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Forever and Always (Harry Potter Sickfic"


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A/N: Okay so this is my first fanfiction ever so don't be too harsh when judging it please >.<. Me personally I love when Men are sneezing in fanfictions!!! So, I wrote this. 

Sirius Black: Get on with it! 

Me: Okay okay no need to yell. I mean I tortured you enough in another story so you kind of can yell, I mean uhhhh...

Sirius: YOU WHAT??!! *grabs frying pan and hits author with it* 

Me: Ow, anyway... I do not own any of Harry Potter. All rights go to J.K. Rowling. Oh lord if I owned Harry Potter... 

Sirius: *rolls eyes*

Me: Stop it you. Oh yea and there's some male-to-male kissing between Remus and Sirius, also this is a one shot. Anyway, start reading!


      Sirius Black lay awake in his bed in the Gryffindor Boy's Dormitory, he was trying to catch a mix of a cold and the flu which had been going around Hogwarts. It was two days before Christmas Holidays and he did not want to go back to his parents. They hated him! No matter what he did! Not to mention he had failed potions due to Lucius Malfoy, throwing random items in his cauldron every lesson. As well as the fact that he had served a detention because of a fight that had went on during midnight with Lucius. He remembered not seeing Lucius in every class besides Potions the next day, and he smiled in triumph when he heard how he had gotten sick due to staying up way too late. Both of these had resulted in a letter home to his parents, so he dreaded going home to them. He thought that if he caught an awful cold and flu, that they would be at least a bit nicer to him for once. 
        When it was morning, he got up and went to take a shower. He heard from some people that a muggle trick to getting ill was to take a very cold shower, so he did. While shivering, he got out of the shower and lightly dried himself with the coldest towel he could find, then got dressed. He was met with something surprising when he walked out back into the dormitory. 
Sirius jumped, "What in bloody hell was that?" He looked over to see Remus curled up under his blanket. 
He slowly walked over to the lump on Remus' bed and poked at it. 
"EshooOOOO!" Remus sneezed. "Stop pokigg be Sirius" 
"I'm sorry Moony, are you okay?" Sirius asked, his concern written all over his face. 
"ISHOOOO! 's just a cold, I'll be f- ETCHOOO! -ide" Remus smiled weakly to prove his point, but it didn't convince Sirius. 
"You sound and look absolutely horrible." 
"I'b fide Sirius." Remus rolled his eyes.
  Sirius threw him a worried look, but decided to leave him be for now and keep an eye on him throughout the day. 
-------      REMUS POV     -------
    "ESHOOO!" I sneezed,
'It's pretty cold in the common room today, or is it hot? There must be something wrong with me, why is my throat so sore, my nose so ticklish, and head pounding?' I thought as I shivered. I then thought of the cold and flu bug that has been rampaging Hogwarts.
"No no no! Werewolves do NOT get sick, at least this werewolf doesn't!" 
    I decided to rest my eyes for just a few more minutes and then get up. A few minutes later I reluctantly got up and went to the showers. 'I hope the showers help this'. 
    I stepped into the shower, craving the warmth it offered. Sitting in the shower and not doing anything for five minutes really did wonders. I feel my congestion just melting away. When I got out of the shower I looked for the warmest towel I could find and dried myself with it, then I got dressed and went to do my hair. 
Looking in the mirror I thought 
'Wow I really do look absolutely horrible, maybe just as horrible as I feel.'
Unfortunately the shower only worked for what seemed like 5 seconds and my congestion soon came back. I decided that I have a bad cold and all I needed was some rest and fluids. I looked at my watch and saw that I still had an hour until breakfast. I realized all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed, so I went back to the boys dormitory and did that. 
   Thirty minutes later I was woken up by my own sneezing 
I think I woke up Sirius, oops. 
"What in bloody hell was that?" 
Yea I woke up Sirius. I decided to ignore it and pretend I was still sleeping, so I pulled the blanket over my head. Instead of ignoring it like I did, he came over and started poking me, ugh. 
'I hope he stops poking me, I just want to sleep for a little longer." 
Plan foiled, ugh. And he's still poking me! 
"Stop pokigg be Sirius" I winced at how congested I sounded. 
"I'm sorry Moony, are you okay?" 
I could tell he was concerned, it was all over his face. The last thing I need is fussing, I hate fussing. Fussing is the worst, having someone waiting on you all day and all night is so awkward. What are you supposed to say to them? Why do people even ask how you're feeling, you can kind of just look at someone to tell how they are feeling most of the time! 
Speaking of not knowing what to say, what should I tell Sirius. I decided to just tell him that it's a mere cold nothing else. 
"ISHOOOO! 's just a cold, I'll be f- ETCHOOO! -ine." I added a smile for effect, I don't think it worked. Sirius didn't seem convinced. 
"You look and sound absolutely horrible." 
I rolled my eyes, "I'b fide Sirius." 
After that he seemed convinced, at least he left me alone so that's all I need. Time to head to breakfast. 
     It was pretty uneventful before breakfast was served. Dumbledore had no announcements, so he just put out breakfast. Immediately when breakfast was served, all the smells tackled me. This was not agreeing with my stomach. Sirius seemed to be watching me though, so I put a piece of toast with some fruit on my plate. Sirius was still watching me, ugh, I picked up the toast and started nibbling on it. This seemed to satisfy him. This was going to be a long day. 
-------    SIRIUS POV       -----------------------------------------
      I had come up with the perfect plan that would allow me to catch this thing that has been rampaging Hogwarts and watch Remus! Actually it wasn't really a plan, it was just basically to sit next to Remus. I got into the Great Hall and took a spot right next to Remus. 
"Hey Moony!" Remus winced, I guess I said that a bit too loudly. 
"Hey" Remus started coughing, but he drank some water and that seemed to help 
      Remus seemed to realize that I was watching him, so after a while he put toast and fruit on his plate. He looked down at it with a very disgusted look, but still picked up the toast and started nibbling at it. I just looked down at my plate. Yeah, so breakfast was extremely uneventful. Soon enough, it was time to go to class. Right before we left I snuck a bite off of Remus' fork, which he used by the way. 
      We were only walking for a little bit when I finally asked 
"Guys, we don't even know which class we have first." 
"You're right, let's check" James said. 
I looked at mine and when I saw what I have first, "Ugh, Potions."
Everyone else nodded, looks like we all had potions together. Good thing we were unintentionally walking towards the Potions classroom. 
     Potions was pretty uneventful, the usual things happened. Peter's cauldron blew up. Lucius threw a random ingredient into James' cauldron. I kept an eye on Remus, he seemed to be feeling worse. He was laying his head in his arms, and his potion almost blew up. I may not be good in potions but I know a stabilizing charm, so I put that on his potion so it wouldn't explode. That was pretty much all that happened in Potions. 
           "ESCHOOO! ATCHOOO! ISHOOOO!" Remus sneezed wetly into a handkerchief he had wisely brought with him. I glanced at him worriedly, "Are you sure you're alright Remy?" Remus glared at me, either because of the use of a nickname or because I asked him how he was feeling. "I already told you earlier Siri, I'b fide." Remus rolled his eyes, I wasn't convinced. Honestly, as much as I wanted to catch this thing Remus has to come first. He got it bad, he also looked a little green. 
"Excuse be but I have to go to the bathroob." Remus said hoarsely, while dabbing his running nose with his handkerchief. He then ran straight into the bathroom, I followed him in. 
I heard retching sounds coming from
one of the stalls. I opened it to find Remus hunched over the toilet. He looked at me with tear filled eyes. 
"Siri, I think I'b sick" Remus sniffed, I looked at him sympathetically. 
"I know you are Remy, I know you are." I rubbed his back in circles to sooth Remus. "Let's get you to the hospital wing hmm?" Remus grimaced at the thought of going there and I chuckled, "We all don't like going there Remy but I think you need to right now." I said, glancing at Remus. He looked horrible with dark circles under his eyes, deeply flushed cheeks, and his pale face that made him look like a ghost. Remus leaned on my shoulder as we walked out of the bathroom. 
"Guys I'm taking Remus to the hospital wing, he's really sick." I looked worriedly at Remus, who looked at me with a weak smile. "Come on Remy, let's go." 
      We started walking towards the hospital wing, when we got there I pushed the doors open and we waited for Madam Pomfrey. 
"Hello boys, why-" Madam Pomfrey interrupted herself, not needing to complete the sentence as she looked at Remus. 
"Mr. Lupin make yourself comfortable in one of the beds so I can check on you." Madam Pomfrey instructed him. 
As he did that, Madam Pomfrey bustled over and cast a diagnostic spell. 
Present ailment(s)
Beginning pneumonia 
Untreated head cold 
Untreated flu
"Mr. Lupin why did you not come to see me earlier?" Madam Pomfrey asked sternly.
"I was feeling better earlier." Remus sighed.
      I felt so bad for Remy, I should have forced him to come. Well, at least he's here now. 
       Sirius looked at Remus, worriedly taking in his pale face and deeply flushed cheeks.
"I'm so sorry Remy," Sirius sobbed "It's all my fault, I should have brought you here earlier." 
"It's not your fault Siri, I should have told you how I felt." Remus said hoarsely, then broke off into a coughing fit. 
       Sirius continued sobbing until he got control of himself, then he looked pitifully at Remus with tears still in his eyes. It was then he realised something, all those feelings of wanting to care for Remus weren't just friendly, he loved Remus. He loved his bulky chest and soft facial features. 
'What if he doesn't love me back?' Sirius worriedly thought, he then started uncontrollably sobbing again. 
Remus chuckled a bit, "Sirius?" He looked up at Remus. "Could you try to stop sobbing I thigg it's aggravating my headache. It was then Sirius' turn to laugh. "Sorry Remy." He handed Remus a tissue, which he gladly accepted and proceeded to blow his nose. 
"Remy you could be in an orchestra!" Sirius said gleefully, Remus stopped blowing his nose.
"What, how cobe?" Remus queried while Sirius laughed softly. 
"Because," Sirius had to stop himself from bursting into laughter, "Remy you sound like a trumpet!" They then started laughing hysterically, until Remus broke into a coughing fit and Sirius worriedly patted his back. Remus then continued blowing his nose. Suddenly, his breath hitched and his eyes started watering, then he broke out into a huge sneezing fit. 
"Hechoo! Hgn'xxt! Itchoo! Ng'xxt! Choo! Eshoooo! Echooo! Siri- Ishooo! Hechoo! Echooo! Help Siri- Choo! Eshoooo!" The sneezes stopped, but he then went into a giant coughing fit. Sirius patted his back to try to help, he felt so guilty. 
'This is all my fault' Sirius thought guiltily. Once Remus was done coughing and he caught his breath he looked down at Sirius. 
"Sirius, what is happedigg is dot your fault, it is my stubbordess that bakes be not adbit when I'b dot feeling well." Remus admonished him, only then did Sirius realise he voiced his thoughts out loud. 
"I realise that, I'm sorry Remy." Sirius lied, he still thought this was partially his fault. He almost started crying again but he held back the tears. 'For Remus' he thought, 'I have to be strong.' 
      Sirius woke up to find his dorm mates jumping on their beds. 
'Oh yeah it's Friday.' He remembered.
He got up and got ready for breakfast. When Sirius was ready, he realised he still had a few minutes. He also realised he had a headache and he felt more sluggish than usual. 
"It's probably just from all the commotion." He said to himself. 
He then slowly started walking down to the Great Hall. 
    After breakfast, James, Peter and himself walked to their first class. Their first class was Potions again. In Potions the same thing happened that happened yesterday. Lucius Malfoy threw another random ingredient into James' potion, this time making it explode all over himself. Lucius then had to go to the hospital wing because of sprouting random spots all over his body. Everyone in Gryffindor laughed when they saw him. Sirius wondered if he even got to the hospital wing, considering Crabbe was taking him. Other than that, nothing interesting happened in Potions. 
      Sirius dragged himself through all his classes. Then, when classes were finally over, he went to the common room to drop his stuff off and quickly walked to the hospital wing. By this time, Sirius' nose was running like a tiger and his ears were completely clogged. His muscles also ached, he was exhausted, and he felt the dull ache behind his temples turn into a full blown headache. Nevertheless, he wanted to see Remus, so he took the risk of entering the hospital wing. Right when he walked in he cast a concealing charm and a glamour charm over himself to make him look awake and healthy. As he entered the hospital wing he looked around for Remus, when he spotted Remus he ran right over to him. 
"Remy!" Sirius cheered, Remus smiled. "Hi Siri" Remus croaked as cheerfully as he could. Sirius sat there, not knowing what to do. "Umm is there anything I can get for you Remy?" Sirius asked, not knowing what else to do. 
"Do there isd't, but thaggs Siri." Remus weakly smiled at him. 
     After a few minutes of Sirius saying that it was his fault he was so sick and he needed to help him in some way and another few minutes of Remus trying to convince Sirius that it wasn't his fault Sirius gave up. Sirius thoughts decided to turn on again. 
'I love Remus, like I really love him. Oh how I wish he would kiss me, I would love that. He's so hot, even when he's sick. His sneezes are so cute why does he try to hold them in? Oh how I wish he would kiss me, oh how I wish.." Sirius thoughts trailed off. After a few moments of silence, Remus spoke up.
"Is that really true Sirius?" Remus asked hopefully. 
Sirius didn't answer, instead he pulled Remus into a long kiss. "Love you Remy" Sirius mumured. "Love you too Siri" Remus replied. After a few minutes of kissing Remus spoke up again. "You're gonna get sick" He told Remus, not wanting his mate to fall ill. 
"I already am." Sirius said blankly as he fell to the floor. Remus stared horrified and called for Madam Pomfrey as loud as he could manage. 
      When Sirius woke up he found himself in the hospital wing on a bed next to Remus, he smiled to himself. 
"Oh you're awake." Remus announced. Sirius looked at him with tired eyes, then he inched himself closer and pulled Remus into another long kiss. Madam Pomfrey, who had been watching from the corner, smiled to himself as she watched the two boys. As the long kiss went on Sirius once again told Remus, "I love you Remy." Remus smiled and looked at him lovingly, "I love you too Siri." 
Sirius made the kiss go on for as long as he could, until they finally ceased kissing. "I wish we could do that every day." Sirius looked at Remus sadly. "Maybe we can Sirius." Remus responded. 
"Together forever?" Sirius asked.
"Together forever." Remus responded.
"Forever and always?" Sirius asked again.
"Forever and always my love." Remus smiled.
                    THE END

A/N: Hope you enjoyed it! Please review and let me know of any mistakes I made

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2 hours ago, Red said:

Ohh, that is soo cute! Remus and Sirius together at their time in Hogwarts is always so lovely :heart: Very well done!

Omg omg omg you don't know how happy your reply has made me!!! Thank you soooo much I'm soooo happy you enjoyed it!!! :D

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Funny thing, while I was writing this I forgot that it was in Sirius and Remus' time at Hogwarts and I made Snape the Potions Professor :razz:

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