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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Vulcans and their sensitivities (Star Trek/ Spirk)


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Sorry there isn't a lot of sneezing in Part 1, but I wanted to have some background. maybe hit you guys with some feels. Feel free to pick either Star trek TOS or Beyond. (I have references to TOS but it works either cast.) 


Part 1

The USS Enterprise was on shore leave on Earth for winter. Kirk had taken residency in Spock’s apartment for the duration of their leave. They will have been together for a year in two months, a week and a day, not that Kirk’s counting, or anything… Currently Spock was giving his last report to their Federation Corespondent before they could officially start their holiday. It had begun to Snow outside, and Kirk smiled at the old phrase “having a white Christmas”, but inside Spock’s apartment it felt like a Sauna. Spock home Planet Vulcan has a incredibly high Temperature of 115 degrees Fahrenheit; and that is on a good day. Kirk has already taken his shirt off and walks around the apartment in only his boxer briefs. He wants to change the room temperature to something more acceptable, like 80s or, something really nice like 72. After thinking better of it, he left the thermostat alone and opted to just Opening and Window and stand in front of it. 


Around an hour later Kirk hears the door open and Spock walks in covered head to toe in thermal wear. Spock has a green tint to his cheeks and nose; he can’t see his ears under his beanie, but he’s guessing they’re cold too. Spock talks off his outerwear and is left with his pants and long sleeve turtle neck. 


“How can you still have on your thermals, when your house is 90 degrees?” Kirk teased while walking over to Spock.


“Jim, it is not a house, it is an apartment.” Spock looks up at Kirk for the first time and notices that Jim is only in his skivvies. “If the temperature is not suitable for you, you have my permission to turn it down.” 


“Yes! please.” Jim hurriedly turns the temperature down to 72, then walks over to Spock for a kiss. “You were out longer than expected.”


If anyone else were looking at Spock, they would have completely missed Spock’s slight look of guilt in his eyes, but Jim wrote the book on the emotion queue’s of Spock. 


“Spock, it’s fine, i’m just teasing. Just worried about you. I know you hate cold weather.” 


“I do no “Hate” the cold, jim. Just simply not accustomed to it.” Kirk smirked his signature smirk that meant he saw write through him but loved the game. Jim kissed Spock, and after being in front of the window for an hour, Jim’s face was cold to the touch. Once Jim’s cold nose made contact with Spock’s, Spock felt the need to sneeze. He turned away from Kirk and sneezed into his shoulder, “HTsch Htsch.”


“bless you.” he kissed his cheek. “If i didn’t know better, i’d say you’re catching a winter cold.” 


Spock turned to face him, “But you do know better.” Spock’s mouth twitches in his version of a coy smile. 


“Yup. You’re nose is like a Machine… If you sneeze in fits of 3x then you’re sick. If its in 4x then it’s your allergies, and 1 or 2 times in a fluke.” 


“Acurately put Captain.” 


“Too bad though. It would be quit a treat.” Kirk kissed Spock and intwined their fingers until they were both holding the live long a prosper pose. 


Spock remembered the first time he had sneezed in-front of the captain and the day Kim told him about the fetish. It was also the day their bond had become stronger. 


Kirk and Spock had gone down to a unmarked planet to find out if it was inhabitable for humanoids. Spock was already skeptical about his planet because it reminded him of a story told on Vulcan. The story was about twins who would grow up and one of them would rule a planet. The twins were fraternal and of two different genetic codes. As they grew up, T’gar, the first Vulcan, would become the rightful heir to the planet. The Twin “Heg’ur was outraged and fled the planet. It was said that Heg’ur would make a planet opposite of Vulcan, and would make it harmful to his twin brother T’gar. 


As they beamed down to the planet, Spock began to feel an itch in the back of his nose. He tried to rub it away before the Captain could see. As Spock surveyed the planet, his eyes widened and he gave an involuntary gasp. From the looks of it, everything here has the potential to harm a vulcan. It was nothing obvious to any humanoid or alien not of Vulcan, but a Vulcan would see the signs. There were not traps or knives with Vulcan sensors. It was more subtle than that. Everything on this planet was a common allergy on Vulcan. Spock was very fortunate to not have the Vulcan version of “hay fever” or any food allergies, but he could think of a couple of Vuclans back home who would need a resperator. 


Kirk saw his discomfort and watched as Spock made sure his pants covered his shoes, and hardly any skin was exposed. “Is something wrong Spock?”


“i.. I am Unharmed Captain.” 


“You look Nervous, Spock.” Jim walked up to Spock and took his arm. “hey, what’s wrong. I need to know what’s going on.” 


“There is nothing for you to fear captain, it is perfectly safe for your people.” 


“what do you mean my people? Why not ours?”


Spock flinched and tried not to show the sudden large to sneeze. He rubbed his nose again and tried to continue walking so that he could finish his search and go back up.


“Spock!” Jim ran up and grabbed him. “Spock,” his tone was softer now, “i’m not just your captain. I’m your boyfriend. If something is bothering you, I need to know. Whatever it is, we can figure it out.” Jim smiled at him and his eyes shown that he was not going to back down. 


Spock did his best not to sigh, for one, it would be illogical and an emotional response, and two, it might trigger the sneeze. “Cap….Jim…. This planet would be harmful for my people… for Vulcans.” seeing the concern of his Captain and they horror in his eyes as he thinks that Spock is being poisoned by being here. “captain, I can assure you that I am alright.” he was searching for an analogy that the captain would understand. “Putting my people on this planet would be like putting your people on a planet covered in ragweed and peanut butter.” 


“Wait; so you’re saying that Vulcan’s are allergic to this planet?”


“I don’t understand why you want me to wait; I had no intention of leaving you here.” He raised his eyebrow, playing their little game of I say I don’t understand but i do and you know it, but the tickles in his nose decided to rear its ugly head. He tried to suppress it, but it was stubborn. “i’m sorry captain,” Spock walked a few steps away from Captain so that he could sneeze without danger of sneezing on him, “Htsch.. HISTcho.. HISh HSIsh …..” he felt a hand on his back and knew it was kirk rubbing circles, “HItschoo Hetcxp… hash..Heshoo” the sneezes were dry but left him blushing and refraining from eye contact.


“bless you.” Spock expected Kirk to reprimand him for showing weakness, but when Kirk put his hand on the back of his neck, Spock could feel that Jim was worried, sympathetic, and aroused. 


Kirk noticed that Spock looked confused. Jim remembered how When he first met Sarek, the father was harsh and scrutinized everything Spock did. He figured that Sarek wouldn’t allow sneezing and probably said it was a sign of weakness. He needed to show Spock that is was ok. He put his hand to Spock’s skin, knowing that had touch telepathy and showed him that it was alright. He did not expect that his arousal would also pan through the telepathy. 


Spock stood his straighter and rubbed his nose, “Thank you.” Spock turned around and glanced at Kirk’s eyes, showing proof that Kirk wasn’t judging him on his little display, but was pleased with it. “I do not understand.” His eyebrows knitted together, “You are not disgusted by my display of weakness, nor have you reprimanded me for it.”


“Spock, that was not weakness, and of course I’m not going to “reprimand” you for sneezing. Geez.” he squeezed Spock’s arm. “I’m just worried about you. You just sneeze eight times. We should go back before you stop breathing or something.”



“I can assure you, that will not happen. My reaction is light and the fit was minor. I see now cause for alarm. I still do not understand…” he looked down at Kirk and noticed the bulge. 


Kirk turned scarlet and tried to laugh it off, “I guess that cat’s out of the bag…” Spock’s raised his eyebrow and kirk answered the unspoken question, “it’s an expression Spock, it means the secret is out…. There is something we need to talk about..” 


After Kirk told Spock about his Fetish, Jim was surprised to find that he didn’t judge him for it. Spock was intrigued by it, and it felt like their bond was getting stronger. Kirk didn’t think that Spock’s display was of weakness and had just destroyed the thought of Kirk thinking of him as anything less than strong. Jim’s biggest fear was being judged by the Vulcan he loves for his fetish, but was so happy that Spock seemed interested about it and even compliant. Jim felt that this verified his belief that Spock could never think less of him either. They both loved every single thing about each other, even their flaws. 


Jim had kissed Spock under the pink tree for so long, that they forgot to check in with Scotty. When their communicators started to beep they had to re-assure Scotty that they didn’t need beam down any security, they were just fine. 



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21 minutes ago, Akahana said:

Girl, you're in artwork.  This needs to be in fanfiction lol

^I agree with this 

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20 hours ago, Akahana said:

Girl, you're in artwork.  This needs to be in fanfiction lol

agh!! i clicked the wrong one!!! i am sooo sorry! 



Edited by RemedyBane
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12 minutes ago, RemedyBane said:

agh!! i clicked the wrong one!!! i am sooo sorry! 




Moved! ;) 

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OMG I love this story!!! I have been internally BEGGING for some new Spirk fan fiction and this is starting to satisfy my needs! What would really help would be some sickness/caretaking/contagion ;) can't wait to read more!

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Yay spirk is my favorite if you couldn't tell by my name/pic lol I am loving this. Please continue!

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