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Prompt fill for Sneezy123 (Sterek)

Voodoo huntress

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Another prompt from the lovely @Sneezy123 They were;

1.      Muse A counts sneezes when he's sick. It soothes him. He has a fever and keeps forgetting what number he's on. Muse B helps him keep track.

2.       Muse A is pretty sick and feverish but he decides now might be a good time to do the dishes and maybe put in a load of laundry and possibly dust the bookshelves (he’s probably super allergic to dust btw). Muse B doesn’t think it’s such a great idea. Oh, and did Muse B mention it’s midnight?

3.      Really, dude? Now is NOT the time to decide that you’re really fucking allergic to dust.

How about I just do all three? ;)

#1: Feverish!Stiles (I also wanna make him a little high on medicine, hope that’s okay)


It was 3 A.M. Derek wishes he would sleep. He desperately wishes they were both asleep right now.

HhTISHH! HhTISHHOO! Mnnh…seventeen. Or is it nineteen? Derek, what number was I on?” Came the expected, stuffy response. Derek sighed and pressed a kiss to the mole-spotted, burning forehead.

“It was seventeen, Stiles. Go to sleep.” Derek said, tucking the blankets around his sick mate a little tighter. He knew Stiles had this particular habit when he got sick. It was usually harmless, until Stiles took a little too much artificial help. Moron.

“But, I don’t wanna miss one, Der! If I miss one, He might get angry at me.” Stiles said, his unfocussed honey eyes going wide. Derek’s eyebrows rose and he turned Stiles toward him.

“Wait, what? Who would get mad?” he asked. Stiles just stared blankly at him. Derek noticed the small twitch in his nostril and pulled a tissue out from the box between them. “Here, cover your mouth.” Stiles took the tissue and folded over his red nose just in time.

HhTISHH! TISHH! TISHOO! Uhhh….wait, what number is that?” Stiles moaned, blowing his nose. Derek rolled his eyes heavenward and took the used tissue so he could toss it in the almost full wastebasket on his side of the bed. (Never call him a neglectful boyfriend)

“Twenty, Stiles. Now what did you mean before? Who would get mad?” Derek asked again. Stiles looked around the room and pulled Derek close by his shirt collar.

“The pink tiger in the closet.” Stiles whispered, fearfully. Derek was torn between checking Stiles’ temperature again or asking Melissa for a sedative.

“This is the last time you’re taking Nyquil unsupervised.”


#2: Hm…let’s do Derek.


Stiles jolted awake when he heard a crash. He sat up quickly in the bed, concern growing when he noticed it was empty. Stiles cautiously crept out of the bedroom towards the light coming from the kitchen. He stopped to grab his aluminum bat by the bookshelf and walked silently to the kitchen. He paused when he noticed his Derek standing at the sink, still shirtless and in his pajama pants.

“What the…babe, what are you doing?” Stiles asked, walking in the lit room and lowered his bat on the table. Derek flinched and whirled around, claws immediately out. Stiles’ eyes widened and he held his hands up in a cautious gesture. “Derek….” He said slowly. The wolf squinted at Stiles and relaxed, claws retracting. He turned around and resumed his task of…washing the dishes?

“Hey uh….you realize it’s midnight, right?” Stiles asked. Derek didn’t respond. Instead, his back tensed again and Stiles thought he was about to be pinned to the wall until Derek snapped forward.

D’SSHH! NN-DSSHH!” Derek sniffled, giving a few raspy coughs. Stiles sighed, walking closer.

“It’s midnight and you’re still sick as a dog.” He snorted at his pun but frowned when Derek gave no response, just continued to wash dishes. Stiles reached around to place a hand on Derek’s forehead and recoiled at the heat. “Jesus Derek, you’re burning up!”

“Wait…” Derek muttered and used a wet hand to put Stiles’ hand back on his forehead and sighed at the relief. The heat from Derek actually burned a little. When Derek finally released his hand, it was a little pink. This was not good.

“I’m going to make a phone call, okay? C’mere, come sit down.” Stiles said and lead Derek to the couch.

Heh….D’SHHOO! DSHH! NN-DSHH!” Derek whined, leaning back into the couch cushions. Stiles ran his fingers through the black hair and pulled out his cellphone to call Deaton.


“Okay Snottywolf, so I was right. You’re not just sick; you’ve got a nice case of wolfsbane poisoning.” Stiles said, setting the phone on the coffee table. Derek stirred from where he was laying in Stiles’ lap.

DSHH! DSHHOO!” Derek sprayed Stiles’ shirt and nuzzled his nose into the fabric. Stiles rolled his eyes.

“Thanks for that, babe. Okay, Deaton said we should try to cool you off, so let me up.” Stiles said and nudged Derek. The wolf gave a whimper and tightened his arms around Stiles’ waist.

“No. Mate. Stay.” He demanded. Stiles stared blankly at the lump on his lap and tried to move again, prompting a low warning growl. Stiles huffed a laugh.

“Don’t you growl at me, I’m trying to make you feel better!” he giggled. Derek grumbled, shifting around so he was more comfortable. Stiles gave up the battle and settled back in the couch, and returned to scratching gently at Derek’s scalp.


#3: And we finish off with Stiles


“This place is gross.” Stiles complained for the thousandth time. Derek rolled his eyes and continued forward into the library basement. “Why are we here again?”

“Because, dear, we know this is where the omega wolf lives so that means Alpha and Alpha-mate have to try and coax it first. You know how this goes. Now stop bitching.” Derek grumbled. Stiles made an offended noise, gearing up for a rant.

“Excuse me, I’ll say whatever the fuck I wan-”

“Shut up.” Derek said, pausing. Stiles, being around wolves for as long as he has, gave a pretty authentic growl.

“You know what-mmph!” Stiles was cut off again when Derek clapped a hand over his mouth. Stiles’ chest puffed up in anger but he stopped when he heard a sound coming from somewhere around them. They weren’t alone anymore. Derek’s eyes flashed red and silently, but swiftly, he pulled Stiles to hide in a broom closet and shut the door behind them. Stiles could barely make out Derek holding a finger to his lips in the universal “be quiet” gesture. He nodded and peered out the door window into the dim library. Stiles felt Derek tense when they both noticed the bright blue eyed man lumbering through the stacks of boxes and books.

“Derek…his eyes…” Stiles whispered. Derek squeezed his hand around Stiles’ shoulder to let him know he understood. They had a killer omega on their hands. Derek’s eyes stalked the omega, who was getting antsy from the scent of another wolf present but he was too feral to pinpoint it.

Stiles had been rubbing at his nose ever since they entered the basement, but in this musty closet, the small tingle was winding up into an alarming itch. He sniffled as quietly as he could, rubbing herder at his nose. Derek noticed the fidgeting and was about to scold his mate when he saw Stiles fighting a losing battle with his nose. Derek’s eyes widened when he remembered Stiles’ allergy. Whirling the human towards him, Derek clamped both hands on Stiles’ shoulders and shook his head firmly. Stiles’ breath hitched, eyes streaming from the tickles in his nose. He couldn’t hold them back anymore.

hh…hih…” He breathed. Derek’s eyes darted to the window and back to his mate and hugged Stiles tightly, using a hand to press his head into his chest.

mmphh! Shmmpff! SHMMPF!” Derek felt the hot blasts through his shirt but paid them no mind. He was staring the omega down who no doubt heard the muffled sneezes.

Hsshmmpff! SHMMPF! MMPFFT!” Stiles sniffled and rubbed his nose into Derek’s shirt, begging all the higher powers to give his nose a break.

“Shit…” Derek cursed when the omega’s blue eyes locked on his red ones and gave out a roar. “Keep this door shut and stay hidden.” Derek said, pressed a kiss to the sneezing human’s head and ran out the closet, fangs and claws at the ready. Stiles merely flapped his hand, breath still hitching wildly as he shut the door back.

HhTISHH! TISSHOO! TISHHOO! Ugh…” Stiles groaned. This was just so laughably cliché, he would be cracking up if he could breathe without sneezing.


Sorry if they suck, I’m actually sick right now *nervous laughter*

But there ya go! Hope I’ve satisfied your fill!

Anymore prompts from you guys? I'm still going strong!

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These are all so wonderful :'). I feel like you would make the best drabble thread in existence, with lil ficlets like these. Or maybe we should make a collaborative drabble thread for teen wolf, like the avengers one, to channel all the new forum tw excitement. It's weird that there's been such a tw resurgence recently, between seasons 5 and 6, but I'm not complaining! 

P.S. I'd love to contribute to the fandom, but I've got no idea where to start. Do you have any prompts/wishes?

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4 minutes ago, Owlinatree said:

These are all so wonderful :'). I feel like you would make the best drabble thread in existence, with lil ficlets like these. Or maybe we should make a collaborative drabble thread for teen wolf, like the avengers one, to channel all the new forum tw excitement. It's weird that there's been such a tw resurgence recently, between seasons 5 and 6, but I'm not complaining! 

P.S. I'd love to contribute to the fandom, but I've got no idea where to start. Do you have any prompts/wishes?

Well, for me personally, I just want sick sterek and superfamily au (ya know, with steve/tony or tony/bruce and peter is their son?) I reallllyyy would love to see more sick superfamily au stuff. I'm a new member, just got validated about a month or so ago. You just gotta put your ideas out there, whether it be original or fanfiction

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havE I EVER SAID HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW HOLY MOLY!! These are absolutely amazing. Your writing is like, sensational. Yes, Sterek is my OTP and we definitely need more of them. If you ever need prompts, don't be afraid to slide into my DM's bro! ^_^:D

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4 minutes ago, Sneezy123 said:

havE I EVER SAID HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW HOLY MOLY!! These are absolutely amazing. Your writing is like, sensational. Yes, Sterek is my OTP and we definitely need more of them. If you ever need prompts, don't be afraid to slide into my DM's bro! ^_^:D

You're very welcome ^_^

Again, anything with sick sterek or sick superfamily au is great with me. I don't have emetophobia so v-ting is okay too.

And yeessss, I wanna feel better so badly, how ironic is that?? 

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I should probably write something too. I love Avengers: Stony, Stucky, and otherwise! I just need to write more in general. Here's some more for you to choose from if you're bored and ever feel up to writing.


Muse A thinks Muse B's nose is cute. Especially when he's got allergies.


 Muse A hates his sneezes. They are far from manly. Adorable, little fittish kitten like sneezes. It embarrasses him. Only, he's coming down with a horribly sneezy cold...so he does his best to try and not sneeze, but really, who is he kidding?


 Muse A has been around Muse B way too much. They can tell by the mere hitching of Muse B's breath, how many times they're going to sneeze. And they're never wrong. So they make a game.



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