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A Reluctant Patient (Star Trek: Uhura) Finished 12/3


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Okay, I just got around to seeing the newest Star Trek movie (which I really enjoyed) and I just love Uhura. She's such a badass and I wondered if anyone else would enjoy a story where she's sick. Plus, I love Bones doctor-ing and Spock being clueless. It's good stuff.

I may write a short second part depending on how sappy of an ending I want. But for now...

"A Reluctant Patient"

She resisted the urge to groan when the doors opened and Spock joined her in the small space.

“Good morning, Lieutenant Uhura,” he said standing next to her and clasping his hands behind his back.

“Good morning, Spock.” He raised an eyebrow slightly when he heard her speak, detecting something slightly off in her voice. However, given their recent…difficulties he wisely decided that any inquiries he might make would not be received well. For her part, Uhura silently begged the elevator to move faster. She had been feeling under the weather for a few days now and had woken up with something close to a full blown head cold. It was only a matter of time before her runny nose made her sniff, or her sore throat made her cough, or (perhaps the most difficult thing to pass off) she would sneeze. And if any of those things happened she would immediately be subjected to a Vulcan interrogation that she really, really didn’t have the patience to handle this morning. Thankfully, the doors opened to the bridge and she was able to get to her desk having to endure nothing more than awkward silence and the feeling that Spock was staring at her as she walked away.

Exploring the uncharted expanse of space may sound exciting but, truth be told, there’s a lot of boring empty sky out there and that’s what the crew of the Enterprise found themselves facing for the third day in a row.

“Please tell me we found something to explore,” Captain Kirk said, settling into his chair.

“Negative,” Mr. Sulu said. “Sorry, Captain. Looks like another slow day.”

“Great,” Kirk mumbled. “Lieutenant Uhura, open a ship-wide channel for me.”

“Yes, Cap—” Her voice cracked and she had to cough a couple times to clear her throat. “Excuse me.” She flipped two switches and nodded. As the captain informed the crew that they should expect another slow day and to use their time to catch up on maintenance and other backlogged tasks, the Lieutenant pretended she didn’t notice Spock standing unusually close to her chair. When the Captain finished his transmission, she switched off the communication channel and turned around.

“Yes?” she finally snapped at the Vulcan.

“Are you ill?” he asked.


“Are you sure? You seem to be—”

“I’m sure. Now is that all?”

“I suppose it is,” he said.

She didn’t like snapping at him, or dismissing his concern, but if she had any hope of getting through her day, she needed to focus and he was a distraction.

For his part, Spock remained unconvinced and was surprised to find a small knot of concern in his chest. This could only be attributed to their (recently ended) relationship since he could not remember feeling similar worry for any other of his crew members. He worked quietly over the next few hours but rarely let the Lieutenant out of his line of sight. Seven times now she had silently stifled a sneeze against her wrist. She was clearing her throat with increasing frequency and when she thought no one was looking, she would take a tissue from her pocket and wipe her nose. It was when he saw her shiver that he stood up and nearly interrupted her; instead he asked the Captain if he could speak with him in private for a moment.

“What’s up, Spock?”

“Captain, I believe Lieutenant Uhura is ill.”

“She hasn’t said anything. What makes you think she’s sick?”

“She has sneezed seven times in the last 83 minutes, she shivers as though she has a fever, and keeps tissues in her pocket indicating some sort of nasal distress.”

“It’s either really sweet or really creepy that you’ve noticed all that,” Kirk said.

“I don’t see how it is either, Captain. Even you must have noticed how her voice caught in her throat this morning and caused her to cough.”

“Thought it was just a fluke.”

“One of these symptoms on their own may have constituted a fluke, but together they more likely suggest either a viral or bacterial infection. I attempted to inquire after her health but my concern was met with…frustration,” Spock said.

“Imagine that.” Kirk glanced through the window at his communications officer and noticed her shiver. Spock was right—something was off. “Okay, I’ll talk to her.”


“Not right this second, Spock. Don’t you think she’ll know you ratted her out if I immediately go in there and pull her aside?”

“A reasonable assumption, Captain. And one that would likely have unpleasant ramifications.”

“No kidding.” Kirk patted his friend on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure she’s alright.”

“Thank you, Captain.”

Kirk waited for an opportune moment to pull Lieutenant Uhura aside and while he waited he paid a little better attention. Now that Spock had mentioned it, she did seem to be feeling bad. He hadn’t noticed, but she was sniffling and softly clearing her throat fairly regularly and a one point, he heard a noise come from behind him that sounded very much like a suppressed sneeze. Finally, he felt like enough time had passed and he asked her to come with him. They left the bridge and he steered her into an alcove where they could talk.

“Lieutenant, are you feeling okay?” he asked. Her eyes immediately narrowed.

“Did Commander Spock say something to you?”

“What? No.” But when he saw the look on her face, he realized he was busted. “Okay, yes. He did but you actually don’t look like you’re feeling very well.”

“I appreciate your concern, Captain, but as I already told Commander Spock, I am fine.”

“Oh come on, no you’re not. You sound terrible and you look—”

“How do I look?” she asked.

“Umm…well, I mean, you look lovely as ever but maybe a slightly more tired and sicker version of yourself,” he said. Oh, how she wanted to argue with him but she had been feeling worse all morning and even she knew how ridiculous it was to keep denying it. The effort of stifling her sneezes had left her with a throbbing headache and her throat hurt every time she swallowed. “Uhura?”

“It’s just a cold, Captain,” she said keeping her eyes downcast. Kirk reached across and tilted her head up before pressing a hand to her forehead.

“You’re burning up,” he said. “Why are you even trying to work today?” She shrugged but couldn’t answer because her nose had begun to itch. She pulled away and pinched her nose shut, her head bobbing forward four times in quick succession but barely making a noise. “Bless you,” Kirk said. “Get downstairs and have Bones take a look at you. He’ll patch you up in no time.” She sniffled and rubbed her nose back and forth.

“Okay. Thank you, sir. And umm…would you please tell Spock…tell him ‘thank you’ for me?”

“Of course. Feel better.”

As she went down to the floor where the medical facilities were located, Uhura took a moment to regain her composure. She felt tears pricking her eyes and took a deep breath to try and calm down. She blamed the fever. She blamed the close proximity and lack of privacy and her general embarrassment at being ill. But those were just aggravating factors and she knew it. Stupid Spock. She was mad at him and now that she was sick she missed him. Well, missed him more than usual. And she was trapped on this stupid ship with him and nothing but deep space all around them. The whole situation was really too much.

Dr. McCoy was standing at the door to the med bay when she turned the corner.

“Right on time,” he said, holding the door open for her.

“Which one of them called?” she asked.

“Kirk. Though a certain pointy-eared annoyance did suggest I come to you if the Captain was unsuccessful.”

Uhura gave an annoyed huff.

“My sentiments exactly,” McCoy said. “Now then. Let’s have a look at you.” He ushered her into a private room and she sat on the exam table. He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. “So. Symptoms?”

“Sore throat, cough, sneezing, runny nose, heh—ehh headache.” She quickly pinched her nose and sneezed three times in a row. She sniffed wetly and then sneezed another four times, unable to hold back a small sigh when she finally let go of her nose. Bones gave a look that fell somewhere between annoyed and concerned—a facial expression he seemed to have patented. He reached behind him and grabbed a box of tissues. He handed Uhura three. “Bless you. First, stop doing that. Your body is sneezing for a reason. Holding them back like that defeats the purpose. Plus, it’s got to be murder on your head. When did it start?”

“Three or four days ago.”

“And why is this the first I’m seeing of you?” he asked, reaching for a couple different kinds of medical scanners. He clipped something to her finger, placed a sensor at her temple and started reading the information that was filling his screen.

“It’s just a cold,” she said.

“I’ll decide if it’s just a cold,” he said. “We encounter all kinds of God forsaken viruses and bacteria out here. Things I’ve only ever read about but believe me, there’s nasty stuff in space that’s not to be taken lightly.”

hehktshh! Ktshh! Tschhh! Ntshhh! ktshhh! Tshhh!

“Is that the way you normally sneeze?” McCoy didn’t even attempt to hide his surprise. Uhura nodded but coughed into the tissue she had just sneezed into. The doctor handed her the box and then held out the trash can. “Take the box. I don’t charge by the Kleenex.”

“Thank you.” She tossed the used tissues and then grabbed two more so she could blow her nose. As embarrassed as she was, she supposed the Bones was a doctor and had probably seen much worse. He scanned her throat and then the front and back of her chest. Uhura was exhausted and was starting to think it was a good idea that the doctor was looking her over. McCoy frowned when he looked at his tablet and then put all his high tech tools aside and placed a hand on either side of her neck, gently palpating her lymph nodes. Next he moved up and checked her sinuses, tapping against her forehead first, then the area just beneath her eyes. She winced and pulled her head back.

“Sorry. Safe to assume that hurt then?” he asked.

She nodded. Not only had it hurt but it had set off an intense tingle at the bridge of her nose. The sensation quickly swelled and she just managed to grab a tissue before being overtaken by another fit of quick, irritated sneezes.

Ktshh! Tshhh! hehktshh! Ntshhh! hhktshhh! Tshhh! Nktshhh!

“Bless you,” McCoy said. “I’m going to do a blood test just to rule out a couple more exotic causes, but it’s likely just an ordinary rhinovirus. The fever concerns me a little but some people just react that way when they have a cold.” He quickly and efficiently took a small blood sample and set it aside to test. “Whatever it is, it’s viral so there isn’t anything I can do to cure it but I’ll give you a few things that will make you more comfortable. Best thing for you is to get as much rest as possible.” As Bones rattled off his diagnosis and instructions, Uhura felt that tears from earlier threatening to return. “You’re going to need to take at least two or three d—what?” He stopped short when he saw Uhura quickly brush away a couple tears.

“I’m sorry,” she said. Bones looked more than a little uncomfortable.

“I’m guessing it’s not the prospect of taking time off that’s upset you.”

She laughed a little and shook her head.

“Being sick has just—” She coughed before she could finish her sentence but this time she couldn’t stop until Bones got her a drink of water. “Thank you,” she rasped. “Anyway, being sick has put me emotionally on edge I guess.”

“Safe to assume the Vulcan hobgoblin is to blame?” She nodded. Bones had heard about the two of them of course. Even though the Enterprise was huge, it was still a pretty small world. “I could kill him for you,” the doctor said. Uhura smiled. “It would actually be my pleasure. I’ve often thought about offing that pointy eared bastard.”

“While I appreciate the offer, I think I’ll pass,” she said.

“Yeah. I guess you’re right. I’d hate explaining it all to Jim, though I think he’d be sympathetic. Probably a lot of paperwork though” He held a hand out to her and helped her down off the exam table. “They’ll have some meds for you at the desk when you check out. I’ll let you know if anything unusual shows up on your blood test. But if…” he trailed off when he saw Uhura’s nose twitch and her eyes flutter shut.

hehh…ahh…hhTSHH! Ktshhh! Tshhh! Ktshh! Tschhh! Ntshhh! hehktshh! ktshhh! Tshhh! hhIHHTSHHH!!

“Well that’s got to be a new record. Bless you. Like I was saying, if you start to feel worse or still have a fever after 48 hours you need to come back down here. Don’t wait so long again. I’m a doctor, not a miracle worker so don’t make my job harder than it has to be.”

“Understood,” she said. “I appreciate you seeing me on such short notice.” He waved off her thanks.

“Just doing my job. I’ll let Jim know you’ll be on medical leave for a few days.” She was about to open the door and leave the exam room when Bones put a hand on her arm. “You’ll be okay Nyota. You’re tough.”

“Thank you, Doctor.”


Edited by matilda3948
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How sweet is this?! Awwww :heart: I´m normally no fan of Spock/Uhura, but I really like your fic! And your Bones is adorable! Hope there will be some Spock caring fluff ^_^

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I like this a lot, especially how you write the ferocity of her rapid-fire fits :D Haven't seen the latest Star Trek movie, but I imagine this is exactly how she would sneeze!

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for the reviews :heart: Sorry I haven't updated in so long. Work is taking up so much time. However, I really want to finish this before Secret Santa starts. There's going to be one more part after this. Later :hug:


Jim sighed and altered their course slightly. If they didn’t find something soon he was going to go completely stir crazy. So when Dr. McCoy asked him to come down to sickbay he jumped at the chance to do something. He was nearly at the door when Spock stepped in front of him.

“Need something?” Jim asked.

“Would you like me to accompany you to see Dr. McCoy?” the Vulcan asked. Maybe it was the boredom, or just his general nature, but the captain couldn’t resist teasing his friend a little.

“Why? Pretty sure I won’t get lost.”

“I did not mean to imply that you were unable, Captain. I was merely offering.”

“I mean, is there some reason you want to go with me?”

A lesser person might not have noticed the very brief, subtle embarrassment that crossed Spock’s face but Jim certainly caught it. Unable to come up with a plausible reason other than checking on Lieutenant Uhura, he said,

“No, Captain. I will remain on the bridge.”

“Oh shut up and get in here,” Jim said, holding the door open. Then men stood side by side for a moment. “That hard to just admit you’re worried about her?”

“Worry is illogical. Dr. McCoy is more than capable of treating a number of severe illnesses.”

“Then why are you coming with me?” Jim turned to look his friend in the eye. His first mate looked uneasy, like he was solving a very complex jigsaw puzzle.

“Nyota was very uncomfortable this morning. I have never seen her in such a state and it’s caused a certain amount of…unease about her well being. I suppose I am seeking reassurance from the Doctor for my own peace of mind. Jim laughed and shook his head. “I fail to see anything humorous about the situation, Captain.”

“Yeah, I know you don’t.”

Spock still looked a bit confused as he stayed in step with the Captain as the two men walked down the corridor towards sick bay. The doors slid open and McCoy looked up from the files he was reviewing.

“What’s he doing here?” the doctor asked nodding towards Spock.

“Good afternoon to you too, Bones. He’s worried about his girlfriend.”

“Captain, Lieutenant Uhura is no longer my—”

“Whatever. That’s not going to last. So what did you need to see me for?” Jim asked. McCoy frowned and seemed to be considering whether or not he wanted to discuss thing in front of Spock. He crossed his arms in a token expression of dissatisfaction but let the First Officer stay.

“My initial diagnosis was incorrect. The Lieutenant has Andoran Flu.”

“Why didn’t you—”

“Because it presents like a severe cold and can only be detected through a blood test. That’s why,” Bones cut Spock off curtly. “Stick to your specialty and don’t question mine.”

“Is it serious?” Jim asked, trying to keep the two men on topic.

“Well that all depends,” McCoy said, running a hand through his hair. “In theory, no, but she’s gonna feel like hell for a lot longer than I thought. Assuming she doesn’t develop any complications she’s not going to be fit for duty for at least two weeks.”

“I don’t care about that,” Jim said. “Is it contagious?”

“Not very. Might see another couple of cases but it’s not something that should spread through the ship like wildfire.” Well, that was good news at least, Jim thought.

“You mentioned complications,” Spock said.

“Normal things you’d look for in a respiratory infection—secondary infections in the sinuses, lungs, that sort of thing. Laryngitis is the most likely thing just because of how long this damn bug likes to hang around for.”

“Keep her on medical leave for as long as you think’s necessary,” the Captain said. “We’ll manage without her.” McCoy nodded.

“I’m on my way up to check on her and administer a few hypos that may help her feel more comfortable.”

“May I accompany you, Doctor?” Spock asked.

“Absolutely not.”

“C’mon, Bones,” Jim started but the Doctor cut him off.

“Now both of you listen to me. She may be the hobgoblin’s…whatever but she’s my patient and the rules still apply. She’s entitled to privacy and professionalism.” He turned to Spock and pointed a finger at him. “I don’t know what the hell happened between the two of you, but I’m willing to bet it was your fault. You don’t have the right to barge into her room and upset her when she’s ill. I won’t allow it.” Both men looked sufficiently chastised and Bones went about packing up what he wanted to take to Uhura’s room.

“Doctor? Would you consider letting me know how she is doing after you examine her?” Spock asked. McCoy sighed and cursed his own sentimentality.

“Look, I’ll make you a deal. You wait outside while I take a look at her and if she has no objections you can see her.”

“That would be agreeable,” Spock said.

“Come on then.” As the Doctor neared the door, the Captain smirked at him. “Oh shut up, Jim.”

McCoy used his medical override to open the door but knocked and called out anyway. Spock, true to their agreement, stayed in the hall with his hands clasped behind his back looking like some kind of awkward sentry.

“Uhura?” He kept his voice low in case she was asleep but the throaty, wet cough that was coming from the sitting room told him there was no way she was asleep. He rounded the corner and found her curled up in the corner of the sofa, wrapped in a blanket coughing into her hands. If she was surprised that McCoy sat down on the sofa next to her she didn’t show it. He rubbed circles on her back until the coughing finally died down. She leaned back against the sofa, winded and trying to catch her breath.

“How did you know I needed a house call?” she asked. Her voice was already strained and he suspected it wouldn’t last more than another day or two.

“Blood tests came back. You’ve got a nasty bug called Andoran Flu. Who the hell knows where you picked it up but a follow up visit was in order.”

hhTSHH! Ktshhh! Tshhh! Ktshh!

“Bless you.”

ktshhh! Tshhh! Tschhh!


“Thags. Hang od.” She pulled several tissues from the box that was sitting next to her and blew her nose, tossing the used tissues into a small trash can she’d put next to the sofa. It was nearly full and her tissue box nearly empty. “Sorry. I’ve barely stopped since you saw me last. So, can you treat this? Is it serious?”

“It has to run its course so we’ll focus on managing the symptoms. It’s like any other upper respiratory infection—we’ll want to make sure it doesn’t develop into bronchitis, pneumonia, sinus infection, that sort of thing. Bastard’s got a long lifespan though—could be a week or more before the worst of it passes.” Uhura groaned. “Yeah, I know,” he said. “Let me take a look at you and I’ll see if I can’t come up with something to make you a little more comfortable.”

“Anything that cahh…ehh can help ehh…”

He handed her a few tissues as her eyes fluttered shut and her nose twitched in anticipation.

ehhNtshhh! hehktshh! ktshhh! Tshhh!

“Bless you.” She nodded and kept the tissues to her nose.

“Can you help with the sneezing?

Ktshh! Tshhh! hehktshh! Ntshhh! hhktshhh! Tshhh! Nktshhh!

“It’s relentless,” she sniffled miserably.

“I’ve got a couple things we can try,” McCoy said. He turned towards her and used a tricorder to check her vitals. When he put that aside to check her lymph nodes, he noticed her shiver the moment his hands touched her neck. “We’re going to deal with the fever too,” he said. “Even though it’s mild it’s still enough to make you feel like crap when combined with everything else. Can’t imagine you get any kind of meaningful rest when you feel this miserable.” She smiled.

“Thank you, Leonard.”

He squeezed her shoulder and then turned to his medical kit. He put together a mix of medications he thought would treat the worst of her symptoms and help her sleep.

“There may be some trial and error here but we’ll figure out what works best for you in the next day or two.” He quickly injected her in the arm and began to pack up. “One more thing I want to talk to you about,” he said as he picked up her full trash can to empty it. “There is a rather annoying Vulcan out in the hall.”

“Why’s he in the hall?” she asked.

“Because I told him he wasn’t allowed…” he stopped when she made a dash for the tissues.

ktshh! Ktshh! Tschhh! ehhtshhh! ktshhh! Tshhhoo!

“Bless you. I told him he wasn’t allowed in while I was examining you. And after we were done it had to be okay with you. You’re sick and don’t need to deal with that pointy-eared robot if you don’t want to. I have no problem sending him away—I’ll play the healthcare ace card if I need to.”

“I appreciate it but you can let him in.”

“You’re sure?” he asked. She nodded.

“He’s not a bad nurse,” she said. “Bedside manner can be a bit lacking.”

“I can’t imagine,” he said. “Alright. I’ll let him know. I’ll be back tomorrow to check on you but if you feel worse call me right away.”

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Oh, how is it possible that I had missed this?!? This is brilliant! The interaction between the characters are perfect and your dialogues are great. Thank you so much for writing this!

On 04/09/2016 at 6:56 AM, matilda3948 said:

I just love Uhura. She's such a badass and I wondered if anyone else would enjoy a story where she's sick. Plus, I love Bones doctor-ing and Spock being clueless.

I agree with every word. This is pure bliss. I can't quote my favorite parts because the whole story is great, but I have a crush on your Bones...

On 04/09/2016 at 6:56 AM, matilda3948 said:

“I could kill him for you,” the doctor said. Uhura smiled. “It would actually be my pleasure. I’ve often thought about offing that pointy eared bastard.”

“While I appreciate the offer, I think I’ll pass,” she said.

... This, especially. As much as I like Spock, he can be such a nuisance sometimes.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next part.

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19 hours ago, matilda3948 said:

“He’s not a bad nurse,” she said. “Bedside manner can be a bit lacking.”



“I can’t imagine,” he said.


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Awww, Bones caring for Uhura is so cute. I always love if doctors not only "treat" their patients but also take the time and care for them - especially if they are friends with each other. But I can't wait for Spock playing the nurse and caring for his "maybe girlfriend" :D :jumpy:

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THANK YOU!!! You all are great for leaving feedback. :heart: 

Okay, finally finished. Just in time for Secret Santa :) 


McCoy stepped into the hall where Spock awaited his verdict.

“I gave her some medication to try and ease the worst of her symptoms and help her sleep. She said to let you in so I’m doing it against my better judgement. Do your best to get her to drink as much as possible, keep her fever down, and get some sleep.”

“Understood, Doctor.”

“I’ll be back in the morning but if you need me before then don’t hesitate to call.”

“Thank you, Leonard.”

McCoy mumbled something unintelligible and walked towards the direction of sick bay. Spock entered Uhura’s room and found her waiting for an electric kettle to boil, presumably to make tea. He softly cleared his throat to alert her to his presence. When she turned around he couldn’t help but frown.

“You look considerably worse than the last time I saw you,” he said. Despite her pounding headache, she rolled her eyes.

“Thanks. You know just what to say to make a girl feel better.” And awkward silence filled the room because he didn’t know how to respond and she didn’t have the energy to coach him. Uhura sniffled and rubbed her nose. She could feel the telltale prickle that signaled a sneeze spreading down the bridge of her nose.

“You are going to sneeze,” Spock said seconds before her breath started to grow shallow. She nodded and he reached behind her to get a napkin off the counter and handed it to her.

“Thaahh…ehh thank ehh…”

“You’re welcome.”

ehhNtshhh! hehktshh! hhktshhh! Tshhh!

“Bless you.”

She let out a miserable, congested sigh and nodded her thanks. Then she took another napkin and blew her nose. Spock had stepped closer to her and his hands found their way to her shoulders as if by their own accord. She leaned forward and rested her forehead against his chest. She didn’t care if it was foolish, if it blurred the already fuzzy lines of their relationship; she would worry about that when she was well. Tonight she wanted anything that would make her feel a little less terrible. Spock could feel her shivering and could tell she was warm even through her clothes. McCoy’s earlier advice ran through his head.

“I will finish making your tea and bring it to you. Go to bed.”


Spock listened to her cough the entire way back to her room. He was surprised to find a bubble of nervous tension in his chest. He couldn’t cure Nyota (which was the logical thing to do) and that left him with trying to provide comfort to her—a task which he felt woefully unprepared to do. It wasn’t for lack of desire; he simply didn’t know what to do or how to do it. The kettle whistled and he decided tea was the place to start.

He found her sitting upright in bed, a handful of tissues pressed to her nose. Spock wasn’t sure if the slightly dazed look in her eyes was due to fatigue, fever, or a need to sneeze. He put the tea down on the bedside table and sat next to her. She sniffled wetly rubbed her nose in the tissues. Her breath hitched twice and the nagging, itching sensation finally reached critical mass.

hehh…ahh…hhTSHH! Ktshhh! Tshhh! Ktshh! Tschhh!

Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes as she hovered on the edge of another fit of sneezes. A few seconds she gasped and pitched forward.

HehhIHHktshh! ktshhh! Tshhh! hhIHHTSHHH!!

“Bless you,” Spock said. “I was under the impression the doctor gave you medication to help with this.”

“He did,” she sighed. “Believe it or not, this is better.”

“Hmm.” Spock looked thoughtful. “I suppose you always have sneezed in fits, even when not caused by illness.” He picked up her mug. “Would you like your tea now?”

“Thank you,” she said. It felt wonderful against her battered throat and she closed her eyes, savoring every sip. When she finally looked over she saw Spock studying her with an odd look on his face. “What is it?” she asked.


“I know you, Spock. It’s not nothing.”

“I find myself at a loss which, as you know, is not something that often happens to me. It is…uncomfortable…for me to see you feeling so ill but, since Dr. McCoy assures me that everything that can be done has been done, I do not…”

She smiled and put a hand on his shoulder to let him know he didn’t have to finish. Uhura knew how difficult it was for him to be unable to find a solution to a problem. He tried—he really did but he was out of his depth. Worry was illogical and he was stuck. She took his wrists and tugged his hands up towards his face.

“Are you sure?” he asked, a touch of surprise in his voice. She had, on more than one occasion, lost her temper when he attempted to use a mind meld to figure out what she was thinking. Where he thought it was simply the quickest way to get the information required to end an argument, she seemed to find it an invasion of privacy. For her to suggest it now certainly surprised him but she just nodded and closed her eyes as he gently laid his fingers on her temples and forehead. She sighed and relaxed as she felt his presence. Oh, she had missed this.

Cold. He was struck with a sudden chill that seemed to cut right through him. Sore. Aching. Exhausted.  Spock tried to focus on comfort—he sought out what would comfort her. It took a moment to find it but there it was: clear and calm. He raised an eyebrow in surprise. It was not what he was expecting. He took a deep breath and deepened their connection, trying to convey as much warmth and reassurance as he could while they were still linked. It was so natural to meld with her. There was a peacefulness, a stillness that settled him…

A sharp, cold shiver instantly drew all his attention. There was a swell of tension and discomfort and before he had a chance to even question what it was—


He abruptly broke their connection when he was forced to sneeze into his cupped hands.

Tshhh! ktshhh! ehhNtshhh! hehktshh!

He held out the tissue box to her and then helped himself to one as well, dabbing his nose.

Tshhh! Ktshh! Tschhh! Tsshh! Tshhoo!

“Bless you, Nyota,” he said.

“Thank you. Are you alright?”

“Perfectly fine. I should have broken the mind meld sooner. Though I must say, I’ve never experienced a telepathic sensation quite like that before." She gave a tired laugh. "Thank you for allowing me to do that. I know it is not your preferred method of communication.” She nodded and Spock stood up. “Now that I know what to do I think I my presence may actually be advantageous. He retrieved another blanket from the hall closet and came back to her room. After wrapping the blanket around her shoulders, he removed his shoes and got into bed next to her. Spock pulled her towards him and she settled her head into the bend of his shoulder. “Lights, 10%,” he said and the room was cast into near darkness. Slowly, methodically, he began to knead the sore muscles in her shoulders and back. When he reached her the bare skin of her neck they both felt the telepathic bond reconnect, softer than a full mind meld, but gentle and comforting.

“Thank you.” Spock wasn’t sure if she had whispered it or if he’d simply felt it. Regardless, he tightened his hold a little more and felt her breathing even out.

“Lights off.”

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16 hours ago, matilda3948 said:

A sharp, cold shiver instantly drew all his attention. There was a swell of tension and discomfort and before he had a chance to even question what it was—


He abruptly broke their connection when he was forced to sneeze into his cupped hands.

OMG :jumpy: I can't even discribe how much I love this! The whole fic is adorable, but this line is just perfect! Bones and Spock caring is wonderful plus Spock sneezing during a mind meld made me so, so happy! ^_^:heart:

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On 12/3/2016 at 10:31 PM, matilda3948 said:

“You look considerably worse than the last time I saw you,” he said. Despite her pounding headache, she rolled her eyes.



“Thanks. You know just what to say to make a girl feel better.” And awkward silence filled the room because he didn’t know how to respond and she didn’t have the energy to coach him.

Oh dear.


On 12/3/2016 at 10:31 PM, matilda3948 said:

“I find myself at a loss which, as you know, is not something that often happens to me. It is…uncomfortable…for me to see you feeling so ill but, since Dr. McCoy assures me that everything that can be done has been done, I do not…”



She smiled and put a hand on his shoulder to let him know he didn’t have to finish. Uhura knew how difficult it was for him to be unable to find a solution to a problem. He tried—he really did but he was out of his depth. Worry was illogical and he was stuck.

Poor Spock. I find this adorable.


On 12/3/2016 at 10:31 PM, matilda3948 said:

“Perfectly fine. I should have broken the mind meld sooner. Though I must say, I’ve never experienced a telepathic sensation quite like that before."

Indeed, lol.

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