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Scott's Sick Day (Teen Wolf)


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I decided there weren't enough Teen Wolf fics, so I wrote one! Sciles friendship based featuring Allisom. there is very very very slight language and no spoilers so enjoy!! 


Stiles was falling asleep. he hated chemistry, and Mr Harris just made it worse. He casually glanced at Lydia and Allison, who were sitting a couple rows in front of him. suddenly something caught his eyes. his best friend Scott was sitting in front of him and his head had just snapped forwards. Stiles focused on him just as Scott's head repeated the action. then he heard him sniffle. Stiles leaned forwards so he was closer to Scott's ear. "bless youu," he whispered lightly. Scott slightly turned his head to the left. 
"thanks," he whispered back. Stiles got a quick glance of his best friends rosy cheeks and nose. 
'shit' he thought. either Scott's allergies were somehow back, or he- "hut-ngxsh."
....was sick. Stiles sighed. Scott sneezed constantly when he was sick. Maybe it was just something in the air, maybe Scott wasn't really-
"hut-ngxsh." Scott's nosed squeaked. nope, he was sick. As Harris turned around to write something on the board, Stiles tapped his best friend on the shoulder. 
"Scott," he whispered as he bit his lip,"are you okay?" Scott nodded, avoiding Stiles' eyes. "because, you don't sound okay. you're sneezing." Scott sniffled and rubbed his nose. he really did feel like shit, but if Stiles knew then Stiles would worry, and neither one of them needed that. 
"Stiles, imb finde," Scott mentally cursed the congestion in his nose and prayed his best friend hadn't heard it. 
"you don't sound fine, Scott," damn. he noticed. Scott gave him a look that told him to shut up and went back to the assignment. however, his nose had other plans. 
"hutchoo. hutchoo!" Scott sneezed sickly into his elbow. a couple people near him blessed him, and Allison slightly cocked her head to give him a concerned look. Scott's sneezes were thick and congested, a dead giveaway that he was sick. Allison bit her lip and turned back around. Stiles put a hand on Scott's shoulder. 
"now will you admit you're sick?" Scott was sniffling like crazy. he avoided Stiles and went to blow his nose. when he sat back down Stiles was shaking his head at him. "Scott," he started, "you need to go home and rest. the alphas may be gone, but-"
"Mr Stilinski." Harris turned around and looked Stiles dead in the eye."if you can't be quiet long enough to sit through this class I'm going to have to give you detention." Stiles shut his mouth and slid down in his seat. 

When class let out, Allison and Stiles cornered Scott by his locker. 
"I'm taking you home." Stiles announced. Scott sniffled and shook his head. 
"Stiles, I can't leabe, you dnow thadt." he avoided eye contact as he put books in his locker. his voice sounded rough and barely there. 
"Scott, babe," Allison rubbed his back,"you're obviously sick." she placed a hand to his forehead. "and you have a high fever!" Scott opened his mouth to say something but soon his face fell slack and he looked up at the ceiling. "Scott?"
"hut-ashiew. ishiew," Scott sneezed heavily into his elbow. he sounded congested and sick. 
"aw, bless you baby," Allison pouted, digging a pack of tissue out of her bag. Scott took one and rubbed his nose. 
"now will you go home?" Stiles asked, leaning against the locker next to Scott's and giving his best friend a look of pity. Scott shut his locker. 
"Stiles, you dnow I cad biss edcobondics and pradtice, Fidstodck will kill be."
"Dude we can't understand a word you're saying. you need to blow your nose." Allison gave him another tissue and he tried to blow, but his nose was so stopped up that it wasn't very productive. he tried harder, but only resulted in a rough coughing fit that he aimed into his elbow. Stiles rubbed his back while Allison got a water bottle ready for him. when he caught his breath he drank eagerly and sniffled. 
"you okay?" Allison asked sweetly. Scott hesitated before shaking his head no. who was he kidding? his head felt heavy with congestion and he felt like he could fall asleep any minute. "okay. can we call your mom?" Scott sneezed into the tissue. he felt terrible. he leaned against the locker, tiredly. 
"dno, by bomb is working and she cadt leabe... hutshiew!" Allison frowned and concern filled her eyes. 
"bless you," both her and Stiles replied. 
"I'll take you home," Stiles offered, handing him back the water bottle.
"dno, Stiles I-" Scott broke off into another harsh coughing fit. Stiles had to hold him upright. 
"okay, let's go, bro." 
Scott had given up. he let Allison and Stiles help him out of the school and to Stiles' jeep. After much debate, Allison convinced the guys to let her skip school and come. Scott leaned his burning forehead against the cool window and quickly fell asleep the rest of the way to his house. 

"Scott, Scott..." Stiles said, his voice laced with concern as he gently shook Scott's shoulder, "Scott, you're home..." but it didn't work. Scott was still sound asleep, breathing out of his mouth. 
"here, let me try," Allison offered. she leaned forward and gently kissed Scott on the forehead. "Scott," she whispered sweetly, "wake up baby, you're home." she gently bit his ear, where she knew he would wake up. she was right. Scott groaned and groggily opened his eyes. they were watery and tired-looking. "good morning sleepy head, you're home," Allison cooed. Scott shifted uncomfortably and sniffled thick. he looked much worse than he did when they left the school, and all the more miserable. 
"Allisond." Scott croaked. his voice was deep and scratchy and cracking.
"yeah babe?" she stroked his sweaty hair back.
"id hurdts." he moaned with pain in his eyes. he looked like he was about to cry. 
"what does, Scott?"
"everythingk." he closed his eyes and leaned against the window again. Meanwhile, Stiles had turned off the jeep and was waiting to help Scott out and to the house. 
"I know, baby. let's get you inside so you can rest, okay?" Scott nodded. he unbuckled his seatbelt as Stiles opened his door. Scott paused and inhaled sharply. 
"hutISHiew. ISHiew." he sneezed desperately and wetly, then whimpered. 
"aww, God bless you Scott," Allison brushed his hair back as he sniffled. Stiles wrapped his arm around Scott's waist and helped him out of the car as Allison closed the door and followed behind them. 

When they got inside Scott's house, Stiles and Allison brought him up to his room. they helped him lay down under the covers and Allison laid two more on top. then she checked his forehead and frowned. "still got a fever, Scott." he sniffled and groaned, snuggling under the blankets, "do you have a thermometer?" Scott coughed. 
"yeah, in the bathroom." Allison left to go get it and Stiles laid on the bed near Scott's feet. 
"how ya feeling?" he asked. Scott sniffled miserably. 
"like hell," he answered miserably. Stiles nodded. 
"I figured. do you want anything?" Scott coughed. 
"umb, just wader?" 
"yeah, sure! sure. be right back." Stiles hurried off downstairs as Allison was coming back into the room. 
"okay baby, open up." Scott obeyed and let his girlfriend slid the tool under his tongue. As they waited Allison climbed up on the bed with Scott and he laid his head on her lap. She played with his damp dark hair and listened to his labored breathing."you tired Scott?" he nodded, sniffling. "okay. you're pretty sick," she added as the thermometer went off. she slid it out of his mouth and gasped. "116?!" she exclaimed, making Scott's head pound, "is that normal?!" Scott mumbled that he didn't know just as Stiles came back into the room. 
"okay Scotty I got your nice cold-" he stopped when he saw Allison's pale and scared face. "what?"
"his fever is at 116," Allison explained, her heart beating in her ears. Stiles set the glass on Scott's beside table next to Allison and looked at her blankly. 
"i-is that, ya know, normal for...werewolves?" he stuttered calmly, but his face showed his fear. 
"I don't know but.. what if he needs to go to the hospital?"
"I didn't even know werewolves could get sick!" Stiles said in disbelief, "let alone this sick!" 
"I know! me neither! what do we-?" just then they heard Scott mumbling something. "what, baby?"
"call Derek," Scott repeated before coughing. 
"right! right. I'll call him." Stiles said. he grabbed his cell and dialed Derek's number.

"what do you want, Stiles." Derek's answered with his usual gruff voice. 
"hey, Derek, hey, how's it going? whatcha been up to?"
"Stiles..." Derek threatened.
"okay okay sorry! um, well, we have problem." 
"what kind of problem, Stiles," Derek asked, exasperated. Stiles blew out a breath. 
"Scott's sick." he was met with silence. "did you hear me?"
"how sick?" Derek asked, and Stiles could hear a slight bit of concern in the sourwolf's voice. 
"like a cold, but we're concerned about his fever. it's at 116. is that normal? I mean, we didn't even think he could get sick, so..." it was Derek's turn to sigh.
"yeah, it's normal. there are some things that can get passed our heightened immune systems, especially for the newly bitten like Scott." 
"okay but, the fever?" Stiles asked again as Scott sneezed in the background. 
"because of our healing ability, when we do get sick, our bodies try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. so his symptoms won't last long, but they will be intensified." 
"ugh okay, so he doesn't need a hospital?"
"okay good. thanks Derek, see you soon," Stiles was about to hang up when Derek stopped him. 
"Stiles?" he asked, "tell him I say feel better." 
"y-yeah, I will, thanks again Derek.." 

Stiles hung up, shocked that sourwolf actually cared about their well being. he put the phone down and looked back at his friends. Allison had helped Scott sit up and was currently helping him drink some water. when he was done she set the glass down and he laid his head on her shoulder with a sigh. Allison pouted at him and kissed his forehead, rubbing his arm. "okay. so Derek said its normal that you're sick because your shield of immunity hasn't fully developed yet. and because you are sick, your symptoms will be worse, but you'll heal sooner," Stiles explained. 
"okay," Scott replied, sounding hoarse and tired. he was shivering against Allison.
"are you cold, babe?" she asked him. he nodded. "it's your fever. cmon, lie down." Allison helped Scott lie down on the bed and tucked him in."we'll be right downstairs if you need us, okay?" 
"huh...hutISHiew. *snnf* ogkay." Allison gave him another kiss on the cheek and walked out. 
"get well soon buddy, I'll see you when you wake up." Scott nodded, his eyes already closed. Stiles turned off the light but left his door open. 

Stiles and Allison sat down in the living room. 
"I'm really concerned about him..." Allison thought aloud, looking out the window. Stiles tossed her a water bottle and sat down with his own. 
"don't be. Scott used to get sick a lot, and he was always this bad," Stiles explained, "his symptoms were worse to begin with anyways because of his asthma, so the only new thing to him is the fever." Allison nodded. 
"I'm more concerned someone is going to try to attack him or something, he's vulnerable now." Stiles nodded slowly. 
"that's why we're here, and the door is locked, the alphas are gone, so he should be fine. plus, nothing new would come to his house ever, and they'd think he's at school anyways," Stiles shrugged. 
"true, I shouldn't be worried about that..." she sighed, "he just looked so miserable." it was then that they heard coughing coming from down the hall. sick, chesty coughing that sounded thick and painful. "awww my baby..." Allison pouted. even Stiles looked down the hallway with concern. 
"his coughing is the only thing I'm worried about," he bit his lip, "if he can still be sick then I bet he can still have asthma attacks." Allison looked alarmed. 
"he threw away his inhaler," she announced loudly. Stiles quieted her. 
"I know, I know. I keep an extra in my backpack." Allison looked impressed as Stiles unzipped his bag and pulled out an inhaler for Scott.
"why do you...?" 
"because, when Scott's asthma used to be really bad, I would get these.. I don't know, anxiety attacks about it," Stiles explained, sitting on the couch. Allison sat next to him. 
"why?" she asked. Stiles stretched. 
"well, I guess, because it was around the time I lost my mom, I guess I was just terrified that I'd lose him too." Allison nodded. she never knew that about Stiles. "So his mom gave me an extra so I would stay calm." 
"that's really nice of you to have," Allison acknowledged, "you're a good friend Stiles." Stiles smirked, fiddling with the inhaler. 
"we've been best friends since the third grade....he's like my brother." 

Scott woke up around 4. he coughed painfully and winced in pain. everything hurt, and his muscles and head protested when he shifted position. he slowly reached over and grabbed his cellphone off the bedside table, finding a text from his mom. 
-hey Scott, I got stuck with overtime, so I left you some dinner in the fridge. see you tomorrow, love you!- Scott groaned. he really didn't want to be alone tonight, not when he was feeling this bad. he swallowed painfully and took a sip of the water bottle Allison had left him. he tried to sniffle, but his nose was blocked tight. "hitkISHiew." he sneezed tightly and desperately. his head pounded. this was definitely the worst flu he'd ever endured in his life. Scott laid back and tried to fall back asleep, but it was impossible with his chest so full and his throat on fire. he coughed again, sounding sick and productive. He just wanted his best friend and Allison, he didn't want to be alone anymore. Scott pushed back the covers and shivered. He stood up slowly, pulled on his Beacon Hills Lax sweatshirt with the hood up, and wrapped himself up in his comforter. then he slowly made his way, coughing and sniffling, into the living room. 
"Good morning, sleepy head," Allison greeted with a pout. Scott answered by sneezing openly in front of himself. 
"aw, Scott, why did you get out of bed?" Stiles asked, full of concern for his best friend. Scott sniffled thickly.
"I didt wadt to be alode." he answered stuffily. 
"aww, baby...." Allison cooed. She got up and placed her hand on his back."come lie down on the couch. we'll be out here with you." Scott sneezed in response, away from Allison. she clicked her tongue as he lied down on the couch. She handed him a box of tissues, which he used to (attempt to) blow his nose. he coughed miserably. 
"Jesus Scott," Stiles said with concern, "you don't do anything halfway, do you?" the boys laughed, resulting in an even longer coughing fit for Scott. this time, Scott was gasping for breath and struggling to breath, with fear in his eyes. Quickly, Stiles grabbed the inhaler and held it to his friends mouth. "breathe, Scott. relax, slow," Scott did so, taking a couple puffs from his inhaler. everyone visually relaxed, and Stiles collapsed on the couch near his best friends feet. Allison sat cross legged on the floor. 
"are you okay?!" she asked when he finally was breathing normal again. Scott nodded. 
"yeah, all good," he answered as he shifted uncomfortably. 
"Jesus, man..." Stiles cursed, "you scared me." 
"I scared byself," Scott replied, wide eyed, "I threw bine oud because I dindt thindk I deeded id endybore, I dindt dnow you had onde," Scott was out of breath by the time he finished his long sentence. his friends could hear his labored breathing.
"easy, Scott, don't talk much," Stiles said with concern. "I've had one for the last few years, just in case." Scott sniffled.
"thangk you, Stiles," Scott breathed. Stiles helped him lay back down. 
"it's no problem, buddy. get some rest, okay?" 
"by bomb isdnt cubbing homb todight," he said before sneezing into the comforter. 
"she got overtime?" he nodded, sneezing again. Allison handed him some tissues. "does she know you're sick?" he shook his head miserably."oh Scott..." Stiles groaned. "you don't habe to sday," Scott mumbled as he laid his head down on the pillows and closed his eyes, "I cand take care ob byself, Stiles." 
"I know you can, dude, but you're really sick. I want to make sure you'll be okay, plus the whole thing with the alphas like who knows if they are coming back and-"
"Stiles," Allison interrupted, "he fell asleep." Stiles looked down at his best friend, whose breathing was audible and his rosy cheeks and nose visible against his pale skin. Stiles sighed. Allison giggled. 

The next time Scott woke up it was dark outside. through his blurry vision he could see the outline of Allison laying on the floor doing homework, while Stiles sat on the other couch on his phone. suddenly Scott felt a weird sensation in his chest and was promptly thrown into a heavy coughing fit. when he finished his face was drawn up in pain. "oh, Scott..." Allison cooed, standing up to sit by his head. she stroke his hair back. "it's okay, baby," she soothed, seeing Scott look like he was about to cry, "what's hurting?" 
"everythingk," Scott whimpered. Allison placed the back of her hand to Scott's forehead. 
"you still have a bit of a fever, babe," she announced. he groaned, which resulted in more productive coughing.
"should I get the thermometer?" Stiles asked. Allison nodded. when he returned he slipped it under Scott's tongue and they waited in silence for the beep. Scott looked so worn out. his eyes looked drained, his hair was sweaty, and his face was both rosy and pale. he looked overall tired and sick. when the thermometer beeped, Allison  carefully slipped it out of Scott's mouth and read the numbers aloud.
Scott moaned slightly and Stiles breathed a sigh of relief.
"good, it's going down." 
"it doesdt feel like idt." Scott mumbled, wincing in pain as he swallowed. 
"you should eat something, buddy," Stiles insisted.
"dnot hungry," Scott protested as he flipped onto his side on the couch and shivered. 
"Scott," Allison said softly as she sat near his head and stroked his hair. Scott rested his head on her lap. "you need to eat, or drink something. you can't get dehydrated, okay?" Scott sniffled thickly before coughing.
"by throadt hurdts too buch," he whined. 
"well how about soup?" Stiles suggested. Scott groaned and covered his head with the blanket. Stiles sighed. "cmon buddy, work with us here." Scott mumbled something into the blankets.
"what?" Allison asked sweetly. Scott shifted, eyes still closed.
"I just wadda sleeb..." he whined with a slight cough. 
"I know you do, baby," Allison tsked, feeling his rosy cheek, "do you want some medicine?" Scott sniffled thickly and shrugged. 
"we can give you the liquid kind, so it doesn't hurt your throat," Stiles offered. 
"ogkay," Scott answered. Stiles retreated to the medicine cabinet. he brought back a bottle of NyQuil. 
"this will make you really tired, dude," Stiles explained. 
"hutkeshiew." Scott sneezed in response under the covers,"hutkeshiew." 
"bless you," his friends answered. 
"can you sit up for us, Scott?" Allison asked. he nodded and slowly sat up to lean against the couch. Allison moved to kneel on the floor beside him. Stiles poured his best friend a capful of the dark liquid and handed it to him. Scott hesitated for a moment before handing it back to Stiles and quickly cupping his hands around his mouth.
"What are you-"
"huttishiew." he sneezed messily. Allison sighed and handed him some tissues. 
"bless you, babe," she said. 
"thangk you," Scott replied before blowing messily. it took 3 groups of tissues before his nose was clear, and right away he felt it filling up again. then he took the cap of medicine from Stiles and took it in one quick shot. 
"better?" she asked. Scott nodded, lying back down.
"it's late Scott," Stiles said, sitting on the side of the couch, "get some sleep okay?" 
"whadt timb is id?" he sniffled sickly. 
"a little after 10," Allison said sweetly as his eyes slowly drifted closed. he fell asleep to Allison softly caressing his warm forehead.

The next day was Tuesday. Allison got up first and gently shook Stiles awake.
"Stiles," she yawned, "school." Stiles shifted. 
"mhm. I'm awake," he mumbled.
"what are we doing about Scott?" she asked as she got up to get ready. 
"how's he feeling?" Stiles sat up, his morning voice in full swing. 
"I didn't wake him yet," Allison called from the other room. Stiles sighed and got up off the floor where he had somehow ended up, and knelt by Scott's head on the couch. 
"yo. Scotty," Stiles felt his friend's forehead, "wake up dude." 
"mm?" Scott opened his eyes groggily and rubbed them. 
"how do you feel?"
"better. just... I don't know, what day is it?" Stiles laughed.
"it's Tuesday. do you want to go to school?" Scott sniffled, sounding a lot better than the day before. 
"yeah, yeah I think so. can I shower?" Scott asked. Stiles nodded. 
"why not, we can be a little late. you sure you're good?" Scott stood up and cracked his back. 
"definitely. thanks for everything, Stiles." they hugged. 
"of course, Scott. you're my brother." 


(sorry about the suckish ending, I wasn't quite sure how to wrap it up)

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