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Demon contagion


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I love love love the BatFamily. This will have contagion and squee! lol I hope you mates enjoy! Short for now more to follow.

Part one

“Master Damian, you are home early?” Alfred greeted the Boy Wonder as he took his motorcycle helmet off, shutting the engine of the motorcycle off, as well.


“Father thinks he can patrol tonight with Drake and Grayson,” the disgust in the boy’s voice resonated off the walls of the Cave.


“And he felt he had no need for you?” Alfred lifted an eyebrow. Damian shot him a glare.


“Ignorance on how to treat the Heir to the Wayne Foundation, clearly,” Damian started his ascent up the stairs leading to the Manor with Alfred following slowly behind him. “Fix me a bath, Pennyworth. I have homework to finish if I am not to patrol tonight.” Alfred rolled his eyes mentally. Always a joy to have the young master home.




Hours later the three caped men arrived at the Batcave tired and happy with a good patrol. No scrapes, bruises, broken bones, kidnappings, or poisonings. “Do you think he went to bed when he got home?” Dick Grayson pulled his Nightwing mask off looking over at Tim Drake.


“I highly doubt it,” Drake pulled his own Red Robin cape off.


“Might as well go see what the Demon is up to,” Dick skipped the steps two at a time, a habit he had developed with the familiarity of the layout.


Once inside the Manor, Dick climbed up the stairs slowly to not wake Alfred and more importantly to be on high alert for a pissed off 10 year old with a knack for swords and katanas. Reaching Damian’s bedroom without a fight, put Dick’s senses on high alert. Great, I’m about to get ambushed. Pushing his bedroom door open slowly, quickly checking the corners of the room, he was surprised to find the child actually sleeping in his bed. “He went to bed an hour ago,” Dick jumped mentally for not hearing the Dark Knight come up behind. How does he still do that! “I checked the security cameras. Appears this bug he’s been hiding might actually make him human for a couple of days,” Bruce smirked, turning around and heading down the hall to his bedroom. Dick smiled. Maybe.

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