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Coffee (switched at birth, jace)


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So this is my first switched at birth fic and OMG Jace is so cute, I mean he's British so that makes him 100% better without being cute. So I decided to write a short story where he has allergies, set in season before he learns to swim


"Hey, Daphne? Can you please go get me a coffee?" John asked.

"Sure." She replied heading over to where Jace stode. "Hey!" 

"Oh, hello." He said looking up slightly suprised.

"Can I get a decafe?" She asked him.

"sure, " 

jaces pov

I sighed trying ignor the growing tickle my nose, I couldn't understand how people enjoyed spring or summer. I'd had bad allergies since I was a kid but medicine always helped. Of course today is the day that I run out if medicine. I pour the coffee into the cup, but of course right before I handed it to daphne the thickly became un bearable, "Hextch, ishh, tshoo, HEPTCH, KSHH, EXCHT, KISSHOO!" I sighed realizing that during my fit I'd spilt the coffee every where. "I'b sorry." I say turning around to face daphne.

"jeez, Jace, are you ok, you look terrible."

"thags, ib fide ids just allergies."

"ok, I'm pretty sure I have some medicine back at home if you want it."

"could you?"

"sure," she says running out the door. I sigh and lean against the wall. "Ikshh, heptch!" I stifle two sneezes into my shoulder.


have to go, I'll continue later if you guys want





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