swallowed heavily.

"How...thoughtful. Maybe just put them in the fridge for later?" Dean said. Benny stared at Dean until the shorter man squirmed.

"You're taking your ass straight back to bed. No arguments." Benny said and turned Dean around, giving him a light smack on the ass to get him moving. Dean jumped lightly and glared over his shoulder.

"That was a cruel move and you know it." Dean complained and gave a few heavy coughs into his sleeve. He stood there with a blank look on his face and Benny was scared he probably did go too far picking at Dean's tender stomach when his husband just sneezed a loud triple into his hand.

"Fuck, I hate this." Dean whined, blowing his nose and cleared his throat. Benny walked forward to press a kiss to Dean's hot cheek.

"Bless you, sweetheart. I know you're bored and you don't feel well. But, since I have the next few days off, I get to watch you all. Day. Long." Benny said in a cheerful voice and laughed when Dean groaned dramatically.


So yeah. Sorry I didn't spell out sneezes this time. I dunno, I just don't really know what Dean would sound like. 

Rare pairings deserve love too!

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Aw I like it! Sure Destiel is my first choice, but Dean/Benny is also pretty awesome! I love Benny, and you write him perfectly. I could totally imagine his southern accent saying everything. And I love his caretaking style- caring and concerned but not too mushy (love that he tests him with food lol). And sick Dean is always good, especially when he tries to push through it like he's used to, but finally succumbs and let's himself be taken care of. Very nice :-) Will there be more? 

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1 hour ago, spirkestielgirl87 said:

Aw I like it! Sure Destiel is my first choice, but Dean/Benny is also pretty awesome! I love Benny, and you write him perfectly. I could totally imagine his southern accent saying everything. And I love his caretaking style- caring and concerned but not too mushy (love that he tests him with food lol). And sick Dean is always good, especially when he tries to push through it like he's used to, but finally succumbs and let's himself be taken care of. Very nice :-) Will there be more? 

This is just a short ficlet, but I can definitely write more. You have any Dean/Benny prompts I can fill? I don't mind.

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Aw! Well since you offered...I love their time in purgatory. I like to imagine if Dean got sick there, but they had to keep moving to escape the monsters and find the portal. Benny at first is only really interested in getting out of purgatory, but then the more time he spends with Dean the more he falls for him until eventually he doesn't care about getting out only about Dean. Cas can be there, or it could be before they met up with him or even AU where he's not there at all. What do you think? 

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This is adorable!  I haven't even seen much of the show from Benny's time on it, but I liked his character immediately, and this pairing.  Love what you did with it here.

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This pairing definitely doesn't get enough attention. I agree that they would settle down. I was always scared to write Benny because I don't feel like I could do him justice, but you totally did. I love that I can hear them in my head when reading this.

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On 9/23/2016 at 11:23 PM, ickydog2006 said:

This pairing definitely doesn't get enough attention. I agree that they would settle down. I was always scared to write Benny because I don't feel like I could do him justice, but you totally did. I love that I can hear them in my head when reading this.

Aw, thank you so much! I'm still not as satisfied with this than my other fics, but let me tell you, it's a ton better than what I wrote before...

On 9/23/2016 at 9:12 PM, telltale said:

This is adorable!  I haven't even seen much of the show from Benny's time on it, but I liked his character immediately, and this pairing.  Love what you did with it here.

Thank you for reading!

On 9/23/2016 at 0:45 PM, spirkestielgirl87 said:

Aw! Well since you offered...I love their time in purgatory. I like to imagine if Dean got sick there, but they had to keep moving to escape the monsters and find the portal. Benny at first is only really interested in getting out of purgatory, but then the more time he spends with Dean the more he falls for him until eventually he doesn't care about getting out only about Dean. Cas can be there, or it could be before they met up with him or even AU where he's not there at all. What do you think? 

I'll try my best...purgatory isn't really something I'm all for writing because it might not be accurate, but I'll try

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14 hours ago, Voodoo huntress said:


I'll try my best...purgatory isn't really something I'm all for writing because it might not be accurate, but I'll try

It's okay no worries hun! I'm not a stickler for perfect accuracy, but if you dont feel comfortable with it I completely understand. You should write what you enjoy writing about. I'm grateful you even offered to hear my suggestion.  :-) 

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