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Sick Derek Hale ficlet (sterek)

Voodoo huntress

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*3 A.M.*
Brain: "Hey, you should write your first sterek fic."
Me: "What? I have a 9 A.M. class in...6 hours."
Brain: "Do a sick derek fic. Make him be in a full wolf form."
Me: "Werewolves can't even get sick. Go back to sleep."
Brain: "They can now. Write it."
Me: "......"

There was a content feel to the atmosphere in the apartment. The low hum of the city was a soothing lullaby. The TV was off. It was peaceful. Stiles sat on the couch with a book perched on the arm, flipping through it with one hand. His other hand was slowly petting the black fur of the huge sleeping wolf next to him, who snuffled and snorted occasionally. Stiles huffed at a particularly humorous line in his book when he felt Derek stir. Turning to the wolf, he moved his hand to scritch behind the pointed ears.

"You waking up, boo?" Stiles asked quietly. Derek snorted again and slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a couple of times before he opened his huge mouth in a yawn, showing off dangerous, powerful teeth. Stiles winced at the foul breath, but didn't complain.

Derek stretched his front paws out and settled back on his mate's lap. Stiles watched as Derek's ears flickered and his nose twitch before he sneezed twice, his head shaking. The wolf had an adorable dazed look on his face, making Stiles melt.

"Aww, bless you, Der." He cooed, pressing a kiss to his furry head. "You feeling any better?" He asked. The wolf's large pink tongue ran across its mouth and shook its body. Derek poked his wet black nose into Stiles' shirt, trying to get rid of the itch.

Eventually, Derek huffed and slowly started to transform back into his naked human self. Stiles cringed when he got a good look at Derek's face. His nose was pink with irritation and his eyes were still shiny from the congestion. Derek used his hand to wipe at his nose and he leaned towards the small coffee table for the tissue box sitting there amongst other cold remedies.

"Hey, welcome back. You okay?" Stiles asked his ill mate.

"I'm fine. I just need to blow my nose." Derek said in a thick voice, barely understandable. He has been in his wolf form all day, so it was no surprise that he was very stuffed up. Derek settled down on Stiles' lap again and pulled a few tissues from the box. He took a deep breath and blew his nose loudly into the white cloud. The sound was thick and gross, but judging from the small look of relief on Derek's face, it didn't bother him none.

"Oh my god, it's never going to end." Derek complained, tossing his second pile of tissues on the table and grabbed more clean ones from the box. This time, his breath hitched.

"Hh-NTSHH! NSHH! NSHH! hh-D'SSHH!" Derek sniffled and blew his nose again. "Ugh...sorry." he said, congestion coating his words.

"Bless you again. And don't be sorry, you're allowed to be miserable and gross, okay? Sneeze away, SnottyWolf." Stiles grinned at Derek's unimpressed look and pressed a kiss to his cheek.


Me: "There brain, are you happy? May I sleep now?"
Brain: "Mm. Quite."

(But seriously this is my first sterek fic and I really wish there was more of sterek sickfics.)

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On 8/26/2016 at 4:37 PM, batmansgirl said:



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5 minutes ago, Voodoo huntress said:


This made my day/night thank you :D

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1 hour ago, Irelephant said:

Awwww I love the ending! Finally found a Sickfic with Derek!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH

You're very welcome. I hope I've inspired some people to put more sterek on this forum ;)

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2 hours ago, Voodoo huntress said:

You're very welcome. I hope I've inspired some people to put more sterek on this forum ;)

I hope you have as well! :D

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I wrote this on the Stiles fic on here, but if you have any Sterek prompts, I'm totally down to trying to fill them the best way I can.

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@Voodoo huntress Anything with allergies and Sterek would be at the top of my list ;). Also, if you need a beta I'd be delighted able to help for the next week or so; school's about to steal my summer. Except I haven't been validated yet (#lurkerproblems) so the logistics might prove more tortuous than is reasonable. I'd love to help out in any way possible, though.

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17 hours ago, Owlinatree said:

@Voodoo huntress Anything with allergies and Sterek would be at the top of my list ;). Also, if you need a beta I'd be delighted able to help for the next week or so; school's about to steal my summer. Except I haven't been validated yet (#lurkerproblems) so the logistics might prove more tortuous than is reasonable. I'd love to help out in any way possible, though.

Allergies, I gotchu fam. And heck yeah I would love a beta, I've never had one before.

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36 minutes ago, Sneezy123 said:

Again, absolutely amazing. This is everything I need in life. Keep up the amazing work! 

You might wanna check a certain post for you ;)

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