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Sick Stiles ficlet AGAIN (sterek)

Voodoo huntress

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So I was sick for the past few days. And since I'm still on a Sterek kick, I'm gonna give Stiles the misery I had.


"I'm sick."

"Already? Its just 2 weeks after move in day!" John exclaimed. It feels like it was just yesterday when he was waving goodbye to his son standing in front of his dorm.

"Yeah. I think I know who patient zero is, so I need you to cover for me after I'm done with his body." Stiles grumbled, sniffling. His dad snorted a laugh.

"Or, you can leave him alone because I'm sure he meant no harm." The sheriff said, shaking his head. He sighed when he heard his son give a few raspy coughs that crackled over the phone. "What are your symptoms?"

"Well. I can't breathe through my nose. My head hurts like hell. Sleeping at night is almost impossible and I forgot to buy medicine before I moved in. In other words, I'm peachy keen." Stiles said, crankily. He put his cellphone down, reached for the roll of toilet paper and folded a wad over his nose.

"HhTISSHOO! TISSHHOO! Ugh...I don't feel good." Stiles croaked when he picked the phone back up. John made a noise of concern.

"You want to come home this weekend? Do you think you need a doctor?" He asked. Stiles cleared his throat, contemplating this.

"Nah. I think I'll just ask Derek to come or something. He can take me to get medicine." He said, pausing to blow his pink nose into the clump of cheap dorm toilet paper. "And more tissues too."

"Well...if you're sure." John said, hesitant. Stiles spent the next few minutes convincing his dad that he would be fine until Derek showed up. When they hung up, Stiles huffed and lowered back on his pillow. He scrolled through his contacts and tapped on the one that said "Boo Thang".

"Hey, sweetheart. You move in okay?" Derek's voice came through. Stiles sniffled and coughed.

"I don't feel good. Can you come and take me to the store?" Stiles whined, rubbing his nose.

"Give me 10 minutes. Pack a bag." Derek said, already grabbing his keys. Stiles huffed fondly, knowing immediately he would be spending the weekend at his boyfriend's apartment, no argument.


The amount of fucks that Stiles gave as he walked through the store were in the negatives. He was currently attached to Derek, clad in pajama pants and a t-shirt with a plaid unbuttoned shirt over it. In one hand, he clutched some toilet paper from his room and his other arm was winded around Derek as he leaned his weight on the older man. People around them took in his messy hair, pink nose and flushed face and went out of their way to avoid him. Whatever. He wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible anyway.

"Tissues, right?" Derek asked, shopping basket in his elbow and had his other arm wrapped around Stiles. Stiles nodded wearily, put his crumbled, used toilet paper in his pocket and grabbed two boxes off the shelf. He opened one of the boxes and snatched out a couple.

"HhTISHH! TISSHOO Hh....TISSHOO!" Stiles blew his nose and leaned more into Derek's side. Derek pressed a kiss to Stiles' forehead, but screwed up his face. He pulled his hand from around Stiles and placed his palm of the younger man's forehead.

"You feel warm. Are you getting a fever?" Derek asked. Stiles sniffled and shrugged. Derek 'hmmed' and walked to the next aisle to grab a thermometer. "Anything else?"

Stiles cleared his throat painfully and swallowed before answering. "Can we get some apple juice, babe?" He said, voice giving out. Derek put his arm back around Stiles and held him close before starting the trek to the refrigerated area. Stiles started shivering when the temperature dropped. Derek squeezed him tighter. 


Sorry for the abrupt cut off, I ran out of space, so I guess I have to make a part 2 now. Should be up before tonight.

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I just adore your writing style! Also 'Boo thang'? I am officially dead. RIP Holmes.

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This should finish it up


"Let's go on ahead to the apartment after this. I want you laying down." Derek said, grabbing a jug of juice and put it in the basket he placed on the lower shelf. Stiles nodded, coughing into his arm. Derek lead them to the checkout line, and placed the stuff on the conveyer belt. Stiles pulled away from Derek and pulled out his wallet to search for some cash. Derek huffed and put his hands over the open wallet.

"I'm paying, dummy." He said, and handed the cashier his card. Stiles blinked. He was too foggy-headed to argue with Derek so he just pocketed his wallet and pulled out a tissue.

"Hh'TISHH! TISSHH! TISSHH! NN'TISH!" Stiles gave a stuffy moan and blew his nose, not caring a bit that the people in line behind them were looking over in disgust and concern.

"Come on Snotty, you need a bed." Derek said, grabbing the plastic bags and placed his free hand at the small of Stiles' back, leading them out the store and to Derek's car. Derek opened the door for the sick human and waited patiently as Stiles slowly crawled in the car before shutting it. After placing the bags in the backseat, Derek rounded the car to get behind the wheel and they were off.


"If I didn't feel like shit, this would be the best thing ever." Stiles mumbled into Derek's shoulder. Derek hummed, and adjusted his hold. When they got to the apartment building, the elevator was broken and Derek lived on the 5th floor. Without a second blink, Derek hefted Stiles into a piggyback and started to carry his mate up the stairs.

"Well, its a small pleasure at least." Derek said, opening the door to his floor. He bent his knees a bit so Stiles can easily get down and quickly righted himself when Stiles wobbled to steady him. "Let's not add a concussion to the head full of snot, shall we?"

"Sounds good." Stiles said tiredly, grabbing Derek's keys, and walked up to the right door and unlocked it. Derek followed and closed the door behind him. Stiles was making his way to the bedroom, most likely to crash in the bed.

"Ah-ah. Get back here." Derek said, putting down the bags on the table and dug through one to get the new thermometer out.

"Dereeeek. 'M sleeeepy." Stiles whined, rubbing his eyes, but stimbling back, nonetheless.

"Uh-huh, great. Come on, under your tongue." Derek said, handing Stiles the thermometer. Stiles huffed and stuck the metal tip under his tongue, pout in full effect. "Oh, put the face away. I just want to check and you can sleep until dinner." Derek said, rolling his eyes. Stiles just sniffled and leaned back on Derek, closing his eyes. They sat in content silence until the beep, prompting Stiles from his light doze and Derek to remove the instrument from his mouth.

"Well, its a fever. Not bad, but its there." Derek mused when he saw the 100.3 reading. Stiles yawned into Derek's shirt and rubbed his nose in the fabric. "Alright, alright. Go to bed and stop rubbing your snot on me." Derek huffed. Stiles nodded and lifted his head, pursing his lips.

"You're so lucky I can't get sick." Derek muttered and pressed a soft kiss to Stiles' lips. Stiles 'hmmed' and gave a small smile.

"I think I need to sneeze." Stiles said, eyes still closed. Derek saw him wiggling his nose as the itch flared up. Stiles' face went slack and he turned his face back to Derek's chest.

"TISSHOO! NN'TISH! NN'TISHOO! Sorry..." Stiles sniffled thickly and started coughing.

"Christ, you're a mess. You need to expel anything else in my shirt?" Derek deadpanned. Stiles shook his head.

"I'm gonna go lay down now." He said and squeezed Derek's hand before walking to the back. Derek shook his head fondly and started to put the rest of the groceries up.


Yeaahh, gonna end this here. The plague is going around my campus, y'all D:
Save me!

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15 hours ago, sneezyholmes said:

I just adore your writing style! Also 'Boo thang'? I am officially dead. RIP Holmes.

No, come back Holmes! Also thank you for reading!

Edited by Voodoo huntress
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3 hours ago, Voodoo huntress said:

No, come back Holmes! Also thank you for reading!

Not a problem! :) 

Edited by sneezyholmes
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9 hours ago, ickydog2006 said:

Love this pairing 

Me too fam

2 hours ago, Sneezy123 said:

Rest in pieces.

I'm just 


I just

I can't even



It's so good

And I

I can't. 


Do you need to take a moment to collect your thoughts? :3

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29 minutes ago, Sneezy123 said:

Yeah. I need a lot of moments. It was too good. My mind is boggled. 

*sits down and waits*

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This fic is like...like life! It's all the great things in life. It broke my feels but repaired them and I love it! There. That's what I gotta say. 

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