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HIMYM (Barney)


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Robin tried to push down subtle feelings of anxiety as she dialed Barney's number for the third time. They were supposed to meet for lunch at noon, but now it was 12:45 and Barney was nowhere to be seen. 

It didn't seem like Barney would answer this call either and Robin was about to hang up when she heard a weak "Go for Barney" from the other line. 

Robin was filled with relief. "Barney! Thank God you're okay! Why didn't yoi answer my calls? You're late for lunch!"

"What? It's not- oh crap I am late I'm s-sorry Robin, I-I'll behh-hakshuh! I'll be there in ten." 

"Barney are you okay?"

"Never better, Scherbatsky! See you soon!" He hung up quickly.


When Barney arrived at the restaurant ten minutes later, he was breathing heavily like he had just sprinted a marathon.

Robin watched him try to catch his breath. "Jesus Barney did you run here?" 

"What? No, I-" he broke off, coughing harshly into his fist. When the fit was over, Barney was clutching his chest and Robin could hear a slight wheeze in his breath.

"Barney oh my god! Why didn't you tell me you were sick? You sound horrible!"

Barney attempted a reassuring smile. "I-I'm fine Robin, it's just a little c-cold. Hekshu! H-hakshuh!

The force of the sneezes caused him to sway on his feet and Robin gripped him by the shoulders to keep him upright. She put one hand to Barney's forehead while he tried to hold back more coughs.

Robin looked at him sternly. "Barney you're burning up. You need to go home right now."

Barney shook his head. "No, it's just a little cold Robin I'll be fine just gimme a minute." His voice cracked at the end and he broke into more coughs, this time doubling over with the force.

When the fit subsided, Robin decided Barney no longer got a choice in the matter. 

"Alright, buddy, time to go home."


Back in Barney's apartment, Robin searched for medicine while Barney shivered under two blankets on the couch. 

Robin came into the living room empty handed. "I couldn't find any medicine for you." 

She looked at his shaking frame. "You look worse." She felt his forehead and he recoiled at the touch. 

"Robin your hand is so cold! Are you okay?" 

Robin rolled her eyes. "Yes, dummy, you just have a fever, remember?"

"Oh yeah."

"Yeah. Do you have a thermometer?"

"I think so. In the drawer next to the fridge."

Robin went and checked, there was indeed a thermometer. She brought it back to the couch and stuck it in Barney's mouth.

Barney sat, eyes drooping, almost asleep, until the thermometer beeped and he jumped a little.  Robin pulled it from his mouth and frowned at the display.

"102. That's really not great Barney." Do you know where your medicine is?"

Barney was very close to sleep. "Don't...have... any...used it all...last time..." He coughed again, and it shook his whole body, leaving him struggling to breathe. 

Robin rubbed his back as his breathing slowly returned to normal.


"Yeah Barney?"

"I don't... feel good."

"I know, buddy."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aww, poor Barney :( he sounds miserable... I'd love to read more! (I actually thought this was a Barney the purple dinosaur fic when I saw the title. oh god)


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