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MCR Killjoys (Party Poison) Untitled


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Okay here’s some Killjoys fiction for you. I have a feeling this one might be quite long, don’t hold your breath, but it might happen. But yeah, there will be at least two more postings so stay tuned. And I hope it’s good and you like it and all that.

Copied and pasted and the format is again unbelievably crap, so sorry about that.



You got your rickety bones

I got my rickety hands

So fucking old

I'm so fucking alone


Poison whipped his hair, sweat flying back in droplets. Mad Gear's gig ended there.

Aching all over and longing for sleep, he prayed that Dr. D would get him the goods soon. Anything to get rid of the awful feeling. It was too hot to be sick.


The four killjoys left the stage.


It was now 12.30 A.M., the moon glowing with a purply radiated haze as the boys hopped in the Trans Am and sped along the dirt.


Stepping on the pedal, Party Poison would normally have been driving at that speed to fuck around, have the world know he was an anarchist, a killjoy, as a big fuck you. Tonight, he just wanted to get back. He had to sleep. He didn’t make a sound the way back.


Kobra, sat shotgun, noticed Poison struggling and offered to drive for them.


S'alright. Just a couple minutes and we're back.”



12.40 A.M.


Fun Ghoul and Jet Star left the back seat and jogged into the diner, leaving the Kid to help his brother out of the car.


Jesus, this has got to be the last gig for a while, you hear me? You can't do this to yourself; you'll blow your voice out.”


The orange dust kicked up from the tires seemed almost stationary in the air. Party was used to it, though tonight it attacked his sinuses like nobody’s business.


I know, I know,” Party rattled with a cough, and the two trudged inside.


Dr. D was sat by the door waiting for the redhead to enter.

Hey, Poison, whether you want to take these or not, you're taking them,” he opened his palm to reveal two smooth, shiny pills.


How did you get those?” Poison’s eyes glazed over with solace and he smiled a bit, rubbing at his nose harshly.


Had to make a little sacrifice, that's all. I ain't gonna tell you what it was.”


Thanks, man.”


Now, get to bed. You should all go and lie down, guys. I'll see you tomorrow.”

With that, Dr. D rolled back out the door towards the rumbling sound of his van, Cherri Cola at the wheel.


Poison stifled a yawn before downing the pills. His eyes were red and he ached like hell. He'd never felt so tired. He stretched with a loud groan, letting the others know just how tired he was in hope they'd all get the message and go to bed too.


After coming back from the bathroom to find the other three in bed, Kobra grabbed a jug of lukewarm water to place next to Party Poison.

You'll need your liquids. I don't care what you say, you're gonna drink this. You need it now more than we do.”


Party didn't open his eyes. He would have fought it a bit, maybe, if he wasn't so bushed, but all he did was let out a faint 'mmhm'. He rolled over and dipped his cup into the jug, drinking about half of its contents, slowly, before placing it back down.


Don't wet the bed,” Ghoul mumbled.


Poison shook his head slightly.



3.10 A.M.


The three killjoys watched as Party Poison slept with a faint snore, looking mildly uncomfortable. They couldn't sleep. There was a lot on their minds, and their friend was one of them. They hoped this wouldn't turn into anything worse. For now, he was just a little under the weather. Nothing that time and rest and mystery pills wouldn't take care of.


All it took was for them to glance at each other after lying in silence for so long to read each other's minds: “I can't sleep”.


Fuck this,” Ghoul whispered.

... Bathroom break I guess.”

He slipped out from under the sheets and tiptoed out of the room.


Kobra Kid felt something pat down on his pillow.

What the fuck?”

He grabbed it and immediately recognised the shape. He brought it to his face and looked over to Jet Star.

Is this... from you?”

Jet nodded and the two whispered harshly in dialogue for a bit.

This is a fucking Chupa Chup, dude. How long did you plan on not telling us about these?”

I dunno. Now seemed like the perfect opportunity to share. You can each have one tonight and I'll put them away again. Hopefully we can get them to last for a while.”

Thanks, man. That's awesome.”


Then, after the batteries in the torch finally ran out, there was an inevitable crash, bang and a muffled “shit!” from Ghoul's direction.


Jet and the Kid clenched their teeth and directed their eyes toward a stirring Party Poison.



3.20 A.M.


Fuck’s sake, Ghoul,” Party croaked.

Fun Ghoul rubbed his hand over his face ashamedly.


How are you feeling?” Kobra got up to place the back of his hand on Poison’s forehead, immediately retreating with a ‘tsssss’ sound.

What did you expect? It’s like 120 degrees*, dude.”

Sorry. Drink some more water.”


Kobra Kid stood back to allow his brother to sit up. This time he didn’t hold back. He drank that water like there was plenty more to go around. In the back of his mind he felt guilty, but his bed was soaked in sweat and he needed to get better. He knew the others wanted the same.


Then the feeling hit him.


Chuck me my bandana,” Poison motioned to Ghoul and closed his eyes in defeat. “Thanks.”


The first sneeze was inescapable. He didn’t want it, but he knew it was coming. He didn’t even have time to unfold the bandana from its head shape.


He inhaled with an audible gasp.




He had to blow his nose to assure he got as much of the dust that had settled in there out as he could. Until his ears popped.


Party took his reddened face out of the bandana and frowned at his smirking friends.

Bless you,” his brother offered.


All Party Poison could manage was a breathy ‘fuck’ before his face contorted again, thin moisture dappled nostrils flaring with another sharp breath drawing in.




Poison groaned in vanquish at the multiple blessings offered. It was going to be an unfortunately long night.


* Fahrenheit (because that’s what you have in America, right?)


That was like 950 words in before a sneeze that’s truly a record for me holy crap. I hope you enjoyed, please post feedback, hope you liked the spellings (I’m kind of worried about them) etc. Thanks for reading guys!








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Fahrenheit is, indeed, what we have in America! I don't know this fandom but I'm really intrigued by this. Good work! Nothing to be worried about. 

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On 14/09/2016 at 1:23 AM, queenie said:

Fahrenheit is, indeed, what we have in America! I don't know this fandom but I'm really intrigued by this. Good work! Nothing to be worried about. 


On 14/09/2016 at 6:00 AM, bazzpop00 said:

omg 0-0

Were you planning to continue this? I hope you do!! I love MCR and this fic ^^

Thanks guys :)

I am currently working on part two, you will see it sometime this weekend!

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Okay. There's lots I could say but I'm just going to give you this and hope that you like it. That's all :stitchfacesmiley:




1.00 P.M.


The early morning did, in fact, ultimately reach a point of sleep for the four killjoys. Jet and Ghoul were both in their high bunks, jackets strewn and limbs hanging from the sides. Party Poison had complained of being cold so Kobra allowed his brother to curl up with him on the pillowless foam mattress positioned on the floor in front of the bunks.


This was the first solid 8 hours of sleep they’d had in weeks.


Kobra Kid was the first to stir. He huffed and rolled over, stomach rumbling. None of the boys had eaten much at all the day before, and as hungry as the Kid was now, Power Pup was never going to be at all desirable. But it was going to have to be breakfast. Kobra checked his watch. Lunch then.


He stretched out his arms and yawned a bit, pulling the back of his soaking shirt from his body. The sweat made him feel twice his weight. It was ridiculous. He looked back down at his brother, who showed no signs of getting up any time soon if he was left undisturbed. As unwell as he was, he looked somewhat peaceful curled up in his ball of warmth.


The Kid peeled off his sticky shirt and left it hanging over the open door.



4.00 P.M.


By this time, everybody was up but Party Poison. He hadn't shifted much at all over this time, his breathing shallow, still with a bit of a snore thanks to his blocked up nose.


Kobra, Jet and Ghoul had all eaten by this time and were now tuning in to the F.M.

After the voluminous crackling start to the radio, a loud, rumbling cough was heard from the room next door. Jet Star immediately turned down the metallic knob and gritted his teeth. Ghoul decided to go check on Poison.


Stepping over the various shirts and jackets on the floor, Fun Ghoul looked over to the last fully dressed killjoy, sitting mid mattress with his legs crossed running a hand through his hair, attempting to hold back another cough.


Sleep well? How're you feeling?”


Poison attempted to speak but his voice was overtaken by the coughing fit he was trying to avoid. He quickly got redder in the face than he was before and Ghoul sat beside him, rubbing his back awkwardly. Ghoul was surprised at how open his friend was to comforting, he really must have been feeling awful. Normally he would have put on that he was fine and tried to hide the fact that he wasn't well. He'd not seen Poison this vulnerable before. There was certainly something endearing about this side of him.


Are you okay?”

Poison's breathing was sharp and erratic, it seemed that taking too big a breath could instigate another fit.


Well... I've been worse. Thanks, man.”


The two killjoys sat side by side in silence for a while. Ghoul knew that Poison probably didn't yet feel like standing up let alone leaving the room.

They were both broken out of daydreaming mode when the familiar sound of Dr. D's thundering van grew near.



5:00 P.M.


At this time, killjoys across the zones were tuning in to 109 WKIL. Being so late in the afternoon with sundown nearing, this was more of a news update.


Poison, Kobra, Jet and Ghoul sat behind Dr. D's make-do broadcasting station. They liked to listen in quietly when they were there.

Show Pony entered by the side, blades skidding to a halt, Suicide vinyl in his grasp.


Just as Dr. D was closing, a background, painfully stifled “Hmp'IIIGHSHT! Hmp'NNNGSHT!” followed by a “sorry” could be heard through the broadcast.


... Go crazy, but not too crazy, motorbabies, like this mad cat will tell ya,” he looked back to Party Poison and chuckled.

This is Dr. D signing off.”

He placed the Cheree single on the turn table and swivelled around to face the killjoys. Show Pony saluted and left by their right.


How you doing Poison? I've got your second daily dose. Better make a habit of taking them earlier, not that you should have to take them much longer.”


The cherry haired man took the pills gratefully with a congested “thangs.”

He was quick to get a small cup of water, though not before blowing his nose with an old rag. His bandana was no longer practical for such a use.


You take it easy, alright?” Dr. D placed a hand on the younger man's shoulder.


You can just about count on that. I don't feel up to anything,” he sighed.




6.30 P.M.


Poison hated being ill because he always felt unaccomplished. Ghoul and the Kid were both searching out and about in the zones for uninhabited structures, or possibly even inhabited residences. Mostly they just wanted to get out. As much as the other two would have liked to leave the diner for a while, Jet decided to stay back and keep his friend company, which Poison was grateful for, as bored as he was with such 'rules' in place.


Poison rubbed at his throat and clenched his teeth.

Ugh, I wish I had some fucking throat drops or something,” he wheezed desperately.


Just go and lie down, Poison. There's really not much else you can do.”


Party looked down at his shoes. He didn't want to come off as desperate or clingy, as much as he actually was when he was unwell.


Could you lie down with me?”


Jet Star was taken aback a bit. He hadn't expected this from Party Poison. The only person he'd let in his personal space or confide in was his brother, although that was not all that often either. They both went a bit red, but the Star man soon followed with a “sure.”


Poison thought for a minute that he might backtrack, say he was just delusional and didn't mean what he said. But he didn't really want to. He could use his cold as an excuse, so why not?


The two long haired misfits took off their shoes and slumped down on the mattress. They were brimming with awkward and embarrassing feelings but neither let it show.



8.15 P.M.


Kobra and Fun Ghoul slowed down the Trans Am on the way back knowing that there was a possibility of Party Poison being asleep by now.


They came back in through the side door to find both Poison and Jet asleep and somewhat intertwined on the floor. They tried to be quiet but clearly to no avail. Jet shifted which caused Poison to do the same. They sat up, embarrassed to be caught like that.


Hey guys,” Ghoul smirked, “sorry.”

We've got some more water, it's in the car. A few tanks,” Kobra intervened.


Jesus!” Jet brushed his hair out of his face.


I know, we fucking scored! Now Poison's got more to drink... as well as the rest of us, of course.”


Poison attempted to inconspicuously rub at his nose. Ferociously. His nose had been growing itchier and itchier but he tried to the best of his ability not to sneeze for the past couple of days. There was so much there that he was holding back but he was just too embarrassed.


Not unlike usual, his brother caught on.


You okay, bro?”


Yeah, yeah. Fine.”


His eyes were red and almost tearing up. It was too late now.


He frantically darted his eyes about to find something to sneeze into. The Star man's jacket was the only thing in his reach.

He looked to his friend with desperate eyes. Jet shrugged and shook his head. Party took that as a yes.


Sorry,” he gasped.


His head shook with what was to come, nostrils quivering hopelessly, lips parted, but not for long.


H'RRRRRSSSHOO! HMP'RRRSCH! Huh'IIIIISSSCH!” His upper body bent forward and shook violently with every loud, desperate sneeze, breath hitching audibly between each.



Poison knew that was it. For now.

His eyes were watering like crazy, he lowered the jacket but didn't dare look up. His face was almost the same colour as his hair.


The others looked on in shock, aside from Fun Ghoul who had his hand over his mouth, shoulders rocking with stifled laughter. Which was probably also in shock.

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ugggghhhhh this was just so good~~ its gonna be torture for me waiting on the next part lol

srsly, if I could hug you right now I totally would!!

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  • 1 month later...
On 20/09/2016 at 11:23 AM, bazzpop00 said:

ugggghhhhh this was just so good~~ its gonna be torture for me waiting on the next part lol

srsly, if I could hug you right now I totally would!!

Hello, hello.

I'm really sorry I kind of abandoned this thread and left you hanging. I'd like to maybe continue on it sometime but not right now. If you're interested you can check out my drabble thread, I'll be posting many a Killjoys fic and there's already one there for you to look at. :)


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5 hours ago, DarkGlasses said:

Hello, hello.

I'm really sorry I kind of abandoned this thread and left you hanging. I'd like to maybe continue on it sometime but not right now. If you're interested you can check out my drabble thread, I'll be posting many a Killjoys fic and there's already one there for you to look at. :)


no prob lol its still great to be able to reread it so its all good ^^ I'll most definitely read your drabbles   

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  • 2 months later...

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