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Sick Stiles ficlet (sterek)

Voodoo huntress

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Another ficlet, cause why not. I saw the prompt "A is sick with a cold while video chatting with B. B frets and fusses while A acts like they're fine." On tumblr. Or along those lines. Anyway, A is Stiles and B is Derek.
Derek saw Stiles's face get the familiar pre-sneeze look as he raised his hand up to his face again and turned the volume down on his laptop.

"hh-SHOO! Hishoo! hih-TISHoo!" Stiles' camera shook with each sneeze. He sniffled and rubbed at his nose. "Sorry, that was loud." Stiles said, tiredly. Derek sighed and tried to ignore his insticts yearning at him to protect his sick mate.

"It's okay. Bless you, by the way." Derek said, and watched as Stiles put his pencil down and reached off camera for a tissue. Stiles blew his nose loudly, the sound crackling through Derek's earbuds.

"Stiles, please go to bed. And stay in bed tomorrow." Derek tried again. Stiles tossed the tissue on his desk and picked his pencil back up, turning back to his open book.

"You know I can't, Der. I have a test coming up and I need to study." Stiles sniffled and coughed into his arm. Ever since Stiles sent him a text that morning that said, "don't feel so good today. Yaaay :(((", Derek has been itching to race to the university so he could take care of his mate, knowing full well Stiles will work until he drops.

"TISSCH! TISSH-oo!" Stiles startled him back to reality. Stiles raised his head back and squinted at his laptop. "Ugh, disgusting. Sorry." He mumbled and pulled his sleeve over his hand to wipe at the screen. Derek huffed fondly.

"Good thing you have a private room. You could infect a small country with your tissues alone." Derek teased. Stiles wrinkled his pink nose at the lingering itch and rolled his eyes.

"Don't make fun of me, I'm siiiiiick." Stiles drew the word out in a whiny voice. "I can't breathe and you're being mean. MeanyWolf." He pouted. Derek suddenly wanted nothing more than to curl up around Stiles.

"Exactly, you're siiiiick." Derek mimicked in a fake whine.  He chuckled when Stiles stuck his tongue out. "Very mature. Listen, I get you think the world might end if you make anything less than a B, but you really should rest. At least go to bed early so you can get some rest. I know you're exhausted." Derek said. As if in cue, Stiles gave a huge yawn, making his eyes water.

"I know, I know. Let me finish this chapter and I'll go to sleep, I swear." Stiles said, congestion dulling his words. He sniffled again and grabbed another tissue.

"Take medicine too, Mouth Breather. You're not getting away with that this time." Derek warned. Stiles rolled his eyes and huffed stuffily.

"Whatever. I miss you. Stay with me until I go to sleep?" Stiles asked, rubbing his eyes with one hand, and clutching a tissue with the other.

"Always, babe." Derek said, looking over at his packed overnight bag for his surprise visit tomorrow.



-shrugs- I'm just in a sterek mood. There isn't enough, so I'll write it myself 

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I am absolutely in love with teen wolf (as seen by my name) and especially Stiles and this is really cute!! please continue!! 

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I'm so glad you're adding to the teen wolf pool! There isn't enough, and I'm trying to add to it, but writing is hard, especially when you have less of an attention span than a goldfish does :sweatdrop:. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I arrived late to the teen wolf train, and new content, let alone new content that's this good, is REALLY EXCITING and another reason I'm obsessed. Thankyouthankyouthankyou!! (also, I live for sterek, but especially stiles :D)

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2 hours ago, Owlinatree said:

I'm so glad you're adding to the teen wolf pool! There isn't enough, and I'm trying to add to it, but writing is hard, especially when you have less of an attention span than a goldfish does :sweatdrop:. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I arrived late to the teen wolf train, and new content, let alone new content that's this good, is REALLY EXCITING and another reason I'm obsessed. Thankyouthankyouthankyou!! (also, I live for sterek, but especially stiles :D)

You are such a darling, thank you so much. I'm not gonna lie, getting an idea for writing is one thing. Actually writing it out is another. I'm very glad I was able to make your day, as you have made mine ^_^

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15 minutes ago, ickydog2006 said:

You write these two so well :)

Really? Thanks! I've literally just started this pairing, I've usually just been lurking the fanfiction for them.


BTW guys, I'm totally up for prompts with Sterek. If you want something, I'm cool with trying to fill it.

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