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The Meeting - HP (Severus Snape)


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Hi there! I used to post fics on some of the other sites a while back. I've taken a long break but I'm back with a little ficlet about my favorite Harry Potter character, Severus Snape. Enjoy!

"The Meeting"

The Order of the Phoenix was gathering for a strategy meeting. Things were getting worse, the Dark Lord's power was growing. There was much to do and much to discuss. Molly, Arthur and Remus talked gravely about the situation as the members gathered.

Severus Snape walked in the door. As a double agent, he was under more strain than any of them, and it showed. There were circles under his eyes and his hair was even greasier than usual. 

"Hello, Severus," said Remus. "I'm glad you were able to make it. Did you have any trouble getting away?" 

"A little," said the laconic potion master. "Is Albus here?" 

"No, he said he had some kind of errand," said Molly. "It must have been important or he'd be here. We were just talking about it. Did he say anything to you?"


Lupin opened his mouth to speak but Severus walked away and sat down at the table. 

"He's not one for small talk," said Arthur, and Molly and Remus suppressed a laugh. 

Gradually everyone sat down, beginning to discuss business here and there as they waited for the last few members to arrive. 

"We'll need to talk to Kingsley about the floo network, it's been compromised again," said Snape. 

"He knows," said Arthur. "What we don't know is who - "

"Hetchhhoo!" Snape sneezed suddenly.

"Bless you - we don't know who's doing it, and how they are getting access."

"It's Goyle," said Severus, taking out a handkerchief and giving his nose a quick blow. "He has a sister that works at the ministry, and she's helping him."

They continued to discuss the matter and before long, Severus took out his handkerchief to wipe his nose again. 

"Not coming down with a cold, are you?" asked Molly. "We've got pepper-up if you need some."

"I don't,"  he said with some hostility. Arthur and Molly exchanged a "that's Snape for you" look. Then the meeting was called to order. 

But Severus was coming down with a cold. At first it was only Molly who could tell, but over the course of the meeting, his symptoms became increasingly obvious. He dabbed at his nose, sneezed again, and made uncomfortable little throat-clearing sounds. Even the timbre of his voice changed as the cold rapidly developed.

They paused for a break in the long meeting. Remus thought Snape would have to admit his illness and ask for the potion Molly had offered earlier.  But he did not ask. Snape sat at the table, alone and sniffling, while the others helped themselves to coffee and tea.  

"Well, he doesn't sound good," said Tonks, inclining her head in his direction. 

"No", said Arthur. "Doesn't look too well either."

"Why doesn't he just take some pepper-up?" she asked.

"I don't know," said Remus. "He's stubborn. Maybe he doesn't want to have steam coming out of his ears in front of everyone."

"It can't be any more ridiculous than that runny nose."

"Well, looking after himself was never Severus' strong suit," said Molly. "Honestly, I worry about him. He looks exhausted, and I'm sure he's not eating enough. He's definitely lost weight."

"You know, I noticed that too," said Remus. "It's not healthy."

Snape sneezed again, twice. A chorus of bless yous echoed through the room, at which Snape just scowled. Remus sighed as Snape vigorously blew his nose. 

"Alright, I'm going to say something to him," he said.

"He'll bite your head off," warned Tonks.

"I don't care. I'm going to get some pepper-up and see that he takes it." And he left for the potions cupboard in the next room.

"Well, this ought to be good," said Arthur.

In a moment, Remus was back. "Wish me luck," he whispered. Then he walked over to Severus and placed a cup and a potion bottle in front of him.

"What's that?" Snape asked, who was wiping his nose again.

"It's pepper-up," said Remus. "For your cold."

Anger - and embarrassment? - flashed in the potion master's eyes. 

"I'll take some when I get home," he said testily.

"But why wait? We could be here for hours. You shouldn't let a cold settle in, it'll be harder to get rid of - you know that."

"My health is none of your business, Lupin," Severus spat. "Perhaps if you spent more time recruiting werewolves and less time worrying about things that are none of your concern, the meetings wouldn't last so bloody long." 

"Oh stop it, Severus," said Remus, sharply enough that others turned their heads to find out what was going on. "I've had enough of your insulting me and anyone else who tries to be decent to you. Your health is my business, because you are a member of the Order and we are in this fight together. And you are not doing well." He poured out a dose of potion. "You're under too much stress, you're obviously not sleeping enough, and you're losing weight. And now you're neglecting what sounds like a nasty cold, for no good reason! You need to take better care of yourself." He put the potion down in front of Severus. "Now, drink."

Severus favored Remus with his most menacing glare, but Remus would not back down. Snape let out an exasperated breath, took the cup of potion, and knocked it back in one gulp. He set it down forcefully on the table as steam exploded from his ears. "Satisfied?" he said, sarcastically. 

"It's a start," Remus said with a bit of a smile, and he sat down. 

"That was well said, Remus," said Arthur, and a few others in the room agreed, before returning to their conversations. 

Severus just glowered all the more, arms crossed in front of him and steam coiling lazily out of his ears. Remus shook his head. He knew that he'd embarrassed the man, but it needed to be said. Snape did not make it easy for his colleagues to care about him, Remus thought...but that didn't mean they shouldn't try.

Edited by Joal 555
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  • 2 weeks later...

OH MY GOD! You're HERE!!!

Sorry - I used to write under another pen-ame.   And I still love love love your idea of a soul healer.  You're the single most influential sneezefic author that I've come across with in a decade. 

I'm so happy to see you.  (now I'll read your story...)


And I adored your story just as much as ever. :) So happy to have you here.  So very happy.

Edited by frenchposie
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I loved this! I have been on a renewed HP kick ever since I reread the series over the summer and sick Severus is my absolute favorite! I love characters who don't let their guard down getting obviously sick. I really enjoyed how in character everyone was. Snape being to the point and resisting small talk and concern. And Molly being the first to try to offer him a pepper up. I loved the part with the "well that's Snape look" lol I could totally visualize it. And Remus being the one who finally got him to take the potion was perfect. Well done!!!

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Thank you thank you!!!! Aww, you guys made my day! Frenchposie, I'm so flattered that my writing has inspired you!!

I am actually trying really hard to moderate my internet usage so I can't promise you'll see a lot of me....but I will definitely pop up from time to time! Thanks for the encouragement and I am so glad you guys liked it!

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  • 3 years later...

This is great! I love this clip from the day to day lives of the characters. You stay very true to them. 

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On 6/21/2020 at 3:07 AM, mystic-chibi said:

This is great! I love this clip from the day to day lives of the characters. You stay very true to them. 


On 6/21/2020 at 9:22 PM, sneezelover3 said:

Love it, I hope you continue.

Awww, thanks guys! How'd you find this from four years ago? It was nice revisiting it myself. Glad you enjoyed it!

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1 hour ago, superimmunegirl said:


Awww, thanks guys! How'd you find this from four years ago? It was nice revisiting it myself. Glad you enjoyed it!

I looked up Severus Snape in the search bar to see what kind of stories the forum had and this story was on the list of many. Haha

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I'm glad sneezelover3 dredged this up! :) I usually don't read a lot of HP sneezefics but this was just wonderful somehow. Great job!

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