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A Knight’s Night (Power Rangers Dino Charge) Ivan M


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I don’t know if anyone on this forum watches the show except me, but what the heck I’m posting this anyway.  Written because Ivan is my favourite character and Prince Phillip needs more screen-time.  Also inspired by this challenge thread http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/index.php?/topic/64804-challengeprompts/ Please enjoy.


Ivan slowed his pace and stopped as he finished his third lap of the grounds.  Seeking shelter from the rain in a nearby doorway he slid down to the ground with a heavy sigh.  What was wrong with him?  He was in Zander.  He was home for the first time in 800 years. 


With their new enemies taking more personal tactics to obtain the energems it was only logical to make sure Prince Phillip stayed safe as well.  Naturally it would fall to him to help protect Zander and its prince until other security measures were in place.  Ivan should have been thrilled and yet he wasn’t.


Perhaps it was the inclement weather, or the nightmares that had awoken him that night and left him with a desire to patrol the castle grounds into the wee hours of the morning.


He stood up, wincing as the suddenly movement caused his head to throb and started rubbing his temple.


Or perhaps it was the headache that had plagued him since he had stepped off the plane.  Indeed he had not felt like himself recently and worse still he had not found anything to relieve his current discomfort.  He had been informed that the palace had a herb garden, but to his dismay he found no aloe, no anise, nothing but chives, basil, and something called cilantro.


The wind picked up, causing him to shiver and he stopped short as his nose began to tickle.




He dove into his pocket for a handkerchief, covering just in time.


Hempshh! Huh’ershu!


He sniffled and dabbed his nose before tucking the handkerchief away again; and managed another lap of the grounds before the tickle returned.




Ivan rubbed hard at his nose, but the sneeze ultimately backed down.


It was then he spotted a horde of Vivex coming up from the ground nearby and went for his dinocharger.


“Unleash the power!”


Ivan got a few swift kicks and punches in before going for his crossbow, only for the sneeze from earlier to return with a vengeance.




His shot missed the monsters entirely and instead took out the nearest tree.


“Dino Morpher blast!”


That shot scattered the Vivex and Ivan smiled as the graphite ranger joined him.


“Perfect timing, Sire!”


“Thank you, Sir Ivan, now let’s finish this!”


Each one grabbed a dinocharger and combined their attacks.


“Royal Dino punch!”


“Lightening Final Strike!”


The Vivex went down and with no sign of other threats they took shelter in the nearby stables before they got even more drowned in the rain.


“Looks like Miss Morgan was right about them taking this fight to more personal grounds,” Ivan said as they de-morphed.


“Indeed.  I must thank you for being here, Sir Ivan. Your quick response tonight is most appreciated…Though I have known you to have better aim.”


Ivan winced as he looked out to the smouldering tree.


“I can replace that.”


“Oh, no need.  Many things in the castle have taken quite a beating since I’ve increased my training to deal with our enemies.”


Ivan nodded in relief and then turned aside and coughed hard.


Philip placed his hand on Ivan’s shoulder. “But right now, Sir Ivan, I’d say you’re battling a cold not a monster.”


“A cold?”


“It is the common name for your current aliment.”


Ivan’s face brightened.


“Ah, then since you know of, Sire, you must also know the cure.”


Phillip frowned.


“No, unfortunately there isn’t one.  It’s not serious though and will clear up on its own, usually in a week.”


Ivan looked scandalized. “A week!  800 years of progress and you can’t even cure a common aliment as you called it.  I must simply suffer through this for the next 7 days?!  And you have the-heh-n-nerve to call this a modern age.”


He pressed his fingers under his nose trying to supress the tickle even as it caused his nostrils to quiver and twitch.  Sneezing uncovered in battle had been bad enough, but to do so in front of his prince was utterly undignified. His nose cared nothing for propriety though and his breath hitched harder.


Huh’hetchhu! Heh’empshh!


“Bless you.”


“Thank y-y-huhh’ARSHuu!


The hand on his should was back and steering him towards the castle.


“Come, I can’t cure this, but I know several things that will help.”


They went inside and Phillip took Ivan into his study.  He got Ivan’s jacket and shoes drying by the fire, and allowed him to take one the chairs closest to it.  As Ivan worked to get a blanket around himself Phillip left and returned quickly with a steaming mug filled with some kind of concoction.


Ivan gently sipped from the mug, the taste took a bit of getting used to, but it felt good on his throat, and the fire and blanket warmed him from the chill of the rain.  Phillip was right he wasn’t well, but he still felt better.


“Thank you, your highness.”


Phillip smiled.


“Anything for a friend.”

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