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Prompt fill for batmansgirl (Sick Derek-Sterek)

Voodoo huntress

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For @batmansgirl who requested Derek with the flu.


Stiles hesitantly knocked on his and Derek's shared bedroom door.

"Der-bear?" He called out, knocking again when he recieved no response. He was met with silence again. "I'm coming in, okay? Please don't rip my throat out." Stiles said with a nervous laugh and slowly opened the door. The low continuous hum in the air indicated that the humidifier was still going. Stiles closed the door behind him and groped around the darkness. Somehow, he miraculously avoided bumping into the bed and turned on the bedside lamp.

"Please still be alive. This would be very awkward if you weren't." Stiles said when he could barely make out the Derek-shaped lump in the nest of pillows and blankets. Said lump gave a low, grating, holy-hell-is-Derek-a-zombie, grumbling groan and soon, a face poked out of one of the blankets.

"Oh, honey..." Stiles crooned. Derek's face was pale and sweaty, his eyebrows scrunched together in discomfort. His face was unshaven and his hair was weak and limp. Derek's eyes were bruised and his nose was a rosy red, chapped skin between his nostrils and top lip-no doubt from constant blowing. Stiles sighed, knealt down beside the bed and used the back of his fingers to gently caress Derek's damp cheek. Derek squeezed his eyes and slowly opened them with visible effort. It took awhile before they focused on Stiles' face.

"Hi...still feel bad?" Stiles asked softly. Derek swallowed and winced as the pain pulsed in his throat.

"I don't feel good..." Derek croaked miserably and jerked his head forward into the blankets.

"H'DSSHH! HH-D'SSHH! Mnn..." Derek groaned, his sore body screaming in pain. Stiles tutted in sympathy and started digging through his bag.

"Don't worry, I know some werewolf-friendly secrets to kick that flu's ass right out of your system." Stiles said confidently. Derek didn't respond, instead shivered hard enough to make his teeth start chattering, despite wearing a long sleeved shirt and sweatpants.

"I c-can't g-get warm..." Derek whispered, his voice shot. His throat hitched and he held a fist up to his mouth to catch a coughing fit. Misery rolled off the wolf in waves, making Stiles ache in sympathy.

"I know, boo. But I have some goodies that might help." Stiles said and help up a small brown glass bottle. "First, peppermint oil. It should help clear up your stuffy nose and chest congestion." He said and opened the bottle up. Stiles took a small sniff of the potent mint smell and waved the bottle near Derek's face. Derek took a gurgling sniff of the bottle and the results were instantaneous.

"Hih! NDSHH! NSHH! NTSHH!-TSHH! HH-D'SSHH! HH-D'SSHH-OOH!" Derek panted after the fit, mucus running thickly from his nose.

"Sorry babe...here, you're leaking again." Stiles said and pulled a couple of tissues from the box on the nightstand and folded them over Derek's twitching nose. Derek's hand covered Stiles and he started up again.

"HD'SHHOO! NSDHH! NNSHOO!" Derek pulled away from Stiles and blew his nose thickly into the used tissues. Lowering his hands, he sniffled and gave a half-hearted glare towards his mate.

"Guess I forgot to factor in the enhanced nose, huh?" Stiles asked sheepishly. Derek huffed and lowered back into a reclining position.

"Let's try this next." Stiles said and held up a steaming mug. The wolf eyed the cup warily.

"What is it." He weakly demanded. Stiles pushed the cup towards Derek, making him take hold of it.

"Its a natural home flu remedy. Its a blend of gingee, honey, cayenne pepper and lemon juice. Try it, it shouldn't be too bad." Stiles said with a smile. Derek sniffed at the cup and took a cautious sip. Stiles called it a win when the wolf took a bigger sip and settled more into the blankets.

Stiles fluttered around the room, adjusting the humidifier (he snuck a couple of drops of the mint oil) and cleaned up used tissues. He suddenly heard a gruff snore and turned around to see his puppy sleeping on his back, mouth hanging open. He smiled, and straightened up the blankets before dropping a small kiss on Derek's forehead.


Is it ironic that I think I may be getting sick? I've been sniffly all day. Oh well.

Hope you liked, Batmansgirl!

Anymore sterek prompts? We need more!

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HAHNGNVNVNNBNVCNVNF (Hi hello you broke me here is my bill for repairs :P omhg this is so precious I can't)

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12 hours ago, batmansgirl said:

HAHNGNVNVNNBNVCNVNF (Hi hello you broke me here is my bill for repairs :P omhg this is so precious I can't)

You're very welcome ^_^

12 hours ago, sneezyholmes said:

Oh my god how cute!

Thanks for reading!

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8 minutes ago, Voodoo huntress said:

You're very welcome ^_^

Thanks for reading!

No problem! :D 

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