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Prompt fill for Owlinatree (Stiles-allergies, Sterek)

Voodoo huntress

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@Owlinatree requested allergies, so here are some allergies. ?

Stiles snorted as his used an open palm to vigorously rub at his nose. When the itch in his nose backed off slightly, he felt his eyes light up with irritation again, and used his arm to rub at them. Derek, watching the whole display with concerned amusement, gently took both of Stiles' hands and removed him from his face.

"Don't make it worse, moron." Derek chided with no heat. Stiles squinted at him through red, puffy eyes and his nose twitched sharply.

"Hh-TISHH! hhTISSH! hhTISSHH! TISSHH!" Stiles sneezed with no breaks in between, the fit leaving him panting and more itchy. Since Derek held his hands, he had no choice but to spray the wolf's shirt.

"S-Sorry..." Stiles said breathily, pants turning into hitches as he winded up to another fit. This time, Derek let go of his hands and sped-walked to the sink and wet a paper towel in cool water.

"TISSH! ISSHH! ISH! ISH! ISHOO! TISSHHOO!" Stiles whined as his already tired body violently tried to expel the allergen. A red flag went off in Derek as he heard a barely there wheeze start to whistle in Stiles' chest.

"C'mere baby, let me see." Derek mused and took Stiles by the chin and lifted his face towards him. He let Stiles jerk away from him to sneeze thrice into his elbow before turning Stiles back to him. Derek made a sound of sympathy as he took in the swollen eyes and sinuses. Stiles' face was red and patchy from hives and popped blood vessels. His upturned nose was red from the assult Stiles was giving it, flaring from the constant itch. Stiles held his mouth open, breathing noisily through since air was a joke to his nose.

"Is it that bad?" Stiles asked quietly, his throat irritated from the rough sneezes and thick from the congestion. Derek shushed him and used the cold wet paper towel to gently soothe his burning face.

"Don't talk, focus on breathing." He instructed, moving the cold paper across the inflammed face. Stiles sighed as the fire in his eyes and cheeks slowly calmed down.

"I'm going to kill him." Derek growled. Stiles weakly slapped Derek's arm.

"Don't you dare. He didn't mean to and you know it." Stiles breathed, wincing at the memory of an excited Scott accidentally shoving a bouquet of lillies meant for Allison in his face after he tripped. It was quite comical until Stiles began to sneeze repeatedly and Derek all but through him out by the collar of his shirt.

"All I know is that if that wheezing gets worse, I'm taking your ass to the hospital. No arguments." Derek said firmly. Stiles huffed in protest, but didn't say anything. He didn't have the breath to.

"Hh-TISHH! HhTISSH! TISSHH!" Stiles winced as his sinuses and throat flared up in pain again. Derek removed the almost dry paper towel and lead Stiles up to their bedroom.

"You are taking so much Benedryl, I don't care if you sleep for 3 days." Derek said gruffly, irritated at himself for not being able to physically fight the allergy that was hurting his mate.

But that didn't mean he couldn't try.

I hoped that satisfied your request, Owl!

(Still taking sterek prompts if you guys have any. We need more Sterek sneezefics)

Edited by Voodoo huntress
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ok Ok OK holy wow I need a moment there's a better response coming shortly but I just short-circuited so . . . 

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@Owlinatree requested allergies, so here are some allergies. ?

:D I've never had a fic written with me in mind and it's just, overwhelmingly awesome and nice of you (thanks<3)

2 hours ago, Voodoo huntress said:

Stiles snorted as he used an open palm to vigorously rub at his nose.

This is so in character! I imagine that Stiles is the kind of person to have no regard for future!stiles and just wants to be less uncomfortable in the moment, so he rubs at his face until it's raw. that gives me so many images of stiles rubbing his face all over derek oop also, I feel like "concerned amusement" could pretty much sum up their relationship.

2 hours ago, Voodoo huntress said:

"Hh-TISHH! hhTISSH! hhTISSHH! TISSHH!" Stiles sneezed with no breaks in between, the fit leaving him panting and more itchy. Since Derek held his hands, he had no choice but to spray the wolf's shirt.

"S-Sorry..." Stiles said breathily, pants turning into hitches as he winded up to another fit.

:boom:ok so this was the point at which I lost my ability to think. You actually broke me. The whole thing is so freaking hot really well done, from your spellings to your breathing descriptions. The not-able-to-finish-speaking-due-to-copious-amounts-of-sneezing thing is possibly my favorite trope in the entire universe, and it's handled in a way that takes Derek's whole wolfy control freak complex and Stiles hating that he can't keep his actions from affecting others im overanalyzing but it's not my fault that all my brain power has been redirected to this. (I like that the sorry is also less a real apology and more an acknowledgement)

2 hours ago, Voodoo huntress said:

He let Stiles jerk away from him to sneeze thrice into his elbow before turning Stiles back to him. Derek made a sound of sympathy as he took in the swollen eyes and sinuses. Stiles' face was red and patchy from hives and popped blood vessels. His upturned nose was red from the assault Stiles was giving it, flaring from the constant itch. Stiles held his mouth open, breathing noisily through since air was a joke to his nose.

Is this too much to quote at once? Probably, but man. All of it's so good I can't not, y'know? This. This is wonderful. It makes me want to wrap Stiles up in bubble wrap and put him in a room with seven air purifiers or just keep torturing him shhhh. I just. Stiles' red cheeks are so squishable, ya feel? I like how the description is a little sarcastic at the end; it fits him perfectly. also you incorporated my headcanons and idk if it was on purpose but im so happy :)))

2 hours ago, Voodoo huntress said:

"I'm going to kill him." Derek growled. Stiles weakly slapped Derek's arm.

"Don't you dare. He didn't mean to and you know it." Stiles breathed, wincing at the memory of an excited Scott accidentally shoving a bouquet of lilies meant for Allison in his face after he tripped. It was quite comical until Stiles began to sneeze repeatedly and Derek all but threw him out by the collar of his shirt.

Oh, Scott. Poor, overenthusiastic puppy Scott :P. Derek is a big, growly teddy bear.

2 hours ago, Voodoo huntress said:

"You are taking so much Benedryl, I don't care if you sleep for 3 days." Derek said gruffly, irritated at himself for not being able to physically fight the allergy that was hurting his mate.

But that didn't mean he couldn't try.

Derek: still a grumpy teddy bear. Also, the idea of Derek aggressively nursing Stiles back to health is The Best. He'd angrily tuck Stiles in and then terrorize the poor staff at their local pharmacy into telling him all the things that could potentially be helpful to a human having an allergy attack, and then sprint off with two full bags and a bewildered pharmacist, who's slightly concerned about what this huge man in a leather jacket meant by referring to "humans" as if they were a separate species from himself. 

3 hours ago, Voodoo huntress said:

I hoped that satisfied your request, Owl!

I probably don't need to respond to this bit, but in case you were wondering still, the answer is YES. You are officially the best ^_^.


~rest in peace owlinatree (the moment she created her account -> now) she spontaneously combusted after reading this story ten times in a row.~


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On 9/1/2016 at 3:15 PM, batmansgirl said:

sick Derek 

I haven't forgotten or ignored you, hon. I'm just having a bit trouble starting it. Could you be a bit more specific? :)

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ah ok Derek gets the flu or something and the pack (Liam Jackson Alison Lydia Scott And Stiles take care of him ) :D Thank you

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Muse A counts sneezes when he's sick. It soothes him. He has a fever and keeps forgetting what number he's on. Muse B helps him keep track.


 Muse A is pretty sick and feverish but he decides now might be a good time to do the dishes and maybe put in a load of laundry and possibly dust the bookshelves (he’s probably super allergic to dust btw). Muse B doesn’t think it’s such a great idea. Oh, and did Muse B mention it’s midnight?


 Really, dude? Now is NOT the time to decide that you’re really fucking allergic to dust.



Thanks again! 



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  • 4 months later...

I forgot that I already replied to this, but I left something out in the first reply. You mentioned you wanted more Sterek requests? I was wondering if you could write one where Stiles is sick at home, then Derek comes in through the window and realizing he is sick and sleeping, stays to take care of him and comfort and stuff like that. I love Sterek, and your writing style is perfect!

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1 hour ago, SuperWhoWolfImmortals said:

I forgot that I already replied to this, but I left something out in the first reply. You mentioned you wanted more Sterek requests? I was wondering if you could write one where Stiles is sick at home, then Derek comes in through the window and realizing he is sick and sleeping, stays to take care of him and comfort and stuff like that. I love Sterek, and your writing style is perfect!

I'm not really taking prompts at this moment because I'm trying to get settled into my new semester buuuuut, I did write something a little similar to that in here

There's justa cluster of Sterek stories in that so I hope that can temporarily satisfy you until I take prompts again! Thanks for reading! :)

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18 minutes ago, Voodoo huntress said:

I'm not really taking prompts at this moment because I'm trying to get settled into my new semester buuuuut, I did write something a little similar to that in here

There's justa cluster of Sterek stories in that so I hope that can temporarily satisfy you until I take prompts again! Thanks for reading! :)


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